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“PUSH the BOUNDARIES!” – Mel Gibson – Top 10 Rules

we can all get into sort of feeling you
know sorry for ourselves are having a
pity party about the past or what’s
happened it’s just not worth it because
it affects the president it affects the
future you’re supposed to do that you’re
supposed to shove the boundaries and
you’re supposed to do stuff that’s out
there and you’re supposed to do stuff
that makes people uncomfortable maybe I
remember before they had all these
monitors he could look at all the
different cameras I was on a
four-wheeler and it killed with long
hair just like going around and look at
all the cameras and saying that’s a good
shot need motivation watch a top ten of
belief nation what’s up at seven my one
word is believe and I believe in you I
believe you have an amazing gift inside
you that I want to see explode out onto
the world so let’s get your motivation
to attend and get you believing in you
grab a snack and chew in today’s lessons
from a man who want from being the six
of eleven children growing up in
Australia and sharing a thirty dollar
per week apartment to becoming an
award-winning actor and being worth
almost half a billion dollars he’s Mel
Gibson and here’s my take on his top ten
rules of success enjoy
alright let’s kick things off with rule
number one be a sponge I soaked
everything up like a sponge are you
kidding with he and Peter we’re and and
and other directors that I work with I
just I was just drinking it up because I
found it extremely interesting so I was
I I didn’t go to my trailer I would hang
out on this set and ask people questions
I would talk to the camera guys but
lighting guys the sound guys I was
talking to the director I said why are
you doing that what’s significance of
that lens what’s it doing you know and
it was and I was just and and they were
very generous this was my school hmm and
I was right that the hub of it you know
and I could jump in front of the camera
and then go back behind and look at it
again so it was a it was a heck of an
education and I wasn’t I was on the set
no not in our trailer sale is rule
number two is just start swimming
there’s like 3,000 people on the set you
got nine cameras there’s a lot to do
there’s a lot of people to feed there’s
people complaining everybody has to be
in the right place at the right time to
get the shot I mean logistically
speaking you need a pretty good team of
people around you to deal with that
stuff and you need a lot of energy I
remember before they had all these
monitors he could look at all the
different cameras I was on a
four-wheeler and a kilt with long hair
just like going around and look at all
the cameras and saying that’s a good
shot can you like do this with the frame
or put another lens on or whatever it
happened to be and you just look I find
it’s so overwhelming sometimes if you if
you think about the big picture you’d
crawl back into a hole and die so what
you have to do and when you’re dropped
in the middle of the ocean an ocean of a
sea of troubles and people and
logistical problems and cameras and
infighting and the producers or that you
know there’s there’s so much stuff going
on behind this and you have to ignore it
say you’re in the middle of the ocean
and just start swimming that way
stroke at a time you’ll hit land
eventually so that’s all there is to it
you haven’t really got time once you’re
amongst it to actually be fearful or too
worried because you’re just too damn
busy how many decisions do you get asked
in an hour right when you’re when you’re
in the chair how many questions did how
many decisions you have to make and I
mean like that and you got to do it fast
rule number three don’t get stuck it is
disheartening when you’ve been like 10
years dry like on the wagon sober and
and you have to read every year or so
that you’re loaded so that’s that’s
disappointing because it’s like a public
notice that you’re loaded but you’re not
so it’s an obvious you know it’s it’s a
disingenuous reportage you know the
important thing is you’ve come out of it
yeah I’m still alive I’m still breathing
I mean look we can all get into sort of
feeling you know sorry for ourselves are
having a pity party about the past or
what’s happened it’s just not worth it
because it affects the president it
affects the future you can’t sort of
play into that sort of stuff and there’s
nothing that can put you into the proper
perspective I mean you can either be you
know a bug living in the pile of
elephant down on the floor or you can
get up way high on the big top and look
at the whole circus and looking at the
whole circus looking at things in
perspective is a much better idea rule
number four my personal favorite push
the boundaries as an artist you’re
supposed to do that you’re supposed to
shove the boundaries and you’re supposed
to do stuff that’s out there and you’re
supposed to do stuff that makes people
uncomfortable maybe mmm-hmm I mean
that’s that’s your job there’s the three
E’s I forgot who said it first maybe I
said it I can’t remember anymore but
it’s you got to entertain that’s the
first thing you got to do and if you
only do that that’s perfectly balanced
if it’s just for entertain if you can
entertain and educate that’s better and
if you can entertain educate and elevate
mmm that’s even better maybe you could
sort of raise people up in some kind of
other way a spiritual way maybe you know
it’s good rule number five get feedback
I remember it was three hours and 15
minutes at one stage and I would had
this great editor who I worked with
again called Steve Rosenbloom and
rosenbloom and I was sitting there
scratching our heads figuring out how do
we get
half hour out of this and we couldn’t
figure it out because we were so close
to it and it took a studio head to come
in and give us a general note that was
Sherry Lansing she gives us this general
note and we’re like we look at her and
we look at each other said what would
she know how did she get this job you
know in 24 hours later we’re going she’s
right ladies first to do it yeah yeah
but but you know what that simple note
that she gave us enabled us to go from 3
hours 15 to 2 hours 48 and it just made
the thing snap oh yeah oh yeah big deal
rule number six is be a survivor I think
I always used the same word I mean they
said if she could sum up Hollywood in
one word what would it be and it’s like
I think I said survival but and because
some you know survivor ham still
breathing rule number seven make it
axle ridges that’s an independent film
we didn’t have scads of money I mean
there’s a lot of bang for your buck
there I think so that like long
rehearsals and you know this is these
are luxuries and they cost so you know I
think we went in with a budget of 27
million us on that which is hefty but
long yeah but but for what you get right
now once you take it Australian to get
you know the government helps you so
with a rebate and then you know dollar
exchange and all that kind of stuff it
it it beefs it up a little more you end
up with more bang for your buck maybe 40
was it looser or tighter on Braveheart
it was it was we had more time and more
money on that and it was 20 years before
I think the budget on Braveheart like 22
years ago was more than the budget on
hacksaw rich it was almost twice as much
and we had a hundred and five shooting
days on Braveheart but on this we had 59
shooting wild so you know you gotta cut
the cloth
you know you got to make the suit to fit
the the cadaver you have to make things
work and yeah and it really puts you on
your mettle to sort of like okay I need
to get the best bang for my buck here
how do I do it
even at the point where I went and
bought two cameras myself like little
$1500 Blackmagic digital cameras that we
were shoving them under rocks and um
people shirts and you know everything
rule number eight be a good storyteller
any experience you have in life enriches
your work somehow good or bad I think so
no I developed a lot of things while I
was head some time off it was the
offseason you might say I did a lot of
stuff and it’s just you know so good to
be able to sort of come back and do what
I love doing just tell stories that’s
all we all we’re all just storytellers
right I mean I’ve told stories to
children I eight stories we need stories
because when we kicked into this planet
we’re like this little strange around
the earth and we need to hear these
things to reaffirm who we are in
relation to our planet our environs and
everyone else I thought it was so
inspiring I’ve never actually heard of
anyone who was quite this it was the
pinnacle of heroism I mean it was like
wow and he inspired me and I couldn’t be
like that I don’t think not in a million
years but it gives us all hope I think
that if we can see someone who behaves
like an ordinary man in in in hideous
circumstances doing extraordinary things
I think it it speaks to me speaks to my
soul and hopefully to others you know so
I think it’s a story worth telling if
you’re gonna spend 18 months on
something it better be worthwhile rule
number nine create a great working
environment you know I say stuff to the
actors like Garfield you or Sam
Worthington or Vince Vaughn or and I
think why maybe I shouldn’t have said
that because it you know you got to be
careful mostly I think a good director
is the guy if he has good people he kind
of leaves them alone and if it’s not
broken don’t fix it and it’s mostly
stuff like it did a little faster with
you or you know maybe some other stuff
what is Mel Gibson like as a director
so passionate and loving and nurturing
and almost like a like you know a good
director is like a good mother and he’s
a really good mother you know just a
very gentle compassionate passion he’s
in the scene with you really he’s there
with you every moment
Andrey trusts his actors or he trusts
that that you know where to go and how
to get there I’ve read he makes jokes on
oh yeah no he keeps it light when it
needs to be yeah he really does yeah I
think it’s more for him than it is for
anybody else he has a kind of like
nervous tic well then things get too
serious he’ll he’ll just kind of do some
gallows gallows humor and rule number 10
the last one before three very special
bonus Clips is have fun on Halloween
came around we thought well let’s go out
for Halloween so I bought some kind of
goofy masks and some gold change there
was no cohesiveness with the stuff that
we wearing but mal had this exceptional
mask that was done by a professional it
looked like a real person maybe Nick
Nolte but it looked like a real person
you can’t tell this close you can’t you
can’t tell I mean it looks it looks like
he doesn’t look like a mask it looks
like it looks like Nick Nolte is in the
room with you he could wear that no and
they would know where he was I said I
think that’s what you could do you could
walk out of a hotel people would say
maybe Nick Nolte’s walk in a hotel but
they wouldn’t know was you but we went
out on Halloween and so we went out to
like restaurants and stuff and Mel was
there with this mass that looks like a
real human being right and we’re kind of
in these gold masks whatever but he has
this on and he’d be talking to somebody
they’d be having a conversation and all
of a sudden but it didn’t look like he
had a mask on it just looked like this
was a real person so then he would grab
a bat his neck and he would rip his face
off as far as their perspective was and
you would see them go oh my gosh this
isn’t who I think I’m looking at and
then oh my goodness it’s Mel Gibson
underneath this and that would get a
list of quite a big response and that
did not get old we enjoyed that that was
a fun Halloween kept going a few times
not too much but a couple in a bunch I’d
like to see people’s minds walk away
it’s like a funny story Mel where you
did it to a friend of yours who was like
a stunt guy or something oh yeah
no he was a friend of mine who’s a
third-down black belt I was talking to
him one minute he turned away I put it
on two seconds later he turned back he
looked at me and he just went yeah and
he punched me in the face
like he he did really hard to I hit the
deck but I was laughing so hard it was
worth the hit it’s just like the best
reaction I’ve ever seen
now I’ve got three very special Mel
Gibson bonus clips on finding your gift
standing strong and doing what fulfills
you but before that my question of the
day is I want to know what was your
favorite Mel Gibson movie of all time
leave it down the count’s below I’m
really curious to find out thank you
guys so much for watching I believe in
you I hope you continue to believe in
yourself and whatever you’re one where
it is much love I’ll see you soon and
enjoyed the bonus clips
just one chance to come back here and
tell our enemies that they may take our
lives but they’ll never take
throughout his career melds movie
choices have been courageous in 1995 he
starred in the blockbuster Braveheart
about Scottish national hero
Sir William Wallace he also directed the
it should be jumped to being the
director because I had this yearning to
do it I enjoyed it immensely
I get a kick out of orchestrating the
big stuff and having stuff play out or
roll out the way I kind of visualize it
and I think I just I have a gift for the
visual I look at a character like
Desmond and it inspires the heck out of
me because it’s it he had a faith that I
don’t think I have you know so when you
see somebody else who’s able to really
put their money where their mouth is if
you like about what faith is to them and
they’re really kind of crawl into the
mouth of hell yeah it’s it I don’t
believe that I could do that
but I certainly admire someone who can
and that’s why that story I find so
fascinating and it’s but isn’t it
striving isn’t it the striving to do it
not being perfect basically saying oh
yeah I’m gonna try to get through this
when everybody tells me I should well
that’s true yeah yeah of course and you
know we’re all gonna have those moments
and it’s being able to stand strong in
that wind you know well you had that
moment you had that ten years ago oh
yeah sure this is a this was a big deal
we’re after
Apocalypto comes out you get the DUI oh
yeah all that stuff yeah but what how do
you rise above it as you well you have
to because it’s like it’s a it’s a like
a tsunami of crap that you you know all
of a sudden and you know you okay I’m
that I’m on a double tequila’s in the
back of a cop car having a nervous
breakdown you know I said some stupid
and it’s like you know you wake up the
next day like ah and it’s like you know
you know I made all the necessary
Maricopa’s and all that stuff but ten
years is a long time to think about that
so you can’t dwell on it you got to just
move ahead do the work you get better
was there a moment that had changed for
you I think yeah I think it was I think
when I started directing I I sort of
found this whole other world that was
more fulfilling and I I ceased to be
a mere component and I felt like I was
kind of like maybe maybe it’s just some
kind of megalomania a tendency of Mia I
don’t know but I just like the whole I
like being able to sort of be that you
know the main storyteller raise your
standard Apple at the core its core
value is that mm-hmm
that people have passion and not one
drop of myself work depends on your it’s
supposed to mean I don’t ever give up
I’d have to be dead or completely
incapacitated hey believe nation if you
want to see my all-time favorite top ten
roses success I have a very special
secret video for you these are the
individual clips that I have personally
learned the most from and applied to my
life and my business check the link the
description for details
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