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Jamie’s World Cup Caipiroska Cocktail

word up foodtubers mr all over here okay
we’re gonna make a beautiful cocktail
for you you’re gonna love it it’s simple
it’s gorgeous and it’s a little twist on
the Copa Rainier and of course with the
World Cup going on right now in that
your fact as this video goes out I will
be in Brazil jealous yes even I’m
jealous of me it’s hot out there is all
those bikinis and we need a nice cool
refreshing drink to put a big smile on
your face it’s called the basil kuiper
Oscar and it’s using some lovely vodka
and some white Bianco martini vermouth
so let’s make it it’s very very simple
first up we need a lime so we’re just
going to take the end off we’re going to
half it this is for garnish then we’re
going to go in half here and then into
little eights this is going to go
straight into the glass I’m going to use
my little friend here and we’re going to
muddle this little glass here so it’s
about juice coming out but really
importantly the oils coming out the skin
beautiful so but once you’ve just
bruised the lime and the juice just a
little bit then over to the basil I want
to get about eight leaves of basil just
like this don’t want any stalk just pick
them off like that and whenever I use
herbs in a cocktail you need to spank it
to wake it spank it to wake it okay and
just a gentle pummel if you pound it up
too much you’re going to get slightly
acrid bitter notes we want perfume now
we’ve done that very simple we go
alcohol so first up we’re going to go 60
mils of white vermouth one glass in we
go and a kiss just a tiny kiss then
we’re going to go into the Booker by the
way both of these are cold right this is
a refreshing drink just a third of a
glass 20 mils
so three two one beautiful so the next
bit just get some nice cold ice
do a little kind of hankerchief move
here and get your hand around this no
gaps so it can all fly at the place
smash okay come and have a little look
at this nice and cold
we’ve got fine pieces of sort of snow
here and then you’ve got nice little
chunks here of ice and that’s quite a
nice ratio because obviously you’re
going to get the stuff that melts and
gives it that chill and just kind of
waters down the alcohol at the same time
you’ve got a chance that maintain
temperature and by the time you’ve at it
for a few minutes
perfect so first up let’s crack in with
about 3/4 of a glass of a little bashed
up snow here and that’s nice because you
can do this at home it makes you look a
little bit professional and then another
little thing I’m using a little wooden
spoon here you can use any spoon and I
just want to just twizzle it around a
little bit to mix it up and I don’t want
to really disrupt that base you know the
lime and the basil but we’re not
finished yet so try and get the bigger
chunks you normally find the bigger
chunks go to the side okay we’re going
to now load in the bigger chunks at the
top now come in here let’s find a bit of
basil leaf beautiful I like that and
then I want my little lime when I cut
the lime I’m going to cut it don’t cut
it right for the middle because you’ll
get that white pith I’m going to cut it
just back there so it’s just beautiful
okay so we’re going to go in with a
basil leaf okay and then we go for a
nice little straw okay
in between the lime and the basil leaf
and look we’ve got the yellow straw and
the green that is the Brazilian flag
delicious so there you go guys
a basil kuiper oscar from me to the
Brazilians that my friends is a
beautiful beautiful cocktail it should
be enjoyed by many
and of course we’re on foodtube now but
it has a little sister drink tube click
over here and please subscribe it’s
completely free and remember we’ve got
some of the best bartenders in whole
wide world giving you all of their love
and kisses and drinks so guys thank you
very much
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