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Reason to Believe – What is your driving reason? Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to answer a question
from one of my face book readers
Mitchell wrote in asking about why do I
love entrepreneurship so rhoda insane
where’s the question here Evan what is
the main driving reason that you want to
help entrepreneurs what makes you tick
or what does that fire in your belly
that makes you want to continue day
after day it’s a great question thank
you for the question Mitchell I think
it’s really important for any
entrepreneur that you really tap into
your passion and do what you’re really
excited about and for me when I was in
the software business I was a young
entrepreneur I was 19 after a couple
years of built up the company sold it
and I was invited to speak at a whole
bunch of different events as a young
entrepreneur a success story at the time
you know I wasn’t doing any speaking I
was just running my software business
and had a lot of fun doing it and kind
of knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur
and kind of stumbled into helping other
entrepreneurs so as a result of selling
the business I was invited to represent
Canada at APEC youth conference in
Mexico and then what to Brunei to help
their young entrepreneurs at an annual
event and I really got a big high furman
i found out that young entrepreneurs
were able to learn from my story and i
could give them some advice based on
what i was going through with my company
and when you can see that you’re helping
people in whatever field you’re in that
that’s a huge high and I could see that
my advice was the spark for a lot of
people to their start a business or to
keep going or the give them the
motivation to you know get up off the
couch and believe in themselves and want
to start their own business and knowing
that people are going to take action
based on what you say and that you’re
able to genuinely help people is such a
huge high in such a one of the biggest
benefits that I see from being an
entrepreneur is that you’re able to have
an impact on people and I think with all
of our lives we’re looking for a way to
impact others in certain the business
and you know being able to really help
people at least for me that was such a
huge heart so I came back from those two
events and thought you know there’s a
lot more entrepreneurs that are that are
that I can help as well it doesn’t just
have to be you know people who and
international conferences in Mexico
number nine and I started off doing a
little seminar series in my hometown of
Toronto just having people come in once
a month we’d share some new stores and
malin success the things that I found
useful and helpful and those you know
continue to grow and grow and grow and
eventually turned it into a video series
called ask Evan instead of doing the
seminars and just trying to help more
people and reach out to more people and
so I kind of stumbled onto it i think if
you’re looking at starting a business
you wanna you want to tap into what you
are really passionate about you really
are excited about where you feel you can
really help people and i don’t think
there’s any greater feeling in the world
and to know that you’ve you’ve had a
positive impact on someone’s life it’s a
significant positive impact and i see
the comments coming in on the videos and
the posts that i right and that’s a fuel
that gets me going every day you know
every day I wake up and I see new
comments come in a new thumbs up on the
YouTube videos and people right in
saying how I’ve changed their lives and
now they believe in themselves and
that’s awesome right that makes me want
to do it more and more and more and more
and I’m glad to be able to have that
impact on you guys and I thank you for
watching these videos and being a part
of this community that we’ve built so
that’s what gets me going and there
wasn’t a big plan at the beginning to
get into it I just kind of kept going
after it and finding new ways to follow
my passion and to encourage you guys to
do the same thing and maybe helping
entrepreneurs it could be helping some
but some other group with your
business’s success that you’ll have is
something around what you are really
super excited about passion about you
know I do this even if I wasn’t getting
paid to do it and for most of these
videos I don’t get paid to do it right
I’m answering these videos because I
like doing it and hopefully I can help
you guys and when I see entrepreneurs
you know having an impact and improving
their companies and I had a small role
in that it gives me the hide and makes
my life more meaningful so that’s why I
do it and hopefully you guys can find
something that you’re equally passionate
about and can commit your life to doing
and you’ll find the same joy that I
found in doing what I do so thanks to
the question if you guys liked the video
please give it a thumbs up below it gets
me excited as you’ve already
and that makes me want to do more of
these videos to you guys and if you have
a comment or if you have a question I’d
love to hear from you if you want to
leave it underneath this video in the
comments section so thank you and we’ll
see you on the next episode
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