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LAW OF ATTRACTION MOTIVATION – This Can Change Everything | Positive Morning Motivation (use this!)

I hope you enjoy this video everything
in the universe operates on a set of
universal law in principle these laws
can’t be broken they are always in
effect no matter where you are some of
these laws are physical while others are
quantum or spiritual laws that involve
intangible properties the more
scientists study the world on a quantum
level the more they are convinced of
intelligent design Albert Einstein once
said everyone who is seriously involved
in the pursuit of science becomes
convinced that a spirit is manifest and
the laws of the universe the spiritual
laws are just as reliable as the
physical laws and they also affect every
aspect of life on Earth ants and mystics
and philosophers have known and talked
about these spiritual laws for thousands
of years but the majority of people are
still uninformed I’m going to teach you
how to use only one of these spiritual
laws in order to create and shape your
personal world how you want it to be
if you master this one principle you can
literally manifest anything into the
physical world this information is so
simple and so easy to use that most
adults will be turned off by its
simplicity for some odd reason humans
will value anything complicated and
totally disregard anything made simple
author and speaker William Golding once
said the greatest ideas are the simple
ones and that is so true
they are many universal laws but the one
I will be talking about today is the law
of reaping and sowing
this universal law states whatever you
plant into your mind you will eventually
manifest in the outside world it’s just
like planting an apple tree you first
gather rich fertile soil you choose
which apple seed you would like to plant
you give it ample amounts of water and
sunlight and when the time is right and
the season is set that seed has to
sprout into a mighty apple tree the same
goes with your life
except the soil is your mind
the seeds are your thoughts the water
are your actions and the Sun are your
one thing I can guarantee if you plant
any idea in your mind and feel as if
it’s already yours and work steadily
towards it it has to manifest
it has no choice because it’s a law but
people say well that is the case then
why is it that so many people don’t get
what they want in life and I’ll tell you
because most people don’t get what they
want because they are trained to focus
and think about the things they don’t
want to happen you might have heard the
expression energy flows where attention
goes whatever your focus on expands is
true everything is energy and all energy
attracts similar energy
you can’t put out negative energy and
expect positive results
likewise you cannot dwell on failure and
produce a successful result if you are
constantly thinking about the things you
don’t want to happen or the things you
fear you are planting that seed and
based on the universal law of reaping
and sowing it must germinate the mind or
human consciousness seems to be
literally connected to the fabric of
think about something long enough and
strong enough and it has no choice but
to eventually become a reality
quantum physics gives credence to this
idea time and time again the double-slit
experiment has proven that a conscious
is literally creating reality there are
six words that I want you to memorize
and stand on to your heart
these words will remind you to
straighten up and think right these
words are
you become what you think about
you become what you think about I’m
telling you this information because
they’re completely transformed my life
someone set me down and told me the
exact words I’m telling you when I
realized that my mind was a guard I
began to plant only the things that I
see your mind doesn’t care what you
plant it what see you use so only use
the seed you want I began writing down
all the things I desired one by one I
began to imagine my dream life
I wrote down exactly what I wanted in
crystal clear detail mind you when I
first set out to create this list I had
no money I was living in a two-bedroom
one-bath apartment with my wife and two
surrounded by debt and ledge bills I was
working a job that I hated serving
tables at a restaurant but I knew if I
could successfully plan to these ideas
into my mind
they’ll have to manifest
so everyday I would look at my goal list
and visualize my life going according to
that list I would say affirmations have
complemented each goal
I jumped each idea into my head I would
imagine what it would feel like to have
each goal accomplished I visualize when
I go so much that at times it was hard
to tell what was real and what wasn’t
Majan Airy I lived into my imagination
my mindset changed and before I knew
things started happening around me I
started attracting the people
opportunities and ideas that helped me
accomplish the goals that I set out here
one thing we have to remember is that
things manifest in divine timing there
are different season and cycles to life
there is a season for sowing and there
is also a season for reaping you can’t
rush the process what I discovered was
the process actually helps you to
develop the skills that will manifest
your future goals you actually evolve as
a person while going through the process
your push to do things that you never
thought you could do once your goals get
embedded into your subconscious mind you
feel almost compelled to take action
thought always precedes action a known
goal is ever manifested without
since your mind is a garden weed tend to
sprout up from time to time the weeds
are your negative thoughts it’s also
failure thoughts of doubts since we live
in a world that is obsessed with drama
and negative energy we tend to
subconsciously pick up on these negative
vibrations so every morning tend to your
garden pluck up any thoughts that don’t
serve you find the weeds and dig them
out by the root remember a successful
gardener always cultivates their land
cultivate your mind for success
happiness prosperity kindness
forgiveness love opulence understanding
gratitude abundance and watch those
seeds sprout and manifest in your life
life is a constant reaping and sowing
what you give you receive the energy you
put out is what you get back how you
treat others is how you’ll eventually be
what you say about others will be said
about you as Florence Scovel Shinn would
say the game of life is the gain of
boomerangs our thoughts deeds and words
return to us sooner or later with
astounding accuracy if you master this
simple law you will be able to create
happiness in all areas of your life one
thing that you have to remember your
thoughts are seized in your mind is
fertile land the mind doesn’t care what
you plant in it it will always yield
results you can plant vegetables or you
can plant weeds you can plant wealth or
you can plant poverty
you can plant misery or you can plant
happiness it’s all up to you
because you are always reaping what you
thanks for watching and stay blessed
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