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How to Recognize You’re Ready to Be A Master Teacher (Law of Attraction!) Powerful!

peace and Finnick waters diving deep
once again we are out here in nature
baby beautiful deep divers beautiful day
out here I hope your day is going good
are you learning about different topics
are you reading different books but
you’re still tired of being a student
right yes Ralph oh you want to be a
Mauston now a monster and teach people
how to know you’re ready to go from
student to master teacher law of
attraction let’s just whoa breathing in
that good ass prana baby deep divers
I’ve got a beautiful message a woman
wrote to me saying that she’s gonna be a
marriage Family Therapist next year
she said Ralph I love your videos I know
what I’m here to do but I’m still not
sure I’m ready to be a master teacher
like Ralph I want to do what you’re
doing but in my own style I wanna get on
YouTube and start sharing but who am i
Ralph like I know a lot I live in
Beverly Hills I got my life laid out for
me but I’m still not sure I’m ready to
be a master teacher is that you Deep
Diver are you looking a bit shaky but
you know a lot and you’re like am I
really ready to step into the role of a
master teacher and start telling people
though they should stuff a whole bunch
of grapes in their mouth and Wayne even
so let me share with you what’s helped
me along my journey you see a lot of
people see me and they’re like Ralph I
want to live a similar lifestyle to you
I want to help other people become their
greatest versions I want to really
inspire people now many years ago I was
learning and I’m still learning and I
never see myself as a master teacher a
lot of people are like Ralph you are my
teacher and I don’t see myself as a
master teacher I am an eternal student
but if people call you a teacher then I
guess you are a teacher right you see
how I went from a student to a master
teacher was by failing that’s right Oh
yes falling on my ass a lot Oh No yes
you see the difference between a master
and a beginner student is that the
master has failed even more times than
the beginner has even tried slow-motion
this side I’ve made so many mistakes but
I’ve learnt from each one of them and
that’s why I can share so much valuable
information you see to know if you’re
ready to really start inspiring people
to become a master teacher you have to
be you have to get very comfortable with
failing you can’t be afraid of failure
because many masters will want students
who failed miserably but they didn’t
give up and that’s why they are master
teachers you see what really helped me
was to have a willingness to learn you
see that’s why I see myself as an
eternal student a lot
people see me as a monster teacher so
I’ll take master teacher I’m always
learning and that’s what master teachers
do you see a true wise woman or wise man
realizes that they know nothing they’re
still learning there’s still more to
learn every single day I wake up and I’m
like I could learn more and that’s why
my that’s why my wisdom increases so
still be open to learn more okay
I remind myself when I first started
infinite waters all of my early
awakening journey I was always reading I
was learning from people who came before
me that’s how to become a master teacher
pay homage to people who paved the way
for you slow motion this side being the
master teacher for me and inspiring so
many people how I knew was because I
spend a lot of time alone and growing up
I did as well I would be going into
nature whoa breathing in that good ass
prana baby I’m very comfortable being
alone being in my own energy space and
that’s what you need you see being a
master teacher is not just about having
degrees and titles it’s about being in
your heart space so you can relate to
other people I never claimed that my
no it’s far from perfect but that’s why
I’m so relatable when you are
comfortable with your own energy you
start to know thyself you see many of us
we are living through other people
vicariously we are afraid to be alone so
therefore we don’t really know ourselves
you have to know yourself before you
start teaching other people you have to
fix your own life like back in the day I
was attempting to become a master
teacher telling people what to do but
once again I wasn’t really living that
life now I am I can really help people
but once again the role of a master
teacher is not to tell people what to do
is to show people what you along your
journey slow motion this side ultimately
the power is you okay to know you are
ready to be a master teacher you have to
feel worthy to step up to the role right
now we are living and approaching
approaching the Age of Aquarius there is
a massive planetary shift happening on
planet Earth a evolution an evolution of
consciousness awareness okay people are
waking up and a lot of people have a lot
to share I did along my early journey
but I still wasn’t ready I was still
looking a bit shaky baby because I was
just reading books and regurgitating the
information I had learned and the
universe was like okay Ralph you think
you’re so smart I’m gonna Chuck some
life lessons your way what you have to
learn from so what helped me move from a
student to a master teacher was through
experience first one in last one out
okay my own life experience
you learn so much more from your own
life experience not just books and
getting degrees snow but from your own
life experience to say actually yes
I have I have so much to share with
humanity that can benefit humanity in a
positive way because I have lived this
life I’m talking about you see the
reason why I connect with so many people
is because I’ve lived this life I’m
talking about and I came out the other
side in one piece saying can I get a
Hello they’re right you have to be an
example of what you are talking about 7
day vegan challenge I’ve been a vegan
for over 13 years so when it comes to
veganism I’m a master teacher because I
have had to go through this whole
journey of eating a plant-based diet and
I can really help people so if you
really want to stop on YouTube and share
with people like you wrote to me ask
yourself am i an example of what I’m
talking about of what I’m reading about
am I actually embodying this lifestyle
like every single day I wake up with
coconuts in my mouth dates have been
doing this for a long time right you
have to realize when it comes to being a
master teacher for me it’s not just
about books information it’s about
wisdom which is knowledge applied your
knowledge applied through practical life
experiences and situations that’s how
you become a master teacher knowledge
apply this time to get your nose out of
those books and start living real life
because to really be a master teacher
you have to realize that you don’t say I
want to become a master teacher no
people choose you slow motion this side
people choose you to become a master
teacher they’re like you have impacted
my life so don’t worry if you’re ready
to be a master teacher or not people
will tell you you are a master teacher
because you have inspired them impacted
their life in a positive way
people choose you to be a master teacher
you don’t say I’m the greatest master
teacher we don’t think so right so
that’s the same with me
people say Ralph you’ve helped me so
much so I’m thankful right I’m very
thankful how to know you’re ready to be
a master teacher a master healer to
really help people and inspire people on
the world stage go from a student to a
master okay I’ve learned this that
there’s a difference between knowing the
path and walking the path ask yourself
am I really walking this path every
single day am i embodying this frequency
or am I just spewing out a whole bunch
of words that sound good okay being the
master teacher has everything to do with
being a master teacher for me has
everything to do with connection how are
you connecting with people from your
heart space to this it’s not about ego
it’s not about saying hey I’m a master
teacher and you are my disciples okay No
being a master teacher is all about
saying hey at one point I was where you
were but this is what’s helping me out
and that’s really how you become a
master teacher if you have a burning
desire inside of yourself if you feel
right now you are called to be a master
teacher you are called to be a healer
then that’s how you know you’re ready
because every single day when you go to
sleep you’re having dreams about
inspiring people sharing uplifting
information this is your calling you
can’t reject it you can’t ignore it it’s
your time right now to start feeling
worthy for what you know you came here
to do if your eyes light up by you just
thinking of sharing information that
will benefit humanity in a great way
you’re ready to be a master teacher and
all master teachers know once again they
are eternal students at the same time
but you can help so many people so every
single day realize the master has failed
more times than the beginner has even
tried and once you realize that deep
dive as well you just say fail don’t get
to be a live baby can I get a hello dad
today is the day you realize you are
ready you realize you are ready you are
worthy to start inspiring people on the
world stage the cat down the road the
cat down the road is waiting for you
let’s just whoa
breathing getting that good ass prana
baby breathing it up have a beautiful
day deep divers infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy
peace you I know nothing nothing nothing
a wise man once said nothing and a woman and cut down the road

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