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THE BEST LIFE ADVICE EVER TOLD | Tony Robbins Motivational Speech (Tony Robbins Motivation for 2018)

USP what does it take to be happy and
give it you one word progress progress
equals happiness when you’re making
progress in your body even if you’re not
there you feel good you achieved your
goal and you just sit around you’re not
happy we got to grow we got to make
progress you know I remember I met years
ago I met Norman Vincent Peale who was
the original positive thinking minister
right and I met him when he was 92 years
old and I met him backstage I had this
conversation with him and it was really
great and I said I said Norman that’s it
why you still doing these seminars
ninety-two and he said Tony there’s
still a few negative people but if you
feel so filled up as you know when what
you do adds so much value to people’s
lives that lights them up what are you
gonna compare that with you can’t
compare that with money but if you run
your business right and you have that
much value you’d do well financially as
well then you have combination of all
those benefits something allows you to
do but it makes you more what you are if
you if you’re mean you got more to be
mean with if you’re you know giving as
you are and your team is you’re gonna
have more to give with so I think it
just magnifies it doesn’t change anybody
but it magnifies it and I think most of
us have so much emotion tied up around
money because we associate emotions that
are more important to us like freedom to
that or security and when you get to it
also people don’t like to compare around
that area so what I’m trying to do when
I’m in this latest work I did with my
book my tea master the game was to show
people how to master money instead of
being mastered by it because you either
master masters you and and trying to
pretend it doesn’t matter in the world
we live doesn’t make sense the real
secret is find a way to add more value
to other people than any other human
being in your industry in your category
and if you do that you won’t have to
my very first teacher is a man named Jim
Rohn and he was a person without the
speaker and he had this three and a half
hour seminar he would do that I went to
when I was 17 years old I was already
reading books I was obsessed with
wanting answers I want to know what make
the difference in the quality people’s
not because I was intellectually
interested but because I grew up in a
really tough environment had four
different fathers there’s a lot of my
mom was a great human being loved me
dearly but she you know abused both
alcohol and prescription drugs so she
was very physically abusive and I was
Believe It or Not 5:1 in high school as
a little guy so I got the you know it
beat out of me pretty regulated for
things that I didn’t do anything to do
with and so it made me try to figure out
what made her work what makes life where
it made me more of a practical
psychologist and the modeling concept
came because Jim Rohn used to have this
phrase he said success leaves clues he
said if there’s anything you want in
your life don’t assume that somebody has
some special gift they may have a gift
but they probably developed it most of
it and if you sow the same seeds you’ll
reap the same reward so figure out what
this person is doing different than
anyone else and do that he he used to
have a funny way of describing he used
to say don’t you find out what poor
people read and don’t weed it’s like
because he said that’s the fabric
they’re trying to build their mind from
find out somebody who’s successful
wealthy not just financially wealthy but
somebody who’s rich emotionally and
spiritually and physically and
financially and find out how they lived
their life differently what are the
things they believe what are they what
are some of the daily disciplines that
they’re a part of and so really early on
I got obsessive about wanting to have
all the answers so I said I’m gonna read
a book a day because I figured you know
a person takes 10 15 years of their life
they pour 2 or 3 4 years in to put this
book and you absorb in a few hours
literally a decade’s worth of life
experience and I’m into compressing time
so I didn’t read a book a day but I read
700 bucks in the area of human
development psychology physiology all of
my first real 7 years of reading write
my youth in high school I was mister
solution you have a problem I have a
solution especially if you’re a girl I
was motivated I could really help you
with your boyfriend
but seriously I so out of that I started
develop this modeling concept and then I
neuro-linguistic programming NLP yep I’m
Gestalt therapy and Eric’s um you know
since I learned all these tools but
along the way John grinder who’s the
co-founder than Opie said I said to him
I said NOP isn’t all these patterns you
could teach a dog patterns they’re
beautiful patterns don’t get me wrong
how to overcome a phobia how to do the
things I learned how to do all that but
I was I was bored with that I wanted him
I want to go deeper I want to figure how
you changed the whole person not just
their fear in this one area get him to
perform at a different level and so I
said to him I said really your skill and
nobody is really modeling he said Tony
no one’s ever said that before
I said you Anna and you figured out the
best patterns from the best therapists
in the world and you modeled those
patterns and you integrated them with
other tools and now anyone can do them
right not just the great person it’s
some kind of started with that for me
and then you know with the I became
partners with John and very short period
of time it was kind of people upset
about it because I’d only been involved
mental people less than four months and
people been involved for ten years one
of his partner so it’s kind of
controversial but part of what I did was
I said I want to go and do things that
people think are impossible I want to I
want to take somebody who’s in a coma
and get him out you know I want to you
know I want to take on the US Army and
say show us anything you can do and I’ll
cut the training time and half and
increase the competency and so John
agreed and the first big project I got
was the pistol shooting program what
this general said I can cut the training
time in half on anything I didn’t know
pistol shooting and I said he goes you
know you’re crazy I said no I’m
expensive we kind of negotiated and so
the first thing he picks is this 4-day
pistol shooting program that they had
worked on for you know almost 75 years
and he says to me go do this you know
right now we have a third of the people
that don’t never qualify and I said okay
and I thought I’d pull it off because
John was my partner he was in the
Special Forces we’ll figure it out the
day I’m supposed to go this is a great
gift too John gave me the day I’m
supposed to go with him down to Langley
Virginia and go underground in the
secret area and work with all these
different guys and kind of figure how to
model them I think I’m Oh
Johnny’s the best model in the world he
calls me up from a pay telephone in San
Jose and says I’m getting on a plane I
got to go to Germany it’s an emergency
you’re on your own brother and he hangs
up oh so now I’ve never should have gone
before in my life I look like I’m 13 I
was 24 years old right but I look like a
little kid at such a young face and I go
meet these guys who’ve been shooting 24
years or one guy when was the best
shooter in the Armed Forces as a whole
was the best in the army and one was the
best instructor and so they walked in
and said where’s the instructor and I’m
wearing jeans and a t-shirt I go I’m him
hey where’s he instructor and that’s
know I’m here they go how long have you
been shooting I said well I never shot a
gun before but this will be interesting
right so these guys look like I’m
completely insane I said I don’t need to
shot a gun to model you I’m gonna
extract from you what works and I don’t
know what it’s doing but I acted as if I
just like I said okay how would I do
this well everything we do externally
starts with something internal we have
an internal process of visualization we
have ternal dialogue we say and use one
dialogue or one visualization or what
are we abusing your body you’re gonna
feel me differently than to use another
so I got all three of them up and I said
here’s what you do take the gun take the
bullets out first of all they made me
shoot a gun they go let’s see you shoot
so it took a 45 caliber pistol I had
never used one before I didn’t know how
to kick and I shot the thing and it went
up in the ceiling because you know the
ricochet off it didn’t build confidence
but I eventually I said look take your
gun out and had him start practicing I’d
stop what do you do it elidio and a long
story short over a period of maybe three
or four hours I figured there were a lot
of things idiosyncratic unique to each
of them but there’s some universals and
one of the most important universals
that they all did they weren’t even
aware of it wasn’t subconscious was when
they took the target like I saw the
target thirty yards away that looked
forever away they mentally bring the
target closer and when it’s closer you
feel more certain and we feel more
certain and fire them more effectively
every single one did it and none of them
were consciously aware of it once I
understood that I didn’t just take new
people and train and mentally bring it
closer the first time I had people
shooting again they practiced everything
perfectly just like the best guys in the
world and the first time they shot at
the target is where you are and I’m
right here boom boom right through the
Wow I got this thing down versus me
shooting bullet and ceiling and then you
lose all your
confidence so we do that like 20 times
then I take a 10 feet and 20-billion
than 30 yards and it qualified a hundred
percent of the people and we did in a
day and a half and not four days
triple the number of people played at
the expert level and the colonel report
of the general is the first breakthrough
in pistol shooting since World War one
so that led to code breaking and that
led to me then doing it in business and
then you know in more modern times four
or five years ago I guess I in 2008 when
I saw everybody losing you know tons of
people losing their homes losing half of
their net worth overnight it wasn’t like
a statistic to me because I grew up
really poor I know what that feels like
and I thought somebody’s gonna do
something and when 2010 two years later
nothing had changed and the same people
that basically destroyed the financial
system we punished them by putting them
in charge of the recovery and giving
them all our money which is
mind-boggling there’s a great
documentary if your audience hasn’t seen
it the one academy award called inside
job yeah and I watched that film in 2010
and I got you to get depressed or angry
because there’s it shows you exactly how
they destroyed our economy shows that
they’re still in charge
they got no penalty and so you’re either
like but there’s no solution so you
either pissed off or you’re depressed
cos like what are you gonna do I got
pissed off and said I have one thing
I’ve accessed I’ve been coaching a man
named Paul Tudor Jones for 21 22 years
now and Paul is one of the top ten
financial traders in the history of the
world he’s not lost money in 22 years
and nobody on earth in his category can
say that let’s pray
so and I coach him literally every day
he emails me and I go see him in person
about every 90 days so 22 years of that
I’ve learned a little bit you know I
know more about finance and most people
never dream of and I got to go to George
Soros I got the deal with all the people
he dealt with to help turn him around
years ago when he’s having truck trouble
so I thought what if I interviewed 50 of
the smartest financial people on earth
not people from the lucky sperm Club who
inherited it but people that started
with nothing and found a way to add
value became multi billionaires and
people in the financial area
specifically and so I set my site on
some people that like John Paulson had
not been an interview in 10 years and
and I got people that people had not be
able to reach or get interviews whatever
and I got them to tell me things they
never told anyone and then I put it in
this 700 page book
cuz I didn’t like the book to just write
a book I wanted to take anybody if they
were somebody who was totally just
starting the journey you know let’s say
have a kid coming out of college all the
student debt or a baby boomer who’s late
in life and not knowing what to do or
incredibly successful business person I
wanted whoever they were to be able to
follow the universal steps they’ve taken
really hard where they want to be
financially and I was able to do because
I got it from the best it’s like there’s
not a word in that book that’s my
opinion when it comes to financial
it comes from Ray Dalio the largest
hedge fund the world 160 billion a big
hedge funds 15 billion when I was
coaching him when I was talking to him
we got a phone call from the premier of
China who’s asking for some coaching on
some decisions they’re making for
China’s currency right it was just this
is the kind of guy you know you look
around and you go to Carl Icahn Carl
Icahn he agrees through this interview
with me Carl Icahn is the most
successful investor in history most
people think it’s Warren Buffett Warren
Buffett since 1968 has had a compounded
return to 20% it’s mind-boggling but
Carl Icahn is 31% since 1968 but he’s
kind of an intense guy so nobody doesn’t
get he sent out one tweet two years ago
about Apple saying was undervalued and
an applet went up 17 billion dollars in
two hours from one tweet
he was on the cover of Time magazine
they call him the master of the universe
so I show up the interview I’m this kind
of give you a taste in the feel of what
modeling’s like I’d say I went a
45-minute a really hot work hard to get
those interviews I got him by referrals
you know I work one guy got such results
he referred me to the next but I get
there in Cross says no video kripp I was
like what do you mean you agree with
this he goes no video crew I said okay
well audio team coming goes no audio no
audio details
bring a pen and paper kid you got 10
minutes my average interview is 3 and a
half hours because once I got 45 minutes
I’d dug in deep and you know people saw
it was real they went for it but three
hours later you know I Carl so
everything I do is either I have a
problem I need to solve inside of myself
and I know if I can solve this for
myself whether it’s something in your
body or your relationship your finance
or your business I get out millions
other people because once you figure out
the pathway the
power once you figure out the pattern of
effectiveness a model you can teach that
model other people may can adapt in ways
that make it uniquely their home but the
foundation is there and so whether it be
money or relationship or your body those
models are there so if my life is really
about that process of mine now I know
how to take that and put it in an
experience like you experience it you
know unleash the power within where
people won’t sit for a three-hour movie
that somebody spent three hundred
million dollars on and I take them for
50 hours 5-0 in a weekend and people
like Usher says Tony I’m like I love you
but I can’t sit for you know more than
three hours and four days later he’s
screaming on his chair or Oprah said you
know tell me I literally cannot sit
anywhere for more than two hours please
don’t be offended and twelve hours later
she’s standing her chair screaming to
her cameras one of the greatest
experiences of my life so I know how to
what I call EQ but I know that people
want the information but they’d rather
be entertained
so I entertain them first at a level
with our laughing/crying moving where
time disappears because it’s so
incredibly entertaining but then I also
educate them with something that really
changes their life a tool a strategy and
inside a system and then I get them do
something while they’re there which is
empower them so I quality cubing and
that capacity to take 10,000 people and
have them wired out of their mind about
who they are sophisticated financial
trader or a young child
that’s another skills that I have but
the modeling skills that I think is more
my people asked my wife all the time
what’s something about Tony that nobody
knows and she says the level he prepares
so that was Ray Dalio I know I got a
chance to be with literally The Da Vinci
of investing most average people have
you heard his name you have to have a
ten years ago jet for five billion
dollar net worth and he had to give him
a hundred million to start with for him
to talk to you today he won’t talk to
you and take your money too much money
you have he’s he’s closed his fund out
he won’t you won’t do a dime or so to do
that III couldn’t I couldn’t consciously
walk in and just say okay I’ve read
everything that’s available I had to
watch every video there’s only a few out
there how to read every piece I had to
like tear it apart and see if I could
understand his entire structure of
investing so that when I was there I
could ask questions no one else’s asked
before and as a result he actually
shared with me he’s averaged a twenty
three percent return for 21 straight
years billions and billions and billions
of dollars smartest man when the
smartest men alive in that area and
because I understood so much we could
pitch and catch you know most people you
know you can just they just they can
just throw the ball right but I needed
my he’ll throw the ball have you throw
to me and throw it right back to you
right that’s where we get something
that’s really exciting and because I
prepared that level he was saying to me
up there he goes you know this better
than anybody I know and he’s so it
opened him up more and you talked to me
in more detail in the end he actually
gave me a strategy that I said to him I
said look I said ray
I said you’re one of the most generous
men I know I said you’ve just given me
this incredible strategy but the
strategy was like explaining why most
people lose money and here’s how he’s
made money in every market right pretty
complex strategy and I said the strategy
is great but it’s kind of like you told
me you want to build a chocolate cake
get some chocolate you know get some
sugar into media mouths I mean the
amounts are everything right get over
the right amounts and he goes Tony I
can’t give you that that’s my secret
sauce and I said ray you can’t you know
that’s why you know I get the money I do
I said no you know you haven’t taken
money for ten years I said you’re gonna
give away half your net worth anyway I
said you just got done telling me the
average guys never gonna do this help me
out give me your secret sauce right and
I got him laughing he goes well Tony
it’s kind of complex I said I’m good at
taking complex and making it simple
he goes well I used leverage I said
crate one without leverage so the
average guy could do it right and then I
got this chill down the back of my spine
when he said wow it wouldn’t be perfect
I see your ID enough perfect better than
anybody else on earth I said right
tell me and then I took out a pen as I
said tell me the numbers right he looked
at me goes well let’s try this and he
starts the latest thing out so when I’m
done I can feel vibration my body like I
got something nobody’s got that I can
give to the world that’ll be
extraordinary and I go he goes go test
that he goes though when people talk
about testing they look back five years
or ten years he said but the past
doesn’t equal the future that way but if
you were to test something over 75 years
the entire modern time of history that’s
what you should test that for the back
tested for 75 years come back to tell me
what you get 85% of the time it’s for 75
years think of how much the world is
changed the last 10 years or 20 years 85
percent of time it makes money the 15
percent of time it didn’t the maximum
drawdown in 75 years was not 20% like
you’ve seen at 30 or 40 you’ve seen in
the marketplace over the years 3.9
percent the average loss is 1.7 average
gain is 10 percent so if you could go to
Vegas and you could be right
85 percent of the time and when you lost
only lose you know 1% 1.7 percent
I don’t you mean you’d be investing a
little bit you’d be gambling a little
bit right so he gave it to me so I got
those types of things because I was so
prepared and so when I go to do an
audience a big audience like I do my
date with SD seminar people do 20 pages
of homework and I read all that for a
couple thousand people
I will remember their faces I remember
kids in my brains when somebody stands
up something inside me recognizes the
pattern or recognizing this is a pattern
at multiple people in the room need to
deal with and my brain clicks in it
makes it happen so I believe you know
garbage in garbage out of simplistic as
it is that if you keep putting
unbelievable quality amount in when it’s
time for you to cash that spiritual
emotional physical financial business
check and it gonna bounce because you’ve
been making deposits and you have plenty
to give you’re not you’re not just
winging it to see what happens so I’m
intense about that but I also love it
because it just I’m always growing too
because I’m always learning more than I
not being an effing dabbler I can’t
stand it we live in a culture where most
people are dabblers today because today
it if you ask me what does it take to be
happy and give it you one-word progress
progress equals happiness when you’re
making progress in your body even if
you’re not there you feel good you
achieve your goal and you just sit
around you’re not happy we got to grow
we got to make progress it’s easy to
make progress in the beginning of
something at the beginning of a
relationship who doesn’t have a good
time right in the beginning of starting
a business if you love what you’re doing
of course you can have a great time in
the beginning anything it’s easy a job
it’s fun the beginning its its novelty
it’s new mastery is when you’ve worked
in on the beginning of learning a sport
how fast you learn tennis I mean just
like zooms up here you didn’t know
anything you thought love you know was
an emotion you find out if a score you
know you go like this but then you hit
this plateau and most people hit that
plateau they go wrong job wrong
relationship wrong business because it’s
not instantly fulfilling them but the
people that go I’m gonna fight through
and go deep I’m gonna find a way to
break through I’m gonna find a way that
learn and know more about this any human
alive so that I can help as many human
being as possible they won’t be
it’s because I’ve lived it there is a
power in mastery and how many people do
you know are really committed to mastery
today most people dabble in a million
things they master nothing and they
wonder why they’re unfulfilled because
they’re running for the sugar the next
thing that feels good
instead of getting past what doesn’t
feel good and getting to where you own
something that’s really that’s what my
life’s about and I think in people’s
there’s only maybe a half dozen seventy
categories that really matter most
people you know they major in minor
things they focus on stuff that doesn’t
matter they know more about this
celebrity going in and out of rehab than
they do about their own personal
development but I look at say if you
look at your body or you’re starting
without that everything else is out the
door you don’t want to be richest man in
the graveyard that’s not gonna do it if
there is energy if there’s vitality of
their strength it’s gonna show up in
your relationship it’s gonna show up in
your business show up in your life
that’s it oh you got a master you can’t
dabble it’s too important emotions are
everything I mean you got a ton of money
everybody loves you
your primary emotions are pissed off and
frustrated than your life’s pissed off
and frustrated isn’t have you got a
billion dollars or a million people
loving you your life is my great
relationships intimate relationships
especially it’s where the most juice in
life comes from is where the most pain
comes to most people it’s worth
mastering instead of dabbling you know
really looking at what are you gonna do
with your time and mastering your time
instead of having a checklist you cross
on all off you can mistake movement for
achievement I want to squeeze out that
time what matters that creates value for
me and for everyone I care about love
what about your career or your business
and the mastery of that that’d a because
most businesses are dabblers that’s why
they don’t make it 96% you know any
ten-year period of time 4% naked that
doesn’t mean they’re profitable and it
does not mean they’re enjoying
themselves all right or they’re getting
anybody else to feel good really
mastering money so that it’s it’s not a
question in your life you can do and be
and give and share as much as you want
you’re not stressed about it you live in
a place of minutes and then spiritually
really I think I don’t tell me what to
believe spiritually but I believe that
ultimately whatever you believe you got
to live it and it should lead to growing
and giving if you’re growing you feel
alive if you’re giving you feel ten
times more life and I think if someone
can celebrate and give and that
spiritual state so to me those are the
years I look at mastering you know
business for sure but it’s the areas of
life that matter most and most of what
we spend our time doesn’t make people
feel fulfilled that’s why the average
person is not fit and healthy the
average person is not in a relationship
where they have tremendous passion you
know I’m not a dummy I’m not a positive
thinker I know the truth the average
person is not successful in business the
outburst is not learning what they want
to earn but you know what very few
people have those things but a few do a
few are happy fulfilled spiritually
alive financially strong their business
is growing they have passionate love
affairs and I’m obsessed with finding a
few who do and find out what they do
different teaching to everybody learning
for myself and teaching everybody else
everyone’s gonna measure themselves
differently because everyone values
things differently some people value
success or significance some people
value love more some value just basic
levels of certainty so when I look at
those specific metrics I really look at
metrics of what are the things that need
to be measured to know if your life is
gonna work or not so I look at it as our
whole wives are guided moments a moment
by the state red learning how to change
your state not not fake but to
go from pissed-off frustrated freaked
out to back in your Center or creative
or determined or something that’s gonna
move you forward it’s gonna create a
better quality of life for you and
others that’s a critical skill set so
moment the moment in life’s controlled
by our state’s you know if you’re an
angry state you’re gonna respond
differently than if you’re feeling
but what controls those states long term
as your model of the world your
worldview and I look at that as having
as a metric three things that I look at
I look to see first what are the targets
or after the target is everybody has
everyone’s different goals and dreams
and desires but as I traveled on the
world in 100 countries I started going
well they shouldn’t seen the same
problems what’s underneath it at the
Embassy that there are these same six
human needs that we all have the same
needs we all have a need for certainty
that we can avoid pain and we can have
some pleasure some comfort we all need
uncertainty we need variety or we feel
dead inside if you’re totally certain
your board if you have total variety or
look freaked out and it’s not a balance
it’s learning which of these you need
more as a person everyone’s developed a
different set of values in that area um
need of the need for significance to
feel unique special rapport they need to
feel well the need to grow and the need
to contribute some people value
certainty at the top of their list
that’s their center of their target I
don’t want to do anything less I know
it’s gonna work I don’t do anything
unless it’s the same if you change
anything they freak out if certainty is
the number one thing on your list
everyone has the same needs but it’s
number one I know how your life’s gonna
be I can predict the direction of your
life and therefore the destination to
some extent if you’re driven by love
first you want certainty but love is
higher you’re gonna behave very
driven by significance I have to be the
one your experience and business was
trying to be significant by making
enough money and being successful enough
that you would feel what you really want
which is that feeling of love what you
call camaraderie thank you camaraderie
so that feeling of it’s really love it’s
it’s the friendship it’s camaraderie
it’s that component that’s what really
drives you and so you figure how to
organize your life where that’s the
driving force and now look what you’ve
done you’ve flourished and everyone
around you is flourishing so I look to
see which of those needs or the top two
on your list because they control your
life yet the two that most people have
90 percent of the planet if you said of
all these needs which one do you really
focus on most day-to-day everybody wants
love what do you focus on most people
focus on being significant we live in a
Facebook world where people fake their
life put new filters make it look
different than it really is
tell stories that you know are totally
full of it to make himself look good
because we live in this kind of false
world where significance is more
important than love and it separates us
and the other one that we see most often
is certainty people want to be certain
before they can do something you
couldn’t have started business like you
had if you’re absolutely certain before
you started you can never build a
business with that you can never build a
great relationship because if it’s based
on certainty then everybody’s gonna stay
the same never change which means you’re
never gonna grow which means you gonna
be miserable
so my metrics are I want to find out
what’s driving you and I want to see is
it healthy or unhealthy you can have two
people be driven by significance though
and do it with a different set of rules
that’s the second piece I measure the
beliefs our rules are how to fulfill
that target so a sama bin Laden
certainty driven love driven
contribution different significance
really not hard to figure out on a 0 to
10 he was a 10 for significance he was
that whatever I’m making the number up
he was like the 27th child of his father
22nd child most people to know that
totally insignificant not skilled took
his dad’s money went over to Afghanistan
and suddenly because he had money he
became significant and he started he
wasn’t even part of that movement at
that stage it shaped him so what does he
do he’s gonna figure out here’s well the
world as I’m
if I destroy you right on that same day
of 9/11 there were men and women in the
500 tore apart Police Department they
were also driven by significance and
contribution and they went to their
building knowing they’re likely gonna
die to save a stranger
both people driven have a significant
life one is by taking life one is by
giving their own life so once you
understand the metrics using your
language what’s driving you and then the
rules or beliefs that what does it take
for you to feel loved it’s different
everybody what does it take for you to
feel certain some people need a billion
dollars some people just need to trust
you have two different pieces that maybe
I should chunk up to 30,000 feet here’s
my mission help people have an
extraordinary magnificent life yeah now
what does that look like life on their
terms so your terms are completely
different so your metrics might be I
want to do this in my business I want a
list of my body you view that way
somebody else might be I want to be
happy no matter what happens
that’s my metric I want to literally be
honest that when I start to feel any
form of suffering I kill it like a
bedbug and I crush it on back into a
beautiful state but you’ve said you
can’t measure it you’re not gonna get
any better at it so how do you agree but
you can measure they could say often
they might like for example a happy
state zero to ten where are you if I
said right now how much enthusiasms in
your body zero to ten right now what
would you say ten ten so you can measure
and say I’m not gonna drop below an
eight in my life unless I’m freakin
sleeping or I’m deciding I’m gonna rest
this is where I want to play my game so
it’s different for everybody but I’m
late I want to be more clear about
something an extraordinary life is life
on your terms and there’s two parts part
one to have an extraordinary life is
mastering the skill of the science of
achievement how do I take what I
envision and make it real and how do I
do that quicker faster better easier the
ability to manifest what you come up
with and make it real like you’ve done
with your company yes that’s a skill set
that I spend unbelievable amount of time
helping people do it faster quicker
better showing the shortcuts teaching in
the strategies modeling what works you
can save yourself a decade but I would
submit to you that having done this for
38 years with you know 50 million people
at this stage I can tell you that the
science of achievement there are a lot
of people that are damn good at that and
they still don’t have an extraordinary
life they have an externally life you
see it as extraordinary but I get the
phone call from the multi billionaire
who tells me he wants to do this thing
on his business but what he really find
out is he’s miserable as hell and he’s
hoping somehow I’m gonna rub off on him
on that side too and so I give him what
he asked for the change in his business
but I also get what he needs just the
change inside of him so the second skill
is the art of fulfillment if you want
extraordinary life you can’t just
achieve you got to be fulfill the
simplistic events
but it’s an art it’s not science it’s a
science to making money come on any age
any color any background any gender if
you do these things you’ll have an
abundance of money you do these things
you’re gonna have too much month at the
end of the money you’re gonna financial
stress right body
everyone’s bio chemically different but
you and I both know there’s fundamental
rules laws there’s a science of the body
you violate that science you’re gonna
have disease you’re gonna have low
energy you align with that you’re gonna
have an abundance of energy it’s gonna
affect everything in your life to
science fulfillment not like that
fulfillment is as different as argument
digs you want to know God or the
universe likes look at the jungle look
at the forest it’s diverse right so most
people think well I want to get that
because they’ve been modeling somebody
else and that might work on how to
achieve something it’ll never work for
what a fulfill you how many people you
know like you got what you thought you
wanted and you weren’t fulfilled and
that I always tell people successful
without fulfillment is the ultimate
failure the ultimate failure because if
you go out something and you fail you’re
an achiever you don’t fail you I learned
something I’ll just try something else
I’m gonna still get there but when you
succeed and you’re not happy you’re
technically screwed what are you gonna
do so a perfect example this I mentioned
in the seminar you’re there because it
hit me about it what about a year and a
month ago we lost what I consider a
national treasure Robin Williams and I
asked people how many you love Robin
Woods everybody brace it all around the
world right he made people why people
are touched by him
so how good was he at the science of
achievement I mean he want to be a great
comedian make the whole world laugh he
did he wanted to have his own TV show he
did well the number one show he did it
he wanted to make movies he did he want
to have an Academy Award for not being
funny dramatic and he did it yeah and
said he wanted a beautiful family he
achieved everything and he hung himself
and I know recently someone saying well
you know he had dementia he had drug
abuse he had alcohol abuse to the most
his life because he made everybody happy
but whom himself that’s the ultimate
so if I had no other message to offer
your viewers and you let me give it to
right now I’ll tell you what I believe I
believe our lives are controlled by one
force decisions I certainly believe in
force greater than myself called God if
you will grace whatever you want to call
it the universe but I also believe it
gives us choices and the decisions we
make control us much more than the
conditions we meet it’s not the
conditions at your decisions decisions
what to believe decisions what to do
this is what they give I say to people
think about you know look about 10 years
ago 5 years ago 15 years ago and think
of a decision you made that if you would
have made a different decision you to
have a totally different life today
better worse I don’t know but totally
different right in your case if you’d
stayed doing what you’re doing you know
a lot of money and still been miserable
ok you know and probably you’re a great
lady over here to be feeling miserable
because she loves you so much and she’d
be filling your misery wanting to figure
out what to do but you made that
decision the most important decision you
can make above any on the face of the
earth is deciding that no matter what
happens in your life no matter what
happens you’re gonna live in a beautiful
state what the hell’s that mean it means
that you’re not gonna suffer it means a
beautiful state is that you’re gonna be
happy but that’s the only one or you’re
gonna feel creative or you’re gonna be
passionate or you’re gonna be in awe of
something or you’re gonna feel love any
state it’s a beautiful state is really
the core essence of who you are without
fear right all of our suffering is human
beings I deal with people all the time I
mentioned you off-camera to be by I
coached yesterday one’s presidential
candidate and the other one is a rap
superstar right but both in the same day
and without naming any names people that
have everything by your point of view
most people for you they have the fame
and they have the love and billions of
people love them and they have great
economics financial freedom and I have
homes and they have their they have the
fashion they have everything they’re the
I can’t tell you how many of them
are miserable the majority are miserable
I’m not bullshitting I don’t want to get
the phone call from the vast majority
when I say miserable they’re so used to
it some of them don’t even realize
they’re miserable but most do they get a
place where it’s like how do I keep this
up how do I keep outdoing myself how do
I you know I built these 32 companies
how to keep all 32 going to make them
all grow every single year and that’s
not how life is right right and then
they worry about what will people think
what will they do so the decision to say
I am NOT gonna suffer that if suffering
arises pains one thing suffering is
another suffering is when you’re like
I’ll give you example a friend of mine
is a very famous Indian industrialist
and billionaire guy and he just recently
took a sport in India that’s been around
2,000 years that almost every village
child plays and he turned it into a
professional sport no one had ever made
a professional sport two years ago
he invested I don’t know I’m making the
number up twenty million dollars in it
in two years the sport is so successful
in India that 500 million people watch
the finals two months ago 500 million
people right so half a billion that’s
that’s an idiot and people are saying
this is gonna be as big as you know for
them cricket as the ultimate thing right
the biggest cricket so his team
valuation I’m making the number up I
think it’s gone down like a half a
billion dollars in two years from you
know 25 million dollars and his team is
number two in the whole world right he’s
got these great players so I’m with him
and he gets a phone call and he’s just
got them telling me about this great
success of where it is and how proud he
is and how everyone goes the games and
people are so thrilled and it’s just
become this movement in India and he
created he’s so proud of it
and he gets this phone call and the
phone call is from his management team
telling him that
one of his competitors has just offered
four times as much money as he was
offering to his top three athletes who
are the core of his whole team and of
course they all took them right and he
was so angry he was like I can’t even
believe this
these guys were working in shops and I
brought them here and I made them a star
on national television and they have no
loyalty to me and he’s suffering and the
way you suffer is you focus on yourself
right suffering comes when we obsess
about ourselves what we’re getting or
not getting what we should have done
what we should others should have done
for us it’s the me me me me me game you
my dear friend and I say this with no
blowing smoke
your primary core is a giver which is
why you’re prospering you’re not the
mimimi you’re like how do I give more do
more share more create more how do we do
a better job for our clients how do a
better job for our internal customers
who work with us on partners your entire
life is that that’s why you’re
prospering and you’re not feeling
suffering but when you do suffer and I
promise you do ya you come you’ve got me
if I’m wrong
EAL because you’re worrying about
something in the future how’s this gonna
happen will this come together suffering
can be worried could be anger could be
frustration it’s anything that takes you
out of a beautiful state and here’s what
people don’t get you can end suffering
by stop focusing on yourself and focus
on something you want to serve greater
than yourself your children your wife
your mission your life you can get out
of it in an instant because the nature
of the human mind is to constantly
compare things your mind is your brain
is a two-million-year-old device and it
is not designed to make you happy it’s
so it’s like to make you survive right
and that’s why it’s always looking for
it’s relative it has to be what’s wrong
a saber-toothed tiger so I can protect
myself and now people are worried about
what people think about them or do they
have enough money when two thirds the
planet lives on $2 a day and you’re
making $38,000 you’re rich the poorest
of the poor and our country are
considered rich that’s why I’m not
saying they should stay that way but you
can only build on success and so my view
is if you’re watching if you’re
listening to my go over to have you
consider something life is short we
don’t know how it’s gonna be but if you
only had a week to live
I bet you would allow yourself to suffer
over a little crap that makes you crazy
normally I think you would probably
spend time with those you love you would
do what you love you take on a sunset
you’d smell the air you were taking
everything in those final moments that
you possibly do so my thing is why wait
right right why wait why not just decide
then if I start to suffer I know the
solution because suffering is me
obsessing about me you might say it’s
not me I’m worried about my kids because
they’re not doing well no you’re worried
that you haven’t done enough for your
kid that’s about you stuff right yes you
know you’re worried about what was done
or what you should have done or what
shouldn’t have done it and you can end
that in an instant by becoming aware of
it and saying I have made the most
important decision of all right I’m
gonna live in a beautiful state
that’s here’s what’s gonna happen
anybody watching you may lose a family
member you probably will somebody may
get cancer your business may the
government might change the rules they
might change things radically that you
can’t even do anything about it you
might go bankrupt you might get divorced
I don’t say anybody will but now no one
knows what’s gonna really happen to your
life life sort of uncertainty but here’s
what you can know you can decide no
matter what happens you could have a
great time if somebody like Victor
Frankel can be locked up in Auschwitz
and come out of that an experience
finding joy in the middle of Auschwitz
the human beings have a capacity they’ve
undersold themselves on we think that
the outside world of terms how we feel
it if people have to behave a certain
way if you’re a husband and your wife or
your kids or your co-workers or whoever
your boss has to behave a certain way
for you to be happy and if they don’t
you’re unhappy then you’re always gonna
be unhappy because the more people
around you the more they’re gonna change
it because they’re all human and if you
have to be a certain way to be happy
you’re gonna violate it too so my
invitation is as great as it is to
achieve more important to enjoy right
and if you can enjoy every moment in
that state when you’re feeling loving
and playful and passionate and curious
and awe you treat other people hundred
times better when you’re feeling
frustrated pissed off overwhelmed
worried stressed or feeling sorry for
yourself you’re gonna be a better parent
you’re gonna be a better lover you’re
gonna be a better business person again
with a better life so my soliloquy is
decide decide today and actually say
what if I cut it off what if I said I’m
not willing to saddle and I’m just gonna
live in a beautiful state doesn’t mean
you won’t feel bad and to mean you won’t
stay there you instantly change that’s
doable I’m on a mission help people in
I believe in energy I believe in
inspiration because inspired in spirit
the opposite that is kind of dead right
I believe in being inspired but I’m a
strategist my guess you know you’re if
you’re inspired and you run east looking
for a sunset I don’t give a damn how
enthusiastic you are how positive you
are it’s not going to happen so I’m a
strategist first but I really do believe
that people have got to look at their
life and say as much as I want great
strategy I need a great philosophy of my
life that’s gonna make me fulfilled if
you’re fulfilled like you said you’ve
mentioned earlier if you live with your
friends and you guys weren’t succeeding
but you’re having a damn good time with
this camaraderie it’s still worthwhile
and you find a way to succeed eventually
but what the hell is success it’s
hitting an expectation and I always tell
people man trade your expectations for
appreciation it’s a whole new world
instantly you can appreciate this moment
if you can’t find ecstasy in this moment
in a conversation with a friend and
looking in your wife’s eyes being with
your children going on a run a fall if
you can’t find EXCI now I’m here to tell
you more money more people more love
more business more anything is not going
to give you more actually you got if you
can’t do it here now you’re not gonna do
it there when you got more so why not do
it now and have a rich life right now I
tell people money that’s one thing like
having financial abundance through
skills that’s a science for wealth it’s
a decision it’s like you gonna be
wealthy right now I live in Fiji a good
portion of time there these villagers
there they’re the richest people now
they’re happy they laugh they love they
don’t give a damn about the economics
other people say they’re poor when I
first went there I was trying to do
things for them like what are you
talking about I’m so happy
wealthy people come over for the United
States and they go travel around and try
to figure out what to do and they’re
gonna spend nine months to do this and
this and this so they can finally sit
down and be happy and then the jean-guy
goes why don’t you sit on the beach
right now dude it hurts it why spend the
nine years want to happen now that’s my
invitation [Music]
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