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PURPOSE – Most Incredible Motivational Speech For Success

give your goals purpose answer both

questions what do I want that’s the

object and the second question what for

that’s purpose I’m certain that part of

the reason why people that goal setting

slide is because it is a lot of work as

I said you’ll be constantly revising

your lists of short range and long range

goals rearranging them refining them

redesigning them establishing different

priorities adding new goals perhaps

deleting others it’s interesting that so

many people work hard on their jobs but

they don’t work hard on their futures

they let that slide some people live

such mediocre lives that at the end of

the day they don’t know whether they’re

winning or losing they just go through

life with their fingers crossed I know

most people don’t make definite plans

but don’t let that be you the guy says

well you work for I work but the time

you get home it’s late you’ve got to

have a bite to eat watch a little TV and

get to bed you can’t sit up half of the

night and plan plan plan and this is the

guy who’s behind on his card note he’s a

good worker hard worker sincere but I’ve

discovered that you can be sincere and

work hard all your life and wind up

broken embarrassed you’ve got to be

better than a good worker you’ve got to

be a good planner a good goal setter

you’ve heard the old saying the people

who fail to plan are planning to fail

it’s true so work on your plans put

yourself in the top few percent who put

this power to work for themselves

writing your goals down also shows

you’re serious and to do better

you must get serious you don’t have to

be grim but you do have to be serious

hey everybody hopes things will get

better but remember the future does not

get better by hope it gets better by

plan and hope unaided by clear plans can

finally become an illness there’s a

Bible phrase that says hope long-delayed

makes the heart sick it’s a sickness I

used to have the illness known as

passive hope it’s bad and there’s one

that is even worse and that is called

understand that your goals whatever they

are are affecting you all day long your

goals affect your handshake your

attitude how you feel your goals affect

how you look how you dress how you walk

how you talk all day every day your

personality conversation activity it’s

all affected by your goals I asked a man

one time what are your goals for this

month and he said if I could just scrape

up enough money to pay these lousy bills

that was his goal hey I’m not saying it

isn’t a goal it is but it’s such a poor

goal it certainly isn’t inspiring you

don’t jump out of bed on Monday morning

and say oh boy another chance to go out

and scrape up the money to pay these

lousy bills the point is that goal

should be fun they should be big

challenging rewarding they should allow

you to grow remember too that the major

purpose of having a goal is not just to

acquire the goal the major reason for

setting goals is to compel yourself to

become the person it takes to achieve

them in other words attaining the goal

is of secondary importance what’s far

more important is what you become in the

pursuit of it the greatest value in

becoming a millionaire for example is

not the million dollars the greatest

value is the skills the knowledge the

discipline and the leadership qualities

you acquired in becoming a millionaire

it’s the experience you acquired in

planning development strategy its other

qualities you acquired such as courage

commitment and willpower to attract a

million dollars you could lose

everything you attained but you could

not lose the skills knowledge and

experience you have obtained even better

than having is being here’s a most

important question to spend some time

answering what kind of person will I

have to become to get all I want

write down a few thoughts on that write

down some skills you’ll have to develop

for example and some of the things

you’re going to have to learn just spend

a little time writing a few sentences on

this what kind of person will I have to

become to get all I want the answer to

this will give you some personal

development goals

remember that income does not far exceed

personal development all of us have to

do this kind of self-examination I have

to look at my own life and say well

here’s what I want but am I willing to

become what it takes to get what I want

if I’m too lazy if I don’t want to learn

read study and grow to become that kind

of person

then I cannot attract what I want now

either I have to change my wants or I

have to change myself here are a few

more key points I’d like to share with

you on goals and designing your future

first if you don’t right now feel as if

you’re equipped to get all you want just

remember ability will grow to match your

strong dreams that’s why the

goal-setting process we’ve discussed is

so important the more you work on this

the more ideas you will get on how you

can change how you can grow I am nowhere

near the person I was when I met mr.

chef twenty-five years ago I’m not that

person anymore I’ve changed there’s

nothing you can do about the past but

you can do a great deal about your

future you don’t have to be the same

person you were yesterday you can make

changes in your life absolutely

startling changes in a fairly short

period of time you can make changes you

can’t even conceive of now if you give

yourself a chance your abilities will

grow you have untapped talents and

potential that you haven’t even reached

for yet and as time goes on you’ll be

able to reach deeper and deeper the

first thing you’ll know you’ll be able

to do things you never thought you could

do you’ll be able to handle things you

never thought you could handle you’ll

have ideas that you’ve never had before

all of this is sparked by the

goal-setting process when you know what

you want and you want it badly enough

the answers will come to you I can’t

tell you why it works all I know is it

works give yourself a chance to become

all you can become and to accomplish all

you can accomplish let me give you a

Bible philosophy that teaches how to get

whatever you want here’s what it says

ask that’s it

ask of all the important skills to learn

in life be sure to include the skill of

asking what does ask mean ask means what

do you want and the complete formula is

staggering it says ask and you will

receive a we ought to look into that the

man says yes but you work where I work

but the time you struggle home it’s late

you’ve got to get a bite to eat watch a

little TV and get to bed you can’t sit

up half the night and ask ask ass and

this guy is behind on his bills he’s a

good worker hard worker sincere but

you’ve got to do better than work hard

and be sincere all of your life you’ll

wind up broke and embarrassed you’ve got

to be better than a good worker you’ve

got to be a good Oscar let me give you

some key points on this asking and

receiving setting goals asking of life

here’s part of the philosophy that

helped me to change first asking starts

the receiving process asking is like

pushing a button and all this machinery

starts working mental and emotional

machinery I don’t even know how it works

but I do know it works there are a lot

of things you don’t need to know how

they work just work them some people are

always studying the roots others are

picking the fruit it all depends on what

end of it you want in on so asking is

the beginning

of receiving second receiving is not the

problem you don’t have to work on

receiving its automatic

so if receiving is not the problem what

is the problem it’s failing to ask the

man says I see it now I got up every day

this year and hit it hard but nowhere in

my house is there a list of what I want

from my life

can you see good worker poor Oscar third

receiving is like the ocean

there’s plenty especially in this

country it’s like an ocean here here

success is not in short supply

it isn’t rationed but when you step up

to the window it’s all gone no no well

if that’s true what is the problem well

the problem is some people go to the

ocean with a teaspoon have you got the

picture a teaspoon what I suggest you do

and view of the size of the ocean is

trade your teaspoon for at least a

bucket and you will look better at the

ocean with a bucket kids won’t make fun

of you now here’s something else to

remember about asking there are two ways

to ask one is ask with intelligence it

didn’t say ask intelligently but I’m

sure it meant that don’t mumble you

won’t get anything by mumbling be clear

be specific intelligent asking means how

high how long how much when what size

what model what color describe what you

want define it remember well define

goals are like magnets the better you

give your goals purpose answer both

questions what do I want that’s the

object and the second question what for

that’s purpose purpose is stronger than

object what you want is powerful and it

will pull but what you wanted for is

more powerful here’s the second way to

ask ask with faith faith is the childish

part it means believe you can get what

you want like a child not an adult many

adults are too skeptical they’ve lost

that wonderful childlike faith and trust

don’t let that happen to you believe in

have faith in yourself and your goals

and get excited like a child childlike

enthusiasm nothing can beat it kids

think they can do anything how exciting

they hate to go to bed at night and

can’t wait to get up in the morning

develop that kind of enthusiasm toward

your life and your goals and be curious

like a child

kids can ask a thousand questions just

when you think they’re finished they

come up with a thousand more they’ll

drive you to the brink but it’s really a

virtue have plenty of curiosity ask

questions that’s how you learn another

fringe benefit of setting goals is what

it does for your ability to manage your

time effectively this is no small thing

we’ll look at time management in detail

in a later session but now while we’re

talking about goals I’d like to share a

few ways your use of time are affected

by or influenced the achievement of your

goals have you ever thought that without

some very clear written goals you never

even need to consider managing your time

time essentials come from objectives

well defined time can’t be critical if

objectives aren’t defined

now you might be one of those uniquely

fortunate individuals who can keep all

their objectives and purposes clearly

defined in their minds and operate from

that but I wouldn’t take the chance

write your goals down and set careful

priorities sometimes priorities are

determined by the season for a farmer in

springtime the season dictates his most

important activities during the spring a

farmer must work around the clock burn

the midnight oil and keep the equipment

running because he has only this small

window of time for the planting of his

crops one of the difficulties of living

in an industrialized Society is the

losing of the sense of seasons when to

pour it on when to ease back when to

take advantage it’s easy to keep going

from 9 to 5 year in and year out and

lose a natural sense of priorities and

appropriate time don’t let one year just

blend into the next keep an eye on your

own seasons lest you lose track of

values and substance part of setting

priorities is learning to separate major

activities from minor activities this is

a whole skill in itself but once you

have learned it it will pay dividends

you won’t believe so learn to put

everything on your mental scales to be

carefully weighed before you spend time

or money and here’s a good question to

constantly ask is this a major or a

minor by asking that question you will

reduce the amazingly natural tendency to

spend major time on minor things in

sales training we are taught that major

time is the time spent in the presence

of the prospect while minor time is the

time spent on the way to the prospect if

you’re not careful you will spend more

time on the way to than in the presence

of so in sales we teach don’t go across

town till you’ve gone across the street

wouldn’t it be wise to make an

evaluation if you’re in sales and ask

how much time am i spending in the

presence of and how much time on the way

to majors and minors what a great

discipline to exercise it also reads

don’t spend minor time on major things

it’s easy to get values mixed up the man

spends 3 hours watching television and

only 30 minutes playing with his kids

something is probably out of line there

right it also reads don’t spend major

money on minor things if you spend more

on candy than on audio cassettes like

this or books that would be foolish

right here is a great goal achieving tip

don’t mistake movement for achievement

it’s possible to be busy all day come

home exhausted and only then realize

that very little of your day consisted

of productive activities in the pursuit

of your goals don’t get faked out by

being busy the man says I’ve been going

going hard all day I’ve really put in

the hours in the effort but here’s the

major question doing what it isn’t going

going hard all day that counts it’s the

doing what the value that counts another

essential is concentration this is one

of those difficult things especially in

a society where there are so many voices

asking for our attention the television

voices the radio voices your family

voices the friends voices social voices

business voices advertising commercials

isn’t it amazing

you can turn off the television and the

commercials keep running how do you turn

them off in your mind that is the

challenge to be mastered the best use of

time comes from putting plenty of value

in it and concentration means you take

that challenge seriously

it’s called careful investment for

maximum results concentration the big

sports stars will tell you the

cost of not concentrating just a little

slip of concentration and they put one

by your feet and there goes first place

and maybe the big money so writing a


concentrate making a call having a

conversation trying to solve a problem

concentrate you won’t believe the effect

this will have on your life now there is

a time to let your mind wander but it’s

a time you designate specifically for

that purpose at that appointed time you

can go off for that walk on the beach or

that drive to the mountains away from

business let the breezes blow and your

mind soar do some dreaming that’s

healthy but do it at that pre-planned

time at all other tasks concentrate

another aspect of managing goals and

time is constant review there’s just no

way to keep on target with your

priorities without this whether it’s

business goals personal goals family

goals or investment goals they must all

be reviewed to see if you are on track

which is all the more reason for writing

them down careful goal-setting could be

the time management answer you’ve been

looking for goals well-defined and well

described and well thought-out make us

look carefully at the time we have and

how to get the most from it to make all

of our dreams come true the answers to

do better come from the necessity to do

better you will undoubtedly be amazed at

the ideas you can come up with for the

use of your time when goals and purpose

have you stimulated to the maximum now

there is a last main point to consider

you won’t get everything you want what a

statement to make after studying how to

get whatever you want but you won’t get

everything you want and the reason is

it’s not that kind of planet sometimes

it’s going to hail on your crop and rain

on your parade I’m sure

you are very well aware of this but in

my opinion if you work the system I’ve

just shared with you you will get more

than plenty more often than not you will

the best advice mr. chef gave me in

those early years was why and how to

study that’s a key word for life change

study if you wish to be successful study

success if you wish to be happy

study happiness happiness is not an

accident it is first to study and then a

practice if you wish to be wealthy study

wealth would you like to guess how many

people make wealth a study right very

few surely since wealth and happiness

and success are all values to cultivate

you would naturally assume that most

people would make a careful study of

them why they do not is yet another

example of those aspects of life that

fall into the category of mysteries of

the mind remember major keys to your

better future are going to be ideas and

information if we have any lack it is

not because we lack money or opportunity

or resources it is because we lack ideas

that have taken form from information

many years ago I learned that some of

the best advice ever given comes from

the Bible there’s a phrase in that

amazing book that says if you search you

will find so that is the way to discover

ideas and life-changing information

search in order to find you must search

you must go to the seminars and to the

training classes you must listen to the

cassette programs that can give you

breakthrough ideas you must go and

engage in conversations with people of


you must go looking goes searching

rarely does a good idea interrupt you

and as you make a diligent search you

will find just the ideas you need now

here is a next keyword in the process of

seeking information that can change your

life and that word is capture when you

find a good idea capture it don’t trust

your memory capture everything write it

down record it this is one of the

reasons why we have put this program on

cassette tape to capture the ideas

as a serious student of wealth and

happiness I would encourage you to make

use of a journal as a gathering place

for all the ideas that come your way I

consider personal journals to be one of

the three treasures a wise person will

leave behind here are those three

treasures one is your photographs take a

lot of pictures being able to capture

the event in a fraction of a second is a

phenomenon of the 20th century and how

easy it is to take phenomena for granted

I’ve gone to Taiwan to lecture three

times in the last three years on my last

trip there were about a thousand people

in attendance for a weekend seminar now

if there were 1000 people in the room

guess how many cameras were also in the

room right 1000 everyone brings a camera

to capture all the events and the people

new friends new experiences I spend a

big part of my time having my picture

taken with everyone have you ever looked

at the pictures a couple of generations

back unfortunately there are only a

handful but wouldn’t it be great if

there were hundreds of pictures to tell

the whole story but make sure you leave

behind your whole story in your treasure

of pictures the next treasure to leave

behind is your library all the books you

have chosen books well read well

underlined with notes and observations

and reflections you have written in the

margins the books that have helped shape

your philosophy and the values of your

life that is a treasure your library and

your listening library to all these

terrific cassettes they are a treasure

the third treasure to leave behind is

perhaps the most important and that is

your journals containing all the ideas

you have captured in your lifetime

business ideas social ideas culture

ideas investment ideas lifestyle ideas

can you imagine the value these journals

would have they will certainly be more

valuable to leave behind to your

children than your couch

so get serious about your search for

information and ID

is and about leaving that information

behind for future generations here is

the next key word for expanding your

life for the better that word is review

go back over all your life experiences

learn a skill called reflection

pondering life’s events with the intent

of learning that is so important I call

it running the tapes again the events of

your life are some of the best sources

of information don’t merely go through

your days get from your days be aware of

what’s going on around you so that you

will drive the grooves in the record of

that day deep into your consciousness

here are some good times to reflect

first at the end of the day take a few

minutes and go back over your day where

you went and what you did and what you

said what worked and what didn’t what do

you want to do again what do you want to

correct the colors the sights the sounds

the conversations the experiences you

see experience can become commodity

currency coin an incredible source of

value but only if you take time to

reflect on the experience and turn it

into something of value as we mentioned

in our first fundamental it’s not what

happens that makes the difference in how

your life works out but rather what you

do about what happens and part of doing

something about what happens is this

process of reflection studying an event

in order to glean valuable information

from it another time to reflect is at

the end of the week take a few hours

take a half a day at the end of the

month take a weekend at the end of the

year reason to make the past more

valuable sophisticated people have

learned how to gather up the past and

invest it in the future when my father

was about to celebrate his 76th birthday

I said to him father can you imagine

what it’s going to be like to gather up

the last 75 years and invest them in

your 76

that’s how life can become productive

and exciting not just living one more

year but gathering up the years and

investing them in the next one by

reflecting you can gather up all the

conversations you have ever had and

invest all that you have learned and all

that you have felt in the next

conversation gather all your experiences

and invest all that you have learned and

felt in your next experience and the

more value the more substance the more

information the more wisdom you can

gather from all of your yesterday’s the

more exciting your future becomes

probably all of us already know all that

we need to know in order to make our

lives turn out the way we want except

for one thing how to gather what we’ve

learned in order to invest it in what we

want to become so start a new discipline

that can lead to wealth and happiness

find out how things work never let it be

said you didn’t find out now let me give

you a qualifying phrase you may not be

able to do all you find out but make

sure you find out all you can do become

a good student of your own life it’s the

information you are most familiar with

and feel the strongest about so make

your own life one of your most important

studies and in studying your own life be

sure to study the negative as well as

the positive your failures as well as

your successes our so called failures

serve as well when they teach us

valuable information there are

frequently better teachers than our

successes one of the ways we learn how

to do something right is simply by doing

it wrong doing it wrong is a great

school for learning now I would suggest

that you not take too long if you’ve

done it wrong for 10 years I wouldn’t

suggest another 10 but what a close at

hand an emotionally impactful way to

learn from your own experiences when I

met mister chef I had been working 6

years I started when I was 19 and when I

met him I was

25 he said to me mr. Owen you have been

working now for six years how are you


I said not very well he said then I

suggest you not do that anymore six

years is long enough to operate the

wrong plan next he asked how much money

have you saved in the last six years

I said not any he said who sold you on

that plan six years ago what a fantastic

question where did I get my present plan

that wasn’t working well hey everyone

has bought someone’s plan the question

is whose whose plan have you bought

now those initial confrontations as you

come to grips with your own past

experiences may be a little painful at

first especially if you have made as

many errors as I did but think of the

progress you can make when you have

finally confronted those errors by

becoming a better student of your own

life now the next way to learn is from

other people’s experiences and remember

you can learn from other people whether

they have done it right or wrong you can

learn from negative as well as positive

the Bible is such a great book because

it is a collection of human stories on

both sides of the ledger one list of

human stories is called examples do what

these people did and the other list of

human stories is called warnings don’t

do what these clods did what a wealth of

information what to do and what not to

do I think it also means however that if

your story ever gets in somebody’s book

make sure they use it as an example not

a warning there are three ways to learn

from other people the first is to listen

to the cassettes and read the books by

and about people who’ve accomplished

great things all the successful people I

know and work with around the world are

good readers they just read read read

they are so curious that they are driven

to read because they just have to know

it is one of the things they all have in


here’s a good phrase all leaders are


and they used cassette programs too

especially while they’re in the car or

during other times when they can’t read

cassettes can help all of us easily pick

up new ideas and new skills did you know

there are cassettes and books on how to

be stronger more decisive a better

speaker a more effective leader have a

better effect on of the people become

more loving develop personality get rich

develop influence become sophisticated

and people don’t use them how would you

explain that did you know that hundreds

of successful people have written their

stories in books and told how they did

it on cassettes like this and people

don’t want to listen how would you

explain that the guy’s busy I guess he

says well yeah if you worked where I

work by the time you struggle home it’s

late you’ve got to have a bite to eat

watch a little TV and get to bed you

can’t stay up half the night and read

read read and this is the guy that’s

behind on his bills he’s a good worker

hard worker sincere but remember you can

be sincere and work hard all your life

and wind up broke confused and

embarrassed you’ve got to be better than

a good worker you’ve got to be a good

reader a good listener at least you

could hear a good cassette on the way

home right now you don’t have to read or

listen to educational cassettes half the

night although if you’re broke it’s a

good place to start but here is all I

asked just 30 minutes a day that’s all

stretch it to an hour if you can but at

least 30 minutes half rich isn’t bad

30 minutes hear or read something

challenging something instructional at

least 30 minutes a day and here’s the

next key every day don’t miss miss a

meal but not your 30 minutes hey you can

get along without some meals but you

can’t get along without some ideas

examples and inspiration there’s a Bible

phrase that says humans cannot live on

bread alone or food alone it says the

next most important thing – bread

is words words nourish the mind words

nourish the soul humans have to have

food and words to be healthy and

prosperous make sure you have a good

diet of words every day I told my staff

one day some people read so little they

have rickets of the mind and also

remember to properly feed the mind you

must have good balance don’t just read

or listen to the easy stuff you can’t

live on mental candy here is a thought

why not call good books and cassettes

tapping the treasure of ideas that’s it

tapping the treasure of ideas like

you’re doing with this program and if

somebody’s got a good excuse for not

tapping the treasure of ideas for at

least 30 minutes every day or spending

the money in getting the books and

cassettes I’d like to hear it some

excuses you wouldn’t believe I say John

I’ve got this gold mine I’ve got so much

gold I don’t know what to do with it all

come on over and dig John says I don’t

have a shovel I say well John get you

one he says do you know what they want

for shovels hey invest the money get the

cassettes and books the best money you

can spend is money invested in your self

education don’t shortchange yourself

when it comes to investing in your own

better future mister shelf got me

started on my library when I first met

him he said to me become self educated

standard education will get you standard

results check those numbers and see if

that’s what you want and if it isn’t if

you want something better than standard

you must become self educated so I went

to work on my library and I now have one

of the best shelf recommended a couple

of books in particular to get me started

now I had a Bible that’s 66 books so

that was a pretty good start and my

parents saw to it that I had a good

study of the Bible but the first book

mr. Joffe told me to get was the book

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill if

you don’t already have it

it’s a great one to add to your library

Earl Nightingale has put it on cassette

the title should intrigue You Think and

Grow Rich I read it several dozen times

shelf said repetition is the mother of

skill and if you could have seen my bank

account at the time you would have known

I needed lots of that kind of repetition

some of the ideas and that book made

major changes in my life as I look back

now the book was worth thousands and I

bought it for pennies I learned a very

valuable lesson there can be a great

deal of difference between costs than

value before I met mr. show if I used to

ask how much does it cost after I met

him however I soon learned to ask how

much is it worth

I started basing my life on worth

instead of cost and everything changed

so that was one book he recommended

Think and Grow Rich the next book he

recommended I get was a book on

nutrition shelf said study nutrition

vitality plays an important part in

doing well some people don’t do well

because they don’t feel well it’s not

that they’re not intelligent it’s that

they’re ill they don’t have the fire and

the vitality to do well though he really

got on me about nutrition now some of

those health books are a bit weird but

you can separate out the weird stuff

there are cassettes on nutrition to

remember don’t be a follower be a

student someone says I read this book

should I follow and the answer is no

read at least two books and make up your

own mind don’t be a follower be a

student so take care of yourself there’s

a Bible phrase that says many times the

Spirit is willing but the body’s weak so

you have to work on both you wake up in

the morning and the mind says let’s go

get them and the body says I can’t even

get out of bed so work on your health

a person’s library of books and

cassettes reveals his or her most

dominant desires it’s interesting to

walk into someone’s house and browse


the library what does your library say

about you so read all the books now

here’s good news you don’t have to read

them all at once try this two books a

week in ten years is a thousand books if

you read a thousand books in the next

ten years do you think they would

greatly influence all the dimensions of

your life the answer is of course well

here’s what’s exciting it’s only two

books week however I would suggest if

you haven’t read two books a week for

the last ten years you are about a

thousand books behind can you imagine

the incredible disadvantage it will be

ten years from now to stride into the

marketplace a thousand books behind for

some confrontations you won’t be a match

and for some opportunities your

knowledge will be too lacking for some

values your philosophy will be too

shallow missing skills missing knowledge

missing insights missing values missing

lifestyle it could happen if you don’t

read the books

remember the book you don’t read won’t

help you can’t read too many books but

you can read too few now the next way to

learn from others is to listen become a

great listener get around successful

people and listen listen to what they

say and listen to how they say it there

is something to be said for style as

well as content and never has listening

to successful people been easier or less

costly than it is today with cassettes

like the one you’re listening to now you

can own cassette programs by and about

the most successful people in any field

and you can listen to their ideas while

you do something else while driving your

car exercising getting dressed in the

morning anytime listen over and over

again until their ideas become your

ideas their inspiration your inspiration

a lot of the books you’re anxious to


such as Think and Grow Rich have been

condensed and narrated on cassette your

cassette library of great authors and

ideas can be the investment with the

greatest return of all great cassettes

will do more than teach you great ideas

they’ll also remind you of the important

things you already know but sometimes

forget they’ll lift your spirit

they’ll keep your mind on what’s

important on your goal and how you can

achieve it and what a modest investment

for the seeds of fortune ideas

well-written well-spoken well received

well learned and well invested can be

your driving life force for wealth and

happiness here’s another way to succeed

by listening she was a really successful

person and take him or her out to dinner

and listen ask questions and listen if a

man is poor he can really help himself

by taking a rich person out to dinner

and listening spend fifty sixty eighty

or a hundred dollars go for the full

nine courses start with the hors

d’oeuvres ask questions the salad takes

15 minutes keep the conversation going

the biggest steak in town takes 45

minutes keep it rolling ask more

questions pour on the dessert such the

meal about two hours see if you get

someone successful to eat and talk for

two hours he or she may drop ideas in

your lap that could change your life

multiply your income by two by three by

five but you’re right poor people don’t

usually take rich people out to dinner

that’s the problem

the man says if he’s rich let him buy

his own dinner I’m not coming up with

any money and besides if you work for I

work but the time you struggle home it’s

late you’ve got to have a bite to eat

watch a little TV and get to bed you

can’t spend all that time trying to find

a rich man to feed and this man’s behind

on his installment payments behind he’s

a good worker hard worker sincere but

remember you can work hard and be

sincere all your life and wind up broken

unhappy you’ve got to be

better than a good worker you’ve got to

be a good listener the third way to

learn from others is to observe watch

what successful people do here’s why

success leaves clues watch how the man

shakes hands pursue it with high

expectations spend the money in time and

the effort they’re all investments time

effort and money but the payoff is so

great it’s hard to compare the cost to

the reward first is the money and it

does take some money I have a great

suggestion for the cassettes and the

books and the lectures the seminars and

the videos you need for a constant flow

of ideas and inspiration set up an

educational fund take a portion of your

income each month and set it aside to

invest in all the means of the search

for knowledge remember the best money

spent is the money spent to cultivate

the genius of your own mind and spirit

make sure you don’t spend more for

accommodation then you do for education

the money small price the promise

unlimited potential next is the time

that is a valuable expenditure I

understand that you ask people for their

money that’s one thing but to ask them

for their time that’s a major request

but I don’t know any shortcuts to this

it takes time precious time the time you

spend is that much less time you have to

spend you can get more money but you

can’t get more time however life has a

unique way of rewarding high investment

with high return this major investment

you’re making now listening could be

that small fine tuning you need for

major accomplishment and last the

investment in effort there is a great

deal of difference in casual listening

and serious listening listening to know

listening to learn listening that opens

up the whole mental and spiritual

process is truly an investment in effort

bringing heavy attention to bear that

takes effort a mental rifle shot to

strike the idea target that takes a

great deal of concentrated effort

however this effort high gear mental

machinery is the effort investment that

opens the floodgates where ideas can

work their magic for you in the marketplace

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