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“Say YES to IMPOSSIBLE Things!” | Lior Suchard (@LiorSuchard) | Top 10 Rules

I always say yes to impossible things
that happens to me and I know I can do
it because I believe in myself I’m
trying to analyze you me go in there
before oh my goodness yes
that’s crazy surround yourself with
positive people stay away from
negativity the motivation wata top ten
with believe nation what’s that belief
nation it’s Evan I believe in you and
this channel is designed to be a part of
your daily success routine so let’s get
your motivation to attend and get you
believing in you grab a snack and join
today’s lessons from a man who went from
growing up in Haifa Israel and
performing as a 14 year old at people’s
birthdays to now becoming a highly
successful Mentalist and performing on
stages around the world
he’s Leora su chard and here’s my take
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
one master your craft if I give you a
dice until you put it in your hand and
shake it shake it and you don’t know you
don’t know what the number is because
nobody knows the number and I don’t know
the number
yeah but if you look at the number I
mean if you exactly if you finish and
you look at the number yes
now you look at the number now you’re
starting to transmit but but but because
I learned oh you got it yeah because I
learn how people you think of six I
think yeah yes so do it one more time to
look under the table under the table so
now is completely so really this is
nothing you do with luck I don’t know
the number of the dice but if you go
like this and you take a little pic take
a little bit you got it so now I can now
I know it’s a two and one last time just
to make sure it’s it you know what you
can do it here on the table so I’m gonna
turn my back you choose a number make a
choice and cover it so it’s gonna be
completely fair just choose a number yes
choose a number ten we can have it so
I’m not going to do it you got it yeah
so here’s the thing so now I’m kind of
trying to analyze you because you were
skeptical you probably stay on two and
one last time just for fun last time
just for fun so we had six you had five
yeah – you hit – and I think that after
those tell you when you’re done I’m
looking at the frame here you got it I
think you will go with the this time you
will go with the moon one oh my gosh so
it’s all about understanding how you
think if I get the dice one more time
that’s not a table that’s right well if
I just guess the number
well guess the number is luck we have to
say another but you have to know the
number okay I’m gonna turn my back
alright got it you got it yeah do you
know the number yeah you know that
number cleany
hmm I’m trying to analyze you me go in
there before oh my goodness
yes that’s crazy okay you got it right
every time it’s like when when I tell
you for example and don’t think
the pink elephant mm-hmm you merely
think about it and all the viewers right
now thinking of a big elephant so the
same thing when you watch the number
four you can think of three you can
think of five and now I know it’s like a
poke poke or tail when you look at it I
know what’s a four I know it’s a three I
know what’s a – I know I doing the years
I need far enough probably it’s all
about it’s like it’s like playing a
piano you know everybody can learn to
play a piano but not everybody will read
so I mastered the whole concept of
understanding how people things rule
number two always say yes something
happened to me at the age 21 I’ve always
been a performer I’m a performer artist
on a stage performer I’m not a lecturer
I don’t know how to lecture that’s why I
always start to think what I’m going to
tell you exactly when I was 21 I was
performing I was doing shows for a
little bit of corporate events
conventions 100 people maybe 300 people
some in private houses
private events suddenly I got a phone
call from someone highly or are we doing
a convention in South Africa 4,000
people big stage screens I’m going like
4,000 people I just did a show for 60
people how the hell I’m going to do a
show for 4,000 people but say yeah sure
no problem yeah we’ll do it the double
and after we finish the conversation I
said to myself are you crazy
what what what what what why did you say
yesterday’s you’re not you’re not
prepared what did you do it then it
figure out to me I am yes man I always
say yes I say yes then I face the
challenges really and its really
sharpened that the life as I know it
right now because after I said no no
problem and I thought to myself what do
I do
how will I do it I was figuring out a
way how can I make this work okay even
today I mean I I don’t know how to
lecture but I figure out let me let me
think of a lecture and I’ll show you
some cool stuff and I will tell you a
little bit of of the story of how I how
I see things you know Edison said
something very very amazing that I
really loved he said when on the on the
way to it to invent the light bulb he
I didn’t I didn’t mistake I didn’t have
mistakes I just had 10,000 I found out
10,000 way how not to do it okay this is
something that I really really believe
in so from that day on I say yes to
anything then I break my hair to how to
do it I see the challenge in front of me
I go I do it no problem rule number
three understand how people work I
always say this let me try to explain to
you I don’t know what people are
thinking I know how they’re thinking
okay so imagine there’s like lots of
lots of buttons okay and I know how to
press the right buttons and the right
algorithms to get information to
influence them to do a little test will
do something very cool okay so we just
met we don’t know each other that’s true
I want you think of something there’s no
possible way on earth I could know I
always go for like a crazy I think of
your first boyfriend something that is
not a chance
there’s about 20 people here in this
room anybody here knows the name no no
one knows your first boyfriend and
nobody in the room nobody knows okay and
you did not tell me the name at all and
okay can you just tell me what was your
age back then 90 you you’re 19 first
dating and stuff so it’s kind of like
three years ago
yes I’m just gonna look at you and I’m
gonna count one two three four five six
five four three two one I think it’s six
letters in the name just count yes yes
okay what I’m going to do I’m gonna
write something for you because it’s
gonna it’s very interesting cuz you’re
looking at me and you’re thinking to
yourself there’s no way he will get
there haha right there’s no way you’re
trying to throw me off here somewhat can
I use this should I write something I’m
gonna write something here fascinating
it’s really it’s the best kind of
interest rate because it’s kinda like an
Indian not Indian yes you may be right
at that counter and it’s gonna go
I hope it’s watching well lucky for him
Aamir on national television right
really our sous chef
I’m I’m running something I’m not sure
it’s kind of weird weird for me okay I
wrote a name and and I want to tell all
the viewers people are very skeptical
and I want to address the viewers right
now they always think that you know they
just set up and I paid you something you
did not please look at the camera tell
them you did not tell me any information
I do not want my first boyfriend’s name
to be on national television this is not
information I would give him trust me
I promise yeah so I wrote something here
and what was the name of your first
boyfriend coming Khalil
like this okay that’s pretty close
Kelly okay look at this that’s pretty
just replace to see with the kid oh
that’s fine that’s very good that’s very
good I’m impressed look at the perks of
dating me you make it on national
television oh yes Khalil if you’re
watching us right now no I’m kidding
that’s for you wow that’s really amazing
how would I know that I don’t know when
we think we transmit yeah and you just
need to be a very good receiver also and
if it works together thoughts are like
energy like like frequencies and my job
is to try to get those thoughts all the
way but so then basically what you’re
saying is you don’t know what we’re
thinking you know how he thinking so
you’re saying all of us think the same
way in a way in a sense so with you we
did the first boyfriend test maybe with
somebody else I’ll try to get a number
yeah okay because with you because you
are you are a very intuitive person
thank you and you are no any because
you’re and you’re also very sensitive I
know that that’s why I said well with
you we’ll go with something sensitive
something from the heart something that
you used to love someone when you were
19 years old let’s raise that thought
into your and because you’re very
sensitive I will have a possible way to
find out to do it I will not ask you to
think of a number from 1 to 100 because
this is very very analytic and I went
into you’re more or less sensitive sites
rule number four find your drive why do
you keep doing this
and I love the I love how people react
to it when I see people wondering and
here’s an interesting thing that I don’t
think ever nobody talked about it what
is the sense of wonder what is it what
do you think is I wonder what is one
someone is wondering they’re curious but
if you wish oh so you left you were like
ah oh my god
some people will cry mmm some people
will go like this it’s something but
we’ll just mmm there’s look I mean we
know yeah exactly
you know laughter you know it’s
universal this is laughter sadness you
know it’s the opposite angry you know
it’s like this wonder is very individual
if you think of wonder not everybody
will go like this not everyone some
people will go like this some people
would be like shocked
once I had a show and nobody clapped
their hands at the end and I was fell so
I said no you understand it was to shock
Wow so I had to reprogram the show to
get to cause applause so so it’s very
interesting you think about it
and when I see the audience wondering
becoming a children again that’s amazing
Wow that’s why I do what I do
rule number five believe in yourself
even today I always say yes to
impossible things that happens to me and
and now I can do it because I believe in
myself and this is something very
important to you and you need to believe
in yourself also you’re not going to
believe if you think positive you’re not
going to believe how amazing things will
happen to you right now if you start to
believe in yourself you will not only
know how to deal with challenges and
crises and then find solution to stuff
you will also not only that you will
find opportunities for good stuff you
will create the opportunities for
yourself someone I don’t remember who
said it but someone once said something
very cool he said if opportunity doesn’t
knock just build the door rule number
six spread positivity what are the three
things somebody would take away from
your learning if they attend your
workshops I read your books my teachers
my teaching is not necessarily to get
something and do do is I do the teaching
is made by you to discover your
I do okay so it’s probably teach people
this techniques how to be positive the
real techniques that I think you can you
share with me some no no no but okay but
one of them is you know one of them is
to give a compliment on on a daily basis
to whom to anyone you can you can think
of so because when we give we transmit
and we we get it back from the universe
from the environment from the energy so
when we we’re positive positive things
will happen to us and it’s not a
spiritual way it’s khalaq it’s a
psychological Karma you call it Wow so
give a compliment surround yourself with
positive people stay away from
negativity this is stuff that I really
really really recommend recommend yes
rule number seven help you know we have
the Israeli government and Turkish
government for example director
sometimes they’re like friends not like
on-and-off connected to the situation
Turkey and the Israel and sometimes it’s
a bad relationship so there’s a good
relationship but there is do we have it
I think there was a series it was a big
earthquake in Turkey and we sent the
first special units to help and save
them no matter what was the red shift in
the politics save it as always by the
way in Thailand in the way that the case
was Israel sent people to help always
always always always and you put
politics aside then we had a few years
ago we had a big fire in Haifa in Israel
big huge fire and the Turks sent the
super tankers to help us back it’s kind
of like and it shows and and the next
day you know the Prime Minister’s gonna
say we’re hate you and and it’s an
something interesting so the first thing
I think when you’re in a group of people
always the first one to say how can I
let me let me help let my support how
can I support you and I’m not talking
about giving money to people I know it
just helped you know in a way in a way
then it will like most likely will
influence other people to help you okay
exactly a Robert talks about the waiter
who gives you the check with a few guns
my wife
because if can you want to give them a
bigger tip exactly rule number eight
have relentless curiosity what is the
really Minds influence people know
things relentless curiosity the reason
why I have this curiosity is because
that nobody teaches what I do you can
learn you cannot learn this in school
University there’s no PhD in mind
reading although I think it would be
amazing it’ll be PhD in mind ring but
there’s no all I was doing I learned by
myself I learned to do it I learned to
practice I plug is it more and more and
more and more and the stuff that I’m
expert I don’t know no no rule number
nine build rapport the best way to
connect to someone is first of all to
create a rapport to create a mirroring
of his death person as you can see we’re
sitting in a in a mirror position next
to each other your head your elbow is on
here only your elbow my elbow is here
your other hand was not there in mine is
here so we’re kind of sitting crossing
legs exactly the same and you noticed
that when there was a mathematician
called Rachel bender he discovered
something amazing he discovered that
when people have a good wipe good vibe
yeah good good vibe or good good talk or
good let’s call it chemistry chemistry
they start to mirroring each other you
can in a very subtle way you can see it
in as you could say first date that
works you see that he’s leaning she’s
leaning he’s taking drink up cup she’s
drinking a cup it’s not like you kind of
like see you will see a lot of
politicians doing use those those
techniques to do that so he said he
asked himself if if it happened
naturally if someone with a good
connection starting to mirror each other
where the work to the other way so if I
start to mirror someone will really
increase the chemistry and the answer
was yes so you’re saying so let me get
this right
let’s say I need you and I want to
create a good vibe with you let’s talk
with a common viewer right now let’s say
you’re in a job interview let’s say your
first date let’s say you want to
escalate from your boss let’s say
anything the first thing you need to do
you need to connect to the other person
okay not in a
like a monkey way if you do something
you do something it has to be very very
subtle so if the boss is asking you so
it goes like this so why why do you
think you need the raise so your answer
should be well so you need to imitate
what he just did in a very subtle
natural way so if you will get to it
it’s not easy okay if he if he takes a
cup from his coffee and ask you a
question you will take a cup and answer
your question
Wow so it’s small small you guys are
less important it gets to a level where
it’s it’s working on on breaths and I
movements and breathing and nose and
tiny movements that helps the whole
thing Wow but in general it’s called
rapport mirroring okay we can google it
it’s a basic law of and neuro-linguistic
programming NLP and the idea is it’s
varied I think it’s really amazing if if
these laws of attraction if the good
vibe happens and then people start to
mirror each other it will happen the
other way around and and if you do it it
will increase you know like a good
energy between the two people and rule
number 10 the last one before a very
special bonus clip is amaze others let’s
do this we are in a business Channel so
I want you to close your eyes yeah and
think everyone has a pin code number so
don’t say it to me okay and you you have
epic you also think on number just
you’re just a quick question did you
ever tell anyone any information in here
no they tell me anything
zero can you look at me one second can
you I’m just gonna can you just can you
just tell me the first digit of your
secret pin code seven like this yes that
is correct it is correct
so it’s interesting I’m just gonna go
one more just didn’t tell any
information one two three four five to
go it doesn’t what’s the second one I
think one like this yes it is but when
you don’t when you said when you said it
go actually you were going like oh my
god my pin code your pin code ends with
one I think that’s right see it’s very
strange is right I’m just gonna go and
ask you if this is the next number yes
it is it is is there any possible way I
could know this
it’s a trick of some I I think this is
your pink code number I’m not sure yes
it is it is your people number it is
yeah it is I’m not connecting right now
take this and hide it and do anything
you want with this you’re very skeptical
okay yeah I’m I’m thinking of a two
digit number right now I’ll do something
I’ll do something better than yeah take
this I just came back from Vegas then
choose any number and cover it quickly
just to do I don’t know look okay I love
it when they do I’ve got it do you know
the number
I certainly do I think I I’m not sure I
think you will go with four I think damn
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
with Lior on how to be a great
storyteller that I think you’re gonna
enjoy but before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions time to
move from just watching another video to
actually taking action in your life or
your business and if you’re feeling bold
leave these answers in the comments
below here we go
question number one what can you do that
amazes others number two how can you
spread some positivity today and number
three what will you do when you need to
how important is storytelling in
mentalism that’s everything that’s
everything it’s everything how did you
learn how to tell better stories I
didn’t I didn’t you know I just you know
it it’s I’ll tell you a little story a I
think it was like ten years ago I did a
show and the guy came to me and told me
I have a show for a company for a swatch
group in Switzerland this watch brand
and I have all the retailers do you
think it’s it’s amazing you seen you can
do something connected to the watch and
then I were like hmm like thing every
idea and then started infotainment in
programming infotainment which is
creating this stuff I said okay so I
know how to get things for dies what if
it wasn’t a dice what if it was
different messages of a company and you
look at something as oh you’re looking
at how important is the connection with
the workers and then I would I find
myself talking about the messages
conveying the messages but in a way that
people remembers it right so force watch
I took tell people on stage I told them
to one of the acts hold your hand above
your watch count to three and I actually
stopped all their watches stopped
completely from they are you didn’t
touch the watches I told him I was going
like this to them the water stopped even
touch the watches the audience goes
whatever touched about the audience goes
wild one lady from those ten people said
my watch is still working and I started
to act like no way going on what’s going
on oh it didn’t stop and I was let me
see him you see and I was going like oh
you have this watch and that was like a
moment because then I except what do you
have what do you have and I talked about
all the other brands Wow well I could
stop but I could not stop this water’s
powerful and the message was I can’t do
it that’s brilliant and it was a
metaphor of course by the way I could
stop any of the watches I just made it
look like like I acted everywhere and I
saw the owner of
mr. Hayek is the owner of he passed away
but they back then it was like because
you had 700 people who sell his watches
and now we wanted to say how good is the
if you like this video check out the
David Blaine top ten rules one I did I
think you really enjoyed the link is
right there next to me continue to
believe and I’ll see you there I started
with us about five years old and I
carried the cards everywhere that I went
and I didn’t really know what to do with them
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