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Model Success – Arnold Schwarzenegger

good morning believe nation if you feel
like the environment that you have the
friends and the family and the people in
your life are not helping you get to
where you need to be I’m going to show a
great clip with you from Arnold
Schwarzenegger that I think well in
Austria kids were conditioned evallo
parents path but unlike other kids
around me I was very determined that I
have to get out of there
and then one day I saw the cup of a
magazine of reg Park then it says how
mr. universe became Hercules I opened up
this magazine and I read through it and
there was the whole plan
lay down ask yourself Arnold what is it
about you that is so different why are
you the only one that sees it so clearly
the score going the American winning the
Mr Universe contest in getting into
movies and making millions of dollars no
one else talks about this around
yes is it real is it just the crazy
fantasy but wait a minute Bridge Park
did it then it’s possible nerd focused
the key thing is to be focused visualize
it goal and I saw myself standing up to
the stage just like rich Park and it
became more and more clear Arnold you’ve
got to go
this is such an important clip for me
because you are going to be a product of
your environment you are a product of
your habits your product of the the
people in your life your friends and
your family and their values and
opinions and the media and the books and
the music and everything that you
consume all of those things hold you
where you are and if you want to break
free then you need to change that
structure change that routine and change
your habits you are likely to be as
successful as your parents are you are
likely to be as successful as your
friends are that’s your path and if you
want to change it then you have to
change the people and the resources that
you start to surround yourself with if
you want to achieve greatness if you
have these big dreams of grandeur that
nobody around you has ever accomplished
before if you want to go and achieve
that then you have to start surrounding
yourself with greatness you see here’s
what happens to most people you have
this big idea this bold idea this desire
I’m gonna put my mark in this world I’m
gonna stamp it you know I have these
inspirational moments where I’m gonna go
out and do something big and then your
life gets back in the way and your
routines and your structure and your
friends and the family and all the
things that hold you where you are come
back and you still have these moments of
boldness write these one morning you
wake out like and the today I’m gonna do
it or I watch this video like this is a
day and then because the rest of your
environment sucks and holds you where
you are you fall back you fall back to
average you fall back to normal and
there’s nothing necessarily wrong with
that it’s just not conducive to you
building something amazing and great and
the challenge is most people they don’t
create an environment with intention
they are born into an environment they
keep that environment they’ve fallen
into it and it just continues on instead
of people purposely deciding what gets
into their environment their habits and
their structure and what doesn’t I know
for me early in my career
what really helped me was modeling Bill
Gates and I didn’t have huge successful
entrepreneurs in my family and when I
started my business I failed right I was
struggling to survive I wanted to quit I
wanted to give up because I didn’t know
what to do
and it wasn’t until I changed my
environment and surroundings and started
to model people like Bill Gates I’ve
never met Bill Gates I’ve never
interviewed him I’ve never asked him a
question I don’t know him if he saw my
name he probably wouldn’t recognize it
but I surrounded myself with Bill Gates
and other successful software
entrepreneurs I read their stories I
watched their biographies
I looked at their interviews and he
clips or quotes that came out I was
consuming them I surrounded myself with
them and I started to think like them I
started to think bigger because I was
surrounded by greatness I started to be
more great myself Arnold did the same
thing his friends thought he was stupid
his family thought it was crazy
everybody his community thought this was
a stupid thing to do the army thought it
was ridiculous for him to go off and do
this the only thing that kept him going
was surrounding himself in his mind in
his mental space with the idea of
becoming like reg Parker he surrounded
himself with reg Park and that allowed
him to create an environment of
greatness and break free from the chains
of mediocrity that were holding him down
because of his current environment you
need to do the same thing too if you are
struggling to get to where you want to
go and you look at the people around you
and you see none of these guys have done
anything great – you will never achieve
anything great until you adapt your
mindset and start to create a great
environment that is conducive to you
achieving amazing things so maybe that’s
watching videos like this maybe that’s
reading biographies maybe that’s
watching other YouTube channels maybe
that’s on a daily regular habitual basis
consuming information that builds you up
and makes you believe that you can go
out and accomplish something amazing and
this is a daily habit its daily because
you could be on fire for a week and then
the next day you wake up and you’re
starting from scratch
every single day you need to inject
greatness into your life that’s why I
wanted to start this morning series to
inject greatness into my life and into
your life every
in the morning to motivate you to go out
and change your environment I’m hoping
I’m a part of your environment to build
you up and accomplish something amazing
believe thank you guys so much for
watching my question of the day for you
is I want to know who’s holding you back
I want to know who in your life is
holding you back or what in your
environment right now is holding you
back from accomplishing your dreams and
it doesn’t have to be somebody’s name
specifically but the types of people or
a habit that you have I just want to
know what’s holding you back leave it in
the comments below I’m really curious
and I’m gonna join in the discussion
with you and of course if you like this
video and you want to see more don’t
forget to subscribe to the newsletter
aim to the YouTube channel thank you so
much for watching I hope to see you
again tomorrow morning 7 o’clock Eastern
Standard Time
for another motivational video to help
you start your day on the right foot
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