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BEST BIRCHER | Jamie Oliver

hi guys homie well so let me give you an
amazing breakfast that is delicious
nutritious and you’re gonna love we are
going to make a beautiful chocolate
Bircher get an apple a big ol bowl a box
grater and have a little grate up and
you can grate the whole thing
don’t take the skin off that’s where a
lot of the pectin is that and then I’m
gonna use a pear as well I’m gonna take
an orange slice it up straight over your
apple and pears and that’s not only
going to add amazing flavor but the
vitamin C and the acid in that are gonna
stop any of this discoloring then of
course the classic poori jokes go on top
and that energy is gonna slow burn until
lunchtime so to hefty tablespoons of
cocoa goes in to the liquidizer I’m
gonna go in with a banana alright again
really really good for you fantastic for
potassium it’s sweet it’s delicious
six hundred mils of milk wears this up
whore they look basically what we’ve
made is a smooth and that bitterness
from the cocoa has now been balanced
with natural sugar from the banana and
of course with the porridge oats that
energy slowly released and I’ve got one
last little ingredient to add the module
dates but actually if we chop these up
right they release their sugar slower
and also they’re really chewy and
delicious and a nice little surprise
when you eat it
so I’ll stir that in and this will be
ready in like five hours here we just
suck up all the moisture that will
happily sit in the fridge for a couple
of days easy-peasy
if it lasts that long so just wrap it up
with cling film squeeze the air out give
it a seal there’s no need to do that at
all but it just feels good so let’s get
that in the fridge tomorrow this will be
amazing so this has been soaking
overnight and this would be good for a
couple of days in the fridge but it
won’t last that long you can see this
thickened up so a nice little spoon like
that is beautiful a little handful of
hazelnuts of course you could use any
nut you like but I really love hazelnuts
and chocolate you know why I’ve the
seeds let’s just get those sprinkled in
just mix seeds and just bash it up so I
really love to add some nuts and seeds
and again this just makes it even more
healthy whatever fruit is in season just
fill your boots and have a go we’ve got
the apple and pear in there already but
of course where the frozen or fresh
these berries are really really fun to
have with a butcher and then if you want
you can add a little bit of Greek yogurt
and this is beautiful let’s have a
little try it is so good so really nice
to that today it feels really indulgent
but of course this bowl is full of
goodness so what you’re waiting for
get those oats get within and get making your Bircher okay
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