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“Always STRIVE To IMPROVE Yourself!” – Will Smith – #Entspresso

rise and shine it’s an espresso time
good morning relief nation it’s even my
one word is believe and I believe in you
I believe in that amazing gift you have
inside to you that needs to be shared
with the world so let’s start the day
off right together grab your cup of
coffee and sit on today’s message
improve yourself
over to you will Smith the concept of
improving lives runs through the center
of everything I do and then I realize
that the the way to improve lives is to
continually improve yourself right so
with that every every morning when I
when I get out of the bed you know I I
haven’t fixed everything in the world
yet so there’s always something to do
and in this film I read an interesting
quote for the Siddhartha Gautama the
Buddha he said that good people have to
get out of the bed every day and try to
empty the ocean with a ladle right and I
thought that was you know I knew that
was profound and I paused for a second
and I said all right what the hell is a
ladle right right so they’re you know I
just I touched it on my iPad is ladle oh
it’s like a big spoon a big spoon okay
so trying to empty the ocean with a soup
spoon you know as the the mentality of
how you you wake up every day to try to
do good in the world so for me I’m
really driven by continually trying to
elevate my elevate my mind and elevate
my spirit and care for my body and to be
able to love as many people as
effectively as as possible with this
mystery of life that I’ve been given I
love this message I saw this clip not
too long ago and ever since I’ve used it
as an example in a number of my speeches
and number of my conversations I just
love the idea of taking on such a big
project such an impossible thing that it
will never happen and that you still get
up every day and try to make it happen I
recently switched what my big mission my
big vision was from
helped a billion entrepreneurs to trying
to solve the world’s biggest problem
which is untapped human potential that’s
why I want to do I want to I want to
believe in people help them believe in
themselves so they can go off and do
amazing things I can’t do a lot of
things I can’t build the car of the
future I have no interest in engineering
or that kind of technology but I can
help believe in that person make them
believe in themselves to go up and do it
because otherwise there are cashier at
McDonald’s right I want to help her do
that and it’s an impossible thing this
mission never ends one of you reached
full human potential and I love that you
need to have I think some big inspiring
mission-critical vision that you want to
go out and create that never gets on
your life’s work is never over and so at
the beginning that may be intimidating
you know going in and trying to empty
the ocean with a ladle it’s it’s
intimidating you want to be able to feel
like you can achieve your goals right
like smart old realistic goals
but I just love that concept of thinking
big and then still lacking small
thinking big I want to dream the ocean
how am I gonna do that
with a label once the hand of time one
scoop at a time I’m just gonna keep
going to keep doing it I think that
represents entrepreneurship so well you
have a big dream you have a big mission
you’re guiding mission you know should
be based around your one word the most
important core value your guide mission
should be this big all-encompassing
powerful thing that never happens and
then you still get up every day and you
get your ladle and you go to work the
ladle for me as I make youtube videos I
respond the emails I post content social
media I invest in companies I speak at
events all of those things have a impact
I’m trying to increase the size of my
ladle right as you get more efficient
better more productive more talented
more skilled you can increase the size
your ladle but you’re never gonna drain
the ocean it’s just too big of a problem
I think that’s great
I think if you can redefine your
business redefine your mission your your
personal mission what you’re off trying
to do and make it this impossible thing
that will never happen
and that gets you excited I think when
you get to that point that’s when you
start to lose things like the fear
like of course I’ve set out to fail like
this will never have of course I’m gonna
do I sound crazy is this making sense
like of course I’m gonna fail will I
hate 100 million subscribers on YouTube
I hit 10 million I think so but will I
accomplish that big thing no never so if
I fail it’s okay I’m feeling my way to
try to create something amazing for
myself from a community for my family
for the world and so the question today
is I’m curious what is your ocean that
you want to empty what is the big
mission that you are trying to attack
every day that will never happen
leaving the comments below I want to be
inspired let’s see what you guys got I
also want to give a quick shout out to
charlie funk charlie thank you so much
for picking up two of my t-shirts and
posting those online I love seeing
pictures thank you so much for your
support and keep rocking the gear so
thank you guys again for watching I
believe in you and I hope you continue
to believe in yourself and whatever your
one word is I’ll see you again tomorrow
morning for another shot events best
how easy is it when you go practicing
now to have what your mindset is it to
improve or is it just to keep winning or
because it’s yeah personally I found it
very difficult at some point ya know for
me it’s always to improve and I’ve had
some tough losses this year but those
losses I think were necessary and they
helped me to work on my game it forced
me to see that I need to get better at
this I need to get better at this and
this and now I’ve gotten better at it so
yeah to me I feel like I have a long way
to go as a songwriter and have a long
way to go in terms of learning out sound
works and how arrangements can be can
achieve something in the listener and my
goal really is trying to evoke emotional
response from the listener whether it be
happiness or dread or anger or
goosebumps whatever that means to people
but by no means do I feel like I know
how to do that really well I feel like
I’ve got a lot to learn so I try to keep
pushing myself into getting better at
things raise your standard Apple at the
core its core value is that we believe
that people need passion and not one
drop of my self-worth depends on your
it’s supposed to mean I don’t ever give
up I’d have to be dead or completely
incapacitated hey believe nation if you
want to see my all-time favorite top ten
rows of success I have a very special
secret video for you these are the
individual clips that I have personally
learned the most from and applied to my
life and my business check the link in
description for details
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