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PROVE Everybody WRONG! | #OneRule

proving them wrong prove people wrong
prove people wrong one success model the
best what’s up belief nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be part of your daily
success routine so today let’s learn one
of the most common rules that successful
people follow prove them wrong also if
you want to know what myself David
Goggins Kobe Bryant and others have to
say about confidence and excellence
check out my 254 series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the links to join are in
the description below if you’re doing
work that you love you’re more likely to
follow through you’re more likely to do
it because it doesn’t feel like work
because you love doing it everything I
didn’t want to do is what got me to
where I’m at today we all can be masters
at our craft but you have to make
sacrifices that come along with making a
where’d you get your killer instinct
from well yeah I think a lot of it had
to do with isolation growing up over
there and being the only
african-american kid not being able to
speak the language I gravitated towards
the game in that game you find a lot of
you find solace in the game and then
when you played with kids that might not
accept you because you’re an outsider
but you know when we come to play the
game that’s my chance to forgive
vengeance on the for not accept Amanda
and that’s where it kind of started
developing and throughout the course of
my life it’s always been that it’s
always been the outsider and I’m gonna
come in and prove you know or or seek
some sort of vengeance when I play I’m
really good at creating an enemy I’m
really good at and creating something
that I’m against and I’m also good at if
you ever tell me something that I cannot
do I’m gonna let you know that I’m doing
it somehow somehow you’re gonna know one
way or another I’m doing it it may not
be like in your face it may I may make
sure that I run across the daggone world
so then it’s on the news and you turn
the news on so how the hell did he do
that I want to do something that you
know I’m here I’m here
what advice you give young girls when
they’re going through a hard time and
somebody might be talking trash to them
what do you say for them the only thing
that makes me happy is like um proving
them wrong
yeah like proving them wrong like you
will never be nothing and it’s like whoa
today I’m in hot 97 haha yeah absolutely
I’m doing yeah yeah like it’s like I’m
on TV
ha ha like it’s like my music ha ha like
it’s like every single time that I do
something big it just empowers me
working makes you happy like working
really makes you happy like seeing the
money makes you happy like oh look at
this I feel I feel young I said once
before I feel like Benjamin Button
I was born old and I will die young this
for sure so just to say don’t worry
about my age I know I’m 37 but when I
came to England they all said I was old
I came in a wheelchair after three
months I conquered England and they say
I was flying so this is only numbers
who’s to say that I can’t make a hip hop
project and and make a guitar song at
the same time who’s to say that
everybody’s so closed-minded amongst all
this success is always gonna be you know
it’s definitely different coming into
the game as you know white guy then
everybody’s like who’s this dude
Charlamagne picked on me and you know
it’s whatever he don’t like me if you
don’t like it don’t listen to it I want
to make great music I want to prove
people wrong I want to turn up I want to
show everybody what I’m about people
think I’m just taking advantage of
everything but I love this like this is
that I love this is what I want to do I
love the music I love making music I
love the people that I’m around I love
my friends and my family and other
people that really stood by me whenever
I took the leap to do what I wanted to
do and you know no one can really say
John say after the Olympics in 2008
you’ve been criticized even though you
won bronze some people said that you
were wild and you weren’t gonna achieve
in the pros how much of that was an
incentive to drive you I mean really all
of it you know I come from a place where
I’ve always heard different things I’ve
always heard what I can’t do
I’ve always heard what I don’t need to
be doing I need to be doing this instead
of that
you know all the negativity I’ve been
brought up and raised you know through
our society hearing different things
that I’m not gonna achieve so you know
it’s a big booster for me because I love
to prove people wrong
please welcome
today US Olympic bronze medalist once I
got it till my 15 right you know I was
knocking guys out I start something
can everyone out and then I started and
must have some you know I must got some
here and then it just started being even
more confidence booster for me because
I’m continuously consistently knocking
these guys out over and over and over
again someone just like that it’s like
this ain’t nothing fake this is no fluke
this is nothing here no blood this is
people say that you’re this wild guy
they said the same about Marciano he
didn’t have a whole load of technique is
that something that bothers you when
people say that I’m a dime bother me at
all I don’t care about what people say
like I’m like I said it falls on deaf
ears with me but I am gonna prove you
wrong though you know and that’s what I
do now is it true that you apply to but
were turned down by the Royal Academy of
Dramatic Art yes I was Alec Guinness
Laurence Olivier all that you know all
those all those guys that one sort of
looked up to they had all had this
career that sort of started with the
Royal Academy so it was an obvious place
for me to to go to you know and and I
found them that very rude of woman sat
there knitting during an audition here
and another person was sort of looking
at papers sort of smoking a cigarette
and I and I finished my audition and
they just said well you know think about
something else to do for a living do you
and but so that was it that was it was a
blow yeah it was a blow but i but i but
i dusted myself off and you know went
for it and i got into another school and
and of and have now learned that they
are sort of much of a muchness I mean
you just take you leave the bad take the
good and and it’s about your it’s about
your own commitment
it’s about application really more than
what of course there are great teachers
but but I I went and I were I’ve worked
very hard and was the first was the was
the first in my year to get to get a job
to get an equity card but that wasn’t I
don’t it wasn’t because I was the the
most talented guy there I just I’ve
worked very hard I wrote the letters I
had but my picture take and everybody
else was was kind of you know and around
up the pub and I was sort of doing I was
sort of doing the work and taking it
seriously what I decided to do was
create a restaurant called 15 that took
unemployed kids kids homeless kids kids
from prison and create a restaurant
there was a legit top-end restaurant
that all the profits would train those
kids and we made a documentary about it
and the documentary changed everything
in British sort of the stuff you know
about kids and that sort of that genre
of sort of observational documentary
they loved it it was like rated like
through the roof let’s be really honest
I didn’t do it because I was a really
nice kind person you know I did it
because I was a young romantic cocky kid
with the idea you know I always say I
wanted to do it and I could do it so I
did do it and no one was gonna stop me
my dad told me not to do it he
really didn’t believe it he hated the
idea he said you can’t you can’t make a
silk purse out of a sow’s ear you know
basically say I mean rate once what you
know if you that’s it
you know don’t mess with it is done and
I deeply disagreed and and so there’s a
little bit of rebellion there like some
of the people telling you it was do it
or it was uncomfortable because the
thing the thing is because I because I
was wild in the sense of just doing it
like single-mindedly there was about
three weeks when officially I was
bankrupt but we hadn’t quite wrap
luckily I got another royalty check from
up from a book which just saved my ass
at the last minute so I mean it was
exciting it was wild it was romantic it
was risky it was stupid and it was the
best thing I ever did yeah
so this is an interesting one for me and
I’m conflicted I’m conflicted because
early in my career I was very motivated
by the little man by the haters by the
naysayers by the non-believers but the
people who told me that I couldn’t do
something like that was fuel for me to
go out and prove them wrong and show it
in their face and say look what I went
out and did whether it was making my
believe by video that the little man
told me that would never do well and
that was over or almost 2 million views
people who didn’t believe in my brand
people who told me I was the worst
speaker at the agency and that motivated
me to want to get better and so that
helped me in the early days of my career
when I honestly think that it comes from
a place of insecurity and I would love
to encourage you guys to get to the
point where you’re not motivated by what
other people think of you good or bad
where the self motivation the self
confidence is so strong that it doesn’t
matter what somebody else says about you
then you want to go out and do that
because you want to go out and do that
not because somebody makes you want to
do that right like your motivation needs
to come from here and not from out
there and I’m saying this knowingly
understanding that earlier in my career
I was very motivated by the little men
and the haters and that actually helped
me get some success and so maybe it’s
just a mindset in space that I’m in now
having had some success but I would love
to see you guys not care about the
people who don’t like what you’re doing
the people who don’t like your work the
people who tell you you’re not talented
the people who feel like you’re never
gonna be a success the people who look
at your product or service and say
that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen
you’re never gonna make it if your
motivation is only to prove them wrong
then it’s not coming from a great place
or add much rather you be more powerful
and let that negativity just pound off
you the more you get success the more
negativity you’re gonna have by the way
and the thicker the skin you need to
build and the less you want to focus on
what negative people are saying we’re
understanding there’s a lot of people
there are a lot of people out there even
if you haven’t seen one yet there’s a
lot of people out there who badly need
what you can give them where if you were
to unleash your inner talents your
abilities your confidence and create and
gift that to the world there’s a lot of
people who will love it and focus on
them focus on the positivity and focus
on doing the thing that you want to do
as opposed to doing something to prove
in somebody else wrong what is the
message to the world with Black Panther
I think the message is that is that it
that it works to have you know black
it works that I that our stories can
resonate not just in this country but
throughout the world we’ve been on a
tour showing the movie we went to South
Korea just before the Olympics came and
and in London so it’s that that that
that uh idea that a black movie can’t
travel that’s that’s been said very
often when when Studios talk about
finding movies they will make that
statement that you know we don’t sell
overseas yeah it’s the exact opposite it
now I’ve got a special bonus clip from
Tory Lanez on how to prove people wrong
that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing question it’s time
to move from just watching another video
to taking action in your life for
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question number one who are
you going to prove wrong number two what
will you do today to kickstart your
momentum and number three who can you
connect with to hold you accountable on
let me tell you this story dog for Yahoo
don’t know I was in class nigga and in
this lady I’m not even gonna speak on
her name on love or whatever I was in
class dog and this lady pulled me into
her class and she was like well I was in
the hallway and she pulled me into her
class and she was like yo she’s like yo
I wanted to I wanna I wanna um you you
to show my to show my class a lesson a
demonstration because she always see me
skipping in the hallways and she always
read everybody else see me skipping in
the hallways and so the girl goes she
brings his girl up to the front of the
class as she goes yo yo crystal come up
here crystal comes up you know you
always remember to join me – crystal
comes up and she go everybody take a
good look at she said my real name but
she’s like take a good look at Tori and
Tori I’m she’s like everybody I’m sure
you guys seen him in the hallways
thought it out of that and she goes look
crystal will be the one that’s signing
your check story she said take a good
look at crystal because she’ll be the
one that’s signing your checks that’s
what she told me I swear to God I swear
to God mr. Thomas yeah y’all niggas
remember yeah miss Thomas told me that
she and I looked at a dog and I remember
that day dog and I walked out to class
and I remember dog I told her before I
left but a lot nigga I’m gonna be
something gonna be something that’s not
I don’t know what it is I taught her to
be something and she looked at me and
she was like I if you want to learn how
successful people embrace pain and
accomplish their goals check the link
right there next to me I think you’ll
enjoy it continue to believe and I
you there pain pain pain pain pain pain pain embrace the pain pain
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