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Se non hai almeno un piccolo vantaggio competitivo, non competere

because according to you during the first
warships world war
they were painted with a lot of
different colors
a lot of cubist shapes that
strange why they were trying to
have a small advantage was the
so-called daschle camouflage there is a nice one
boxing video that explains all this
each other is in practice what time it was needed
to prevent the enemy from seizing
perfectly aim as you could not
hide making a perfect camouflage
of a ship is gigantic then you did
the way to distract the aim and who
he wanted to shoot you with the bone he had
problem of not understanding very well which ones
the distances were the right measures and if
the aim is also wrong only by one
Well there is a difference between cracking everyone
or save the skin is the search for
small advantage and like the shoes of
ronaldo who have that form a bit
strange confounder is a small one
advantage but had to ronaldo goes to the right
or on the left it has meanwhile gone with the
ball proponete jordan michael jordan
nausea game last 10 seconds for
win the michael title to debut
in the basket at this point if in front
byron russell makes two fakes neither of his
and therefore just see that bayonne rojas
glides dramatically and michael ago
go see the replay michael ha
touched lightly with that hand
left a little unbalanced a bit
advantage all companies always look for
to have a crazy advantage
incredible to do a resounding stuff
difference often makes it really small
advantage that produces great results
and then paraphrasing the jack shark
welch if you do not have at least one small
competitive advantage does not compete
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