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MORNING MOTIVATION – What Successful People Do In The Morning (Listen in the morning)

what would be your perfect day I mean
your ideal day that a day that you went
to bed that night and you just thought
that was the most incredible day that’s
how I want most of my days in my life to
be just like that what would that
perfect day be like for you
what would you be like on your idea
there would you be weak and fearful or
would you be courageous and strong would
you be judgmental and mean and upset
fill of hatred and and jealousy and
anger and regret about life and other
people or would you be somebody who’s
open and excited for other people and
connect with other people and positive
and enthusiastic you can design your
days you can make your life about what
you want it to be about so what do you
want it to be about there’s need to be
quiet moments in your bedroom quiet
moments when you’re brushing your teeth
that we need to reaffirm I am the
captain of my ship and the master of my
fate if I don’t say it if I don’t
believe it no one else will what are
some of your morning’s like do you go to
bed but then when the alarm goes off you
hit the snooze then you hit the snooze
again and then you hit the snooze again
and then you’ve laid in bed too long and
so then you get up of course now you
have no time for anything there’s
something really interesting about time
we all get the same amount in a day
every day is 24 hours and some people
are very very fruitful and effective and
some people just waste their time day
after day after day that’s a choice that
we make but there’s one thing about time
once it goes by you never get it back
so how it is to waste any day
of your life don’t ever waste today
don’t wait until the end of your life to
have that ideal day don’t wait until
next year or next week to have that type
of day we can choose to wake up every
single day and live that day in an
idealistic way for ourselves in a way in
which we show up is who we want to be
and the way in which we are doing things
that enliven us and engage us in it get
us excited in a way that you’re doing
things and being with people and
creating experiences that feel Oh –
fulfilling we all know what the thing is
that we’re supposed to be doing if
there’s anything that’s presenting us
with a pretext not to do it
Bank on it that’s resistance why not
find some time every day to practice
becoming fearless why not use whatever
irritates you or frustrates you or
frightens you during your day as bravery
training which starts to happen to you
when you’re getting there earlier
working harder and doing things other
people aren’t willing to do you trick
yourself you convince yourself I’m
willing to do things other people aren’t
willing to do so I deserve a life other
people partly to get
what you do everyday is far more
important than once you what you do once
every decade what you do over the next
hours is really building your future and
if you can just get and I can just get
every single pocket of 24 hours right as
best as we humanly can the rest of our
life is going to take care of itself so
small wins matter when you start your
day you must own your morning
you know exactly right now what you’re
not doing it would be criminal of you to
leave here saying I don’t know what to
do you know exactly what you’re afraid
of you know exactly what you’ve been
avoiding and you got to make a decision
to change it you know exactly what it is
don’t be SNe buddy you know what you
need to do different you know the
changes you need to make and if you can
do that and stop kidding yourself you
can win you can overcome your fear
overcome procrastination what makes you
comfortable can ruin you or makes you
uncomfortable is the only way to grow
let me say that again will make you
comfortable can ruin you and only in a
state of discomfort can you continually
grow a pro will not accept the excuses a
pro will not let fear stop him or her a
pro sits down and does it no matter what
you’re gonna see supernatural doors
begin to open you’re gonna see promotion
you’re gonna see vindication you’re
gonna discover talent that you didn’t
know you hang your gonna accomplish
goals that you thought were impossible
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