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Make Money – How to make EVEN MORE money

how to make even more money so this is
part three in this series that I’ve been
going back and forth with with some of
my youtube viewers love you guys I got a
question a while ago that was about a
guy wrote in and say I want to make
money on ebay what can i buy for cheap
and sell for a lot of money said listen
dude this is the wrong way to go about
it you got to find a product your
passion about it’s not just about making
money babe that’s what you’re trying to
do and you’re not gonna be successful
you got to love your business and then
shoves TV wrote in to say hey is that
okay if I try to start a little business
on the side that I don’t like to make me
money so I can support this business
that I do like and said no start right
away with the business that you do like
and just find a smaller way to get
started because if you’re focusing on
something you don’t like it’s never
going to take off your said we’re going
to give you the money you need to be
successful and now I got another
question from the original guy who wrote
in then this one’s a great one so it’s
card games TV one what we’re asking for
is a how-to video how to make money
doing what we love share your tips and
secrets to making money doing what we
love now we’re asking the right question
this isn’t just how do i make money
finding something cheap to sell on eBay
and sell it for a buck it’s how do I
make money from my passion this is the
key question make your business take off
so here’s how it answer it without
knowing too much about your industry the
first thing I always look for when I’m
getting into a new industry or coaching
somebody who’s launching into a area
that they don’t understand yet is model
success okay find somebody who has
already done what you’re trying to do
and apply their strategies to your
business and this could be someone who’s
in your business right now maybe even
you go out and get a job working for
them if you’re working for them for
three months or six months even a year
you know it’s part time and you’re
learning you’re getting paid to learn
and getting paid to make mistakes right
instead of you having to pay instead of
you invest in your dollars and failing
everywhere to make your mistakes you’re
getting paid to do it and you’re making
connections and you’re learning how
something works so look for somebody
who’s done it who’s doing it right now
the ideal company for you and offer to
go work for them and get as close to the
entrepreneur founder as possible you’re
going to learn so much it’s going to
show cut your path so much and you’re
gonna get paid to do it to the next part
of that is model success you can look at
people who who are not in your industry
or who you have no personal connection
to you can’t go and get a job from but
you can learn from them and this is what
saved my business my first business okay
I was I was 19 I had a software company
and I was failing like brutal failure
300 bucks a month couldn’t survive I
thought I tried everything right I’m
trying everything I know up to get this
business going and I’m just not making
any money and the thing that saved me
was I realized you know what I’m not the
first guy to try to sell software before
and I started looking at companies like
mcafee and Microsoft and into it and
looked at how they got started how they
go from idea to their first million
dollars you know how Bill Gates from
Microsoft makes a million dollars now
that doesn’t interest me body go from
zero to 10 to one that’s what I wanted
to do and he did it through partnerships
and so I applied that strategy made it
work from my business and it started to
take off finally like within within two
weeks of realizing this strategy I
closed my first partnership deal and I
had 13 and a half thousand dollars in my
bank account from that partnership that
may not seem like a lot to you but to me
I’m making 300 bucks a month 13 and a
half K I was celebrating man that was
huge that was a huge deal for me and
then I went out and I did it again and
again and again I started closing more
and more partnerships and that saved my
business like that saved me from having
to go get a job and eventually got
acquired and so motto success like look
up to entrepreneurs in your industry
look up the people who have who have
done other great things that may be
outside your industry you know you like
what Richard Branson does it with his
marketing apply that to your business
even if you’re in a different field
take the entrepreneurs who you look up
to a new love and see what they’re doing
really well and make it work for your
company the last bit of advice I have
for you is start small too many
entrepreneurs they dive all in to take
whatever savings they have they pump it
in on one thing and it doesn’t work out
and changes are your first thing isn’t
going to work out because you don’t know
what you’re doing yet right it takes
time to figure that out you’re going to
make mistakes along the way so don’t
dump everything you got into one idea
spread it out do little test little
failures until you find something that
is working that you really love doing
and that you want to expand do those
things model success partner up and
start small that’s how you start making
money from your passion believe those
are watching you have a story to share i
love to hear from you leave it in the
comments below how did you find your
passion how did you start making money
from it share below to other
entrepreneurs who are struggling right
now can read your story be inspired and
loved for you to put that down you guys
like this video thumbs up below click on
my face subscribe to the channel part 3
of the series thank you guys so much for
watching I’ll see you soon
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