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“Let SMALL BAD Things HAPPEN!” – Tim Ferriss (@tferriss) – #Entspresso

good morning believe nation it’s Evan my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe in your potential and I want
to see that great thing that you have
inside you explode out into the world
and have a big impact and so to help you
on your journey today’s message is
except the collateral damage over to you
Tim Ferriss in a world where people
expect immediate responses oftentimes
and increasingly so you have to I
believe let small bad things happen
constantly to have any agenda of your
own and to get the big positive things
done so it’s it’s recognizing that to
prevent all her feelings all mistakes
all problems all of this is impossible
and if you try to do that you’ll never
have a proactive schedule of your own is
extremely important so effectively just
saying I’m going to accept the
collateral damage and believe that what
I’m embarking upon is worth more than
those minor or reversible problems and
then forging ahead that’s it you got to
take a few flesh wounds if you spend
your life responding to other people’s
emergencies you’re never going to be
able to build anything amazing yourself
I just won’t happen and too often we get
locked into just answering other
people’s emergencies as soon as you step
into your office even before right like
you wake up you look at your phone
there’s missed calls there’s emails
there’s social media there’s all these
other people’s emergencies but then as
soon as you just dive into that you’re
just in fire putting out mode instead of
actually building something and I used
to pride myself as being the guy who
responded to emails really quickly right
like I’d be on it all day I’d have
alerts popping up like one minute you
sent me an email boom next minute reply
right and they would also feed it feeds
the excitement of who like when’s the
next email coming in great like exciting
to get that dopamine hit but also you
get the positive reinforcement and that
they respond back thank you so much you
responded so quickly I really appreciate
it right and so it feeds a cycle of
always wanted to be
and responding and it’s not that I’m
trying to say don’t respond to people on
email don’t write back to other people
and don’t put out the fires but if you
just always live in that zone then you
never build anything amazing for
yourself and so I had to switch I had to
switch my mindset in that I need to
spend dedicated time every single day I
started with what I call CEO time every
day so that when I first got into my
office or the first sitting down at the
computer now standing up that first hour
and a half or whatever chunk of time you
want allocate for yourself is spent
doing important work to build the
business and then you can deal with
everybody else’s problems and anybody
else’s fires it’s one of the reasons why
I still don’t have a phone number I
haven’t used the phone for I don’t know
how many years
Haden’s eight so Wow like a decade I
haven’t used a cell phone in a decade
that’s crazy because as other people’s
agenda for your time I have a phone I
have a data package but I don’t have a
number people can’t reach me somebody
calls you you look at the phone even if
you don’t answer it you want to know who
is that person and what do they want and
then it’s on your mind and it distracts
you if I’m doing the thing that you’re
supposed to be doing when you start
doing that when you start carving out
time for yourself when you start making
your CEO time and you put up the
defenses right like you need to block
out time because everybody’s trying to
get in everybody wants a piece everybody
wants you to do other things you’re
living their life you need to put a
shield around yourself and say no this
is my time this is this is
non-negotiable I’m blocking this off
this is my CEO time to build my thing as
soon as you start doing that it means
you’re gonna lose out on some
opportunities right that’s what Tim
means by accept the collateral damage
you will lose some opportunities and a
great example for me is media a lot of
times media is on there on a really
tight deadline so people will email me
the media will email me and say Evan
we’d love to have your comment on this
thing that’s happening we need to
comment in two hours like before 3 p.m.
Eastern we need to have a comment
because our store is going live and they
often missed that email like I get it
the next day and it’s too late and so I
miss that opportunity to get exposure
but what was I doing in that time that I
wasn’t watching email I was hopefully
doing something that’s going to give me
even greater opportunities right so
you’re always either playing for the
small wins for the quick hits for the
here and there right for like oh I got a
like Oh
somebody retweeted hey thank you a
constant playing for these little tiny
wins or you’re blocking off your time
making the shield around yourself and
say this is CEO time this is important
time for me to build my business nothing
gets in except like super emergencies
right nothing gets in because I’m
working on my business and what I’m
making in this time is gonna be amazing
if you never give yourself this time
then you’re never gonna be able to build
anything huge so the question of day
today is I’m curious what is the thing
right now happen in your life in your
business that is the most distracting
that is keeping you off task distracting
your focus moving you in a different
direction that you need to eliminate
from your life completely or just assign
it to a different time slot so you can
free up time in your business to do
something important what is that most
distracting element right now leaving
the comments below I’m really curious
about that I also want to give a quick
shout out to Johnny nuyen Johnny thank
you so much for picking up a copy of my
book your one word
I really really appreciate the support
and I hope you enjoyed the read so thank
you guys again for watching I believe in
I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever your one where it
is much love and I’ll see you again
tomorrow morning for another shot events
the reason I made it is because I knew
exactly what I wanted to do that’s the
thing I see with a lot of people
nowadays they became huge yes they don’t
really have a clear-cut concise goal in
mind or they don’t have that one thing
that they feel that they’re good at so
they don’t try to master it like I’m
reading a book right now called the
master by Robert Greene and it’s
basically taking that whole 10,000 hour
theory like you’re not a master at
something so you put in $10,000 yeah so
it’s like you got to find out one thing
to put in that time with and everything
else will sprout from my radio is my
thing losing focus is another way that
founders get off track I actually think
this is a symptom of burnout when you
get really burned out on running the
business you want to do easier things or
sort of more gratifying things you want
to go to conferences and have people
tell you how great you are you know you
want to do all these things that are not
actually building the business and the
most common post YC failure case for the
companies we fund is that they’re
incredibly focused during YC on their
company and then after they start doing
a lot of other things you know they they
advise companies they go to conferences
whatever focus is what made you
successful in the first place
there are a lot of reasons people lose
focus but fight against that really
really hard what kinds of business ideas
have you said no to I’m saying no to a
lot of ideas because as a CEO I have to
say no to opportunities because if I say
yes I probably get a 5,000 opportunities
every day but where the years are know
everything based on the meshing that
were helping is doing business easier if
it’s on that we’ll consider if our
somebody come in saying can you we will
you don’t have does it you will make a
lot of money I’m not interested
this volume you you have the most
important work ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you Apple that would be
like a little beacon they believe nation
if you want to know what the most
important one word is for Tony Robbins
Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah Winfrey
and Howard Schultz I have a very special
secret video for you check the
description for details
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