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stopping halfway should never be an
option I mean think about it
you start pursuing a goal or an
objective and stop by the way why do you
want to stop all of a sudden look how
far you have come in the process and why
did you start in the first place
just to quit now imagine you are on a
small boat at sea from let’s say Dover
in England to Dunkirk in France
depending on the type of boat the
weather conditions at sea and other
circumstances it would take you
approximately two to four hours a three
hour journey that’s all now you must
have left the city of Dover in England
for a reason let’s say you had business
and friends or maybe you just wanted to
get away for a day or you wanted to
visit Dunkirk as a tourist
whatever the reason there had to be a
reason for you to decide to get on your
boat and start that trip now can you
imagine that halfway on route you
suddenly decide to turn back again
because the sea is starting to get rough
or it is starting to rain well let me
tell you something the sea will be just
as rough on your way back and it would
not all of a sudden stop raining
just because you turn around again plus
it will take you the same amount of time
to get back if you don’t have a really
good reason then why quit my point is
this every journey you take in life will
have its rough patches at times but such
is life it can’t all be just roses and
unicorns there has to be opposition the
universe has its way of testing us and
that makes our goals and dreams worth
fighting for
would it not be boring if everything
would be the same all the time
with that darkness there would be no
meaning to let no bad no good no hate no
love for something to exist its
counterpart must exist as well that is
the law of the universe the yin and yang
but that is not a reason to lose your
focus just because something exists that
you don’t like you do not have to give
in to it
take a rollercoaster ride for example it
goes up it goes down
and up and down but it always moves
forward and it never stops you are
forced to sit through it because you
have a safety belt on and that’s just
the way roller coasters work see life as
a roller coaster ride as well the main
point is to enjoy even if there are some
awkward turns and frightening moments
you do not enjoy about it
sit it through in the end it is a
beautiful journey full of thrills and
full of emotions do not go crawling back
with your tail between your legs
just because it starts to get a bit
difficult if you do that it will eat a
part of your soul unfinished business
will haunt you for the rest of your life
so if you start something finish it in
one way or another so let’s say you
finally make it to Dunkirk in France but
you hate it there well now feel free to
go back
you went there had a look did not like
it came back that is totally fine but
you finished your journey and when you
come back your friends will ask you how
you liked it and you will say well I
hated it and they will laugh but they
will say to themselves he decided to go
there and he did and that is something
people will respect you for and
something you can respect yourself
before but imagine turning around
halfway and telling that your friends
when you come back they will think you
are a bit silly to start the journey
they will say look next time just stay
at home you don’t finish things you
start anyway and now imagine we decide
to go all the way to Dunkirk and what
happens you hate it at first it is wet
then nobody smiles when you greet them
and you say to yourself what a horrible
idea it was to go there but then you see
a small cafe in a street corner because
you’re hungry you decide to have a
citizen order a meal and it turns out to
be the best meal you have ever had and
while walking through the boulevards and
streets you meet a beautiful person who
invites you to Paris for the weekend or
you get to know somebody who offers you
an incredible business opportunity an
office to fly you to roam free of charge
to discuss further matters so even
though you did not like your destination
it turned out you had a wonderful
experience there and all of a sudden he
realized the Dunkirk was not your
destination in the first place it was
just the shortest up to get you to Rome
or Paris or some other exciting place
you had never been to before this is the
story is obviously a metaphor for life
the things like that happened the small
miracles unexpected new opportunities
just stick through your journey and
finish the things you started because
you will never know what you missed out
on if you decide to give up halfway
the journey can be hard it can be tiring
it can be dangerous it can be
frightening but any journey you finish
until the end will be the best journey
you ever had so dare to dream and dare
to do
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