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“My ADVICE For STARTERS is Just That… START!” | Marques Brownlee

and my advice for starters is just that
get started after the first 100 videos
that I made on the mkbhd channel I had
78 subscribers you form the best thing
you can and if it’s 95% there and it’s
done that’s better than 99% there and
still working on it need motivation
he’s marques Brownlee and here’s my take
on his top ten rules to success
enjoy okay let’s kick it off with rule
number one be patient after the first
100 videos that I made on the mkbhd
channel I had 78 subscribers now I tell
people this and they don’t really
believe me because they see the way the
channel looks now and it’s kind of hard
to believe but yeah after 100 videos I
had 78 subscribers so if you guys are
you know reeling over the fact that no
one’s watching your videos and you’ve
made 50 videos and you have 50
subscribers that’s probably a really
good sign it’s been I don’t know a long
time since I started I started making
YouTube videos in January 2009 so it’s
been a while but just a tip for you guys
if you guys are starting making videos
don’t get impatient don’t get don’t get
down about it just make videos about
things you love and people who love the
things that you love making videos about
will find you rule number 2 find your
Marco Castro asked what advice you have
for new creators on YouTube new creators
ah new creators being pretty broad
because you can be a new creator and
tech or a comedy or a new photographer
you know there’s all kinds of new
creators but on YouTube generally like
if I was starting over today yeah I
would kind of do a lot of what I’m doing
now which is like you take your
inspiration from other places but you
always have to come back to your own
voice in your own perspective don’t try
to be something else that already exists
or there won’t be any reason to watch it
it already exists so find your own new
angle your own new voice your own new
way of showing or are talking about
things yeah and and then get started
rule number 3 just start how do you
become a tech reviewer all right so I
can’t tell you all of how to become a
tech reviewer right now with what you
have today but what I can tell you is
how I became a tech reviewer which is
just by reviewing tech that I already
have and it seems really obvious but
people think like oh I don’t have the
money to spend on a whole bunch of tech
to buy and review right now but neither
did I I start
in high school when I just bought one
laptop because that’s what I needed for
school and I made dozens and dozens of
videos for the next person who was
trying to decide what laptop to buy for
school about the one that I bought so
you might not think you have tech but
you’re watching this video on something
you might have a keyboard you like you
might have a mouse you like and you know
that piece of tech better than anyone
else because you’re using it so all you
have to do is take out your phone or
take out some camera or some device that
you can use to talk about your
experience and that will help the next
person who’s trying to decide what to
buy that’s what it all comes down to is
a purchase decision those are the key
words if you can help someone who’s
trying to make a purchase you’re a tech
reviewer and my advice for starters is
just that get started a lot of people
are thinking about like I said again
what they should do what they should buy
to start making videos or what they
should get together to begin it’s not
really about that it’s just about what
you make and then once you make your
first few videos then you can get better
from there you’ll never start off with a
perfect first video don’t worry about it
it will be better after you get started
rule number four shoot for your dream
job if you’re just watching this video
every tiny bit of advice for you what’s
your dream job what is your dream job
shoot for that through what interests
you honestly if you’re passionate about
something then you have a much better
chance of success in a field against
someone who’s not really as passionate
about it so when you’re passionate you
put in the extra work and that’s what
gets you the advantage to really make an
impact in that field even leave your own
little dent in the universe also if you
want more excellence in the black
community videos check out my 250 for a
black excellent series it’s free the
link is in description below everything
I didn’t want to do is what got me to
where I’m at today freshman year in
college me and my boys start like this
like Christian like organizations it
takes such a desperate obsessive focus
to to excel on a certain on the level
that I want to make movies rule number
five be consistent what would you
well I do tech videos so I think that
the obvious answer there is Tech has
been interesting and important for so
long that just being in a tech space
generally for that long has has
a lot for it yeah the channel itself I
mean there’s plenty of other successful
tech channels but has its own unique
style has a consistent voice it’s been
me for 10 years yeah so I guess just if
you combine all those factors
consistency plus tech staying
interesting that’s that’s mainly it I
get asked that a lot about like you know
can I point to a certain video or date
or month or something like what happened
to go from like nothing to where it is
now because I’ve from to this day I look
back and it’s mainly just like a you can
look at charts even if it’s just a sort
of an upward slope from 0 videos to a
thousand videos hmm you know it’s
obviously when you get to certain points
like the reputa bility is that a word
the repeatability of the channel becomes
more significant so you’re more likely
to subscribe to a tech guy with a
million subscribers talking about
something you should buy then a guy with
a hundred so that’s helped but I feel
like if consistency again is major rule
number six do the best job possible you
shoot everything in 8k I need to know
why like it just YouTube if people are
just watching them on their phones and
this looks good right now this looks at
me I mean it helps that your office is
lit like impeccably yeah but I mean I
don’t know I kind of feel like there’s
no point there’s no point to it I need
you to help me understand or try to
defend why do you confirm there is
almost no point something called the law
of diminishing return that you come up
against very often in this world of
technology where you spend twice as much
it gets twice as good you spend twice as
much again it gets 10% better you spend
twice as much again it gets 2% better
and I could shoot everything I on you
know at DSLR or honestly two hundred and
probably have the exact same effect and
it’s all about the content of the video
at the end of the day if I’m reviewing a
phone you still see the phone but that
last little bit that’s hard to reproduce
and hard to tangibly understand that you
get from not just shooting 8k but from
Red’s color science or from shooting raw
that is just for my own personal
satisfaction the little little bit of
detail the crispy
yeah the thing I feel it I feel like
maybe 1% of the viewers might feel it
rule number 7 add value I’m going to
make it tutorial let’s start off with
screencast uploaded a bunch of software
tutorials and things like that and with
the comments that people started to
leave eventually on those videos they
would say oh I enjoyed this video why
don’t you also make a video about this
other thing
so I’d say ok and just make that video
too and just crank him out how to make
your own introduction and sort of
develop this little community of people
talking about tech and just kept just
making videos for those few people and
it just kind of grew from there rule
number 8 don’t obsess with perfection
there’s something innate in you right
and I think in a lot of people who are
maybe I wouldn’t go so far as always
calling people perfectionist but to like
want to do it over again and over again
and over again until it’s just right
that’s the thing that’s the thing that
creators have to overcome and that a lot
of times you don’t want to you like if
you end up like I would consider myself
borderline like perfectionists and some
stuff I remember doing like SAT stuff
where it was like okay you have to write
this essay you’re gonna get the topic
and like you have to write it right then
like I want to think about this for a
couple days before I actually put a pen
to paper and like you just have to spit
out three pages and hopefully it’s good
enough like that’s kind of the way
YouTube is like a new phone just came
out go like you don’t get to sit on this
for a while like you you form the best
thing you can and if it’s 95% there and
it’s done that’s better than 99% there
and still working on it
that’s a that’s a barrier for me like I
wish I could take more time with a lot
of stuff but tech just moves fast so you
just kind of have to evolve your your
production and ideally make the best
thing you can rule number 9 model
success who is your biggest inspiration
for your videos or your work I think you
probably were expecting me to say like a
couple of youtubers names this may be
gonna sound dumb but apples videography
here we go sound like an Apple fanboy in
this video but Apple Home Videos their
commercials their launch event videos
are incredible now it’s clearly it’s
made by teams of people it’s made over a
long period of time and they have like
time with the products it’s clearly
of both real footage and renders so
there’s a lot of impossible shots in
those videos that I could never get but
every time I watch an Apple video or an
Apple commercial or if you just go on
our YouTube channel and just observe the
sound design and the lighting and the
editing in those videos that’s the kind
of stuff I hope to be able to live up to
someday and rule number 10 the last one
before a very special bonus clip is play
Ultimate Frisbee I’ve been playing
ultimate frisbee for well about six
seven years now I’ve been playing since
right after eighth grade in middle
school and I started playing really
competitively I guess in freshman year
of high school and now I’m in my second
year of college but I also get to that
in a second but also I play golf a lot
as well I’m a nine handicap right now
although I haven’t played in a while
since it’s been really cold but yeah the
two biggest sports I play our Ultimate
Frisbee and golf and professional
Ultimate Frisbee player
let’s go
now I’ve got a special bonus gift for
Marquez on how to try new things that I
really think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing questions let’s go
from just watching a video to taking
action here we go question number one
where do you need to stop obsessing with
perfection number two what project do
you just need to start on and number
three how can you model success to make
progress I’m definitely trying to
diversify the the kind of breadth of
coverage you might color I don’t think
that’s out of fear of like forgetting
what’s popular I think that’s just
because like I’m interested in other
things there’s other ways to talk about
them so those are reviews and there’s
smartphone stuff but there’s also the
car videos now which is the auto focus
series but there’s also like I’m into
production naturally because that’s what
I’m doing all the time so I’m doing this
this whole like spaces series where I’m
I’m talking other creators and how they
use their space I’m I D ly starting a
podcast pretty soon where I can just
talk with people about things like this
so there’s I think that just comes from
like all the other things that I’ve
become interested in of course through
if you want fellow youtuber PC nice
that’s top 10 rules of success check out
the video right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there one of my most
watched videos that was shot terribly on
a mobile phone there will always be
someone who’s better at whatever you’re doing them with what yet then you are
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