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Book Review – What is the most interesting and useful book you have ever read? Ask Evan

hi I’m Evan Carmichael welcome to
another edition of ask Evan in today’s
episode I’m going to answer question
from one of my face book readers Miriam
who wrote in asking about my favorite
book so she wrote in saying what is the
most interesting and useful book that
you’ve ever right so thanks for the
question I get this I get asked similar
questions along and I’ve actually
created a resource are on my I think
it’s on the Facebook page but it’s
definitely on the blog it talks about my
favorite books of all time and the
number one book that is really impact in
my life is Tim ferris’s for a work week
like a lot of entrepreneurs have read it
it’s become a somewhat of a Bible for a
lot of people who are starting the
business for me what I really liked
about it was a whole new it gets us a
couple things first off the idea of
outsourcing so up until that point when
I first read the book everything that
I’d done and I’ve had staff on board but
there’s been local so the idea of having
people work for you remotely was a new
concept and we’ve since run with it has
had a huge impact on my business and we
people working for me now who are you
know in Holland and in Africa and in
philippines and you know you do United
States and all over the world basically
it’s a you know virtual team but you
know they feel connecting part of the
family and so that was a really
interesting concept that really helped
me they also the idea of outsourcing
personal tasks and having a virtual
assistant who you can hire at a fraction
the rate of what you would be earning
and can save a lot of the the headaches
that you go through in your own personal
life I found that really had an impact
so on both my business and my personal
life and then whatever they love about
the book is it it teaches you to hack
into you know your business and
challenge the conventional thinking and
so since reading that book I’ve tried to
do some of the techniques from the book
including you know chunk in your time so
you’re not working all day long just
because most people work 9-5 doesn’t
mean you have to work nine to five
alright so I usually work five hours a
day four days a week now and crunch all
my work down
and it’s worked out pretty well so thank
you Tim for I right in the great book
there’s a lot of other great parts in
the book I encourage you to read it if
you haven’t already read it it’s he’s
got two versions out already definitely
picked up the second version has got new
cooler stories in there and real-life
examples there’s other things that might
appeal to you like you know traveling
around the world and how to do it on a
budget especially but for me I think the
biggest impact was how it can get beyond
myself build a virtual team and
challenging Rachel thinking and and
believe more myself and the abilities
that I have to take my business to the
next level so I read that book a number
of years ago I’ve read the you know
revised version more recently and I
still try to revisit the book once a
year just again to keep thinking you
know am i doing the right things with my
business or should other things be
delegated handed off so I can focus more
of my time or what I call the CEO time
most important kind of big picture
things to be doing to grow my business
so check it up you having right at 40
work week and if you check out my blog
you can also see the top 10 list of
books that I recommend for entrepreneurs
to read and hope for there’s something
in there that would inspire you to
continue to build and grow your business
i know they really have impact for me
thank you for the question if you guys
liked the video please give it a thumbs
up below makes me want to make more of
these videos for you guys and if you
have a comment if you want to share your
favorite book is or if you want to ask
me a question feel free to leave it in
the comment section below and we’ll see
you on the next episode
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