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“MENTORS are the Secret to Your SUCCESS!”

the success that I’ve enjoyed is because
of the mentors or the coaches I’ve had
having a mentor find a coach one success
model the best what’s that belief nation
it’s Evan I believe in you and this
channel is designed to be a part of your
daily success routine so today let’s
learn one of the most common rules that
successful people follow fine mentors
also if you want to know a grant cardone
then lock less down and others have to
say about confidence and excellence
check out my 254 series where every day
for the next 250 4 days I will send you
a morning video for free to help you
build your confidence the links to join
are in the description below after you
practice martial you develop this
natural self confidence not cockiness
but you develop this natural self
confidence it’s necessary that you hook
up with a mother energy that can take
you to the next level I hooked up with
him I said let’s let’s go I said away we
go I’ve been reading a lot of historical
fiction there may have been in the back
of my mind
my Marchand instructor said something to
me very profound a few years ago he said
you know what as a martial artist and
what determines how good you are and how
fast you will progress
I said martial artist it’s not just how
many hours you put into your training
and and what style that you practice
what determines how good you’ll become
is your Sifu your instructor and who
you’ll learn from now at first I didn’t
quite understand and later after I study
with him I trained with him my March
instructor I realized wow what a
profound statement because think about
in a martial art context imagine if you
want to learn different martial art you
want to learn coffe Maga you will learn
Taekwondo you’ll learn karate
you’ll learn boxing whatever style or or
MMA whatever style that you decide to
choose your instructor would dictate
with determine how good you are your
their skill that gets transferred to you
think about that it’s the same in your
financial life who do you want to learn
from realize when you learn from
somebody when you listen to the advice
you become them you get their lifestyle
anyone wanted to be successful I think
like in most things like they show up
eventually but maybe they don’t look
like the way you thought they look when
they show up right so I was gonna be a
baseball player from the time I was a
little boy and be a major league bitch
four or five years old talking about
that no one players studying it telling
people I was gonna be one look at a
certain way trying to be athletic I’m a
little new gradually trying to build my
body up and build myself up I did it
well I am I mean I mean but I got little
wrists and I don’t do Pilates but like
you do but I do work out but but anyway
and the Pilates looks good on you you
look younger than I do brother so but
anyway I did I did I did we’ll grow up
wanting to be somebody and then I got a
mentor when I was really young Paula
faint baseball player named Rod Carew
who most of you out there would probably
know grab me when I was a young man and
started pouring it was that was probably
nine okay he grabbed and I started
pouring to me why did he saw me to
baseball camp saw that I was a little
guy I saw that I had some potential I
kind of swung
I came and batted like Hannah huh and so
I spent the better part of my youth
being mentored and coached one-on-one by
a Hall of Fame baseball player but he is
poor baseball tools in the mini port of
belief you’re gonna be somebody someday
you’re gonna do something great so I had
someone he might here I respected
believing in me from when I was young I
think that helped me 35 40 years of my
life I was being held back about what I
that are hooking up with whoever they
want when they want that are spending
millions and millions and millions of
dollars of connections and speed and
there was something different than you
and I were taught to do school systems
don’t teach
your family doesn’t know this right so
you got to go outside your circle of
right here cut the big jet on the tarmac
you can do the same thing if you study
not those guys those are the violent to
see they work for 150 grand a year
featured there they’re cut the big fat
hog in the ass
well I’m making 175s but they stopped
learning what the owner knows
they study ban study paid the price for
the information and then pay
for the price of access to the people
and learn from what do you say to
someone who are saying oh nobody around
me are believing in me and that’s okay
if you have that that’s great if you
don’t have it yeah it’s okay I for years
read books of people who I didn’t know
but I considered them at my personal
mentors I I said it Winston Churchill
who said the truth is contra
incontrovertible malice may attack it
ignorance may derided but at the end
there it is I said it Earl Nightingale
who said all of us get in life what we
are not what we want all of us are
self-made but only the successful will
admit it so I studied these people and
they mentor to me I feel their spirit
sigh I surrounded myself in my bid with
them their law do in my imagination and
listening to their audio programs yes so
how much does the library call Cod costs
it’s free in the United States I don’t
know what in your country so I suggest
that you spend time working on yourself
study the high achievers I did that to
find out how did they get there I study
the life of Frederick Douglass who say
we won’t get everything that we fight
for but everything we get it will be a
and so as you study these people and
imagine yourself in their position and
in your minds I say to yourself as I did
if they can do it I can do it they put
their pants on one leg at a time they
breathe air just as I do and so I
believe that what you would you focus on
the longest becomes a strongest what we
think about we bring about when you
train your mind to serve you yes by
reading a minimum of 20 to 60 pages a
day listening to audio programs writing
goes down reaching reading them three
times a day
you’re literally creating a new mental
blueprint and imagining and seeing
yourself already living from the goal
you begin to do some things that would
most people look at it and see is
magical I’m a big believer in mentorship
one in terms of you know face to face
people that you can go and learn from
and to from what I call aspirational
people have done a lot more than you who
you may never mean who may have passed
on but you can still learn from the
success it comes from the core
understanding that whatever challenge
you have in front of you right now
somebody else has already solved it
whatever big problem you’re facing in
your life or in your business somebody
has already solved it and you don’t need
to come up with every ingenious solution
yourself this is one of the things that
saved my first business one of the two
most important lessons that I’ve ever
learned in my life was whenever I don’t
know what to do whenever have a big
problem I don’t know the answer I look
for somebody who has already solved it
and I try to learn from their lessons in
my first business I had a software
company I was struggling you know making
$300 a month barely able to survive and
I was just trying to come up with all
these ideas myself like okay how about
we do this how would I do this I mean
and nothing was working and I told my
partner I quit and it was the worst day
of my life and when I woke up the next
day I realized I didn’t want to quit I
just couldn’t keep going the way I was
going and the lightbulb moment was I
realized I’m not the first guy to try to
sell software before maybe our specific
kind of software yes but in general
other people have figured out how to
sell software and make lots of money and
target lots of customers how did they do
it and I looked at Bill Gates and how he
got started and that started the process
to me be able to build a real company
and that lesson that I learned that 19
years old has stayed true for the past
almost 20 years where every time I don’t
know what to do I look at who can I
model it’s it’s wide the name of this
channel is modeling the Masters it’s why
I try to showcase lots of different
successful people from all walks of life
because you can learn from them I’m
learning from that see any success I’ve
had I’ve had because I’ve got great
mentors and I’m a good student now until
I was 26 I was a terrible student when I
picked up this book I become a great
student I’ve got thousands of books I
have an office at home in my home it’s
got a couple of thousand books in it and
I built a studio and I’ve got a couple
I love reading but the success that I’ve
enjoyed is because of the mentors or the
coaches I’ve had I would do exactly what
they tell me
and if I coach somebody today and they
don’t do exactly what I tell them I
don’t coach them anymore just like that
it’s all over it’s not ready
well they’re not there it’s not that
only that they’re not ready but if I’m
gonna coach somebody and they’re not
doing what I tell them I’m wasting my
time and theirs too now if they want to
waste their time that’s their
prerogative I’m not gonna waste my
Charles and Ray Eames there were a
couple huh Charles was the guy but I was
the woman and they were big in the 1950s
60s what they did she has changed the
way that I can’t receive the world maybe
kind of like a course correcting me to
what I’m doing today bring the best
design to most people for the least
price to creating
design that would cut last them right
even today long after they passed away
Charles and Ray Eames and create the
furniture and the objects they created
is considered some of the best design
that we’ve ever seen my first semester I
realized that college was a big business
and I was like they’re telling me what
classes to take and I wanted to learn
how do I learn how to invest how do I
learn how to start a business his first
semester people are partying where
they’ve been in college and they were in
high school they’re telling me what
classes I was like this is it for me and
if I’m gonna take a risk I should take
it now there is no book in the world of
no classroom in the world that will be
able to teach an entrepreneurship having
a mentor and being an apprentice is
literally invaluable for you to learn
how to actually start your own company
and become successful it was for me it
was for my last apprentice who went on
to build a company of over 200 people
selling for fifty million dollars in
three years it is for you when and if
and when you go to find a coach make
sure that they practice and not just
profess not write write write
they’re doing they’ve been there so I
was a personal trainer that worked at
Disneyland as a fry cook and why as a
bouncer at a gay bar because they gave
are paid more cuz skinheads would come
in to gay bash and so I needed so much
money that I was willing to get in
fights I’m not a fighter I can talk my
way out of any fight big dude though
it’s it’s God’s gift of intimidation
yeah yeah the the the talking doesn’t
work I can earn and then I run right and
so I’m that trainer who then was able to
open up five gyms make them successful
finally because until then I was a
personal trainer fry cook and a bouncer
a client took mercy on me I said hey man
you’re not a closer you’re an
order-taker listen to this Tom Hopkins
tape you didn’t close me you just took
my order and that hurt right I said well
you’re right I have two two side jobs
people who come to me give me objections
I don’t know how to handle the spousal
objection money objection time objection
so I let him walk so I just take the
people who are like how much is personal
training I want to buy ten sessions
great let me take your order and right
and so as my mentor Jim Franco you know
that tape and Tom Hopkins Lisa Brian
Tracy Brian Tracy to Dan Kennedy Dan
Kennedy Halbert etc and you know and
then I start learning personal
development right you know to the Tony
Robbins and and and and all of a sudden
my mind is opened up into my
surroundings of the people around me who
do I need to cut out because their
cancer is versus who I need to spend
more time with because I need to rise to
their level and all of a sudden I
realize holy cow man these these are
built-in coaches as a personal trainer
one on one your clients are typically
the affluent people right right so I
started asking all my my clients in
between workouts right you know a little
business advice here a little business
advice there and I found it these are
people who practice one guy’s got a
software company next guy this
automotive company right rental cars
public storage places and man it was
just the best advice versus taking
advice from a family member or a friend
who goes I heard it on Shark Tank she’s
not practicing who hasn’t experienced it
yeah so that’s the big thing is to take
advice from someone who’s been there and
done that and and if they they’re
consulting in your industry but they
come from a different industry I would
tread cautiously yeah okay yeah but you
think everyone should have a coach I
believe so I think so too
as athletes we have coaches all right I
try to do it on your own
no no if you’ve dealt with trauma in
your life whether it’s some kind of
physical abuse sexual abuse whatever and
neglect is the kid you go to a therapist
a good therapist is a coach yes right
you’ve got personal development coaches
like the Tony Robbins like the Brandon
bouchard’s why not have business coaches
why not have high performance coaches if
you’ve got limiting beliefs why not have
someone reset your thermostat that mom
and dad had set so low Yeah right or
circumstance of growing up had said solo
we’re in it we can’t see the trees yeah
I look at it as a coach a good coach is
in a helicopter saying you know you see
a lot of trees but I know if you go up
50 yards that way and then ten yards
that way you’ve got an open path be open
up yeah that’s it that’s what a coach
does he buy you time they buy you speed
that buy you success I like to study
just a history of business
and really excellence and so learning
about okay well it’s one thing to know
how Google was built or how Facebook was
built but then you can learn a lot by
understand well how does a consumer
packaged goods company run like how does
Swift for you know we’re like how do you
come up with a Swiffer how do you think
of a competition there
yeah I’ve certainly learned the most
from studying business that are not in
the technology yesterday and I don’t
think people ever do them up yeah anyway
you want to go beyond business too so
how would Phil Jackson who you know but
the bowls the Lakers the Knicks like so
many championships like how do you build
a culture on on a team like that I had a
government’s solve big problems now I
got a really special Hornets good from
Jamie Foxx and how to study the grapes
that I think you’re gonna enjoy but
before that it’s time for the
three-point landing question it’s time
to move from just watching another video
to take an action in your life or
business and if you’re feeling people
leave your answers in the comments below
here we go question ever wanna who are
some of your aspirational mentors number
two what have you learned from that and
number three who is the next person that
you would like to learn from growing up
I always watched the Tom Jones Show or
this is way young this wait wait before
you guys time to like watching Johnny
Carson Sammy Davis jr. some of these old
heads who song dance you know did it all
like Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra and
those guys so after you have the natural
blessing not a talent it’s seeing how oh
that’s how I put it together so if
you’re watching if you’re watching
Richard Pryor okay that’s how I put my
set together or if you’re watching Eddie
Murphy oh that’s how you make it a
superstar look cuz Eddie was interesting
he was able to do all of that and put
some of the young guys so many young
Millennials that day I was talking about
Murphy the other day was like that’s
what they know I said but I knew him
when he would when he had on the blue
leather and he was talking trash you
know and he was he made being a comedian
like fly
nobody did that you know so when you
watch Kevin Hart that’s an exact sort of
the DNA of what Eddie was if you liked
this video check out the one thing at a
time video the link is right there next
to me I think you really enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
focus more if you have to have absolute focus eating laser focused on something
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