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The Best Advice From 25 Of The Most Successful People – YOU MUST HEAR THIS

well you have to treat yourself like you
matter because if you don’t then you
don’t take care of yourself and you
become vengeful and and and cruel and
you you take you take it out on people
around you and you’re not a positive
force none of that’s good
so you suffer more and so does everyone
around you and there’s a malevolence
that enters into it none of that’s good
so that’s what happens if you don’t
treat yourself like you matter and then
what happens if you don’t treat other
people like they matter
well you lie to them you cheat them you
steal you you you enter into impulsive
relationships with them they can’t trust
you that doesn’t go anywhere they don’t
like you you you end up alone at best
and maybe like incarcerated at worst
like that doesn’t work and so you watch
the people around you who thrive
regardless of what they say they act out
the proposition that everyone matters
and then you have a functional society
and I think okay well if if if when you
act out the proposition that everyone
matters you have a functional society
maybe that’s evidence that that
proposition is true it’s like I think
it’s I think it’s true you’ve lived a
life dominated by doubt and fear how do
step that’s how you step into bravery
step take the step step aggressively
towards your fear and that that step
towards your fear is the step into
bravery because we’re we’re scared of
what we don’t know and there’s only one
way to learn and to know and that is to
confront that fear you have to step you
have to go and this simple action this
simple attitude it answers so many
questions so many questions how do you
get to the gym every day you stepped you
go how do you how do you change your
diet you step you go how do you overcome
fear of failure fear of success or or
you step
and how do you face the fear of the
unknown your step
don’t wait anymore don’t think anymore
don’t plan anymore don’t contemplate
don’t make any more excuses or
justifications don’t rationalize
anything else no no and no instead be
aggressive take action now and what is
the first action that you need to take
what’s the first step you need to take
the first step you need to take is just
that step whether it’s personal or
people around me when you see people
that are positive that look at something
good and something bad that took place
they move along in life faster they’re
veteran and people want to be around
these people I mean too often people
gossip the one gossip person must be
around the other person that gossips but
they don’t realize when you gossip
you’re saying something heard about
somebody else you’re telling everybody
what if part of it was wrong you had to
go out and tell every person you told
this oh I’m sorry it was wrong tell
everybody you told it’s not gonna happen
so it seems you learn about don’t gossip
don’t belittle people if you don’t have
to god please don’t try and look at the
positive angle what good could come out
of something and that possum ness is
gonna make you live longer happier and
wake up in the morning happy not oh my
god I gotta go to work I can’t wait till
I get home I want to retire because
people are not positively they’re not
happy and what happens they retire they
hate their job they retire three or four
years later their debts they have
nothing to do that positive attitude be
around positive people encourage
positiveness if you find yourself
walking around just complaining all the
time around people that complain a lot
man move or just try and do something
different change your life being
positive and a positive attitude and
find something positive and something
makes you look for solutions when I was
down and out okay whoo Oh pop bottles
let’s get the pop bottles cash them in
everyone in this room knows how to
create you’re not a manager of your life
you’re a creator of your life or you
wouldn’t be in this room how do you
create your life you get hungry for
something don’t you who has done
something your life that once seemed
difficult or impossible and now it’s
part of your life who’s got something in
your life for this area say I how did
you do it
you created it three ways number one you
decided there’s something you wanted so
bad that you unleashed all your desire
you became obsessed with it if it was a
business or a car or a relationship or a
transformation in your body if there’s
something you want sin vision and now
it’s real it’s because you didn’t just
envision it you brought so much emotion
to it that now it’s in your life it was
once a dream it was once a goal and now
it’s in your life
how many have something like that in
your life now say I you may take it for
granted now hopefully not but it was
once just a vision may have seemed
impossible at one time so how did you do
you started with a concrete vision of
what you wanted and you focused on it
continuously didn’t you wherever focus
goes energy flows you envision something
you got clear about it and then you
started thinking about all the reasons
why you wanted it you got excited about
it so this is what’s next for me now I
want this you may have dreamed about a
fawn about and talked about it but when
you focus on something continuously
something magical happens you get
insights don’t you you overhear a
conversation he’s here something you
wouldn’t have heard if you didn’t have
that outcome or goal that you wanted so
badly who’s ever come up with something
obsessed about it didn’t even know how
to do it and it just happened and it
came together who’s that that experience
say I so why don’t we happen to that
power now for your business in life some
of the most important discoveries
inventions and innovations
cut within a field come from people who
are trained in a much different field
and who have an outsider’s approach
Louis Pasteur was a classic example of
this he was trained as a chemist in
mineralogist so he brought homage to a
much different way of thinking to the
subject of medicine and germs a method
that was infinitely more creative Albert
Einstein was a complete outsider his two
most important discoveries came when he
was working at the Swiss Patent Office
Google itself exemplifies this idea it
is perhaps the most successful business
on the planet founded by two men who are
relatively complete outsiders to
business and who therefore structured
and directed their company in a very
novel and creative fashion I could go on
and on and on with this list including
many great artists there are two
important reasons why Outsiders
generally have a creative advantage
first they are less steeped in and
burdened by the conventions of the field
that they are attacking they ask a
different set of questions they approach
problems from unconventional angles and
second they are often trained in totally
unrelated fields and so can make
interesting and creative connections
between two very different forms of
thinking like science and business or
chemistry and medicine or engineering
and design now we can’t all consciously
follow such a path but even within the
careers that were pursuing we can train
ourselves to think like outsiders and
help loosen up the mind in the process I
came home one night from work spraying
for cockroaches and long story short I
turned on the Discovery Channel I saw
some guys going through Navy
training and they’re going through hell
week and they’re getting their ass just
beat you know in out of the water
guys ringing the bell there was
suffering and I was waiting like 297
pounds and I had to make a change in my
life you know I was at all-time low and
I wasn’t going anywhere and I was
exactly what everybody said I was gonna
be which was nothing so I had to make a
change what was it about seeing
suffering that’s that’s really
interesting and I actually get it but I
engrossed Mall town the Klan
headquarters at that time was about 20
minutes from where I lived the one of
the high ups in the KKK son sat behind
me in two classes so you called me nigga
a long time I got my first car they
spray print nigga we’re going to kill
you on it so I was just an insecure
scared kid and the only way I could find
myself was to put myself through the
worst thing possible I’m gonna say the
exact opposite of what the world today’s
world is saying so we read a bunch of
books nowadays as humans we we want to
find out how to be someone else what we
don’t do is we don’t go inside so
literally turn yourself inside out read
the book that says like we’re writing a
book every day of our lives every day
we’re seeing who we are as people when I
was growing up I I lied for people to
accept me because I did accept myself so
I would make up stories so then you
would accept me into your world I would
uh everything I did was for someone else
to like me it was until I started
reading my own book about how pathetic I
was as human being I could play my dad I
can blame kids at school I could blame
having health issues ATD my mom not
being around great mom but she was doing
her thing
I could blame a lot of people and that’s
the book I was reading and I put it off
on everybody else it wouldn’t so I say
you know what for me to fix this I get a
read what the hell what the is
wrong with David Garvey’s not blaming
anybody read my books okay I’m afraid of
my shadow how can I overcome that go in
and military get your ass kicked
do things you hate to do be
uncomfortable every day of your life
Roger that
I’m not the smartest kid in the world
okay it says somebody saying oh no
you’re smart no no I don’t say that you
yourself I said to myself no I’m a dumb
okay Roger that how you get smarter
educate yourself so the things that we
run from we run from the truth we’re
running from the truth man so the only
way I became successful was going
towards the truth as painful and as
brutal as it is it changed me it allowed
me to become in my own right who ain’t
many people spend their lives in a state
of almost permanent dissatisfaction
right unfortunately so there may be
looking for some purpose or they may
have given up hope that there is some
purpose for them and they’re just
surviving or making a living or caught
up in the doing holed up in the doing in
the stress of it right and so usually
when we talk about purpose when people
talk about purpose they think of purpose
in terms of future where am I going what
am I supposed to do what’s the direction
I’m going what is my goal the goal that
I want to achieve and that of course is
that has its place but I call that the
outer purpose more fundamental than the
outer purpose is what most people
usually overlooked and that is the
realization that what matters most is
finding your inner purpose so inner
purpose is aligning your life fully with
present moment so that you are no longer
out of alignment
with the present moment which leads to
the state of dissatisfaction that we
talked about that is the reality for
many people so you have to go first of
all beyond the state of dissatisfaction
that is so many people’s reality right
but you cannot go beyond the state of
dissatisfaction through some future goal
that says one day I would like to be in
a state of fulfillment or satisfaction
no you have to enter the state of
fulfillment and satisfaction by becoming
one internally with the present moment
in the your purpose and your inner
purpose is that alignment with where you
are right now to be totally where you
are and whatever you are doing even if
it doesn’t look like you’re the life
purpose for the bank for the next 30
years right whatever you are doing now
to be total in doing it and what no
matter what it is to be true to life by
being true to this moment I was gonna
constantly evolve you know I always want
to constantly grow and every one that
get to a point where I feel like I gotta
figure it out
you know I always want to like kind of
like push myself to be better you know
and do can do greater things no matter
what it is I mean I want to be the best
I’m a competitor you know I like to
compete you know like growing up with
you know the name Michael Jordan you
know I’ve always had a certain pressure
pressure on on myself and and always
having to kind of like you know prove
people wrong and
and I just kind of kind of like put an
instant chip on my shoulder I want it
just to be great you know and do great
things and um and then and it also
helped people man I’m really big in the
next generation I feel like that’s the
whole I thought that’s the only way it’s
gonna get better moving forward is if
you know you gotta leave this world in a
better place than it was when you came
in you know I’m born in 87 – question
mark I don’t know when I’m gone and I’m
saying but I want to work on my – and
I’m saying I won’t work on that that
time that I’m here and it is some and I
I can’t make it easier for the next
round of filmmakers in the next round of
actors coming up no that’s it and I mean
then I didn’t know I’ll be I’m
continuing going out on that take as a
corpse a lot again like I said you were
awesome ask me about the future I’ll let
you I’ll let you know a little bit
closer and I mean as far I can see right
now is the cold that’s all I can see you
need to bet on your strengths and don’t
give a about what you suck at
you’re gonna way too many people in this
room are gonna spend the next 30 40
years of their lives trying to check the
boxes other things that they’re not as
good at and that you’re gonna waste a
load of time and lose I highly recommend
auditing yourself or if you have no
empathy or EQ or self-awareness then
find somebody in your family
or friendship that does and let them
tell you who you are and once you
believe that either for yourself or
someone else told you go directly all
chips all into that because that is the
only possible way in my opinion watching
from the outside that is limited phrase
that is a very highly likely way of
over-indexing because the truth is if
you want to be an anomaly you’ve got to
act like one you know like and so that’s
it that’s what I got so thanks for
having me as I started studying people
that did more not people that didn’t do
more not people that said do less not
people that said hey don’t be satisfied
or be satisfied not people that said
they’d be grateful for what you have I
started studying people that said and
had done more that you can do more
that’s who I listen to today I listen to
the people
aren’t my friends in my life the people
I listen to the people I’ve talked to
you the people that I follow on Facebook
or or or YouTube or Instagram
I don’t follow everybody I follow the
people they say you can do more dude I
follow the people that say I am doing
more I follow the people that are
actually doing something on this planet
to make a difference for the better you
have to be selective you have to give
something up okay you cannot listen to
everybody to every voice to every person
is quit or given up you got to make a
decision if you have that little voice
inside of you that says you can do more
you have to give attention to that voice
and you got to feed it with those that
support that idea that you can do more
focus on things that are AI driven
artificial intelligence driven whether
it’s machine learning deep learning
learning neural networks medical
applications but within ai ai is a buzz
word that everybody is using right now
you know every in and to that point you
know we as all guys we go back and it’s
like 1995 we talked about the internet
and I would say to people back in 1995
look if you don’t understand the
internet you’re not gonna be able to do
business and now that’s just blocking
attack lane that seems obvious back then
it wasn’t right I could even take you
further back to my first company you
know what we did was a company called
micro solutions and we did local area
networks on wide area networks and I
used to walk into companies and say
you’re gonna have to hook these pcs
together at some point that’ll make you
more productive more effective you know
give you a competitive advantage and
people are like now I just carry this
floppy from this PC to that PC yeah okay
but today we’re at the same type of
inflection point with artificial
intelligence you don’t have to be an
expert and be able to put together your
own neural network you know you don’t
have to know what weights and biases are
but you have to have more than just a
cursory understanding just like you have
to know the difference between you know
different types of websites and you have
to understand ecommerce if you’re in the
e-commerce you have to have a cursory
understanding of how apps work you’re
gonna have to have at least if not more
cursory understanding of artificial
intelligence because it will change
everything we do and if the internet was
10x in terms of change to business
artificial intelligence will be 100x or
more if you go to my house right next to
my bed there’s a book machine learning
for dummies if you go into my bathroom
there’s deep neural networks for dummies
right if you go there’s a something for
dummies in every room of my house you
know you can go two ways I know but I’m
just telling you put the time I mean
I’ve taken you know I can’t even tell
you how many hours now I spent every
week if not daily working like I’ll go
into Amazon AWS and go through their
machine learning tutorials don’t think
to yourself I’m not technical enough or
I’m not gonna get this or I don’t get
into this or it’s too much try it get as
far as you can because it’s like doing a
basic website and a little bit of HTML
just having done that you feel smarter
and you feel a little bit more confident
about this you know I don’t want to be
an alarmist but I’m trying to scare the
hell out of you because it’s important
it’s a very natural process to begin
something to be very excited and then as
you go down that process to realize yeah
I actually don’t like this it’s not
giving me as much energy as I thought of
what is taking energy away and therefore
I want to give up and quit that thing
and she said if you do that once or
twice like hey so be it but if you’re
doing it every time if you just love
that initial rush that excitement of
something new but the actual
nitty-gritty reality of getting good at
it of doing what Michiyo Kaku calls
having but power meaning you’ve set your
butt in the seat and you do the work if
that’s really your problem and nothing
is interesting enough for you to sit
there and do the work you haven’t
developed grit yet and so grit is the
ability to persevere to see things
through to go past the point at which it
has stopped being fun and it becomes
boring because you believe
your end goal enough you’re excited by
what you’re trying to accomplish so much
that you’re willing to fight through all
of that difficulty you’re willing to
fight through the boredom you’re willing
to fight through the unease that arises
when you step outside your comfort zone
you’re doing things you’re not good at
and things that are boring those are the
two things that I find killed most
people they just cannot handle the
things that make them go oh God like I’m
not very good at this and I’m feeling
really badly about myself and they
forget that they can get good on a long
enough timeline and then to inevitably
in any pursuit of greatness in any
endeavor where you’re trying to gain
mastery you’re gonna get bored because
practice is repetition it’s doing
something over and over and over and
over to really train yourself to get to
the point where you’re truly exceptional
and there’s just so much bored of
inherent in that process so building in
the resilience to see all that stuff
through is the key part of grit and when
I say life doesn’t happen to you it
happens for you I really don’t know if
that’s true
I’m just making a conscious choice to
perceive challenges as something
beneficial so that I can deal with them
in the most productive way you’ll come
up with your own style that’s part of
the fun when we came to America we were
poor and broke the way I look at it
because we would always run out of money
before run out a month we decided you
know do we do without electricity or or
gas because some months we couldn’t
afford to pay both and you know being
broke as being without money being poor
as being kind of scarcity minded poor
minded and we just realized that money’s
for the rich money’s for the the
Americans it’s for the people who were
born here who went to college and that’s
how I grew up
and later Jim Franco taught me that hey
you know what you can’t be scarcity
minded you can’t you have to live in
abundance you have to understand that
people just want a solution to a problem
and they don’t care about the color of
your skin about the level of your
education they want a solution to prom
so he taught me he had to break all
these old patterns that I had right what
were some of the patterns some of the
patterns were that money’s for the white
folk and not for the foreigners you
actually thought yeah I really cuz
that’s that’s how it was because every
time we went and got got more food
stamps it was all foreigners there’s no
white people in line
he’s not not in the parts of Santa Ana
that I was raised and so I felt that
money was for the people who were
telling us to leave this country go back
to your own country and that also puts a
chip on your shoulder right against them
and so I guess I had some reverse racism
towards towards white America now I
realize for no apparent reason there was
a couple of idiots and every culture I
imagine right but so that was one
pattern that I had another pattern that
I had was that being proud to be
blue-collar like my dad was like and he
still says this work is holy and I
believe that work is holy but the fact
that he had so many jobs a paper route
pumping gas worked at a pizzeria and so
because of that mindset blue collar blue
collar always a blue collar mentality
and I took pride in being blue collar
another pattern Jim Franco had to have
the brake was thank good be white collar
don’t use the shovel sell the shovel I’d
never heard that phrase before I’m the
guy that took pride in I could dig a
deeper hole a deeper trench I could I
could outwork you but that’s still
trading time for dollars and so to be
able to break those who limiting belief
systems that I had to me was huge and
all of a sudden I realized I’m no longer
poor minded I may end up broke again I
do really well now but I may make one or
two bad decisions with my money or my
investment to end up being broke again
but I’ll never be poor and I know how to
get back from broke because I know how
to add value to society solve problems
and exchange for money but I’ll never be
poor again and poor is a state of mind
of feeling out of control scarcity
minded taking pride in being blue-collar
no one should ever take pride in being
blue-collar period period you’ve got a
brain you’ve got a solution to a problem
that people want to pay for put it out
there so when you say scarcity minded
abundant minded what do you mean
well the scarcity minded person says Oh
someone else opened up a gym you know
across the street from me they’re gonna
put me out of business I better charge
less right the abundant minded person
says someone else opened up the gym
across the street from me I better out
service them out work them out social
media them right so the scarcity minded
person is always the sky is falling the
Chicken Little mentality the
oh my gosh if Trump goes into office
then we’re all screwed oh my gosh if
Hillary goes in top this time we’re all
screwed I don’t care who’s in office
I control my own economy the economy can
crash and go back up and back down again
I will find a way as Tony Robbins says
I’m built for winter I just didn’t know
it and so more people need to be
abundant minded in that with the economy
crashes I just have to deliver more
value and create this category of one
about myself if competition shows up I
have to out service them out work them
out social media them versus shrivel up
and die there’s a very thin dividing
line between success and failure when
you start a business from scratch and
you know if you don’t have enough money
to pay the bills you go the wrong side
of that dividing line and if you can
somehow get enough money to pay the
you stay the right side of that dividing
line you know I’ve always been running
running running faster than perhaps I
shouldn’t and I’ve have great difficulty
saying no to things so keep on taking on
new things and we’ve just managed to
stay the right side of the dividing line
over the last 50 years in business but
but equally in those early days when you
when you’re starting a business without
any financial backing it’s it’s it’s
easy to slip the wrong side and in fact
you know most entrepreneurs do do slip
the wrong side and report the important
thing is then just pick yourself up and
you know start again if it doesn’t work
at that time keep keep going until you
do succeed how did you stay motivated
all the time people ask me that all the
time and the answer is I didn’t and
neither did you to become successful the
separator in life is really important
you’ll think the most inspired motivated
person wins nah not really
it’s the person who can work on the
day’s they’re not inspired and motivated
it’s what do you do when you’re not
feeling great what do you do when it’s
not your best day how do you do that
carries you through as rituals and
habits so when you’re fatigued when
you’re tired when you’re under pressure
you react reflexively and so successful
people rely on habits and rituals not
just their inspiration and motivation
level of course we’re both professionals
and being motivated and inspired but
that’s not every day every minute and so
what do I do I work
the days because my habits and rituals
carry me through and so for me here’s
how I look at my life in my day if I can
control the first 30 minutes of my day
and the last 30 minutes of my day I have
a whole lot better chance of the middle
of my day being controlled and so I’m a
freak about the first 30 minutes of
every day it’s really about the first 45
minutes and I’m obsessive about the last
45 minutes of every single day
that gives me some illusion in my mind
and measure of control the other thing
it does it delivers to me habits and
rituals that serve me that I do every
day that are consistent it gives me
comfort in stormy times that ocean out
there is raging at the top right now
right the waves are crashing at the
bottom of that ocean it’s completely
calm at the bottom of that ocean is the
habitual part of the water right it’s
the if the part of the were that stays
the most consistent that’s why it’s so
calm okay so when you see someone out of
control their emotions are up and down
all the time this is someone who is
without rituals and habits successful
people have those and so they do and so
it keeps me calm it keeps me comfortable
what I decided to do this I I first
talked to my my wife who is sitting here
in the audience and she had married a
you know relatively stable to goofy but
still relatively stable a person working
at a Wall Street firm I worked at a
quantitative hedge fund and this was a
hard decision and I was looking for the
right framework in which to make that
kind of important decision and and and
and the right framework I found is a
regret minimization framework and I said
that’s just a nerdy way of saying that
you want to project yourself to age 80
and then think back over your life and
and if you’re if you’re if you’re 81 or
the thew want to minimize the number of
regrets you have throughout that period
of time I think this is something a lot
of people do maybe subconsciously they
probably very few people probably name
it regret minimization framework because
most people are healthier than that but
but it was a very clear way for me to
think about making that kind of life
decision and the
in the way it helped was I thought okay
if I go do this thing and participate in
this thing called the Internet that I
genuinely believe is gonna be a big deal
and if I fail am I gonna regret having
tried and failed and I knew the answer
that was no but I also knew that if I
didn’t try that I would always regret
that I would always wonder and it would
haunt me until that you know mythical
day which I actually hope will come when
the things most matter you so
desperately don’t want to destroy it for
being scared that you can really destroy
it sure when I hosted the Oscars I was I
was like wow man this is a billion
people and I just thought okay whatever
you do just remember you’re a kid from
runga in Sydney you’re hosting the
Oscars have some fun you know and
luckily for me those turning points I’ve
somehow always stuck to that idea of
just having fun being an actor or even
being an artist and I had studied in
school behind the camera was not even in
the vernacular of my dreams
I was raised 9 to 5 you go to work your
work you work your way up a scale that’s
from your old man right yeah and that
was all I was able to even like I said
dream about so the idea of living life
and having a career that was in the arts
that was in the storytelling business it
was something that was really fun it was
not something that like said I even
dreamed up I was in the right place
right time right bar guy found me and
said you want to come in and read for a
part in a movie I’m here producing
called dazed confused I said sure I got
a read for the part it’s got three lines
three lines turns in three weeks work
there pay me 325 bucks a day people were
telling me I’m pretty good at it and I
think I’m getting away with something
and I still do feel like I’m getting
away with didn’t you ask you were just
afraid man so many people are afraid of
rejection and failure but without
failure you’d have no success we’re
stuck in the most biggest failure I had
a TV show called the big house got
picked up by ABC they told me that we
were gonna do 12 episodes flew me down
to New York
this is the biggest news ever I’m about
to be rich holy Sh I’m 22 I got a TV
show I’m writing executive producing
starring in the show you know what no
I’m not just gonna go down there by
myself we got to bring the cash they
said no Kevin we only flying you I said
well I’m a pay for the cast to come I
took my own money flew them all down in
New York get to New York put on my suit
people taking pictures of me walking out
this is the best thing ever
holy SH I’m famous this is what it is I
get to the up front up front to where
they turn out your TV show the slew of
shows there now Senor Tom sighs I’m next
they’re bothered announce the big house
somebody puts their hand on my chest and
says Kevin wait they talking to earpiece
they said nope I’m standing with him
right now
I’m like what’s going on where they want
me to do you know they want me go on the
other side or something he goes okay
I’ll tell him they cancel they’re not
gonna pick you up you got to step back
that don’t sound right literally that
fast they sent me home they’re like you
gotta just go home TV show got picked up
six months later for six episodes the
third episodes aired they canceled show
again I got to show can’t do twice in a
six-month period which has never been
done before I booked about three more
pilots got cancelled there was a show
called John Stamos his show he was a
publicist and they wanted me as a series
regular the show was going great ratings
were good put me on the show show got
it was everything got touched on TV
tarnish I’m now just sitting out here
doing nothing
I had no money borrow money left him
right I decided safe I said I’m just
gonna do stand-up comedy and focus on my
craft and I slaved the role about five
years doing the same circuit over and
over you really think creativity is
important whether whatever you do I
think it’s fun to be creative with meals
that you cook or meals that you eat or
vacations that you go on or dates that
you said you know I just think it’s fun
to be creative everyone likes that and I
think authenticity is just super
important I might be hyper aware of it
because I grew up in a
industry that’s rot within authenticity
that people will look you right in the
face and and totally tell you what you
need to hear at the moment I don’t think
that’s unique to that industry but it’s
filled with it there so I I think
transparency and authenticity is just
super important I don’t mind having
conflict with someone if we can then be
done with it
it’s that years spent where you know
that something’s going on and you’re not
talking about it those awful
Thanksgivings with the family of cousins
you’re like hey Jim hey Neela I hate
that I hate that life’s too short for
that stuff just saw this Rumi quote that
I love set your life on fire and seek
those who fan your flames the philly
translation of that is don’t be hanging
with no Jang casts Joker’s that don’t
help you shine the prerequisite for
spending time with any person is that
they nourish and inspire you they feed
your flame look at your last five text
messages are those people feeding your
flames or dousing your fire put your
phone down for just a second and look
around look to the people around you are
those people throwing logs on your fire
or they pissin on it
the people that you spend time with are
gonna make or break your dreams
everybody don’t deserve to be around you
you got to defend your light with your
life so who are the people in your life
that are fanning your flames shout them
out tag on below do you think there are
no hurdles are there obstacles that I’d
overcome but
even I got to high school I wasn’t
ranked that’s you know I wasn’t ranked I
wasn’t highly touted as a high school
prospect I had nobody really running
knocking on my door saying please please
please come play for our school until
Coach MacKillop called and you know
everything happens for a reason and
there’s there’s a story into everything
and and if you take time to realize you
know what what your dream is and and
what you really want in life no matter
what it is whether it’s sports whether
it’s in other fields you have to realize
that there’s always work to do and you
want to be the hardest working person in
whatever you do and you’ll put yourself
in position to be successful and you
have to have a passion about what you do
and basketball was mine and that’s what
scared me to this point here’s the
strategy for success of the secret right
go into your house and don’t quiet room
and you close the lights draw the shades
and sit on a couch and visualize a big
fat check twenty-five G’s thousand bucks
us okay with your name on it and I want
you to imagine that check and just make
that check go bigger in your mind and
make it real more real and just put it
out into the ether of the universe and
the law of attraction will take hold
just think about it boom right hello
if that’s your strategy for success only
that will show up in your mailbox is not
the check if they’re freaking eviction
notice from your landlord they’ll be
towing away your car your wife your
husband all for the next-door neighbor
and you’ll be so saying where’s the
check where’s the check okay
the secret is a load of crap okay do I
believe in manifestation yeah damn
straight I do but you got to take action
I’m one of those unfortunate people I
tried it I really died some I tried it I
read the book so let me try you know
it’s like I’d try to pray for the check
never came but I went out and started
taking action guess what the check came with a few a couple of zeros
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