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Revenue Model – How Evan Makes Money

hi I’m Evan Carmichael and in today’s
video I wanted to answer a question for
one of my readers Mary really like this
one so Mary writes in hi I’m Anne I
enjoy your articles great information
and inspiration however I don’t
understand how you actually earn your
income I never bought anything from you
and you don’t seem to be selling
anything in your posts what do you
actually do for a living I would
appreciate a reply with guards Mary so
thanks for the question Mary I have a
hard enough time explaining to friends
and people I meet what I do too so I’ll
do my best here of this video how I
started was I really like helping
entrepreneurs that’s why I said on my
website I started by profiling famous
entrepreneurs and lessons that you can
learn from them because that’s what I
found inspiration I find it really
helpful for me and I wanted to share
that with other entrepreneurs I started
doing these videos because people had a
lot of questions and I thought other
people could benefit from having some
video content as well where I answered
it so it all started around me wanting
to help entrepreneurs that was really my
passion and I really believe if you
follow what you’re really passionate
about it then you add a ton of value and
you’re really helpful then success will
follow you so for me how I make money
with my site now is mostly advertising
that sponsorship so if you click on any
of the articles that I have on the side
you’ll probably see an ad somewhere on
the site also we tend to partner up with
organizations who are trying to reach
the entrepreneur community and they
might sponsor a section of the website
but I try not to be too blatant about
that and it’s not overwhelming and I
you have promos and a newsletter most
places on the website I experimented a
lot with different business models I
looked at the affiliate marketing model
for a while or that’s basically what
you’re selling somebody else’s product
and it has a hard time getting the value
out of that and putting my name behind
it you know I could maybe make a lot of
money I could pitch somebody’s probably
say hey this is the greatest thing ever
you know Mary I think you should buy
this product as it’s fantastic but if I
haven’t used it and I haven’t found
benefit in it then I don’t want you
buying some info product and maybe I
make a good Commission off of it but
then you find out that it’s a junky
product and say oh let up as a douche
bag for recommending it and then you’re
never going to come back and visit my
website and that’s not the relationship
that I want to build so I want to try to
promote things that I actually use and
enjoy find value in so I didn’t have a
lot of success with the affiliate
marketing model I did create my own
business planning product so I had a
hard time finding good business plan
products so I started my own so this is
one product that we do sell but mostly
my rep you comes from advertising
sponsorship and it all started from me
not not trying to go out and make a lot
of money doing advertising sponsorship
but trying to help entrepreneurs and
answer their questions and help them
grow their business and follow my
passions that’s what I really enjoy so I
hope that helps answer the question if
you enjoyed the video please give it a
thumbs up and also love to hear your
thoughts and feedback if you want to
leave a comment below the video and stay
tuned for the next episode
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