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No Matter How Bad It Is, I’m GOING TO MAKE IT! Powerful Motivation



you gotta believe yourself like I said

it is speaking believe me you will see

the baby just like that your mind is

very powerful the universe is very

powerful speak things into those into it

it’ll come to you better you speak it

believe it receivers we can believe and

receive these people even receive it and

it’s healthy orbits you must have faith

Paul said you must have the faith the

call portal seems that be not as though

they were judge not according to

appearances don’t judge your

circumstances and the possibilities for

your future based upon what you have now

and because of what’s going on now no no

no no that’s not the real reality there

what you’re going through you’re going

through some hard times it is not come

to stay it has come to pass it’s alright



don’t be afraid to think outside the box

don’t be afraid to fail big to dream big

but remember dreams without goals are

just dreams whatever it is you want to

do you can have so cleanly

we’re hard to get it when you get it

reach back pull someone else up each one

teach one Bob okay

today is not about me today is about you


know what it feels like to sit on the

bench know what it feels like to get

knocked down I know what it feels like

to have a hope of the dream then nobody

believes it but if you

but here’s what now

I found that nothing in life is

worthwhile unless you take risks nothing

Nelson Mandela said there is no passion

to be found playing small and settling

for light that’s less than the one

if you wake up in the morning they cut

off the news and every single day you

look like success and looking like money

and every time you go into a home you

understand the power of likability every

time you go into a home you make sure

you don’t communicate you make sure you

connect I guarantee you all the time if

you want a treat all the time as you

build that root system all the time I

promise you that tree will grow and

before you know it you will have your

own little personal harvest then don’t

I will fail my way to success

eight out of ten millionaires have been

financially bankrupt 85% of people allow

their fear of failure jawed way their

desire to succeed no matter how bad it

is or how bad it gets I’m going to make


say that to yourself everyday as I used

to say to myself when I would get up in

the Penobscot building and I had to go

into the bathroom and bathe in the

bathroom sink I have written on the

mirror that I put up they just pasted up

and I read no matter how bad it is or

how bad it gets I’m going to make it so

you’ve got to have faith you talk to

yourself you say that affirmation the

next step is you must have patience and

engage in consistent action patience and

engage in consistent actions everything

does not always happen ladies and

gentlemen when we want it to happen it

so in that process they have something

in the 40s called the Chinese bamboo

tree the Chinese bamboo tree every day

it has to be watered and fertilized it’s

a very hot not nut and and it takes five

years of watering and fertilization

every day according to American

Geographics before it breaks through the

ground at any time if the ordering

process and the nurturing and the

fertilization process is stopped the

Chinese bamboo tree will die in the

ground now once it breaks through in

that fifth year then in six weeks it

goes 90 feet tall now the question is

does it go 90 feet in five years or six

weeks the answer is obvious it takes

five years that’s how long it took to

grow it to build that foundation for

nurture it to water it to build the

reputation to build the credibility to

learn the market to learn people to

learn yourself to learn the system to

learn how to do it to figure it out

that’s why you must have patience and

engage in consistent action we live in a

world is and gentleman where people want

instant gratification they want it right

now they want to be at the exterior but

they’re not willing to pay the price to

do what it takes to get up there where

dick hopper is well Bryant or Judy is

they think it was easy

no no it’s simple but it’s not easy it’s

a system that if you work the system it

works if you work it but make no mistake

and you are the determining factor give

something else it’s possible you can

live your dream it’s necessary that you

have goals that you write them down that

you surround yourself with a support

team that you are creative


it’s yield that you must take with

personal responsibility to make it

happen George Bernard Shaw said the

people that make it in this world look

around for the circumstances that they

want and if they can’t find them they

create them it’s hard no easy it’s not

an option however ladies and gentlemen

what you will discover is that it’s

worth it it’s worth it


see the people that will live their

dreams a 2% that will do that

these are right this out become a

risk-taker they’re risk takers they

don’t mind failing they don’t mind

making mistakes they’re willing to take

life on take life in the kawah viscosity

if you’re not willing to risk you can’t

grow and if you cannot grow you cannot

become your best and if you cannot

become your best you can’t be happy and

if you can’t be happy then what else is

there it’s not what you don’t have is

what you think you need that keeps you

from being successful or happy in life

it’s not what you don’t have see I

always focus on what I didn’t have don’t

have a college degree don’t have any

credentials you never worked for a major

corporation I was focused on the

negative thing that said negative things

are the things that you see when you’re

not focus on your goal what do you come

with what is it that you have within you

that you showed up to bring hey les you

don’t know but my dream is the long shot

long shot friend of mine Dexter Jaeger

said when the dream is big enough the

odds don’t matter so practice the

principle of oqp only quality people and

somebody’s saying less can I change them

no it’s a full-time job changing

yourself some people are so negative

they’re walking to a dark room and begin

to develop repeat after me please make

yet price Pritchard is of a great great

a motivator and trainer said make your

move before you’re ready we’re

instructed in that in life to walk by

faith and not by sight see you want to

really begin to stretch yourself you

want to become a risk-taker

you want to raise the bar on yourself

most people won’t do that anything

that’s worth doing

is worth doing badly yes anything is

worth doing is worth doing right as we

have been taught if you know how to do

it but if you don’t know how to do it is

worth doing badly until you get it right

the reason you’re here is because

there’s something in you that says I can

do more you don’t have to be great to

get started but you have to get started

to be great

all the events you have experienced in

your lifetime

up to this moment have been created by

thoughts and beliefs you have held in

the past how can you be happy in this

moment if you continue to choose to

think angry and resentful thoughts if

you insist on holding on to the past

then you will never be free a lot of

what we normally say and think is quite

negative and does not create good

experiences for us we have to retrain

our thinking and speaking into positive

patterns if we want to change our lives

don’t talk about the way you are talk

about the way you want to be get up in

the morning and invite good things into

your life I am blessed I am strong I am

talented I am disciplined I am focused

I am process it is time for all of us to

wake up and to begin to consciously

create our lives in a way that pleases

and supports us

you can choose to change your thinking

it won’t turn around overnight but if

you are consistent and daily make the

choice to think thoughts that make you

feel good you will definitely make

positive changes in every area of your

life what you choose to think about

yourself and about life becomes true for

you negative talk brings negative

results negative words can keep you from

becoming who you were created to be

don’t fall into that trap quick call and

in defeat quit talking about how it’s

not going to happen are you worried

about things that are only temporary

letting something steal your joy because

you think that’s the way it’s always

going to be when you face opposition

these don’t go your way

recognize that it’s not permanent that’s

not your final destination quit worrying

about things that are only temporary

quit losing sleep over a temporary stop

quit being discouraged over something

that’s only for a season it’s not

permanent you need to be quiet moments

in your bedroom quiet moments when

you’re brushing your teeth that we need

to reaffirm

I am the captain of my ship and the

master of my fate if I don’t say it if I

envision a great life plan your life

think about where you want to go and not

just where dinner’s gonna be tonight and

then go fight like crazy and live the

life you designed we can’t be negative

thoughts and expect to live a positive


we can’t think thoughts of defeat and

failure and expect to live in victory I

wonder what would happen if all through

the day instead of putting ourselves

down instead of dwelling on the negative

we would go around thinking I’m a


I’m wonderfully made I’m talented I’m

original I have everything that I

once you decide who it is you want to be

in the type of life that you are wanting

to live you’re gonna have to raise your

own personal bar to uphold that standard

picture in your mind right now your

ideal self what is he or she doing what

does he or she look like what is their

life like really imagine in vivid detail

what exactly that looks like and now we

can go to your current state of being

your current self and ask yourself what

am I’m not doing that that person has

done in order to achieve that level of

excellence who you are right now today

is not who you have to be tomorrow

you can literally change your life in

under one second the human mind is

always looking for what’s wrong the

human brain is not designed to make you

happy it’s designed to make you survive

happiness that’s your job and you only

get it if you draw a line in the sand

that’s how it’s going to be

if you go around talking about when

you’re going to get it making plans for

it most likely you won’t be disappointed

you’re calling it in just like you’re

sending it an invitation if you want to

know what you’re going to be like five

years from now listen to what you’re

saying about yourself right now


when you get up in the morning don’t

focus on all your flaws look in the

mirror and dare to say I am beautiful I

am young I am vibrant I am confident I

am secure

I am royalty I am excited about my


as Earl Nightingale said we become what

we think about and that’s an idea that I

want you to hold firmly in your mind

that’s something that I really want you

to internalize I really want you to stop

right now whatever you’re doing I want

you to stop lean into this video and

listen to what I’m saying you will

become what you think about really think

about that for a second as if it wasn’t

just a phrase as if it’s more than just

words as if it were a truth about how

the brain works because it is you’re

going to become the thing that you think

about and I know that you’re dwelling on

a lot of negative shit I know that

you’re carrying a lot of baggage with

you and I know that as you think about

how things might go wrong that you

believe you believe to the core of your

being that you’re just planning for the

hard times but the truth is you’re going

to become those things that you fear

you’re going to become the things that

you dread if you’re thinking about all

the things you’ve done wrong in the past

you are going to simply continue that

cycle but if on the other hand and let

this be true let this ring in your ears

with the weight of everything that I

carry if I’ve ever added an ounce of

value to you if anything I have ever

said it seems remotely true believe that

these are the most important words I’m

ever going to save you if you begin to

focus on positive things if you begin to

focus on your capabilities

begin to focus on the potential that you

have if you really dig in build those

skills drive towards something beautiful

something amazing something that leaves

you in awe you want to create that you

want to become the vessel for that then

you will you will become that thing

because you will take those steps

because you become what you think about

and as Mark Twain said 20 years from now

you’ll be more disappointed by the

things that you didn’t do so if you

don’t take those steps if you don’t

focus on those things if you don’t

manifest what you want to become if you

don’t believe in it if you don’t see how

real it can be if you can’t picture the

version of yourself that you want to

become and even though people have told

you that it’s not possible for you that

the things you did in the past are never

going to allow you to do that that

you’re not smart enough if you let that

creep into your mind then that’s what’s

gonna happen but if you can see that

vision if you can allow yourself to

believe it then you’re going to take the

steps that you need to execute against

that and if you go out there and do

those things you won’t regret it but you

will regret it if you don’t

so get out right now and build the

person you want to be so you can have the life you want to have

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