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Marketing Strategies – Overdeliver like CRAZY! – 1 Minute Monday

hi I’m Evan Carmichael and today’s one
minute monday is over deliver like crazy
stop beating your head trying to find
new customers and new prospects and out
there all the time the fastest way to
get your business to where you want to
be is over deliver like crazy to your
current customers and the people in your
network here’s a quick story when I was
hired by one of my clients they pay me
five hundred dollars to write a 300 word
article for their site that firing the
box for 300 words that’s a great deal i
get a link back to my website why not
they hired me and nine of the people
that do the same thing those nine people
you know what they did they wrote 300
words just like they were expected what
did I do I wrote 1500 words I added a
video I promoted to my newsletter I put
out my social media channels and as a
result had way more people visiting and
engaging with my content than any of the
other nine guys what happened I got
hired and that fifth that five hundred
dollar contract turned into a
fifty-thousand-dollar a year contract
those other nine guys got canned and I
got a lot more referral business as a
result so stop stop beating your heads
trying to go out and get new customers
your best path here is to over-deliver
like crazy to your current customers and
the people in your network you want
people to leave every engagement every
conversation with you saying wow if you
do that people will talk about you
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see you soon
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