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“START Before You’re READY!” | Marie Forleo (@marieforleo) | Top 10 Rules

start before you’re ready if you wait
until you feel ready to do anything
meaningful you’re gonna be waiting for
the rest of your life people can say
whatever they want but you do not have
to take it in and you don’t have to let
it ruin your day patience is one of the
most underrated traits in modern
business do not try and run before you
need motivation watch a top 10 with
belief nation
what’s that belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so let’s get your
motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and chew
on today’s lessons from a woman who went
from working on the New York Stock
Exchange to wanting to become a business
coach and started off doing that while
waitressing and bartending to now
becoming a successful business coach
entrepreneur youtuber and media
personality she’s marie forleo and
here’s my take on her top ten rules a
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one start before you’re ready there’s a
single mantra that has helped me my
entire life
bypass fear and make really any dream
I’ve had come true no matter how scary
it seemed no matter how intimidating it
was or how unprepared or inexperienced I
felt and that mantra is this you ready
for it
start before you’re ready I’m gonna say
that again start before you’re ready if
you wait until you feel ready to do
anything meaningful you’re gonna be
waiting for the rest of your life look I
have been doing this for a long time now
I’ve supported tens of thousands of
entrepreneurs to start and grow their
businesses across 160 industries across
119 countries and I’ve noticed some
similarities among the people who are
the most successful the happiest the
people who are actually contributing the
most they all have one thing in common
and it’s this they all start before
they’re ready you see I think you’ve
miss identified the enemy here because
the enemy it’s not making mistakes it’s
not changing your mind and the enemy is
not your fear the only enemy that you
need to defeat my friend is not getting
started this is what most of us just
fail to realize action is the antidote
to fear action creates progress and
momentum and action consistent action is
all you ever need to make anything
happen in your life rule number two
follow your fear you know it seems like
you can’t open a book or read a blog
post these days without hearing somebody
tell you to follow your passion or
follow your bliss or follow your heart
and yes I have said those things too but
today I want to talk about the power of
going in what can often feel like the
opposite direction I want to talk about
the power of following your fear I’m not
talking about following your very useful
fear of big moving vehicles and walking
in front of
nor am i talking about doing anything
stupid or irresponsible that could ruin
you financially what I am talking about
though is the power of following good
fear directive fear the kind of fear
that you feel when you have an idea that
just won’t leave you alone an idea about
doing something that you’ve always
wanted to do something that’s different
and bold and kind of risky where part of
you saying oh no I actually couldn’t do
that but the deeper wiser part of you
wants this thing so damn bad and the
moment you imagine yourself going for it
you have worries like you know will
people laugh at me will they ignore me
maybe this isn’t even really an idea
what if I do it and it sucks
am I gonna destroy my reputation am I
gonna lose my marriage and my family and
mind up living on the streets my friend
Steven Pressfield talks about this kind
of fear in the war of art and he says
remember our rule of thumb the more
scared we are of a work or calling the
more sure we can be that we have to do
it and he continues the more fear we
feel about a specific enterprise the
more certain we can be that that
enterprise is important to us and the
growth of our soul rule number three
don’t give away your power
number three is don’t give away your
power so anytime some nasty criticism or
BS comes your way you have to say this
you cannot take me down I will not give
you that power I want you to make that
your new mantra in life you got to
realize that people can say whatever
they want but you do not have to take it
in and you don’t have to let it ruin
your day your time on this earth is so
precious and it’s really really
important that you protect your soul
rule number four have patience now a
mistake I notice a lot of folks making
especially in the beginning is they want
instant results they want these black
Buster hits like a bajillion followers
on social media or millions of dollars
in sales after only a few years or maybe
even a few months worth of work I have
to say patience is one of the mo
underrated traits in modern business do
not try and run before he can walk you
gotta take pride in starting small and
scrappy and we try and operate small and
scrappy to this day you’ve got to be
consistent in what you do you have to be
relentless and most important this is
the thing you need to write this down
work your tail off to make your product
effing outstanding over the long term
rule number five be hungry I don’t think
that anyone should ever accept where
they’re at in life doesn’t matter if
you’re just starting out or if you’ve
already hit some really big goals
because when you lose your hunger you
lose your edge and it is as simple as
that now here’s the deal if we humans
don’t have something meaningful and
challenging to work on we all tend to
get lost pretty darn fast and I’ll tell
you something else we can go to some
pretty dark places at least I know
that’s true for me so there is some
nuance to this and it’s really important
that you get it so you can be ten
thousand percent grateful for what you
have right now you can smell the roses
so to speak and you can be super hungry
and psyched about what’s coming up next
those two things are not mutually
exclusive and it’s really important that
you get that fact in your noggin rule
number six fend off negativity every
single one of us who both dreams and
creates things faces voices of dissent
both from people that we know from
people that we don’t know and very often
the most deadly comes from within and if
we don’t take a thoughtful conscious
approach to taking on our unrealistic
dreams they just ain’t gonna happen I
want you to fend off negativity as much
as humanly possible you know we know so
much more about the brain than we did
just 20 years ago neuroscience has
taught us incredible things like that
our brains are continuously shaped by
our thoughts and our experiences and you
know this to be true
I mean negativity is one of the most
toxic forces on the planet it’s toxic
for your brain for your nervous system
and for your ability to stay motivated
so do me this favor okay do
not solicit or listen to the opinions of
people who are notorious for just being
Debbie downers the one mistake that I’ve
seen people make consistently is they
almost habitually talk to the exact
person who is the most likely to shoot
them down and make them feel like crap
so don’t do that
and here’s another key I want you to
always always always consider the source
meaning don’t put a lot of stock into
other people’s opinions unless they’re
actually out there consistently taking
risks and being brave and actually
making things happen I mean if you think
about it let’s say I don’t know you
wanted to climb Mount Everest would you
ever take advice from someone who’s
never even attempted the summit no of
course not that would be crazy so don’t
take advice from anyone unless you
really think it through and I want you
to ask has this person achieved an
unrealistic or impossible dream are they
taking meaningful risks on a consistent
basis do you admire who they are how
they live and what they contribute if
not do not use them as a sounding board
for your idea rule number seven be
boldly not for everyone
be boldly not for everyone so what does
that mean so sales prevention is this
beautiful thing in business and sales
prevention is when you proactively tell
people do not buy my product do not buy
my program you might be asking yourself
why here’s why because not every product
is right for everyone and that’s true no
matter how great you think you or your
product or your service is because you
cannot and will not please every person
so you really want to take that fact and
use it to your advantage you want to
focus on attracting your ideal customers
and really repelling the rest so for
instance in b-school here’s what I tell
people if you want to learn how to raise
money from venture capitalists we’re not
for you wonder why cuz we don’t cover
that if you’re looking for an easy
button to press and then BAM money start
shooting out of your laptop
we’re not for you you know why because
that’s not how real business works
people and if you think that you already
know everything there is to know about
list building and online marketing and
how to sell with integrity
we’re not for you because you know why
if you ready got all the customers and
all the integrity you’ll ever need
keep your dollars cuz I have too much
integrity to take them from you bottom
line is this when you are boldly not for
everyone you’re gonna attract way more
of the people that you are right for and
that my friend is the formula for
creating raving fans that’s the secret
to making your business a real joy to
run and when that happens you know what
start shooting out of your laptop no not
integrity rainbows rule number eight
increase your productivity we’re living
in a time when we are allowing our
brains to be trained to underperform
we’ve become addicted to check in our
phones write to social media and all
kinds of stuff and in doing so we are
reducing our ability to stay focused and
do the deep important work that we’re
meant to do in this world now what I’m
about to suggest isn’t complicated and
it is not time consuming but it will
require you to take back control of your
time take back control of this beautiful
brain and trust that your world will not
immediately fall apart if you don’t
immediately respond to every ding or
every buzz or every question or every
request put your entire life on airplane
mode so don’t try and ignore your phone
or ignore the emails or ignore the slack
messages or whatever else that you have
that dings and rings and pops up that’s
like me telling kuma to ignore this
slice of salami ain’t gonna happen
who can’t ignore the salami who can’t
ignore the salami
so rather than resist temptation just
eliminate it and that means you have to
put your entire life on airplane mode
now obviously turn off all the
notifications so close all the tabs
close all the windows turn off the apps
and especially for your phone I suggest
just turn in the damn thing off however
you also gotta shut off some people too
and that means that you might have to
tell your kids and your spouse and your
coworkers that for the next two hours or
one hour or three hours that you don’t
exist kind of like this see nobody here
rule number nine put things in
perspective anything that you’re going
through right now if you want to take a
big scary leap and you want to start a
new career or perhaps start a business
anything that you might consider a
failure is really just a necessary step
on your journey to success
so no matter what you’re facing right
now no matter what’s getting you so
scared there’s only one question that
you need to ask and answer to find the
courage to make that big leap and the
question is this what’s the worst thing
that can happen so not just by saying
yes but what’s the worst thing that
could happen if you said no so for
example a few years ago I asked my
really dear friend Laura to come speak
at one of our live events now this was a
big opportunity for her but I know it
was kind of stressful and I said you
know what this is big so take a few days
think about it because once you say yes
you’re gonna be locked in so first she
had to ask herself well what’s the worst
thing that could happen if I said yes so
for her it was the stress it was wishing
that she never committed which she
wished she never committed but it was
also this fear that she was gonna
completely freeze up on stage that she
was gonna mess up horribly and
completely ruin her reputation which she
did not now on the flip side she had to
ask herself what’s the worst thing that
could happen if she said no so you gotta
get that Laura really wanted to grow her
business and her brand and if she said
no to this opportunity she’d have to
face herself in the mirror every single
day and say
nice going bonehead you had the perfect
opportunity to grow your business and
you turned it down so now it’s your turn
I want you to ask yourself what’s the
worst possible thing that could happen
if you said yes and you’d fail miserably
so don’t just think about this loosely I
want you to get really specific and
tease out every single scenario that
could possibly go wrong and how you deal
with it if it did what most of us
discover is that no matter what the
worst-case scenario is we can actually
handle it but don’t forget you got to go
on the flip side too and ask yourself
what’s the worst thing that can happen
if you decide to do nothing and keep
your life exactly as it is are your
regrets gonna start to pile up like
pancakes are you gonna turn into some
miserable self-loathing sad-sack
I really want you to tease this one out
and get all the scenarios on the table
and then take a look what do you got
what’s the worst of the worst going for
it or not going for it and rule number
ten the last home before a very special
bonus clip is move and meditate I’ve
been through a series of traumatic
events and suffer from depression
I live in Iraq and my country has been
in war for decades I’m an architect and
love my job but here everything you care
about or build can be destroyed at any
moment that’s if you manage to survive
so here’s my cue how can I find the
courage to continue building knowing all
my hard work can be wiped away due to
circumstances I can’t control you know
right now I’m in New York and it’s hard
to fathom the fear and turmoil and
uncertainty that you experience on a
daily basis my heart goes out to you and
I want you to know that we are sending
you love and my hope is that something
we share today can help you feel
supported and find a sense of strength
you mentioned something really really
important when you talked about finding
the courage in the midst of
circumstances you can’t control that’s
the operative phrase circumstances you
can’t control you’re living an amplified
version of that but your
100% right for all of us so much of what
happens in life is completely beyond our
control and that can leave us feeling
powerless but here’s the good news
there’s one thing that we have just a
smidgen of control over and that’s
ourselves and how we choose to direct
our thoughts and our words and our
actions keeping this in mind when I read
your question there were two key habits
that I wanted to recommend for you both
of these can be done anywhere they don’t
cost anything and they’re both
scientifically proven to help improve
depression and anxiety and the impact of
trauma habit number one daily meditation
so meditation is the ultimate technology
for creating peace from the inside out
for me it’s what helps me stay connected
to the loving and strong parts of myself
and observe my circumstances without
getting swept away by them habit number
two is movement now what’s tough about
this one is that when we feel depressed
or were under extreme mental anxiety we
don’t feel motivated to do much of
anything besides maybe eating some chips
or in my case you’re really craving some
mac and cheese
however exercise is scientifically
proven to be especially effective for
depression you don’t even have to get
fancy you don’t have to go to a gym you
could run or you could workout in your
house you know there are a ton of free
videos on YouTube that just use your
body weight so you don’t even need any
now I’ve got a special bonus clip from
Murray on how to plan your day that I
think you’re gonna really enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking an action in your life
or your business and if you’re feeling
bold leave your answer in the comment
below here we go question number one
what do you need to start before you’re
ready number two how will you use the
fear to start serve you instead of hurt
you and number three what’s the first
so no matter how late at night you go
before you wrap up just take four
minutes and really think through
everything that you have to get done for
the next day so here’s how I usually do
it first thing I do is I open up my
calendar and I take a look at all the
appointments that I have for the next
day and the time that those appointments
will take like this one o’clock I got a
team call that last 30 minutes 3:30 I
have a Marie TV script review that’ll
take about an hour and then I have a
6:30 spin class then I write down all
the projects and the tasks that I need
to get done and I give myself a little
bit of an estimate about how long I
think each project or task will take of
course these are estimates sometimes I
get things done faster and sometimes
they take longer but at least I get
myself a baseline to work off of 9:00 to
10:30 a.m. I’m gonna write a first draft
of a sales video script I’m gonna give
myself about 90 minutes then from 11:30
to 12:30 I’m gonna review my social
media schedule give myself an hour for
that and from 2:30 to 3:00 I’ll do a
little email clear out and finally I
make a new little section at the bottom
of my notepad with personal things that
I need to handle for that day for
example get nanny a birthday card and
mail it that’ll take me about 30 minutes
order more kuma food all of 10 minutes
and book a haircut for the next month
takes me about five minutes boom that is
it super simple so when I do this it
informs exactly when I need to be at my
desk and working which tells me when I
need to wake up to have enough time to
do my little morning routine and get
everything done without feeling rushed
or stressed the worst thing you can do
is wake up in the morning and go
straight to your computer and open up
email and then all of a sudden you’re
pretending to work all day and at the
end of the day nothing important ever
got done nobody’s perfect and of course
not every day goes as planned but this
system gives you the best chance
possible and making sure that your most
important projects get done especially
was long yeah the most important work
ever if you had to think of one word
that’s most important to you or that
sums you Apple
if you want more marine check out the
first top ten rules video I did on here
the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there I want it
to be really successful but not just to
like get shoes I knew I wanted to make
money because I wanted to make a difference
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