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Program Your Mind Like a Computer | Dr Richard Bandler (CO-Founder of NLP)

I’ve created so many techniques that
constitute the behavioral technology of
neuro linguistic programming and I
wanted to make a large number of those
available to anyone
most of my techniques are not that
difficult there are things and we have
little exercises for people to practice
so that you do a little bit every day
and if you do it for two weeks and then
repeat it again and then maybe begin to
explore some of those subjects more you
can get yourself headed in the right
direction I was listening to people on
talk shows talk about that two-week diet
to lose weight again and a 2 week diet
for this and ketone diet and so it’s
everything has to be done in two weeks
or 30 days or 60 days and I thought
wouldn’t it be nice if we just had
something that you can read and do
something for 15-20 minutes every day
and it got you to be smarter about how
you spend your time because the currency
of life is how you spend the moments of
your day and if you spend your moments
remembering some horrible thing that
happened five minutes here two minutes
there three minutes there that’s not 30
minutes an hour a day an hour a day is
365 hours a year 10 years it’s 3640
we’re talking Northey and thousand
twelve thousand hours you’re planning to
think about this bad memory I talk to
people about it all the time
and wouldn’t it be nice if you could get
that time back time you spend
repetitively thinking so we give people
very short things they can do
most people have confused remembering
with thinking so they come in and they
tell me that I always have to be afraid
in a situation or I can never get myself
to do this and it has to do with their
thinking that you know in the past I’ve
never been able to do something so
therefore I won’t be able to do it
so whenever they think about it they
have big pictures in their mind and
voices and feelings moving in the same
direction when what thinking really is
is reversing all of those processes
putting up new big shiny pictures in
their head and talking to themselves in
a better voice and spinning their
feelings in the opposite direction now
depending upon what it is there’s a
whole variety of techniques that you get
people to do to think instead of
remember because remembering produces a
state called hesitation and thinking
leads to action and you know people come
in they go it’s just that I think this
and they’re not really thinking they’re
remembering and when you stop
remembering what you can’t do and start
thinking you can do things people always
surprised themselves delightfully most
people need a better more precise plan
in their mind to become more motivated
they need to start feeling better
each thing they get done rather than
worse about how much they haven’t and a
lot of it just has to do with where the
pictures aren’t in your head how big
they are and what’s in them and how it
affects your indemic nervous system what
psychologists call feelings is that
there are cortical connections between
all the hollow and solid organs and your
intestines that go right up the
brainstem and connect with the rest of
your brain there’s an overlap between
your visual and auditory cortex and all
these things connect in a way where you
feel knots in your stomach and rotating
and all these sensations that you know
people oh my heart is beating how can I
make it stop and I don’t think they
really want the answer
that question it’s not about stopping
something once it starts it’s about
conditioning yourself to make these
things work toward you when people feel
hesitant their feelings are going one
way and when they feel motivated they’re
going the other way everybody who tells
me they can’t get motivated goes out and
does other stuff which means they can be
motivated everybody who tells me they
have insecurities I always look at them
and go are you sure about it and they go
so it’s not true that they’re not
capable of certainty they’re just aiming
it in the wrong direction people who are
not motivated or doing other things a
name need to push this stuff around in
their mind so they start getting the
stuff done that they want to do so they
feel good about themselves all of these
things are connected you’re asking about
they’re all connected in a way that when
you reorganize your mind you become more
efficient and more adaptable as an
organism if you give yourself a purpose
and a mission and you keep realigning
that mission so that you’re adaptable to
your environment your family your
friends your jobs you become successful
as a person and will feel great the more
you just wind and whinge about it and
sit around and i’ll hallucinate yourself
failing the more you’ll be wasting time
and you know I know that there are
psychologists that say you should accept
yourself but I think that’s selling
yourself short I think you can be much
more than you ever suspected I don’t
think that people have difficulty
planning I think that they just plan the
wrong things people plan to not get
anything done they think you know they
go what should i do today and they make
a list of stuff and they go well I’m
probably just gonna sit around and do
nothing and they sit around and do
nothing excellently and there’s these
pictures in their head they follow and
these they don’t follow and they need to
reverse them they need to become
compelled one of the things about
successful people is that is that there
are they’re a little OCD about getting
things done and primarily because it
feels good you take somebody that
doesn’t clean up their closet they open
the closet and they look at and they go
gosh I really should clean this mess up
and then they think but you know I could
do this and I could do this and I could
do this and next thing you know they
find themselves doing something else
it’s because they don’t really make it a
plan they don’t make a commitment to
themselves and to other people and they
don’t look at it and the first thing
they take out feel better when they take
you out feel even better still and I
teach people how to control their
thoughts in their mind in a way where
they get control of their brain a lot of
people say they’re afraid to be
hypnotized because they don’t want
anybody controlling them when the truth
is the way I use hypnosis is to teach
them so they can control their own
thoughts I’m teaching them the very
mechanisms that will probably for the
first time in their life put them in
control of not just the way they feel
the way they think and therefore what
they can do personal power is knowing
what you do well and what you don’t do
well which is where people get into
trouble see if you know what you do well
and you don’t do well then you should
know what to do next to become a better
person and as long as you’re better than
you were yesterday and the week ago at a
month ago you’re headed in the right
direction but if anything happening cuz
I think people are either getting better
or they’re getting worse and they’re
either getting smarter or they’re
getting dumber and that pretty much
happens every day and we all go a little
bit this way a little bit this way I
want to go a lot that way in its little
this ways again making the same mistake
it’s not a good idea and most theories
justify making the same mistake
you know that change should be long and
tedious justifies not doing a good job
for a long time and you know I didn’t
accept any of the theories of
personality in psychology or any of that
I thought you know we need to get you
know my criterion does it work does it
work and how quickly and I assumed that
everything is a possibility and can be
done it seems like the practical way to
live and to believe and if you believe
in yourself you just need to believe you
could do it you just have to learn the
right things then you’ll start looking
for the right things if you believe
you’re not a good person you do not try
with every fiber of your soul and both
of those are just ideas and you can
change ideas like you change socks we
have more evidence that placebos work as
well as a lot of drugs and with my
athletes especially back in the 70s and
the 80s a lot of them were on steroids
I mean intense anabolic steroids and
they believed they couldn’t hit the ball
as well without it and while they do
make your muscles stronger so we’ll
exercise and eating right and taking the
right minerals and I started giving them
plus Evo’s and then I found out no you
can make vitamins into bones and
you know I had them taking multi
minerals and believing that they would
replace their steroids would be even
better and some of them ended up doing
better than they did with the steroids
what’s important is is not that you
deceive yourself with the placebo but
that you realize the power of belief
even when people take real medicine they
need to believe it’s going to work and
you know that’s what gets somebody to
take all the antibiotics in the bottle
it’s believing if you take all 12 you’ll be better
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