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How To Be Attractive (According to A Psychologist)

peas and Finnick waters diving deep once
again how to be attractive according to
a psychologist do you love me baby do
you really do you can I get a hello
there let’s talk about attraction let’s
talk about finding your ideal mate let’s
talk about relationships let’s talk
about everything I get a lot of
questions about attraction let’s dive
right in let me share with you what’s
helped me along my journey be more
attractive Scarface Tony Montana saves
to a friend who is sticking out his
tongue trying to pick up women and
having no luck look in this country you
get the money first then you get the
power then you get the woman a lot of
men have that subconscious program
running in their minds a lot of women
have been told since childhood that to
be attractive
you must always always look beautiful
otherwise men simply won’t want you so
many women have this program of instead
of being the subject of desire they
become an object of desire so men become
the looking glass for women to see their
beauty women become the looking glass
for men to see their power so in being
attractive we have to realize that it
has everything to do with the
subconscious mind which controls 95% of
your life the word attraction
emanates from the Latin attract to you
which means add roaring together take
the some people say the Sun is the giver
of life what about the moon the moon is
the receiver very receptive attraction
has everything to do with a feminine
principle this video should really be
called how to become a moon many men
have this subconscious program that
power equals attraction the car I got
the car I got the house I got the
clothes why didn’t I meet any women yet
don’t know a lot of women have that
program of being beautiful
you’ve got the makeup you’ve got the
high heels but you’re still single
nothing wrong with that but let me share
with you very fascinating insight well a
couple of them what helped me along my
journey to be attractive was just to say
I am attractive
first and foremost without anybody’s
opinion of me it starts with relaxing
relaxation is what we are stress is what
we think we should be how many hours
have you already spent in front of the
mirror trying to make your shirt yeah
doing like that doing like that
because everything we are doing is in
response to the complimentary principal
now when you are very tense full of
tension what happens when someone is
around you you now make them very tense
and full of tension so they move away
from you when you are relaxed taking a
deep breath you now develop more balance
within yourself more confidence greater
self-esteem this makes you irresistible
attractive why because once again you
are tapping into attraction which is a
feminine principle one of the yielding
one of surrendering one of letting go
nothing is more attractive than
authenticity let me repeat that
nothing is more attractive than
authenticity that’s what I realize along
my journey I was wasting so much energy
trying to look the part
I realized didn’t make a damn difference
I got the car but how did I feel about
myself you see we never attract what we
want Venice Beach baby
Malibu Hawaii so many people around but
we don’t attract them
we only attract what we feel what we
feel we are worthy of and when I talk
about attraction
I’m not talking that everyone should
fall in love with you I’m talking about
when you realize the greatest
relationship you can have is with
yourself I’m talking about being
attracted to yourself so you say
goodness gracious I’m sexy and also
finding reconnecting back with your
reflection there was a guy a long time
ago who made a very funny video he said
a lot of women say they look so good but
I’m also sexy at first I thought this
guy’s a bit arrogant but then I realized
he was just tapping into that self-love
and because of that he had more appeal
to women because he realized it within
himself how do you see yourself because
that’s gonna determine what you attract
some people say nah they are way out of
my league so there and then you’ve
already created a limitation in terms of
what you can attract some people say I
am attractive and I am worthy of
everything now you are like the biggest
magnet in the world you are using this
sexual energy goodness gracious
you’re like a magnet some people they
have this self-care which is also one of
the greatest catalysts to be attractive
take care of your body take care of your
mind take care of your spirit I talked
about the giver because once again is
about balancing the
moon energy and the Sun energy the Sun
is the giver that is why we love
sunbathing we are attracted to the Sun
you find the one you love doing what you
love why do so many women why do so many
women love a guy in uniform never
noticed that because he is doing
something so it appears he’s probably
not doing anything at all don’t tell
anybody when you are a giver many times
in ancient times you realize why women
were attracted to very spiritual men
gurus because they were giving they
weren’t taking away a lot of men were
attracted to warrior princesses
goddesses Oracle’s why because they were
giving they weren’t taking away when you
become a giver you become more
attractive why because you are now
living in a place of abundance as
opposed to a place of scarcity how many
times have you been in the presence of
someone and just being so drawn to them
because you feel they have got it
together we hand up one two three four
lots of us are a unity within yourself
makes you more attractive when you are
bold it’s not about just divine timing
and waiting you have a lot of these pick
up videos which I always say it goes
deeper than that but you can even learn
you have to take radical action being
attractive is not just about waiting
it’s about being confident which means
to trust yourself to know that you can
never be rejected the most attractive
people in the world know they can never
be rejected why because they don’t
reject themselves they embrace
themselves a hundred percent I speak
about attracting love people say how do
we attract love from other people goes
back into being attractive to stop cold
evading love and respect
we must stop searching for love and
respect and stop code evading it within
ourselves for a long time I was always
looking outside of myself thinking what
could I do to please people the moment I
tap into the moon energy just let go
surrender now you become this magnet you
walk down the road goodness gracious
people turning their heads does it
course no why because you realize you
it’s about giving it’s about living in
this reciprocal relationship with life
many times people sit on the sidelines
many times people get dressed and feel
ok I am attractive because I’m wearing
pretty dress but you see you have to ask
yourself going back to what can I give
are you reaching out other people nobody
is an island and that goes back to
confidence being able to approach people
from a higher state of consciousness
that is how to be attractive with the
higher intention that goes beyond just
physical when you avoid games agendas
that’s what’s helped me along my journey
what happens when you do that we lose
our authenticity to be attractive you
have to remain in your authenticity
which means we’ve got to throw away
control we’ve got to be yielding we
cannot control anybody there is nothing
that you can do or say that will bring
someone closer to you but the more you
let go you will find your reflection I
talk about polarity alone the seven
Hellenic principles law of polarity
polarity is very important because to be
attractive what’s helped me along my
journey is to connect with the other
pole if you are very hot go cold you’re
very cold go hot you are very young move
towards the yin you are very Yin move
towards the yang because once you have
this integration of the two poles the
masculine and the feminine then it’s
game over
once again you become whole and
wholeness is what allows us to be
attractive a lot of natural men out here
but you see what every woman loves is
actually I don’t know I don’t want to
speak for how many billion women there
are on the planet a lot of women love a
very sensitive man because it takes
mastery to move towards the other pole a
lot of men not only love beauty yes we
love them but we also love a wise woman
that’s why our calls were so powerful
consulted by generals because they were
beautiful but they held so much wisdom
now I talk about the seven levels of
Attraction so to be attractive let’s go
through them our appearance are we
working on our appearance to look the
way we want to look personality do you
have a personality that’s great your
expression have you found your voice
your transparency are you transparent in
your actions value how are you
contributing to the world around you
honesty are you honest in your actions
evolution how are you evolving those are
the seven levels of Attraction and to be
attractive I always say it starts with
just having fun why did we why did we
throw fun out of the window girls just
want to have fun guys just want to have
fun too we all just want to have fun for
goodness sakes
hey DJ play the music okay now you’re
dancing that’s good whenever wait so
when I was so serious once again our
muscles look up so to be attractive ask
yourself do I find myself attractive and
if the answer is yes then you have
nothing to worry about have a wonderful
day we are here infinite waters diving
deep once again stay well stay healthy peace

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