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Pharrell Williams | 5 Minutes For The NEXT 50 Years of Your LIFE

if I can do everything that I’ve done
with what I have you guys are going to
you guys you guys are the future
deciders you are going to change the
world because look what I can do with
just a high school education and a
diploma when you were younger did you
know what you wanted to be in life I
didn’t know what I wanted to do at all
to be honest with you guys all I knew as
a kid is that I had like a really vivid
imagination I think being in Virginia
because we didn’t have as many options
as someone in a bigger city you just
don’t even consider the fact that you
could do or be whatever you want it to
be and that to me that’s the flaw in the
system because somehow our teachers were
telling us that we could be anything we
wanted to be but it didn’t resonate with
me at all I never you know it’s like
that goes in one ear and out the other
god you’re not even considered to like
blow it off I just remember being always
being curious and so that’s what kept me
on the path
just sort of exploring you know the arts
as any music and visual arts
you need to first figure what you really
really really want to do do you want to
do it because you’ve seen someone on TV
look like they’re having a lot of fun
cuz I could really honestly give you
just my last week and how I out of a
week’s worth of hours probably slept
maybe 10 hours
that’s how dedicated you got to be so is
that really what you want to do let’s go
backwards think about what you love to
do and think about what no one would
have if you could just your bills will
be paid but you could just do what you
love to do all day long that’s probably
where I was started
I seemingly stumbled into what it is
that I did because I was curious about
it but now I realized it wasn’t a
I didn’t fall into it I was chasing a
curiosity and it sort of led me here so
as long as you’re you love it and you’re
curious about it and it keeps you going
the job and the way to get on will show
you how to get there this really has to
be about you because if you spend your
time doing things for other people you
don’t look back and go well what about
me so if you don’t pay attention to who
you are you can not possibly be good to
the next person and if you could
ingeniously it won’t last for so long
what advice would you give to a kid who
who comes from nothing
well listen let’s let’s define what
nothing is when you say that you come
from nothing you’re saying I come from
nothing like I you know I nothing you
know what nothing is nothing is a void
nothing is deep space with no stars
nothing is it’s not possible for you to
exist in nothing so there’s no such
thing as nothing it’s all relative
you have the same things that Bill Gates
has because just like him what he dies
you know what you’re gonna take with you
that’s exactly right so while the
apartment may smell funny while there
may be pests and rodents because that’s
what people generally relate to nothing
right come from nothing and the car is a
Honda if there is a car imagine the
people who live out in remote villages
that have never heard of the iPod but
they’re happy and they would argue with
you when you tell them that they have
nothing nothing is a is a perception so
if your reality ISM is merely just your
perception and a perspective these
things are interchangeable so first you
need to when you say you come from
nothing you should probably reevaluate
that and think about it because if
you’re not cancer-stricken and you don’t
have AIDS and you have your legs and
your fingers I would say you have a
little bit more than
what you thought was nothing [Music]

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