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Morning MOTIVATION | How to START Your DAY RIGHT! | #BelieveLife

the very first thing I do when I wake up
in the morning is I want to get my head
right you got to start off your day by
getting up on time figuring out your
priorities and then getting to work on
them finding some space whether it’s ten
minutes a day five minutes a day just to
what’s that believe nation it’s Evan I
believe in you and this channel is
designed to be a part of your daily
success routine so today listen if your
best believe life and learn how to start
your day right also if you want to learn
what Tony Robbins Mel Robbins Lisa
Nichols and others have to say about
building unstoppable confidence check
out my 250 for confidence series where
every day for the next 254 days I will
send you a morning video for free to
help you build your confidence the link
to join is in the description below the
fact that human beings our strongest
drive is the need to stay consistent
with how we define ourselves if you
didn’t give a what anybody else
thought what’s the thing you would love
to be doing with your life we validate
who we are by what we’re doing for other
okay let’s kick it off with rule number
1 prime yourself with Tony Robbins my
very first thing I do when I wake up in
the morning is I want to get my head
right I do this thing called priming now
some people get up in the morning and
they meditate and I think meditation is
wonderful but I haven’t met many people
that can not think thoughts this is a
different outcome this is about priming
yourself it’s about putting yourself in
the state where your mind and body will
respond accordingly we all do three
steps it’s really simple over 10 minutes
so why don’t you sit down I’ll guide you
through it so just get really
comfortable I’m gonna be sitting up is
that back enough for you to be able to
relax yeah good okay cool and then the
first thing you gonna do is your hands
are gonna come up as you take the breath
in and then you’re gonna explode out the
nose down explosive that’s it
good that’s it keep going two more good
now relax keep your eyes closed
hope you four hands open if you would on
your lap face up like that just feel
whatever you feel just take it in you
don’t you have to respond to me and
where you just enjoy it and take it in
and now just let your body relax deeply
and I’d like you to begin to think of a
moment of your life you could feel
really grateful for if you wanted to it
could be something little richer it
could be something big it doesn’t matter
it could be from your childhood or this
week it doesn’t matter do your best to
remember it and then step into it as if
you were there kind of like stepping in
your body and seeing what you saw then
through your own eyes hearing what you
savor it
maximize that sense of appreciation or
enjoyment or gratitude
enjoy it feel it fill up with it and now
we’re going to ship to the last piece
really simple all you’re gonna do is
focus on three things one at a time that
you want to accomplish three things you
want to achieve live it and feel it and
I was not
yeah what you feel yeah there’s two
worlds the master the external in the
internal world they both have to be
bastard but if you acted master the
external world you know Allah you know
Robin Williams you don’t master the
internal world there’s a big price this
is the one to master first and so I
start my day by making that so I have
this base to do it I’m gonna live from
gratitude today I’m gonna live from
blessing you know I’m gonna be a
blessing people’s life today I’m gonna
get stronger today and I’m gonna achieve
what I’m here committed to do and the
whole thing you know we did that one the
less than ten minutes to give you an
idea rule number two start with
excellence with Jim quick the second
thing I do after I wake up is I get out
of bed and I make my bed
you’re like Jim why is that good for
your brain two reasons number one clean
environment is important for you like
you know when you clean off your desktop
you clean up your office your bedroom
you have a clear of mind the second
reason why is I want to start my day
with success because how you do anything
is how you do everything so you start
with excellence take two minutes make
your bed and it’s really great because
when you come home at the end of the day
you come back full circle back to
success rule number three be in control
of your morning with Mel Robbins you
must come up with a morning routine that
you do every single morning or at least
more mornings than not that puts you in
control of yourself and in control of
your day this is what I do
and I cannot explain the power that I
get from starting my day off and being
bigger than my excuses and being in
first and foremost wake up on time when
that alarm goes off get your butt out of
bed 5 4 3 2 1 go why is that important
for persistence the reason why is
because the first decision that you’re
making of the day is to actually get up
and get moving that means you are
persistently bigger than your excuses
you are persistently bigger than feeling
lazy and you are
distantly beating the feelings that
typically stop you the second thing that
I want you to do before you look at your
email before you answer your phone
before you start surfing Vox and vice
and BuzzFeed and you know team stream
and checking out the sales on Zappos and
looking at your Facebook newsfeed before
you pick up the damn phone please please
please figure out your two priorities
for the day these are the things that
matter to you whether it’s saving money
and and making sure you’re focused on
that or showing up at work and being a
contributor or whether it’s changing how
you treat your spouse or your kids or
the person that you’re with our heck
getting to the gym because you said you
would whatever it is that your two
priorities are put them in your head
before you pick up the phone why the
reason why is because of persistence the
reason why is because I want you to have
a good day do you know what makes for a
bad day what makes for a bad day is
snoozing starting your day off late
starting your day off tired starting
your day off by mainlining everybody
else’s newsfeed on social media and
looking at everybody else’s life and and
saying to yourself oh my god they’re on
vacation or gosh they look so great or
your friends are so fancy or my gosh
they’ve got so money you start off your
day looking at that you’re never gonna
have a good day
you got to start off your day by getting
up on time figuring out your priorities
and then getting to work on them do not
pick up your phone until you have done
those two things I think the single
biggest reason why people have bad days
is because they start them off by
looking around at everybody else and
seeing what they’re doing instead of
having the focus and the discipline to
actually start your day off with you in
control and with your priorities front
and center so you want a bonus rad
exercise every day
that’s right get up on time figure out
your project priorities and exercise you
do those three things you’ll be kicking
ass every single day will number four
have a good evening routine with don
how do I start my day on the positive
side I often wake up anxious and
stressed well Craig thank you very much
for sending in your question I would
like to respond by first asking you a
question and my question is what do you
do before you go to sleep at night
see most people before they go to sleep
at night either checking the email on
social media watching violent TV show a
horror movie or reading a scary book all
of those things can make you have a very
restless sleep and chances are when you
wake up in the morning you could feel
very anxious and stressed so for example
if you go to sleep thinking about work
then your subconsciousness is going to
be involved throughout the night on
work-related issues and when you wake up
in the morning Challis how you can be
anxious and quite stress about it as
well so the best way to wake up not
feeling anxious of stress is to prepare
to go to bed and that’s not something
that people do very often here are a few
simple things that you can do to prepare
to go to bed
you should stop working at least half an
hour before you go to sleep so turn off
your email don’t go on social media just
completely shut off go take a shower
prepare to go to bed and when you get to
bed sit on the edge of you keep your
spine straight your head nicely balanced
on top of your neck take a slow deep
breath in and then slowly exhale again
and while you’re doing this deep
breathing exercise focus entirely on
your spine and if you can’t feel your
spine gently move your back from left to
right a little bit so you can feel your
spine focus on your spine as you breathe
in deeply in as you exhale slowly as
well and then just lay down on your back
and go to sleep and obviously this is
going to take practice you know with the
first day the second day but if you
consistently do this every night before
you go to sleep you will start having
really good deep restful sleep and wake
up not feeling anxious stressed rule
number five work out early with Karlie
I wake up early because I like to take
my time have breakfast I love to workout
first thing in the morning because I
feel like I have more energy in the
morning and just immediately gets out of
the way you know and you can shower and
you know do your makeup put you know
cream on get dressed and then and then
sort of start your day so yeah but
that’s big guys she exercises in the
mornings we have no excuse I mean really
no excuses I just think it gives me more
energy I feel like yeah I feel lethargic
and tired if I don’t but when you
actually like make time get your butt to
the gym you actually end up feeling so
much more energized and rule number six
the last one before a very special bonus
clip is start your day with gratitude
with Jay Shetty and Lisa Nichols finding
some space whether it’s ten minutes a
day five minutes a day just install the
gratitude I think that’s the beginning
of this journey so what do you mean by
that journal I’m thankful that I’m
healthy today I’m thankful that I live
in Dallas if accure gratitude is the
deeper it is so the more like it’s like
oh I’m thankful that I breathed which is
just everyone breeds yeah the more
specific we get about our particular
situation yeah like I’m just happy that
I was able to walk into work today and
have meaningful relationships with the
people I work with yeah or I’m just
happy today that I’m standing with Ty
right that’s that’s a real specific
gratitude not that oh I’m in LA and it’s
sunny right you wish your million people
are experiencing yeah a little being
very specific specific I start every day
with 25 things that I’m grateful for and
all 25 things have to cost twenty-five
dollars or less
so I can’t be grateful for my car
grateful for my home while I can be
grateful during this exercise I’m
grateful for the time that I spent
cooking him in the kitchen with my son
this weekend I’m grateful for the walks
that my grandmother takes me on I used
to say I take her on walks then I
realized she was educating me that she
takes me on walks I’m grateful for the
fact that I still dance with my daddy
I’m grateful for the moments my nephew
climbs in my bed so we can watch our
latest greatest movie together
I’m grateful for mustard man and garlic
girl in the kitchen cooking that’s my
son and I every single thing that I find
gratitude for is something that helps to
make me who I am and I got to tell you
something happens when you live Park and
stay cemented in gratitude I call that
if your dream is the seed then gratitude
is the fertilizer and so gratitude
constant gratitude recognizing that you
are a servant leader with a servant’s
heart and when you say the word servant
servant and ego just don’t go together
servant is to serve but not a servant
from a peasant mindset but a servant
from the place where you say I choose to
leave from behind I choose to use my
greatness and my life to elevate you I
choose to own my life but hand it over
to anyone who might need it in the
moment if you stay rooted in that it’s a
daily thing so I recommend that you find
the daily regimen that keeps you steeped
in gratitude a daily regimen that has
you owned your greatness where there’s
the reminder of the things I’ve just
said write the mantras out post them on
your mirror and recite them each day I
live by mantras I live by affirmations I
designed and begin to own who I was as a
woman because I kept reminding myself
daily who I could become and then one
day I want to remind myself and it’s
stuck I didn’t need the reminder and so
I started reminding myself of something
else and I kept doing that daily daily
and then one day I want to remind myself
and it stuck and so remind yourself of
the woman the man you’re becoming write
it down write the mantra down I’m a
servant leader grateful for service I
own my brilliance unapologetically I
walk in a room and light it up with the
natural glow
I share my light with others with grace
and ease you can choose any of these
mantras you can have them all now I’ve
got a really special bonus clip with
Jordan B Peterson on how to get a
schedule that I think you’re gonna
really enjoy but before that it’s time
for the three-point landing questions
time to move from just watching another
video to actually take an action in your
life so here
we go number one what does starting with
excellence mean to you number two what
are three things you are grateful for
and number three what will you eat and
number three what were you Wow and
number three what will your eat and
number three what will you’ll eat I
can’t say it I can’t say it let’s try
what what will your evening routine and
number three what will your evening
no one can live without a routine you
just forget that if you guys don’t have
a routine I would recommend like you get
one going because you cannot be mentally
healthy without a routine you need to
pick a time to get up whatever time you
want but pick one and stick to it
because otherwise you dis regulate your
circadian rhythms and they regulate your
mood and eat something in the morning I
had lots of clients who’ve had anxiety
disorders I had one client who was
literally starving very smart girl she’s
very little that she liked she kind of
tried to subsist on like half a cup of
rice a day she came to me and said I
have no energy I come home all I want to
do is watch the same movie over and over
what like is that weird and I thought
well it depends on how hard you work you
know it’s a little weird but whatever
it’s familiar and you’re looking for
comfort so I did an analysis of her diet
it’s like three quarters of a cup of
rice it’s like you’re starving eat
you know you’ll feel better
so she modified her diet and her all her
anxiety went away and she had some
energy it’s like yeah you got to eat so
schedule now that’s a good thing man
your brain will thank you for it it will
stabilize your nervous system with it’s
a bit of a plan that’s a good thing
raise your standard Apple at the core
its core value is that passion
not one drop of my self-worth depends on
your acceptance a man if you want to
learn how to make every second count
I highly recommend checking out the
video right next to me continue to
believe and I’ll see you there
rome wasn’t built in a day we all know that everyone’s hears that
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