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“The Game of BUSINESS is NOT for the WEAK!” | Dan Lok (@danthemanlok)

the game of business is not for the weak
the game of business is not for the
wannabe the game of business is for the
ambitious so if you’re struggling to
figure out how do you monetize your
passion I’m going to give you a
three-step process that you can go
through we have to have a little life
balance dude how can you have life
balance when you broke rise and shine
it’s an espresso time what’s that belief
nation it’s Evan I believe in you and
this channel is designed to be a part of
your daily success routine so let’s
start your day off right together grab
your coffee and sip on today’s message
do whatever it takes over to you Dan
lock also if you want to know a Dane and
other successful entrepreneurs have to
say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below after you practice
Marshall you develop this natural self
confidence not cockiness but you develop
this natural self-confidence
business is tough I fail at 13
businesses before having my first
success so my question is how bad do you
want it see statistics 96% of companies
go out of business fail they all fail
within the first 10 years it means that
only 4 out of 100 companies make it in
10 years so you look at an audience of a
thousand people in 10 years time only 40
of you would be still here so business a
game of business is not for the weak the
game of business is not for the wannabe
the game of business is for the
ambitious the game of business is for
the committed the game of business is
for the people who do whatever the it
takes to succeed most people are not
willing to do whatever it takes because
it’s just not important enough to them
you would love to get the end results of
money and recognition and impact but the
process of doing it is too boring is too
much like work feels like you bought
yourself a job and so you don’t want to
do it do what you love is the single
most common piece of advice from all the
people that I’ve profiled we’ve had
success from entrepreneurship to
athletics to music and every field do
what you love follow your passion follow
your bliss is the number one by far rule
that all these people have in common and
there’s a reason there’s a reason
because if you don’t love the work that
you do you are going to quit because
it’s way too hard to get world-class at
something if you don’t love the process
now doing what you love doesn’t mean
you’re guaranteed to have success
there’s a lot of people who do what they
love and they never figure out a way to
have it make money and become a business
it just stays does some hobby for
themselves there are steps that you
still need to take to turn it into
something that makes you money but it’s
a requirement for success you have to be
doing work that you love if you want to
have success in your ministry so if
you’re ready to do what you love and
turn it into a money-making business for
you give me an I’m ready in the comments
below now when I first started doing
this helping entrepreneurs I never
thought I’d make money I was hoping to
make money at the beginning I did an
event at the
YMCA and it was a speaking event and it
was free at the beginning build your
brand get some notoriety build up a
reputation get good at what the skill is
and I was promoting it to my audience
and YMCA was promoting it to their
groups of entrepreneurs I went there and
it was free so I’m like great we’re
gonna have a huge turnout big room three
people three people I remember walking
in the room I’m getting ready I’m
nervous my heart’s pumping I’m getting
to the elevators like okay this is good
I been practicing I’ve been spending
weeks on this presentation I’m like I’m
ready to go give value and really help
people and I walk into the room of my
heart’s like stopped it’s sink to see
just three people sitting in that room
was brutal for me and then I thought
okay you know what I’m I don’t want to
support people so let me just let me
just keep going let me deliver my
presentation and see how it can help and
they loved it and I loved it and we went
for coffee afterwards at a local
Starbucks and it became an entire night
thing and I knew that those three people
walked out change people I gave them a
perspective that they didn’t have before
that had a positive impact on the
trajectory of their life and I wish that
I kind of kept in touch with everybody I
don’t know who those three people are
anymore because I want to see where
they’re at like you guys were the three
first people who came to an Evan
Carmichael thing I don’t know who they
are somewhere else at about that but
leaving that made me feel like I have to
keep going and doing this because it
fills my soul up so much I have to keep
going ain’t at the same time I thought
I’m never gonna make money from this how
am I ever gonna make money from this
thing if only three people will show up
to a free thing that was being promoted
with a partner how am I ever gonna make
any kind of coin from this thing it
didn’t make sense the logical reason he
wasn’t there but it was in my heart that
I had to keep doing it so I had to keep
going and I had to find a way to
monetize so if you’re struggling to
figure out how do you monetize your
passion I’m gonna give you a three-step
process to you can go through I call it
list value start list value starts so
step one is list you list all the things
that you love doing it’s you start
listing all the things that the process
of doing you absolutely love like it
fills you up it fills your soul you have
to find a way to keep doing it it’s not
work for you Jerry Seinfeld calls it the
torture you can endure basically step
into your schedule should be torturous
for most people stepping into my
schedule will be torture for you it
should be if I’m doing my job right
anybody coming into my schedule should
feel like it’s absolute torture and the
same thing for me going into your life
whatever you’re doing whatever your
business is how much you’re hustling
should feel like absolute torture for me
if you get me to try to study and
memorize something from a book it’s
gonna be torture for me but doing this I
could do this all day long I love it and
so make a list of the things that you
absolutely love doing that you could
start at eight o’clock and you look up
and suddenly it’s lunchtime you look
back down you look back up and suddenly
it’s dinnertime like what happened
where’s the date going make that list
don’t worry about the money don’t worry
about anything else yet just make the
list of the things you can get lost in
because you love so much
cept number two then is thinking how can
I use this to bring other people value
making money is by bringing people value
the more value that you bring people the
more money you’re gonna get paid you
want to get paid quickly bring a lot of
value to people quickly that’s the
number one most important and also basic
rule of business you can rip people off
and make money in the short term and
scam people and steal and go to a go to
some convenience store and steal then
you got money instantly but if you want
to have long-term success and you want
to do it the right way to think about
value how can I solve a problem for
somebody how can I use all the skills
that I’ve listed out in step number one
all the things I love doing how can I
apply any of those to bring other people
value and in step number three is start
go do it you’re not going to be able to
provide a lot of value at the beginning
but with practice and repetition and
every day working on beating on your
craft and getting better at the thing
you will be able to provide more value
so if I look at myself going through
that process of speaking I could list
out the different things I love I love
speaking I’ve I discovered that I love
being at the front and helping those
people out – did I bring him enough
value well I really helped those three
people you know I didn’t I didn’t have a
name before that people didn’t know
about me before that but I had those
three people and I did it again the next
month and then I had I don’t know five
people and then seven people and then
nine people and then twenty people and
then it kept ballooning and growing to
the point where I was doing these free
events at the time at local bookstores
in Canada we have a bookstore called
chapters and it’s like the Barnes and
Nobles of Canada
and I had the second most number of
people show up to an event in that year
the guy who’s number one was sting
it was sting and then me at number two
and so by doing the three steps of
figuring out what I love doing and then
how can I use it to help other people
and then how can I just start I started
with three people who showed up and I
thought I would suck forever
and they kept practicing and every every
couple weeks I’d do it again and then
became every week I’d do it again and
then and then speeding up the process to
do it more frequently and then now we’re
having more success and then that
spirals into paid gigs and then you got
paid more and more and more each time
you go out but that’s a starting point
the starting point is actually the
starting point is brutal the starting
point is you’re not doing anything and
you feel like a total failure but the
most important thing is you are building
momentum let’s use the same process for
looking at my YouTube videos I love
modeling success I love learning from
people who’ve done a lot more than me
and whenever I don’t know an answer to a
question I go and ask myself who has
done this before
Bill Gates saved my company my first
company though I’ve never met him
because when I was at my worst day maybe
the worst day of my life when I wanted
to quit on my business and I told my
partner that I quit I said somebody has
figured this out somebody has understood
how to sell software and I’m gonna study
from them and I went to go research Bill
Gates and how we started Microsoft and I
use that strategy and applied it to my
business and we started to grow and so
I’ve never met Bill Gates and when I do
I’ll tell them the story and give him a
huge thank you and so model and success
has been the cornerstone for me I love
it I love learning from successful
people great that’s just a hobby right
that that’s my first thing you make the
list right step number one make the list
that’s a hobby that’s interesting for me
it fills my soul up too how can I use
that to bring value to other people so I
can do a top 10 list I can share some of
the knowledge I can I can explain the
stories and I love making video much
more than I love other formats of
sharing knowledge so I thought okay I’m
gonna start step 3 to start make videos
and I started making videos the first
video of my channel is Walt Disney’s
story and it did okay because I had a
popular website and I shared it on my
website as well but then from there I
did other videos around King Gillette
and other people that tanked super hard
because I wasn’t great at delivering
value yet but by continuing to make more
videos and make more videos and make
I got better and you can too so that
process works it works for me it can
work for you it’s worked for a lot of
other people start number one make a
list of all the things that you love the
process of doing – how can you bring
value to people with some of those
activities and 3 just get started and
don’t expect to make anything at the
beginning but by continuing to grind on
it to continue to get better continuing
the practice you will figure out how to
make money doing it because you’re
bringing so much value to your clients
now I’ve got a really special bonus tip
that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that question of the day what do
you love doing the brings value to
you know I didn’t have as many personal
relationships as I probably would have
liked you know I put personal
relationships aside you know I had
girlfriends where it was like me or your
business and I you know I was like what
was your name again
you know you think I’m kidding
so it probably took things to an extreme
but yeah I gave up on personal
relationships in a big respect because I
really was on a mission
and once I once I realized I was good so
when I sold my first company I bought a
lifetime pass on American Airlines and
my goal was just a party with like a
rock star in as many countries with as
many people as I possibly could then I
went back and got involved in the
streaming business and I remember
sitting there and telling you know we
had probably 10 employees and look the
streaming thing I think is gonna be
really big and so we really have to
focus and there’s going to be some
sacrifices and if you’re willing to make
those sacrifices let’s go and if you’re
not I understand you know you make your
own decisions and I was willing to make
no sacrifices and you know it all turned
out great in the long run but during
that time wasn’t always wasn’t always
easy and wasn’t always yeah it was tough
sometimes you guys to take days off it’s
my day off
you need title to a day off well why do
you think you should have Wednesday’s
off for Thursday sir
or you can’t work Saturdays or Sunday
Sunday you can’t work on a Sunday ok are
you and you’ve got people around you
telling you not to work on son oh we
have to have a little life balance dude
how can you have life balance when you
broke how can you have life balance at a
holiday in when the people next-door
keep you up all night
that ain’t life balance that’s not even
a vacation right the whole trip how many
been on the trip you did the budget trip
included the free breakfast you did it
on miles and you wish you didn’t even go
maybe you don’t do the trip maybe you’re
not entitled to a trip this year maybe
you’re not ready a trip
that’s what Elena and I did for 10 years
but sacrifice the sacrifice today we’ll
sacrifice this week we’ll sacrifice this
month we’ll sacrifice this year we’ll
sacrifice so one day maybe we don’t have
to compromise every week we talk about
our finances what do we do this week how
much do we make where are we going what
are we spending okay the moment I say
hey no more jackets no more boats stop
it she’ll stop it so that we can one day
we can one day spin whatever we want
okay there there there is should come a
time where you guys should be able to
spin whatever you want but most people
are spending what they can’t afford now
oh man find out later they can ever have
any on how to make their money multiply
and most people don’t understand there
is a sacrifice phase we went through the
sacrifice phase where there was years of
just cut off every and we weren’t saving
fried you know for the rainbow that’s
right y’all need to save for the rainbow
you see we didn’t go on a vacation for
13 years
yeah I’ve been saving for this stuff I
wasn’t saving for vacations I was saving
so I could Bank into real estate so I
could go to sleep at night and even if I
had a bad night of sleep and had to get
up three or four times I’m like dying
I’m making money in my sleep even if I’m
not happy I’m like I’m making money in
my sleep man see that’s the goal
you and your wife need to have let’s
make money when we go to Turks and
Caicos and when we go to st. Barts or
when we go to Cali
let’s go waste some money later in our
life maybe you say hey I’m gonna
sacrifice today so I don’t have to
compromise in the future hi this is Dan
Locke if you’re a fan of Evans work if
you want to know exactly how the model
my success I want to invite you to join
me for a special online training all you
have to do is click on a link below you
can join me for absolutely no charge so
click a link below and I will see you in
class if you want more day and lock
check out the top 10 rules video made on
him the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and
see you there the moisture to chase the
money I want to make the money I want to
make the money you can see these people
they’re so desperate they don’t make money you don’t make money
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