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Success Motivational – How to maintain success

how to maintain success so this is a
great question that i got from one of my
readers no arrests who wrote in the say
thanks to the video evan i got a
question is it possible to do a video
based on how you can maintain success
this is a great question and if you want
to maintain success the key is you need
to evolve and innovate a lot of times
entrepreneurs they start a business they
start seeing some successes start
getting sales they start getting market
penetration they start getting market
share and then you see the company start
to plateau you know you’re here you’re
just stable and then you start seeing
the company decline and this happens
with most companies look at how many
companies have lasted a hundred years or
longer and there aren’t that many most
companies shut down they fail they can’t
transfer to another generation they
can’t maintain their success because
they don’t evolve and innovate the
reality is your market is going to
change right you discover a secret right
you you discover a hole in a market
something that is missing and you fill
it with your product or service that’s
great and it works for a while but
you’ve got to change it over time right
you’ve got to continue to add to it
because the market is going to change
and if you don’t keep up with it your
company’s going to suffer you can’t keep
doing the same thing over and over and
over and over and over again okay look
at blockbuster right they had the the
video stores you know go with the go
there rent the video bring the DVD back
and then came along the internet and
then came along Netflix and blockbuster
had a chance to buy Netflix and that
deal didn’t work out and now
blockbusters out of business they had a
great concept it was working for a long
time they made a lot of money but they
didn’t innovate or evolve and the
company went under really quickly that’s
what happens to a lot of companies so to
get to a successful point is hard enough
but to maintain it is harder because you
need to keep innovating and evolving
when you don’t do that two things
happened one as I mentioned your company
suffers right you stop coming up with
new ideas and your company starts to
flat sales then starts to decline but
the second part is you become bored you
know as an entrepreneur entrepreneurs
we’re addicted to the new right we come
up with new ideas with the visionaries
we we have this idea of what we want to
create and then it’s fun to put it into
place and to start to see it grow we
don’t want to just maintain this boring
company we want to come up with new
things and so when you’re not doing that
as a company hurts your business but it
also hurts you like it hurts your soul
as an entrepreneur not to be coming up
with new things to help your customers
up so you want maintain success
continued to evolve and innovate believe
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