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The Entrepreneur Mindset TEST – 100 Questions to Know if You’re an Entrepreneur

do you have the right mindset to be an
entrepreneur respond to these questions
honestly and quickly and you’ll get your
what’s up believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe in the insane potential that
you have inside yourself and I want to
see that explode out into the world and
sort of help you on your journey
I designed the entrepreneur mindset test
as a series of hundred questions that
when you answer them truthfully you’ll
be able to figure out if you already
have the right mindset to be an
entrepreneur if you need to make some
tweaks or some changes or if maybe
entrepreneurship is not for you
almost everybody wants to be an
entrepreneur you want to have the
freedom the lifestyle that work your own
hours that not have a boss to create the
vision you want to create almost
everybody wants to but it’s not easy
it’s gonna be one of the hardest things
that you ever will do ever ever ever in
your life some people already have the
right mindset and are ready to jump at
it and other people you have some work
to do before you’re ready to launch
this simple yet powerful test has the
answer for you if you take the time to
answer these 100 questions honestly
you’ll know of entrepreneurship is in
your immediate future or not you’ll also
know what will hold you back and what
are some of the most probable roadblocks
that will limit your success then you
can start to attack right away you ready
for the test I encourage you to either
get a piece of paper and a pen ready
with numbers 1 to 100 down the side or
load up a notepad file or a word file or
Excel whatever you like with a hundred
numbers on it so you can quickly answer
yes or no to all of these questions are
you ready let’s go number one I’m a
competitive person and I like to win
number two I don’t like being average
number three I’m persistent and follow
through until I reach my goals number
four I enjoy situations where I can’t
predict how things will turn out number
my main reason to start a business is
not just making money number six
unexpected surprises don’t annoy me
number seven
sometimes I push myself so hard that I
burnout number eight I believe that time
is money
number nine I’m an optimistic and
positive person
number ten I trust my instincts
number eleven I’d rather work on my
business than take a long weekend number
twelve drama in the office doesn’t make
me feel uncomfortable
number thirteen I’m impatient when I
have to wait for other people
number fourteen I’m good at talking with
number 15 I can stay confident even when
things aren’t going well number 16 I
don’t need a lot of rest and downtime
number 17 I like networking with people
and attending events number 18 I’m good
at and enjoy adapting to change number
19 people like to be around me
number 20 I follow through on plans that
I make
number 21 I hate letting people down
number 22 if I want something I go for
number 23 I’m okay working 60 to 80
hours per week on my business
number 24 I enjoy trying new things
number 25 I like working with people and
seeing them grow number 26
I don’t get too stressed out
number 27 making eye contact with people
is no problem for me number 28 I enjoy
meeting new people
number twenty-nine my family understands
that sometimes the business has to come
first number 30
I enjoy breaking conventional rules
number 31 if an appointment was canceled
at the last minute I’d used a time to
find the way to grow my business number
I get bored easily
number 33 I’m persistent and follow
through and reach my goals I like
talking about my business number 34
I’ve always been a risk taker
number 35 I work very well alone
number 36 even if something scares me at
first I’ll still try it
number 37 I hate doing the same thing
over and over again
number 38 when I have a problem I
immediately think of a creative ways to
solve it
number 39 I hate missing deadlines
number 40 I’m very self-disciplined
number 41 I don’t need a lot of sleep
when I’m engaged in something that
excites me number 42 I’m okay making
long-term commitments number 43
I’m not afraid of handing my business
card out to people number 44
I don’t usually second-guess my
number 45 I can inspire myself to take
number 46 I thrive in solving problems
number 47 I always keep my promises
number 48 I enjoy talking about my work
at social gatherings number 49
I don’t often find myself without
something to do number 50 I’m a
confident person
number 51 I’m always investing time and
money into making myself better number
I’m comfortable making less money than
my current job when I start my business
number 53 I’m okay with not making a
steady paycheck
number fifty-four I enjoy rocking the
number 55 given the choice I took an
adventurous path over a safe one number
I like to learn new things
number 57 I don’t have a problem asking
others for help
number 58 I’d rather create my own plan
than be told what to do
number 59 I accept responsibility for
everything that happens in my life
number 60 I believe that I’m in control
over my destiny number 61
I don’t need to have 100% of the
information before I can make a decision
number 62
selling my ideas to others is easy for
me number 63
I believe that my customers are the boss
not me number 64 if something isn’t
working I’ll keep trying until I find
the way instead of giving up number 65
building rapport with others is easy for
me number 66
I don’t need others to tell me what to
do for me to get work done number 67 I
thrive under pressure
number 68 I watch what I spend very
number 69 I know how to put myself in
someone else’s shoes number 70 I’m very
proud of the work that I create
number 71 in groups I’m usually the
number 72 I almost never procrastinate
number 73 I don’t need someone to tell
me I did a good job to feel good about
my work number 74 I’ve already tried
starting my own business
number 75 I like to prioritize my tasks
number 76 I’m always on time
number 77 I enjoy managing people
number 78 people who work with me say
I’m a good boss
number 79 I don’t lose things
number 80 I don’t need approval from
friends and family before doing
something number 81 I love to take
initiative and help when I see a problem
number 82 I can follow through on my
tasks without depending on anyone else
number 83 I try to turn negative
situations into opportunities number 84
I expect good things to happen to me
number 85 I have powerful and motivating
reasons that ensure I stay committed to
my business number 86 I enjoyed looking
at how businesses are run in different
countries number 87 when I walk into a
business I think about how I would do
things differently
number 88 as I shower I think of ways to
grow my business
number 89 I expect more from myself than
number ninety I enjoy making decisions
for other people
number 91 I feel restricted when there
are too many rules
number 92 I’m not afraid to take on big
competitors number 93 I believe that I
can be the best in the world at what I
number 94 when I want something I
usually get it
number 95 I’m not afraid to negotiate
when told No number 96 I often find
creative solutions to problems nobody
else thought of number 97 people often
come to me asking for advice number 98 I
want to have a positive impact on the
world number 99 I’m not afraid to step
outside my comfort zone to get something
accomplished a number 100 I believe I
can accomplish whatever I aim to
so we’ve had a chance to now ask you a
hundred different questions and you have
hopefully paid attention filled out each
one and you have yes or no all the way
down on your page or your excel file or
your worksheet what I want you to do now
is add up all of the yeses and all the
noes the total should equal 100 but how
many yeses do you have and how many noes
do you have take a minute pause this
video and go count them up now so now
that you’ve had it up here yeses and
noes let’s see how you did so if you
scored over 90 you are a hardcore
entrepreneur you were born to be in
business for yourself what are you
waiting for let’s go get it on start
ASAP if you scored 80 to 89 you are an
entrepreneur making there are a few
things that you need to work on but
entrepreneurship is for you time to make
things happen if you scored 7 into 79
you are a wannabe entrepreneur you’ll
have to stretch outside your comfort
zone to make things happen look at each
question you answered no or false – and
think of ways you can keep them from
holding your business back if you scored
60 to 69 you’re borderline entrepreneur
consider looking at established
franchises where there’s more structure
and less risk if you scored 50 to 59
you’re a questionable entrepreneur you
need to really dig deep and think about
if this is for you or not talk to other
business owners and get a sense of their
daily lives before making a decision to
go out on your own and if you scored
under 50 that’s a failing score
entrepreneurship isn’t for you so that
is the entrepreneur mindset test I would
love to know how did you guys score
leave your final total in the comments
below how many yeses did you get and
what group do you fall into hopefully it
gave you some further insights into
yourself and what would be required to
be a successful entrepreneur I would
love to hear again 1 what your score
wasn’t to your general thoughts what you
learned from going through this test
hopefully you went through all the
questions you paid attention you did the
work let me know your thoughts leave in
the comments below thank you guys so
much for watching I believe in you I
hope you continue to believe in yourself
and whatever your one word is much love
and I’ll see you soon raise your
standard Apple at the core its core
value is that we believe that people
with passion can not one drop of myself
work depends on your acceptance of me
I don’t ever give up I’d have to be dead
or completely incapacitated hey believe
nation if you want to see my all-time
favorite top ten roses success I have a
very special secret video for you these
are the individual clips that I have
personally learned the most from and
applied to my life and my business check
the link in description for details
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