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How to Break Down a Chicken | Jamie Oliver

hi guys I’m gonna show you a great way
to debone a whole chicken so you get the
breast meat and the thigh meat with no
bones so it cooks at the same time it’s
delicious it’s amazing so first up start
with the chicken we’ve got a little line
here we take a sharp knife right and
we’re gonna run the knife confidently in
a straight line up against that spine
nice clean long cuts and then you’ll get
down to the carcass here and you’re
going to remove the breast part like
this and then you’re going to get to the
leg now if you do it badly don’t worry
because by the time we’ve marinated it
and grilled it you’re not really gonna
see it so don’t panic now you got the
leg here and the thigh bone you need to
pop it like that which some people might
find a bit strange but this is butchery
guys as you kind of pull the breast like
this we can just remove the thigh like
that so you’re left with a whole side of
chicken and I’ll do exactly the same on
the other side and off it comes so we’re
left with the carcass here all right a
lot of people might throw that away into
the pan so once you’ve got the bones in
here get some root veg in some onions
and carrots some herbs a little garlic
sand bay leaves cover it with cold water
brewing it to the simmer and simmer it
for a couple of hours skimming it
regularly and you will have the best
chicken stock ever the second part of
the butchery we’ve got this bone here
and here what you need to do is look at
where the bone goes and just do little
stroking methods with the knife and sort
of go along the bone and then use the
tip of the knife to go up through the
bone and there you are then pick the
bone up and scrape it right down to that
little knuckle that little joint and
we’ll do that on the other side follow
the bone down the drumstick and then you
get your knife under that bone and then
just simply cut it off and then you’ve
got the bone in your hand
and you’ll scrape it again and then we
can just literally pull it off
these bones go in there and repeat
exactly the same action for the other
side have a go don’t be scared and once
you start doing this you’ll get the hang
of it so there you go
breast and thigh ready to go I’ll take
the wing off here that can go in so then
what you end up with is a really nice
breast with skin no bones apart from
this lovely little bone here which is
delicious meat and then the thigh and
drumstick no bone and they’re going to
cook beautifully together then we can
slice it up
happy days so there you go guys really
really good something to have a goer
it’s not too technical enjoy happy cooking
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