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“Practice GRATITUDE!” – Oprah Winfrey (@Oprah) – #Entspresso

you’re still here and you get another

chance this day to do better and be

better and then what I do I smile I

smile I smile and revel at the

opportunity and challenge in front of me

and the energy of gratitude can really

open you up to this incredible capacity

to feel more energized to feel more

happy rise and shine it’s expresso time

what’s up believe nation it’s evan my

one word is believe and i believe in you

i believe you have an amazing gift

inside you that i want to see exploded

onto the world so let’s start your day

off right together grab your cup of

coffee and sip on today’s message say

thank you over to you Oprah Winfrey

close your eyes for a moment will you

please and breathe with me just close

your eyes and if you will put your thumb

to your middle finger and gather your

other fingers around and let’s feel the

vibration and pulse of your personal

energy as you take three deep breaths

with me inhale and as you exhale just

feel the vibration energy blood

pulsating through your body through you

and another inhale and keep your eyes

closed and let’s just think about this

day this day that you have been graced

this day where many of those breasts

were taken for granted you just expected

the next one to come but the truth is

there’s no guarantee that the next one

comes this day how you started your day

what your thoughts were this morning how

how you’ve been allowed to have

encounters and experiences some

challenging some more life enhancing

that pushed you forward another day of

being here on the planet Earth as a

human being I just think about that

after all you’ve been through and this

day alone and the many days and years

passed how you got here to this

prestigious esteemed University the

choices you made that have brought you

open your heart and quietly to yourself

say the only prayer that’s ever needed

thank you thank you thank you you’re

still here and you get another chance

this day to do better and be better

another chance to become more of who you

were created and what you were created

to fulfill thank you what you say thank

you to will ultimately determine your

happiness as a human being I just

believe that I think gratitude is so

important I think too often it’s really

easy to say thank you for all the things

that are easy to say thank you too but

when something goes wrong when you get

dealt a negative hand when you have a

blowback that happens in your life or in

your business how do you say thank you

to that and if you’re constantly only

happy when good things are happening to

you then you’re really never gonna be

happy that often when you can understand

that every situation that’s happening

around you right now is actually good

can be good if you decide that it’s

gonna be good that’s when the real world

starts to happen I look at myself and

one of the things that I’m really trying

to pay attention to and work on is not

so much saying thank you but it’s an

equivalent of it it’s when there’s a

challenge in my life or my business

we’ve I’ve lost a big client if

something happens on my youtube channel

if somebody leaves a team if I only had

a couple hours sleep you know there’s

something that just is negative and that

everybody in the world would give you

you know a pass will give you a pardon

to say you know what it’s okay

that’s the crappy situation that you’re

going through it’s okay to complain to

be angry and upset what I try to do in

those that you

questions as I say this is my chance

this is my chance to show myself and to

show the world what I’m made of because

it’s easy to win when it’s easy but

that’s not when you grow you grow

through the difficulties you grow

through the hard times you go through

the challenges and so I don’t seek out

those crazy obstacles you know I would

love to have a regular eight hours sleep

every night and for a good chunk of

nights I do but if I’m up but I only

have three hours sleep what am I gonna

do with that day am I’m just gonna mail

it in and I’m just gonna complain I’m

just gonna be upset if I lose a client

or something happens on YouTube I’m just

gonna pack it in for the day and start

again tomorrow I use it what the

internal dialogue inside here this is

what’s happening

I tell myself this is my opportunity to

show myself in the world what I made of

today this is my opportunity to grow and

then what I do I smile I smile I smile

and revel at the opportunity and

challenge in front of me because you do

not grow you do not get better you do

not improve by racing against

three-year-olds you improve when there’s

adversities you grow stronger through

the struggle the struggle is going to be

guaranteed the results may not be you

may not get to where you want to go you

may not achieve your goal but the

struggle is guaranteed and so if you

know the struggle is guaranteed what’s

your mindset gonna be when the struggle

comes when the self-doubt comes when the

negativity comes when the hatred comes

when the failures come what’s your

mindset gonna be because the faster you

can get to the point of thank you of

gratitude of I’m gonna learn from this

of this is a positive of this is gonna

make me better stronger healthier

happier from every negative situation

the faster you can get to that point

where you can genuinely say thank you

and even I think at the beginning just

forcing it forcing yourself to lock out

of that negative situation and say how

can I be grateful for this how can I say

thank you for this it immediately moves

you to a more positive mindset

it immediately moves you to a solution

oriented mindset it immediately moves

you closer towards achieving the goal

conquering that mountain going for what

you want as opposed to lying in bed

under the sheets feeling sorry for

yourself now I’ve got a very special

bonus clip for you but before getting to

that I want to know from you what is one

recent negative thing that has happened

in your life or your business that you

now want to say thank you to because

it’s your chance to show yourself in the

world what you’re made of leave in the

comments below really curious to find

out thank you guys so much for watching

I believe in you I hope you continue to

believe in yourself and whatever you’re

one where it is much love I’ll see you

the next phase here is also to become

grateful for what it is that you do have

so if you’re starting to try to create

change in your life you want to make

sure that you’re really focusing on what

it is that you do have in your life so

that you feel an energy of gratitude and

an energy of gratitude can really open

you up to this incredible capacity to

feel more energized to feel more happy

in any given moment where you feel like

oh I don’t have what I need or I’m not

supported or things aren’t working out

the simple step here is to just say I am

grateful for what I do have and let me

look at me say I’m grateful for what I

do have we create more of what we want

and the energy of gratitude opens our

heart and it expands our energy and it

makes us a much more wonderful loving

person to be around and with that loving

energy we begin to attract more into our

life and so we want to really make sure

that that energy of gratitude is a very

pinnacle part of this group this miracle

worker process which is that we stay

committed and open to what it is that we

are here to receive and we stay

committed and grateful for what it is

that we have and so you can begin today

just by making a gratitude list and

focus on it in there’s so many moments

when I think oh my god I can’t believe I

have to do this or I can’t prove that to

get to that and and then I just think

about what I’m grateful for and it just

spins me immediately out of the crazy

chaos and back into a centered place of

love and so I think that this is a

really valuable tool for you to begin to

use regularly and it’s an active tool

throughout the book make us miracles the

most important word ever if you had to

think of one word that’s most important

to you or that sums you Apple

that would be like a little beacon

they believe nation if you want to know

what the most important one word is for

Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk Oprah

Winfrey and Howard Schultz I

have a very special secret video for you check the description for details

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