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Rewrite Your MIND (40 Million Bits/Second) | Dr. Bruce Lipton “It Takes 15 Minutes”

these programs can change a belief you
had your entire life
in maybe 15 20 minutes many of them
create a state of super learning like
you were when you were an infant yet
there is a better and faster way even
their mind has two parts the
subconscious mind is the original brain
and it can process 40 million bits of
data from the environment every second
the mind is very powerful and very fast
but it’s totally habitual it’s not
creative it can only play back what it
learns in evolution the front part of
the brain the prefrontal cortex gives
rise to consciousness it’s a small piece
of the brain that is consciousness self
or consciousness is an add-on option and
most people don’t exercise the option
but note it has it can process only
about 40 bits of data per second the
subconscious mind is 1 million times
more powerful
well the subconscious mind is fast the
conscious mind is slow at processing
that’s why when you’re an emergency or
stress you operate from this one because
it can operate fast and handle lots of
data but the difference between the two
is this is habitual it is the conscious
mind that is creative and can generate
free will the conscious mind can control
anything in your entire body they used
to say there were parts of our body that
were involuntary control but now we know
that that’s not true look for example
Yogi’s can regulate their heartbeat
their blood pressure or body temperature
with conscious mind so while the
conscious mind can only handle a few
things the subconscious mind can do many
many thousands of tasks at the same time
now recently neuroscientists are talking
about how your unconscious really shapes
your life your decisions what do they
say according to cognitive
neuroscientists we are conscious
of only about 5% of our cognitive
activity most people one percent of
their day is in the conscious mind so
every day you you create only from your
creation mind your conscious mind only
about 1% of what is going on in your
life and therefore 95 to 99 percent of
your life comes from your programming in
your subconscious mind so what this
means is maybe you were the child in the
store and your parents said you do not
deserve 95 percent of the day you will
sabotage your life to make sure you do
not deserve and the reason why is the
subconscious job is to create reality
out of the program and so therefore if
you have negative programming 95% of the
day you will create that negative
experience in your life now here’s the
problem the conscious mind and the
subconscious mind work together
so whatever the conscious mind focuses
on it could control but what it’s not
focusing on the subconscious mind
control so most of our day we are
thinking about the future or thinking
about the past that’s what the conscious
mind so if the conscious Minds not
paying attention to right now then
everything you’re doing during the day
is being run by the program that you got
but the problem is because your mind is
not the conscious Minds not paying
attention then it does not see the
program being played by the subconscious
mind so most of every day you are not
playing programs they you personally
want you’re playing programs that you’ve
got from other people but you didn’t see
those pillows programs so when your life
doesn’t work you say that the universe
does not support me and yet the truth
was it was
own invisible behavior that sabotage you
so what’s important is some people say
well maybe I just do some positive
thinking which mind does the positive
thinking conscious or subconscious the
conscious mind which works at five
percent a day with a 40-bit processor
and when you’re doing your consciousness
are you paying attention to what’s going
on who’s running the show the
experiential programs from the
subconscious mind and that is 95 percent
of the day with 40 million bit processor
does positive thinking work do the math
and the issue is that it’s very
difficult to take a small processor and
overpower the large processor and you
have to use what is called willpower
with the emphasis on power to override
now here is the second catch or the
second problem the subconscious mind is
like a recorder tape player it records
an experience and then when you push the
button it plays the experience back so
then we take our conscious mind and we
want to talk to the subconscious mind
and change the program now think about
it this way you have a tape player and I
give you a cassette with a program you
put the tape in and you push play and
the program is going you say I don’t
like the program then you go up to the
tape play and you say change the program
and change the program the issue is the
tape will not change by doing that but
there are ways to change the program if
you know how to push the record button
so your life does not reflect what you
want it reflects the program you were
given so one way out is consciousness
just be conscious and then you don’t
play the tape a second way out clinical
hypnotherapy because that puts you back
in the same brain state that you were in
in the learning period and then you can
put a new program and rewrite the tape
yet there is a better and faster way
even there’s a group of new psychology
modalities called energy psychology
there are many different versions for
example holographic Repat earning
bodytalk EMDR eft the one i am most
familiar with this psych-k psy c h k
these programs are like pushing the
record button on the tape player these
programs can change a belief you had
your entire life in maybe 15 20 minutes
many of them like psy k create a state
of super learning like you were when you
were an infant but I’m now going to show
you how your thoughts go out and affect
your life on the outside
EEG you put wires on your skin and read
the brain activity ma ji the the probe
does not even touch the head you can
read your brain activity outside of your
head it’s not magic when a nerve carries
a signal it’s like an electric wire it
has an electrical component and so the
electric component can be picked up by
electrodes on the skin but when a wire
is carrying a current it also has a
magnetic field around it the magnetic
field passes through the skin your
thoughts are not contained in your head
the people that you get connected to you
are entangled with and many people are
familiar if you think about someone you
are talk about someone you haven’t seen
for years and I say oh I haven’t seen my
friend John in ten years and the phone
rings and it’s John it’s like the
placebo nocebo when you think very
positive thoughts of someone they make
an effort to get in touch with you but
it works both ways if you have a
negative thought about somebody wherever
they are they will create negative talk
about you
so it’s very important to recognize your
thoughts and your judgments are not just
connected to you they’re connected to
the people you talk about you are
exciting and activating those things in
the world that are connected to your
thoughts when a mugger is trying to pick
out which person he is going to attack
of the different people walking down the
street which one do you think has
attacked the one who is most afraid
because the one who most afraid will
resonate and that means that the mugger
doesn’t have to do anything go boom and
everyone will give him give him
everything [Music]
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