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Vindertech Rocket Slammer Pt. 2

guys in her last video we showed you how

to build this vendor tech rocket slammer

weapon from the game fortnight well

today we need to finish this up we need

to paint it and make it look the way it

does in the game

before we start adding paint there’s a

few more steps we have to take to clean

it up and really make it look nice

we’ve already done a little bit of

cleaning using our rotary tool to take

down some corners and make them look a

little bit nice and rounded we need to

do a little bit more of that and then

this hammer has some interesting

engraved sort of portions that go around

it what we’re gonna do to make those is

take this nail hold it in a pair of

pliers heat it up with a propane torch

and then use it to slowly melt the

designs into the foam we’ll have to be

careful we don’t melt all the way

through because we’re repairing the foam

after it’s been shaped it’s kind of

tricky let’s get started with a rotary

tool and take down any edges that we

want to have a little bit more rounded

I think all of our engraving lines are

now nicely etched into the surface of

the hammer so it’s time to move on to

the paint preparation there are some

gaps that I don’t want in this whole

hammer so one of the steps for our paint

prep is applying more of this gallery

glass I used a little bit of this before

when I was sealing up some of the cracks

making the front of the head of the

hammer but now it’s time to go through

and find anywhere that has too much open

foam and fill that with a thin layer of

this gallery glass well then use a heat

gun on low to try and make it dry a

little bit faster and after we do that

we’re actually going to hit the hole

hammer with the heat gun on high because

as I may have explained before that

helps seal up the foam and make it more

with the foam sealed up we now need to

hit the hole hammer top-to-bottom with a

part of the body of the hammer and a

little bit of the rocket on the back

seem to have a little bit of texture so

to simulate that I’m going to take our

same liquid letting I’m just gonna use a

paintbrush to apply it in one direction

and I’m hoping that my brush strokes

will give it a similar texture to what


with our texture added up here it’s time

the all-white version of the hammer its

chiseled out of marble you know I’m just

very strong the whole hammer is covered

in primer and I’m ready to start

applying paint and it’s a little bit of

a puzzle because different parts of the

hammer are different colors the whole

head here is a sort of very dark almost

black not quite black that I’m gonna be

painting what’s called oiled bronze

these attachment flanges and the fins

are the same color as the head of the

hammer as is some parts of the back

there’s also a black color that will go

on the bottom of the handle there are a

few little spots that are going to be a

bright blue color and those ones I know

I want to tape off because I actually

want to use the white primer as a base

for the blue because the blue is not

going to show up as well I have it dark

with silver underneath

now I’m gonna take this oil rubbed

bronze color spray-paint and hit the

head of the hammer the four fins around

the sides these three supports down at

the bottom and part of the back of the

rocket while spraying that on it’s

definitely going to overlap on two parts

that need to be more silver colored what

I’m just going to do is paint the parts

that need to be this color and then I’ll

tape them off and I’ll go over it with

my silver spray paint to get all the

now we got to let this dry mask parts of

it off and paint a whole lot of its

silver I’ve got my tubes that I have not

yet painted or attached and I haven’t

attached from yet because I thought that

having them on already would have gotten

in the way of painting some of the rest

of the hammer but let’s try and turn

these red and then we can attach them to

the hammer after we peel our tape off

I think our paint is dry let’s start

peeling all of our tape off and

hopefully the masking tape is going to

do what it’s supposed to and not stick

to our paint so much that it peels as

right now I am trying to bleed dry the

ink cartridge from a Sharpie that claims

to be like a super bright neon blue and

there are brighter colors out there but

they’re mostly highlighters which aren’t

necessarily as permanent as I want so I

was hoping that by using a permanent

marker I would get something really

stick forever I’m not convinced that

this color is actually going to be one

that I really like well fill the hopper

of the airbrush here and then do a

couple of tests and see what I think the

ink from the Sharpie was a pretty good

color but when I put in my airbrush it

sort of started fluttering and

splattering just a little bit and it

wasn’t a huge problem but it was enough

of a problem that I didn’t want to keep

using it so I’m gonna toss that out and

instead I’m going to be using this

alcohol ink that’s used for like stamp

making and stuff I think it does a great

job of just going right through an

airbrush it’s very thin and so it does a

very good job of spreading nicely it’s a

slightly different color with a tiny bit

more green to it but I think that will

actually work out nicely leaving the

middle a little bit white just to give


well our paint is drying I think it’s

time to attach our red hoses

after peeling off the painters tape from

our yellow stripes that was the last

step and our hammer is now fully painted

and completed there’s a lot of steps to

painting this as you saw but in the end

it was all worth it I think because this

thing looks totally awesome and I am

super happy with how it’s turned out hey

guys we’ve still got more for you to see

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