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what if I told you this was the last
Monday morning of your life
what if I told you you’d die this week
would you complain about your crap job
or that test you don’t want to take I
doubt it
you would go much higher level thinking
well that’s really what it takes it
takes understanding that if you’re not
pumped right now if you’re begrudging
what you’re about to do it here if
you’re not looking forward to it look I
respect practicality you got to go
through school because your parents want
to you got to pay your rent you got
screwed in loans I get it but please
recognize the world we’re living in
we’re living in a world where there’s so
much more opportunity this internet
thing created many more opportunity for
all of us way more I mean look you might
not even be alive like your mom and dad
could have had sex like three minutes
later and you wouldn’t even exist and
you’re complaining you could’ve ended up
being a bus a tree I just don’t get the
mentality of being head down sad on a
Monday morning I’m gonna make Monday
morning Mike
I’m gonna make you Saturday Monday
morning that’s what I want to do every
morning and that’s what I want from you
please take a step back and think about
how awesome it actually is and then
recognize that you can attack the world
in a totally different way because you
were lucky enough to be born during this
era yeah know how you’re gonna conduct a
war before the war starts you can have
an idea but you can’t know fully just
like if you were to say hey my goal is
to X in my life you don’t know how
you’re gonna be able to do that yeah cuz
you talkin about cuz you gonna just
you’re gonna make it adaptations are
gonna come up things are gonna change
the battlefield changes your life
changes things pop up made things happen
so I think that that idea that you’re
gonna know how you’re gonna execute
something is is far-fetched I think you
won’t actually I should use the word
idea you should have an idea of how
you’re gonna do it yeah you should have
an idea like okay well this is what I
need to get done mm-hm this is what I
want to achieve in my life hmm I want to
make I want to do this
hmm what’s a simple I want to own a
house that’s a simple one that’s a good
place to start yeah I want to own a
house okay
well let’s think about how we’re gonna
get there you know that’s that’s this
thing about how we’re gonna get there
you have to build your credit you have
to how do you build your credit you have
to you have to borrow money some people
something they go to buy a house they’ve
never borrowed money before you can’t
borrow money if you’ve never borrowed
money you can’t borrow money for a house
if you’ve never borrowed money for a car
or a or or some smaller object before so
you got to establish your credit then
you got to have two years worth of
income then you got to have a big fat
down payments and ready so there’s
things you got to do this thing now
now that might change the clock along
the way the idea is that you got to move
towards that goal you know that’s what
was so nice about hearing the vietnamese
commander’s intent get close split them
up mmm boom you go make that happen
hey guess what you want to buy a house
one day save money have good credit yeah
good way you got to make money how you
make money you might make it drive it
uber you might make it delivering pizza
you might make it you got your real job
do that support in your family but then
you need a little extra to throw in
there well that’s why you end up driving
uber or you end up with whatever it is
you’re gonna do you wanna make your some
money on the side that you can start
stashing away so you got it in a way you
got to fill your life with a bunch of
goals so you don’t get gem cuz you have
small goals that lead to the big goal
right so for instance you want to be
financially secure and stable what are
you gonna do you’re gonna save some of
your money okay that’s one thing you’re
gonna buy a house that’s another thing
you’re gonna pay off your car and you’re
not gonna buy expensive dumb cars you’re
gonna buy cheap cars until you have the
money to buy them with cash you’re gonna
make all these things you’re gonna work
extra you’re gonna you know you’re gonna
do these things so you’re right you have
you have your broad goal yes you have
your long-term goal yes and then you got
your short-term goals that lead and are
strategically aligned with that
long-term goal so many people come up to
me and say Gary it’s so hard I look at
their Instagram and they’re not posting
any of their content with hashtags which
is a by accident way to pick up exposure
in a world where they have no money when
you have no money when I took over my
dad’s business it did three million
dollars a year 10% gross profit $300,000
before expenses my first year marketing
budget was $14,000 when you have no
money and I built that business from a
three to a sixty million dollar business
in five years I had to make every penny
perfect so I was right about email
marketing in 96 and I was right and
because of that I had 91% open rates
when Google AdWords came out the day it
came out I paid five cents a click for
words before anybody bid me up and I was
super right and that worked if it does
that lock versus preparation and do you
ever get anything wrong what do you do I
can make them as high I get everything
wrong it’s just that I can’t recall it
because once it’s wrong I’m moving on to
the next thing like do well dwelling on
what you’ve dumped on is the quickest
way for the next thing not to work right
yeah so like so I think I do everything
I mean you know this this is a fun thing
to say some people in the back know this
I was a breakout youtube star in the
first year 2006
I decided that the right strategy was to
leave YouTube completely and go to
viddler because viddler offered me
equity in their company and I’ve left an
enormous amount of attention i deviated
from my intention thisis to do
short-term economics and equity in a
company and I lost I lost Wendy brought
finally came in my life two years ago we
started to try to build up my you to for
the first time I was sitting on 40,000
user followers in a world where I could
have had millions if I just stayed the
course so I make mistakes all the time
I’m reorganize its based on a mistake I
made the prior year I just don’t give a
about my mistakes everybody else cares
about your mistakes if you’re worried
about your own mistakes you’ve already
we’re in the military you have this
and beyond that to be on the discipline
that’s imposed on you you also have a
lot that you have to just hold the line
yourself I mean when you’re in the
military sure you go through boot camp
where there’s a drill instructor the
chileans and all that but it once you’re
in the military you’re doing what you
have to do it’s self discipline that you
learn that then you become self
discipline and what happens is guys get
out and that’s that’s gone and that
hurts them and the other thing that
hurts them is they don’t know what their
mission is anymore and and my big thing
with people that have been telling vets
now is find what your next mission is go
find whatever your next mission and I
don’t care what it is but it has to be
something when people are not going
anywhere when they’re when they’re
failing when they’re when they don’t
have the drive it’s because they’re not
accepting responsibility for anything
and and so my way of saying that is like
you need a new mission you can’t be
responsible for something and you need
wasn’t so so long ago that you know I
was a student and you know sitting in in
a seat in auditorium like you guys are
here today listening to I remember very
specifically this time when Bill Gates
came to talk it at Harvard and I’m like
wow how do you how do you do that you
know the trick is is that the media
likes to sensationalize this as if you
have some Eureka moment or you are some
singular person who can’t build
something on your own and that’s just
not how the world works when I was in
school I built a lot of stuff that I
just like building there was not a
single moment when I when I had some
revelation that Facebook was going to be
that’s not maybe how the media or movies
or whatever would like to portray things
it’s not it’s much less exciting but the
reality is I think most
I services in the world that reach the
scale that Facebook has you start off
building something that you care about
and you know you don’t necessarily think
it’s gonna be that big I I didn’t you
know I built Facebook the first version
of Facebook for my college community
because I wanted to be able to connect
with the people at my school
then I remember very clearly talking to
my friends at the time and saying you
know it’s how cool is it that we have
built this community for our school you
know one day it’s gonna be awesome when
somebody else builds this for the world
because something like this needs to
exist for the world but it didn’t even
occur to me that you know my friends and
I might be able to play a role in doing
that right cuz we were college students
right I mean we didn’t have any you know
engineers to work with or servers or
resources or anything like that and you
know there were these huge companies
that deliver products for hundreds of
millions of people
right there’s I always assumed that it
was gonna be like Microsoft or Google or
someone would build this for the world
and what basically just happened is that
each step along the way we just kind of
kept doing the next thing and growing
from there and you know there were teams
inside these other companies that that
thought social media was important and
we’re working on it but there were all
these different memes and narratives in
the world you know people would say oh
well you know this is just a fad people
are gonna use it but then they’re gonna
stop so you know so a lot of the teams
who are working on didn’t take it that
seriously or you know the higher ups and
those companies didn’t care so then get
resources and we just kept going and
going and then people would say alright
well alright fine so maybe people are
using it but it’s never gonna make any
money alright I mean social media
doesn’t make any money yeah we just kind
of kept going and going and then pretty
soon we had a service that was bigger
than any of these other ones and that
kind of is how we are here where we are
there’s no magic you know a lot of times
I think people just get afraid because
you know often your dream is its it
seems like it’s so so far off but but if
you just kind of focus on building stuff
that you think is good and and you keep
on going at each step along the way and
don’t let people to tear you from that
just really care about what you’re doing
and kind of don’t give up but each step
along the way then you know I think
that’s how you that’s how you build
something good I was working once in an
ice-cream parlor when I was about 15
years old my first real job and on the
second day I was asked to scrape the gum
off between the Mexican tiles on the
floor and I said to the woman who owned
the storms called Magoo’s ice cream
parlor you didn’t hire me to scrape gum
you hired me to scoop ice cream and this
is this girl’s shoe store across the way
that’s looking at me I don’t want to see
her you scraping the gum and she said
what you’re talking about I own this
store I’ll do anything I want with you
get down on your knees and scrape that
gum when I said I’m not doing it
she said you’re fired last job I ever
had I owe that woman everything I don’t
like to work for people many of you
would hear I hope you hear at that
there’s nothing wrong with it
but do you want to control your own
destiny you work for yourself that’s how
it works I’m trying to inspire those of
you are on the tipping point take the
chance you’re young go for it there’s
nothing better than being able to wake
up in the morning 10 years or 20 years
so now and do what ever you like it it’s
about freedom that’s what matters
I’m not saying being employees bad but
believe me being an entrepreneur is
always success and failure you just have
to know where to look for it and that
means that’s a learning moment so you
say every failure is success in learning
if you know how to know exactly you just
have to look for it because then you use
that again and you make sure you don’t
make that mistake again or don’t allow
that mistake to happen so your goal is
to then just because it didn’t work out
the way you wanted to take that
knowledge take those learnings and
reapply it to a new you know a new
direction and therefore you’re gonna get
better no one’s you know I think you’ve
had I’ve had failure and it takes years
of building up that kind of thick skin
around you but that’s what it means to
be resilient you just get up and you
keep going and you can and I can’t tell
you there’s been times when I just sat
there it was like oh the world’s gonna
be over and then you know what you just
look at it and you think about it and
you have to project yourself not today
but to project yourself into the future
what could I do in the future if you
keep looking ahead everybody fails
you’re not the only one everybody does
just get over it keep going first thing
I want you to know that success is is
not a destination it’s a journey think
of success as a process let me let me
illustrate it and explain it this way if
you go to college you work hard and then
in four or five years depending on what
kind of degree you’re working on it and
in today’s society sometimes six or
seven years but but eventually you comes
the day of graduation and you’re all
excited and your family is there and
your friends are there and and you’re
there with your classmates you’ve got
your cap and your gown and and you know
that there’s going to be a time in that
ceremony where you’re going to walk
across stage and the president Provost
somebody’s gonna shake your hand hand
you diploma congratulate you and and
you’re gonna get off the other side
they’re gonna have presence waiting for
you and they’ll be taking pictures and
everybody’s shaking your hands say
congratulations today you become a
success you’re a college graduate doubt
now my friend
you did not become a success the day
that you got your diploma now what you
did have happened to you in that
ceremony is you got recognized for
success the Diploma is recognition of
what you have done in the previous four
or five years you see you are a success
in your freshman year when you decided
to not drop out of school like some of
your other classmates and decided to
stick to it and you’re a success every
time you studied for a test and you were
success every time you did a project or
or did a writing assignment you see
you’re a success all through all through
school your success every day success is
a daily thing not a destination thing
the day you got the diploma
you just got recognized for the success
that you already were that’s very
central because so many times people
have it have a tendency to devalue the
moment today what they do is they
greatly value the destination and so
they kind of talk about well when I get
there or if I arrive there or when I do
that or when I accomplish this and they
don’t understand that success is a daily
thing and I’m here to share with you
that the secret of success is determined
by your daily agenda in fact I wrote a
book a few years ago called today
manners I’m passionate about that book
because what it does is it helps you it
helps me to understand that we make
decisions and then we manage decisions
and and too often we think I will make a
decision for example you’re saying I’m
gonna make a decision to be a coach or I
want to make a decision not you know
what I’m gonna make a decision to to be
a public speaker I want to be a
communicator well congratulate young
congratulations you’ve made a wonderful
decision coach speaking good decisions
but that won’t make you a successful
coach that will make you a successful
communicator it’s not the decision that
makes you you’ve got to make the
decision by managing it and you manage
the decision on a daily basis in other
words what you want to be tomorrow
you’ve got to do today you visualize
tomorrow that gives you hope
but that’s your motivation and that’s
your dream you’ve nothing wrong with
that you visualized tomorrow but you
value today what’s that mean that means
that what I do every day is either
getting me closer to that vision that
dream that goal or it’s really driving
me farther away from it you see every
we are either repairing or we’re
preparing you see if I messed up
yesterday guess what I get to do today
fix yesterday in other words if I didn’t
do the right thing yesterday what I got
to do today is I’ve got to repair I’ve
got to go back make a mans backtrack put
the car in reverse put my life in
reverse I’ve got to go back there I’ve
got to repair now every day I spend
repairing I’m not spending preparing
well you see we repair when we fail to
manage the decisions that we’ve made we
prepare when we on a daily basis manage
the decisions that we’ve made so your
footprints to success are really
footprints of success because every step
that is made and taken based upon the
goals that you have for your life and
you’re managing those goals correctly
every step is the progressive
realization of success in your life
and by the way Oh what you you’ll get
the diploma you’ll get the certificate
but but when you get that you didn’t
it just is another step in preparing you
to reach your potential each one of us
should live our life as if we’ll never
learn everything we never need to learn
we’ll never be able to accomplish
everything we wanted to accomplish we
won’t be able to experience everything
we wanted to experience we should live
our life every day hungry understanding
that we are to live until we die you see
I think success can’t be summarized in a
flippant degree or program or diploma or
arrival I think today if you are
learning to coach if you are learning to
speak if you’re doing the things that
are essential to the decisions and
you’re managing those decisions well can
I say something to you congratulations
you are already a success now guess what
over time it shows up you’ve heard the
expression you maybe even a said it
yourself you’ve heard the expression I’m
sure I’ve worked all my life to become
an overnight success that’s the way it
works all of a sudden somebody
recognizes you all of a sudden somebody
congratulate you you didn’t get good at
that moment you’ve been good for a long
yes you know did I kind of anticipate
what would happen over the last 22 years
at Amazon and the answer is god no so
you know Amazon started as a very small
it was me and a few other people I was
driving all the packages to the post
office myself in my 1987 Chevy Blazer
and do it when I raised money for Amazon
I had to raise a million dollars which I
raised from 22 different investors
$50,000 each
they got 20% of the company for for the
million dollars and it was a 40 people
told me no so I did take sixty meetings
to get twenty s’s the first question was
always what’s the internet and I had to
walk through that and this was 1994
early 95 and so did I anticipate you
know fast forward to today and and the
current version of it no it has been one
foot in front of the other and I think
that that is true for most businesses
where you kind of proceed adaptively its
step by step you figure it out you have
a success and then you kind of double
down on that success and you figure out
what what else you can do what customers
you stick in there how did you keep
yourself motivated because I believe in
my strategy and I’m patient ish like all
great stuff especially when you’re
innovating doesn’t happen right away
this notion that like Oh Gary I tried it
I spent 500 bucks on Facebook ads it
doesn’t work well what if your video
sucked what if your product and service
sucks I I tend to do things that are
very early that has been my career I
when I do things I believe in them I
stick with them based on intuition even
though for 18 months nobody watched my
wine videos at all I knew it was right I
was right there’s been things I’ve done
that I’ve jumped off of very quickly I
started a Gary v app V chat ve like
WeChat that was funny for my fans great
CRM one on one didn’t feel right after a
week or two spend plenty money building
it knew it stopped it after you know a
couple months Wine Library TV five years
every day YouTube decided to change at
the daily grape insular app you could
buy stuff subscription for reviews it
was a lot of fun only did it for five
months stopped it because I didn’t feel
right anymore it’s always hard to know
when to jump off something new but I
find that people don’t believe in what
they’re doing they hear a guru yeah and
they do it
begrudgingly cuz their boss wants them
to order they’re like well Gary’s right
a lot so let me do it but they don’t
believe it and so then they jump they’re
looking for knows instead of yeses
everything I do every business
development every event I do every time
I try new marketing tactic for sales
tactic I’m looking for the yes right I’m
looking for the yes and if the no
punches me will then on my crap then no
punched me I believe the majority of
people when they try new tactics are
looking for the no mm-hmm and you’re
gonna getting a lot of subtle knows
immediately right and so I think that’s
why that happens
and I know I’ve said before that
knowledge is the most important thing
but the reality is if you don’t have the
strength or actually the health to back
that up or even to function as a human
being physically then your knowledge and
your mental strength doesn’t really even
matter so that comes into play and being
big and strong is also totally useless
being mentally strong should actually
lead you to being physically strong
because if you are mentally strong then
you can work and train to become
physically strong but if you’re mentally
weak then you will not hold the line on
the good food and the good workouts and
you won’t get physically strong or
can you be weak and strong at the same
time yes but I say be strong train your
physical strength and exercise your
mental strength by doing the right
things the hard things the things you
know you’re supposed to do do them and
be as strong as you can mentally
physically and emotionally for yourself
for your team for your family hold the
and be strong it’s a deal that you
missed that one of your fellow sharks
was able to secure that you look back on
and say wow I didn’t know that one was
gonna work out that well but it’s proven
to be a big success
and there is one and I remember the
moment it was a deal called sponge daddy
it was a yellow sponge with a smile in
its face and I thought what a piece of
crap this is the guy wanted $500,000 for
like 50% of it and Laurie was beside me
you know the queen of crap as I like to
say she’d get the job she was here and
she started bidding on it and I looked
over at her I said are you out of your
mind this thing is a sponge
it’s a sponge she said leave me alone
said no Laurie I forbid you to do this I
can’t watch you kill money like this
this is a shame you’re gonna teach
America how to waste cash he said shut
up from doing the deal and she did
sponge daddy did 50 million in sales
last year it’s a little piece of crap I
mean that taught me a but I have a lot
of respect for her now that shows you
the power of the shark tank platform a
simple product simple message there’s
actually a great corporate lesson to be
learned in watching shark taken and I
urge anybody that’s listening to this
now to think about this for their own
career if you go back and look at six
years of data of all the deals that got
funded regardless to what the product
was and this does not detail the outcome
of the company just the ones that got a
check from a shark what are the common
traits or threads it turns out there’s
three in a hundred percent of the cases
the art the entrepreneur is able to
articulate the idea in 90 seconds or
less here’s a sponge under cold water
it’s hard scrapes eggs off plates under
warm water it can support silver I get
it right very simple number two it’s
usually a team are able to articulate
why they’re the right team to execute
the business plan they have a plan they
tell you what it is and they tell you
why they are thinking accredited you
know managers for it that’s interesting
you find it in every case where the
success and here’s the one that really
matters in a hundred percent of the
cases the entrepreneurs knew their
numbers inside out
if you ask them about break-even
analysis margin analysis market share
growth competition in every answer they
had it they nailed it it turns out in
corporate America today and I teach this
now you know I taught at Notre Dame and
MIT the graduating cohorts I explain
this to them when you’re leading when
you want to be a leader you have to
articulate your idea in 90 seconds or
less you have to explain why you’re the
right person to lead and above all you
have to know your numbers you can see it
happen on Shark Tank it works in the
real world too and frankly Shark Tank is
the real world because it’s real capital
so I I use that and I teach it and I
think everybody should think about that
explaining your vision clearly
succinctly in a short period of time is
up being really important if you have
the greatest hammer and the greatest
screwdriver and the greatest wrench the
brightest in front of you if you don’t
use them properly you will lose right if
there’s a nail that I have to put in
that ground but I take the wrench and I
hit it when the hammer was right there
it still comes down to the practitioner
mm-hmm and you have to be good at your
craft and you have to love your if you
love sales if you don’t love it you have
no chance because it’s so hard it’s so
painful there’s so much rejection right
so those are the things I think about
so technology’s clear neighborhoods you
just said there that the person is
equally important and more important
right and go thank you I just apologize
for jumping but let me make it perfectly
straight if I go play Roger Federer
right now in tennis and I have the
greatest tennis racket ever made like
from taken from the Mars is new like
resources right and he took a John
McEnroe 1974 tennis racket he would whip
my ass like I’m crushing sales people
that have every sales force every one of
your competitors 37 features upgraded
went to every pro conference watching
this I will beat their ass in sales
fortunately one of the great benefits of
technologies productivity one of the big
downsize it’s incredibly distracting
people check their Twitter account or
they’ll answer a Facebook message or
they’ll do something that has nothing to
do with making money and the reason you
go to work in the morning is to make
money that’s what you’re there for all
the other wonderful things you can do
with your time are based on your ability
to create an income for yourself and
your family so why spend any time doing
all that crap which is distracting and
so that’s the number one thing I find in
my companies is when you see someone
failing and you look at how they manage
their time you’ll see right there what’s
going on they’re not focused on what
matters that little yellow dot on the
screen represent your level of awareness
this represents your level of awareness
this is what you’re aware of now
everything you’ve got in your life
everything your relationships your money
everything is an expression of your own
level of awareness see people that are
in fifty thousand a year or not earning
fifty because they want fifty people are
earning fifty because they’re not aware
of how to earn one hundred and fifty
people that are suffering from headaches
they’re not suffering headaches because
they want to suffer from headaches
they’re suffering from headaches because
they’re not aware of how to eliminate
the headache it’s their head they made
it ache they can make it stop so you see
it’s awareness where after now think of
this if that little dot represents our
awareness and it’s responsible for
everything we’ve got in life just think
of how your life could change if we
magnify it just a little bit I mean
everything would start to change our
relationships would change we would be
healthier we would live in healthier
bodies we would know more people we’d
earn more money we’d be able to do more
interesting things and if we just
increased it a little bit more
everything starts to shift well I’ve
been living this way now for 40 years it
absolutely fascinating I celebrated my
70th birthday last week I got more
energy than most people 20 I have
absolutely no intentions of slowing down
people said say you should
slow down that’s a bunch of crap we
should speed up we’ve got more power yet
do you know the most erudite scientist
can’t even guess what you and I are
capable of doing no one knows what we’re
capable of
all the powers on the present that’s
within you within me slow down we’re
just starting to warm up what we want to
do is calm down you can go out warp
speed and stay very healthy if you stay
relaxed and that’s really the secret you
know just imagine we expand our
awareness a little more do you know what
this program is doing for you today it’s
expanding your awareness that’s what the
program is all about every time you come
every time you come to one of these
programs your awareness is widened your
world starts to change you think oh yeah
that’s pretty interesting and it just
keeps getting bigger and bigger and
bigger our awareness keeps changing do
you know that no one knows how much
money you’re capable of earning there’s
no one can even guess at what you’re
capable of earning we want to become
aware we’re like we are because we’re
not aware of how to do it better we know
how to do it better every person in this
room intellectually knows how to do a
better job they’re doing everyone in the
room knows how to earn more than they’re
earning but they’re not doing it you see
having the knowledge is not the deal
having the knowledge I mean when I
remember when I was a kid
schoolteachers say to me Bob why’d you
do that I’d say I don’t know what do you
mean you don’t know you know better I
know why’d you do it I don’t know I was
in the Navy every commanding officer
Proctor why did you do that I don’t know
sir what do you mean you don’t know you
know better I know why’d you do it I
don’t know you see I didn’t know why I
was doing things do you know that we do
things that we don’t want to do it gives
us results we don’t want to get yet we
do them anyway you know what addiction
is it’s never getting enough of what you
don’t want
getting a lot of people are addicted to
results that they don’t want why do we
keep doing it you see I think when we
start to see that that’s when we start
to become aware of how to take control
over our life and that’s really what we
want to do so you see awareness is the
big deal we want to become aware of the
obvious opportunities that are available
to us we are surrounded by opportunity
there everywhere you go there is an
abundance there’s no shortage of
opportunity we can win and we can win in
a big way now when we lack awareness we
miss the opportunity I used to always
say that you know the trick is to be in
the right place at the right time I’ve
been in the right place at the right
time many times in my life but I blew it
you know why I wasn’t aware that I was
in the right place at the right I’ve had
to look back at it think of it there’s
something else it’s being aware that
you’re in the right place at the right
times not good enough you’ve got to be
aware that you’re in the right place at
the right time
you need to care about everything and it
starts with yourself look yourself in
the mirror and ask yourself what do I
want to do every day for the rest of my
life do that I promise you can monetize
that if you love Alf doing Alf blog you
collect Smurfs Smurfs it up whatever you
need to do do it so many people are
talking about I can’t monetize I can’t
monetize there’s a billion
seven-year-old douche bags that are in
control right now but the number two
person that 34 year old lady she’s gonna
buy your she’s gonna put the advertising
on your stuff it’s coming stop crying
people don’t resist change people resist
being changed a yes we’ve got to change
yourself we’ve got to build a new image
a picture in our mind we’ve got to see
yourself the way we want to be and then
we have to live with it that’s you go to
the gym work out that’s what you do you
build a picture of how you want to see
this on this arm and you build that
picture and then you build the body
while you build the life in your mind
take your pen and write out how you want
to live and always start by writing I’m
so happy and grateful now that and the
second you write it you’ve got it
the moment you impressive the plan your
emotional mind you’ve got it emotionally
and it’s only a period of time till it
manifests on the physical plane yeah
spirit works from a higher to a lower
potential in areas of choice you need to
work on your weaknesses for example
let’s say I let’s say I am I’m lazy that
scenario choice that’s I mean I’m not
naturally lazy I’m just lazy it’s a
choice so I need to work on that because
I in areas of choices you can make
vast improvement and you can make fast
and proved I’ve never heard this
distinction but yeah yeah yeah actually
helpful oh yeah in choices so attitude
does this have a lousy attitude one day
I wake up I said this isn’t getting me
I gotta have a good attitude you can go
from a zero to a ten I mean Omo also
don’t you see people that you just say
my gosh overnight they just yeah got
good and happy you don’t say okay that’s
a choice vast fast growth in choices in
your growth is very very small and it’s
very slow so I think for example a
person can maybe increase their
giftedness skill set maybe two numbers
so if I’m a if I’m a little bit above
average I was six if I really work hard
I can get become an eighth but but an
eighth is powerful yeah eight has a huge
return so what I tell people is in in
areas of giftedness that’s where you
have to work on your strengths if if I’m
a two in something a very weak in a
skill if I worked hard I could only
become a force to be blabbering yeah
that’s what I tell people you gotta ask
yourself is gonna give me the return so
in the area of strings
you got to pour yourself into the things
that you’re already good at because
that’ll really set you apart from
average yeah but in areas of choices go
for those weaknesses because you’re not
don’t you know people that are highly
skilled but they have allows the
attitude or they’re not soft
they’re not self discredited and they’re
never gonna they’re never gonna they’re
never gonna get anywhere and they’re not
going to get anywhere because they
didn’t so in areas of choices work on
your weaknesses but in areas of
strengths and skills just work on your strengths
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