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if you’re watching this and you feel
lost it’s better to just sit down and be
like I’m lost because the day you admit
you’re lost is the day you allow
yourself to be found by people who can
give you a tip everybody doesn’t win and
the sooner you wake up to that that
biology is ruthless man then you get a
little fear in you
and when you get a little fear in you
you start listening because if you’re
truly afraid you listen everybody’s lost
and the world is the blind leading the
blind so the ultimate adventure to me is
not just like bungee jumping or
something like that are going to the
Amish it’s trying to get insight and see
life as a puzzle and your goal in life
is to seek the adventures that piece the
puzzle together so that at the end of
your life you like kind of get get it
you kind of get it I feel like most
people don’t get what life is like think
about is like what is life like why do
are we driven with some basic instincts
what’s the purpose you know alright so I
know that you actually have a definition
of the good life around the four pillars
what are the four pillars and how does
it play into everything so yeah I always
say health wealth love happiness like
kind of in that order
if you’re not healthy you won’t care
about anything so I figured health is
the trump card and then the thing the
reason I put money second over love it
doesn’t mean like you should try to get
rich before love if you look at Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs a classic kind of way
to be happy there’s five levels to
meselson at the bottom one is
physiological or physical needs have to
be met food shelter water the second one
is safety
you have to feel safe the third one is
love and because if you don’t have
physical and safety right you don’t care
about love and if you don’t believe me
look up the number one reason people get
divorced its financial issues so I just
figured money doesn’t bring happiness
but the absence of money brings
so health wealth and then love and then
if you get those three that’s how you
get happiness like happiness there’s so
many books now about happiness there’s a
good one called happiness hypothesis by
Jonathan ie but at the core thing to me
happiness is like soup it’s like if you
make chicken noodle soup but you forget
to chicken it’s not chicken noodle soup
if you forget to put the broth in it’s
just chicken and noodles if you forget
the noodles so that’s what I mean like
happiness is a compilation of a whole
bunch of stuff you do right so the real
truth is hard work is 25% of the formula
because diligence is known in the common
language as hard work okay so if you
just think diligence alone will get you
success you’re like a basketball player
that thing she’ll play in the NBA cuz
you could shoot free-throws
ah there’s you ever seen the best
free-throw shooter in the world they’re
old 70 year old men who shoot
underhanded but they don’t play in the
NBA because the NBA is not all about
so NBA is scoring defense free throws
maybe is one component rebounding
assists there’s a lot of components so
the other three you have to get good at
the first one is perfectionism people
you have to know how to double check
your work
it’s that simple it doesn’t mean you’re
always a perfectionist but it means when
it’s important when you’re a pilot of an
airplane double check before you go they
if you get on a plane you hear the
pilots double checking the co-pilot
going you know hydraulics and the guy
goes hydraulics that and that’s why
planes don’t crash and it’s called Six
Sigma it’s three defects per million
your goal in business and in life on the
important things is to make three
mistakes per million transactions in the
only way you do that is by being a
perfectionist in terms of
double-checking so that’s 25% the next
one is organization I can’t tell you how
much better my life is and anybody
watching this will be if you wake up
every single day and you take ten
minutes I have yellow notepad sitting
all around my house I got that from Bill
Gates Bill Gates Bill Microsoft at 17 by
locking himself in a hotel room was six
yellow notepads and he wrote out the
whole basic
odhh for daus and things that built
Microsoft okay he became the richest man
in the world 18 years straight because
he was organized enough to lock himself
in a room and think through his day and
so what I try to do and whenever I do
this I have a great day whenever I don’t
I notice it be organized a little bit
ten minutes I actually have this little
couch thing outside of my shower and I
put a notepad by it I take a shower when
I wake up I walk over to that I kind of
sit there and I just write out I mean it
can be as little as three main projects
you want to get done that day so
organization is the other 25% so now and
then you have diligence which is hard
work hustle and perseverance but the
last one is the kicker and this is what
I was talking about the rewiring that
has to happen the last one is something
called prudence scientists call this
prudence prudence is the ability to make
the right decision and I can’t tell you
how many entrepreneurs and non
entrepreneurs even me at times – I’m not
special I’m lumping all of us in this
because of our upbringing in society our
goal is let’s say our goal is like that
camera right there so let’s assume
that’s north so I have this compass in
my brain and my goal is to go right
there let’s say it’s a mile away so
north what happens if society my
upbringing in school wired my compass
exactly backwards so I think let’s say I
can’t see that camera but I know I want
to go north so I pull out like my
compass and it points that way so I just
take off walking and I do it in an
organized fashion I do it in a
perfectionist manner I’m perfecting my
steps in my posture I’m also working on
you know hard work and hustle keep
walking towards your goal well the truth
is if you go south when you should go
north you could have gone one mile but
the earth is about 24,000 miles in
circumference so you get to walk 24,000
miles and you’ll come up on the backside
and you will get your goal that’s most
entrepreneurs the average person takes
20 years to become a millionaire
the problem is art is long but life is
short the art of living and getting to
your objective is long but he
doesn’t have to be it’s long if your
compass is backwards so the whole point
of what I’m saying about adventure at
the beginning is I’m trying to take
myself and point it to the true north
and you have to learn that from books
and mentors and a life experience and
listening and finding in-person mentors
and all those things they help adjust
your compass and most people are gonna
get what they want just about 40 years
longer you know you asked me one of the
rewiring things we have to do in this
world I’ll tell you one you ever heard
this myth everything happens for a
reason so just accept it well there’s
kind of truth to that if I jump off a
building and break my legs yes
everything happened for a reason
the reason was gravity like that’s why
you break your legs and physics legs
brittle concrete not brittle so that but
people interpret everything happens for
a reason be like well I was meant to
learn from that thing and then BS read
Richard Dawkins The Selfish Gene one of
the most important books written in the
last century he says organisms that only
learn through trial and error lose to
organisms that can learn through other
peoples at Rylander is anybody here we
got a little live audience anybody here
ever had to be hit by a car to learn to
look both ways I did it I kind of
learned from just somebody telling me
big car two tons velocity smash dead and
I now always look both ways so if your
myth is that the only way you’re gonna
learn is just through massive mistakes
and trial and error you have a red
Richards talking book if you believe in
evolution or even you don’t you believe
in creationism or whatever why do we
have big brains because we do have the
biggest brains on planet earth not
always use them but we got the biggest
potential it’s to be able to what
Richard Dawkins called project so you
can literally sit in this chair and
predict outcomes without having to do
them like so I can predict if I don’t
listen to Tom’s advice on how to do a
physical snack bar and get it in the
stores or a physical product bye-bye
playing hard-to-get for a year like you
did then I can predict most likely it’s
gonna not go well for me but I can
predict that if I download what you did
it’s gonna go better for me
statistically and that skill makes you a
powerful person it wasn’t meant to
happen yes everything happens for a
reason you made a bad choice but it
didn’t have to be that way and the
second you build up pain and this by the
way is not my opinion if you talk to
guys like dr. David buss top 10 most
cited psychologist in history okay he’s
one of my main mentors he told me I said
do adults change like we do all this
self-help videos and podcast I said am I
wasting my time he goes yeah kind of I
said why he said well after 25 it’s very
hard to teach old dogs new tricks by the
way that’s why I’ve changed most of my
stuff targets people 18 to 25 that’s why
I do snapchat and all that because
there’s hope for 18 to 25 oh now if
you’re over 25 before you get depressed
he told me but I have good news for you
time I said what he said adults learn
through massive trauma so you will learn
you have to let in some trauma into your
life and that’s rough but no pain no
gain like if you are 100 pounds
overweight and you want to be able to
play basketball here’s my news for you
everything happened for a reason you got
fat cause you ate too much and you
didn’t exercise so welcome to the gym
and the first year is gonna be hell but
that pain hopefully will reprogram your
brain that every time you want to eat
that nasty thing go wait I don’t want to
go through that pinion so I think one of
the myths of societies we won’t let pain
in we just excuse it all the way like
nah that wasn’t meant to happen
oh you wasted 20 years of life married
the wrong person in the wrong career no
tom it wasn’t happy and I was lucky
enough to sit next to Kobe Bryant for
the last like three games of his career
not the very last one with the three
ones so I sat at the end of the Lakers
bench right next door one his players I
won’t say who was having a bad game
free throws they’re lined up the whole
stadium is quiet Kobe Bryant yells out
of him he goes dude you suck and he
wasn’t joking okay it was shocking to me
no one could hear it unless you’re right
now but Kobe turned to Metta World Peace
Ron Artest who was sitting next to when
he goes this positive reinforcement
thing is way overrated people need to
hear the truth
Brian Kelly he turned around and looked
at caught Kobe and I was so impressed he
said I know he literally sat down and
said yep I’m lost this game and I kid
you not the rest of the game he had an e
he scored like 1012 points off the bench
after that and I was I was like see this
Kobe guy gets it he’s a winner you can’t
always just bring pleasure and Pat
everybody up he didn’t say yo Kelly
you’re kind of not playing well but you
know it’s all happening for a reason
buddy relax no pressure he just said
dude you suck it was like that and I’m
just going okay this is the real Kobe
and because we’re all narcissists
because of society and Instagram and all
this and I’m guilty of that too we don’t
like to be uncomfortable because a
narcissist story to themselves is you’re
the best and so you know you your
worldview is messed up that’s a wiring
issue let me put it this way I meet
people who think they’re smart okay what
it really tells me is they’ve never been
around actually smart people if you’re
really smart watching this let’s say you
have 155 IQ that’s what Bill Gates has
an Albert Einstein or up there my step
grandfather had 155 IQ he speaks 14
language fluently he can write Chinese
he’s a chess master he can play three
other chess masters without looking at
the board while may look at the board
and beat all them if you’re smart you
can do that if you’re not I got good
news for you
Warren Buffett says you only need about
a 125 IQ to be very successful but it’s
better to stay in your lane and just go
I’m not that smart but you can hire 150
like use find somebody that you look at
them and you go this is a person of
discipline motivation self motivation
they don’t need external motivation
they’re motivated from within and spend
all the time you can around it then you
learn what to do from them and the sad
thing is if you start a business and
your first business doesn’t succeed the
way your brain works you have dopamine
receptors they now scientists have found
that dopamine receptor is an add or
subtract so dopamine is the hormone or
the chemical in your brain that is the
reward chemical there’s multiple one
neuro up enough wind oxytocin all these
but whais dopamine works is like when
you go shopping and buy cool shoes and
you feel good that’s the dopamine and
dopamine drives us and what happens is
when you fail your body
they’re like little hairs they’re not
actually hairs but we’ll pretend they
are in your brain they fall off you get
less of them and the penalty for having
less dopamine receptors is you become
less ambitious you have this huge vision
you jump up seven stairs you trip the
fall hit your nose and most people never
come back you know win-win when you can
even if it’s small wins it’s better for
the better for the brain
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