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“QUIT Telling Yourself LIES About MONEY!” | Grant Cardone

I believe the spiritual being is trapped
in a body okay I believe I’m a spiritual
being not a human being
quit telling yourselves lies about money
I got about five hundred million dollars
for the debt I got to tell you I love it
almost as much as my wife and kids need
motivation watch the top ten would
he’s Grant Cardone and here’s my take on
let’s kick it off with rule number one
push the limits human beings are trapped
in as spiritual beings they’re trapped
by visit what I believe I believe I
believe the spiritual being is trapped
in a body okay I believe I’m a spiritual
being not a human being the spiritual
being with a tremendous potential
unbelievable potential it would be the
light on the candle not the candle the
body would be the candle okay and the
spiritual being would be the flame huh
I’m not on the flame and I want to see
how hot cannot burn okay how far can I
go how much the light can I bring the
world how much positive truth message
can I bring this plan
how much more can I do and I think the
problem is people are settling out with
just enough pay the bills take care of
my family give my little box get my
little house put my little welcome mat
on the front put the little gate around
the yard we’re all gonna be happy I
don’t want the box I don’t want one
location I don’t need the welcome mat I
want to know the world I want to travel
the world I want to do more I want to be
in more places I want to have friends in
every country I want to inspire people
in every language and I want other
people to see and they can do the same
thing you know and and maybe maybe maybe
at the end of all of this I just become
everybody’s out then I never have rule
number two become obsessed with success
if you’re business owner you have to see
the future if you’re an entrepreneur you
have to look forward to into the future
what’s going to happen next if you’re
driving a car its responsible to look
ahead everybody agree if you’re skiing
down a mountain you might want to keep
your attention out in front of you if
you’re riding a motorcycle you might
want to not pay attention to right where
you are but where you’re going pay
attention to the future what dreams and
goals do you have that are more
important than the money you have invest
money to hit your targets quit telling
yourselves lies about money exchange
money the only purpose of money is to
exchange money for time and connections
the only reason you have money is to
exchange money for time and people you
need people folks
you need people man you’re going to grow
your business with people people that
work for you and people that you sell
products to be so obsessed with the idea
of freedom and making a difference that
you will do anything anything I’ll go
into debt I’ll spend my last dollar this
is how you’re going to be successful
folks I’ll borrow money for my mom a
board from my dad I’m barb from from
family members I’ll go raise money
I’ll go beg on a street corner I’ll go
sell t-shirts and hats failure after
I’m obsessed so much with my freedom
that I’m willing to talk to people even
if I’m an introvert okay I’m willing to
go talk to old people if I’m young I’m
willing to go talk to young people if
I’m old I’m willing if I’m out of work
I’m willing to go take a dumb sales job
just to get my feet back underneath me
becomes so obsessed that everybody’s
like what’s wrong with you when you
change it rule number three change the
way you look at things you gotta change
your friend
if your friends you need to make these
people your friends people that have
time to get away people that are working
people that are creating surround
yourself with people that are doing
that better seeking to be better
I was I was hanging around people that
were destroying themselves every day
people that were criticizing others that
were successful that were wasting time
beautiful rock they weren’t looking for
anything except how everybody else was
wrong how they had been wronged I know
because I was doing this I spent all my
time talking about how the rich guy
there was had his kids and tennis
classes and golf classes and they had a
boat and they went skiing he was such a
prick and when reality sorry guys
didn’t mean you to hear that when in
reality she didn’t get that when in
reality I should have been looking at
what did this guy do to create a
situation where he could pay for his
kids to learn tennis if they want to
golf and scheme I was asking the wrong
questions I would tell my 20 year old
self change their questions you’re
quit being so resentful and hateful you
know quick quick duty game together rule
number 4 get a lot of attention business
is kind of different I own a hair salon
and I have started a brand for myself
and probably went about it the wrong way
I started it doing booth rental instead
of Commission and in the business I’m
kind of maxed out at making as much as I
can make for the size so I know I need
to expand but I also know that I have to
be taken serious as a woman and I feel
like it’s a it’s a difficult thing to do
and I don’t want to do it the wrong way
this time so I don’t really know how to
be taken seriously I’m petite I have
blonde hair I always have crazy
fingernails I was sometimes it’s purple
sometimes it’s blue yeah so I guess the
question would be where where do I go
from where I’m at did get a lot of
attention I know I I think you just got
to get a lot of attention you know
everything the red the blue the long
nails are short knit anything that gets
attention like you have to get people’s
attention you guys have to get
interesting so again she doesn’t like
some of the things I do I have to do
I believe in maimana I have to do some
of that to capture attention whether
that’s true or not true I don’t know I
don’t know maybe it’s not true you know
I know this if somebody wants to have a
movie and it wants to be a great movie
at the theaters they got to get a lot of
attention you get somebody to go to the
movie you got to be willing to get
people not to like you and what does
that look like we have to be way just by
promoting so much that you irritate
people like what does it mean to get
people not to like rush limbaugh who
it’s a pretty pretty divisive God says
you know the people that love him listen
to him two hours a day and the people
that hate him listen to him for four
hours people that hate him listen to him
for four hours today so I’m just saying
everybody wants to be like yeah
everybody wants to be the popular person
you guys got to be willing to tell
people your hair looks terrible oh I I
mean I do
I’m I’m actually very very good at my
job I just don’t know how to take it
take it to the next level I guess maybe
maybe I’m scared right I have you what
is your facebook
and good right there nope the one
underneath that see I don’t have a
picture of you so I’m gonna go is that
is that you yes or is that your kids
that well there’s a picture of me and
then it’s my daughter yeah so I mean I
don’t want to see your daughter right
now what’s in it right have a hair
therapy page um I don’t it’s under hair
therapy yeah I see her therapist here
right here mm-hmm
so like right okay now we got the dogs
yeah but no she’s a veterinarian right
so like okay now I got hair okay that’s
good before and after around late like
you guys got to like get clear on what
the message is right she needs a fit you
need a personal you need a business page
hey the trick is you’ve got to get
attention Elena just wrote a book called
build an empire okay she has to get
attention for the book which means leak
out data about the book not about
anything else but that book what is it
what chapter what audio what am i
listening to why am i listening to it
what do I get out of it likes constant
pushing into whatever you do with hair
therapy okay and it C good good but but
dinner date but what do I do with the
dinner date yeah so you see like you did
this is where everybody’s like when’s
enough enough man when do you just enjoy
yourself I don’t know I’m gonna enjoy
myself when I’m in a position to just
enjoy myself also if you want to learn
how to have confidence like granting
other successful entrepreneurs checking
my 250 for confidence series the link is
in the description below and it’s free
you have to go build self-confidence
rule number five re-educate yourself
about money you live on an economic
planet regardless of your race
regardless of where you came from
regardless of your religion you live on
a planet that has two things on it
gravity I can’t fly
and I’m reminded every day of gravity
right on every day day I’m reminded I’m
reminded of it so much I don’t even know
that it’s not normal that I shouldn’t be
able to jump seven feet right and number
two money every day you were reminded
this is a financial planet okay I got a
little critical I don’t have any cash on
me today none because I’m a real estate
real estate guys are always broke
okay but I got me a little card I can
use this to open boxes and I can use it
to buy a box right see how many we were
told all credit credit cards are bad
having been told dead is bad how many
been trading that oh oh all dead is bad
debt I got about five hundred million
dollars for the debt I got to tell you I
love it almost as much as my wife and
kids I do love it man cuz it generates
income for me now I’m telling you all
this to tell you look you have been miss
educated if you’re having trouble with
money it’s because you have the wrong
data it’s not because you’re stupid is
not because you’re lazy it’s not because
you have a bad job okay I’ve had all
those excuses you have the wrong
information the first 25 years of my
life I to use the information that is
being disseminated by TV and mass media
save your money
say yeah if you heard that one okay you
were brought up on that one if you were
brought up or middle-class say yeah no
no you can’t say it like that say it
like you’re Brad yes I’m with power say
yay no no when you brought up poor
middle class
I’m gonna tell you something it’s gonna
take you forever if you don’t get your
freaking enthusiasm right look if you’re
poor admit it but damn I’m poor and then
hate it because you shouldn’t be if
you’re in the middle by the way if
you’re middle class and you got three
meals a day you got a car out there you
can make the payments on you’ve got a
little education that you think is worth
something and it’s not okay and you got
a good mom and a good dad and you were
brought up in a good family good for you
but dude that don’t pay the bills rule
number six never be satisfied never ask
yourself did when are you gonna make it
are you do you ever suffer from this
idea that you could do more than you’re
doing and no matter how much people
already love you or are you doing great
Peck’s in the back you’re doing
phenomenal amazing I’ve been told my
whole life I was doing amazing i
remember being was 29 years old i was
the leading salesperson where I was
where I worked I mean I wasn’t the best
salesperson breaking records doing stuff
that had never been done everybody’s
telling me how great I was and I was
like I know I can do more I don’t know
suffering some kind of like mental
disease some kind of never satisfied
with I’ve heard all these people talk
about remember the guys said hey your
disappointments or your disappointments
in life are equal to your expectations
suggesting that you not have
expectations if you lower your
expectations that you want endless
appointments that tell you man I mean I
can’t even make sense eventually I have
to have expectations of myself I know I
can do better I know I can do more so if
we have a big expectations of myself and
I’m gonna be disappointed from town to
town that’s the way this rule number
seven learn about real estate the one
other thing that I would tell my 20 year
old self
look I own seven businesses and I would
not tell you I would not tell the 20
year old man
to go get 66 businesses I would tell him
to learn everything you can about real
estate everything real estate is the
business it’s allowed me to go on these
magnificent trips that I’m taking my
family on I’ve been in business for
myself for 30 years okay six businesses
do not six businesses combined do not
allow me to go on these trips it is the
real estate buy and of itself that’s
allowed me take my wife and kids
employees partners friends on these
magnificent trip remember eight and get
to the top of the food chain when you’re
head coach somebody in your same space
right or they’re hating on you remember
this you keep focused on creating
massive massive success okay because
when you get up to the top of the food
chain whatever the food chain is in your
space whether its financial or insurance
or real estate or influencers or
podcasters or or maybe you’re doing a
real business you’re not doing it you’re
not an influencer and you’re not a
podcaster you’re like me while these
guys spend all this time doing podcast I
got a business to grow I got employees
maybe you’re doing that so what’s my
any time you watching my videos you say
dude what’s the guy really talking about
I’m doing this for you I don’t get paid
to do it
so if you’re getting any value at this
I’m telling you when you get up the food
chain and you will because you’re
watching it you will get up the food
chain you will become a super successful
person but you won’t if you hate you
if you take the time to worry about
these other people in your space low
empower man love them send them love
send them customer syndrome deals but
don’t be surprised when they don’t set
it back cuz they’re not no book tells
you this all these guys doing their
little quotes talking about abundancy
scarcity but watch how they act when you
get up there man watch it man it’s gonna
be crazy you’re gonna be like cartotto
me while routing snow the dude told me
that they were gonna hate on me I had I
had somebody call me that day I said hey
dude I want to give you some you need
you need to know how to handle some in
situations you’re running up against
okay because there’s a way for you to
prevent some of this some of this these
people hate on yes it did I know I’m not
gonna try to prevent somebody from being
stupid let’s just dump I got nothin
shirts in my life already most of the
time the accident never happens the way
to ensure that these haters and
criticizers and little thinkers don’t
bother you is don’t be them number one
number two keep calling of love and
power baby number three number three
number three get to the top get to the
top of the food scene where everybody at
the top knows you and the people that
wouldn’t close you on the way up or wish
they didn’t do what they did okay rule
number nine quit making sense of
just goes to show you man you can’t take
eight months off eight months of
drinking and showing off and bragging
and running your mouth you can still get
crack you got it you know huh yeah too
many days off man too many days off you
got to pay the price every day folks
otherwise you lose period you will get
beat you’re gonna get beat in the
marketplace if you don’t train every day
I’m wearing my card on University
t-shirt because if you don’t train every
day don’t expect to make the sale if you
don’t train every day when you leave
here do not expect your people to follow
up if you don’t train every day do not
expect your people to answer the
telephone correctly if you don’t train
every day do not expect your people to
be motivated to do the right thing if
you don’t train every day if you don’t
require training every day if it’s not
mandatory every day you will not get the
cash flow you will get just enough money
to pay the bills and by the way
everybody’s got that figured out
everybody on the planet has figured out
how to pay their bills even people that
don’t have any money are figuring out
how to eat everybody agree so don’t be
bragging about your bicycles and your
two BMWs in your Country Club that you
paid for in the roof over your head you
pay your utilities in your gas and don’t
tell me that all somebody else has got
it worse than you of course somebody
else has got it worse than you I hear
this all the time for people okay
somebody gets whacked they have a bad
situation and they’re like but I’m
grateful will you be any grateful man
you filing bankruptcy I know but I still
got my health but you don’t have your
financial health you shouldn’t go in
bankrupt you should have prepared for it
don’t make sense of the failure okay if
you take a notes
quit making sense of the failures and
rule number ten the last one before a
very special bonus clip is get cash flow
I want to talk to you about the cash
flow I’m talking about the cash flow not
the snow I’m talking about getting that
third flow you work your wife work yeah
y’all cracking some freaking smack daddy
money you get
some long green you make you first
million dollars last year that’s right
between the two of you after you paid
the taxes you end up with four or five
maybe six hundred if you know how to
play the game but what you don’t have is
number three you can’t still work you
got scared once you put away your first
Mille you and the way for like oh no
what do we do now
you called Jankel not me not uncle G you
called your uncle the confused uncle he
said play the house off
you called your financial advisor start
invested in 401ks in the IRAs and then
you saw something I said about cash is
trash a home is dumb equity
what are you doing folks get that third
flow it’s like a good snowstorm baby you
need that third blow when you can’t work
you can’t crank you can’t create the
third flow of income is the one you buy
you take your dad money cash is trash
take that dead money and get it invested
hard assets and only make a decision
investing those things that pay you cash
flow you invest cash you get back cash
every single month I’ve got a really
special bonus clip from Grant and how to
not give up on your dream that I really
think you’re gonna enjoy but before that
it’s time for the three point landing
questions let’s go from just watching
another video to take an action in your
life for business here we go question
number one what will you do to get a lot
of attention this week number two how
will you educate yourself on money or
real estate today and number three what
do you need to work on to push the
limits okay
tell your story
when I grew up my first failure happened
in a baseball park I had a dream and I
would be a professional baseball player
and I lost that dream to drugs you guys
don’t give up on your dreams okay don’t
give up on your dreams I’m not here to
Jack you up I’m not here to get you
excited I’m here to be an example I’m
not your friend I’m your uncle Qi do two
minutes with me everyday two minutes I
go to the gym and work out every day six
days of the week all I asked you to do
turn on your computer
spend two minutes with me every day stop
the bus stop the Netflix give me two
give me two minutes you give me two
minutes every day I’ll change your life
if you want more grand Cardell and check
out the top 50 rules video made on him
the link is right there next to me I
think you’ll enjoy it continue to
believe and I’ll see you there
you don’t get attention today you have
absolutely zero chance of being
successful money follows attention period
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