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“Make Big Decisions with Your HEART, Small Ones with Your HEAD!”

I’m a big believer that you make the big
decision to the heart and as well as
with the head you don’t use logic to
make the big decisions in your life
people are so worried about picking the
best thing yeah sure and being perfect
that’s what your brain screws you over
then you don’t take action meanwhile
some dummy just decided to go and do it
and he’s credited it personally I
basically came from construction to
entrepreneur okay
so I started in the construction
industry worked a multitude of different
jobs anything you can think of some
points for jobs at a time and trying to
find that purpose trying to find that
passion and I remember that moment where
I was on a job site – 20 below and I
basically said this is not what I wanted
to do yeah and I said okay I went sit
down my passion stumbled across
recruiting and that’s just I kind of
stumbled upon it okay so I’m curious
what is it that you think you can do in
terms of finding that passion is it
something you just stumble across or is
it like how do you how does one find
that because I talk with a number of
different students colleagues associates
who are like yeah I really want to find
my passion but I have no clue where to
go so I’ve got a three-part process we
go through the who the why and the how
so the who is your core values so the
who was your one word we’re talking a
little bit about right before so so my
one word is believe it’s it’s at the
foundation of everything that I do so
all of my content is positive you know
everything I do is positive I want to
spread believe and hope and optimism and
positivity in the world my channel could
probably be even bigger if I if I went
negative if I was saying this and
stupidest things that this person said
I’m sure people would love to watch that
this person this is this person and
who’s right and I’m sure people would
love that but it’s not what I love so
believe is that the foundation hmm so
that’s your who what’s your single most
important core value that’s the rock
that you stand on so when people are
saying you should do this you should do
that you should do this if you don’t
know what you stand for then you’re
you’re easily pulled in multiple
directions by right other people want
everybody else has an agenda for you
an opinion on what you should be doing
and if you don’t know what you stand for
then it’s easy to say oh maybe that
person’s right in that person’s right
and then you never feel like you’re on
solid ground mm-hmm so step one is
forgot your who then comes to your why
so why do you do what you do I think
your purpose comes from your pain so
what was the most painful moment of your
what do you never want to have to you
experience again or have anybody around
you experience you don’t want your
future kids to experience you don’t want
people that you know it’s experience for
entrepreneurship was so painful starting
at my company I struggled a lot I was
making $300 a month right I was too
embarrassed to tell my friends that I
was sucking and I really insulated
myself and I felt worthless as a human
being it was the most worthless I’ve
ever felt in my life it’s like whenever
you failed that’s the pain like what
have you felt the most worthless in your
life you know that flip that on its head
yeah and said well now you can help
other people who are trying to who are
going through that as well right
because I struggled so much as an
entrepreneur that I want to make the
path a little bit easier for other
people going through it hmm right
discovery process is through that pain
yeah and so and I think for
entrepreneurs it’s harder to even find
that because if we’re optimistic we’re
forward-looking we’re avoiding pain
we’re thinking about how everything’s
gonna be it’s hard to go back and look
at the painful moments but that’s
actually the answer like the biggest
pain in your life becomes your purpose
you turn the biggest negative in your
life into the actual foundation of the
positivity and it could be something
earlier that happen in your life or it
could be something that happen recently
I think about the person who started
Mothers Against Drunk Driving right
because she had a daughter who got
killed by drunk driver and that was the
most painful but like losing the
daughter’s most being of all time for
her and instead of succumbing to it and
feeling like life is over she turned it
into a powerful positive so the people
who have built the most amazing things
had massive pain earlier in their life
and they transcendent positivity but you
go one or either way like you said you
could you’re the negative side of that
coin yeah well most people do right or
you turn in something positive so I
think your purpose comes from your pain
you want to help other people who have
who are going through the pain that mmm
you struggled with earlier on so so my
one word is believe and I believe in
entrepreneurs because I struggled so
much with entrepreneurship great the
third step is the how so how are you
gonna do it right look great I love
believe in entrepreneurs what am I going
to do them away and so the how is you
have to enjoy the process you have to
enjoy the daily you have to enjoy how
you believe in entrepreneurs not just
the result of believing entrepreneurs
okay right so as an example if you’re
setting up a new shop and you’re you’re
opening five locations you need help
moving you know I could come and help
you move right that was let’s go like
let’s open up five news stories awesome
but I don’t like the process of moving I
don’t like the process of packing trucks
it’ll like the process of setting up
right furniture you know okay I like the
end result I’ve helped you you’re an
entrepreneur I’m believing right you’re
really good but I don’t like the process
so you have to enjoy the process
you’ve to enjoy the how you enjoy the
actual work people who love what they do
enjoy the work right so when you can
combine all those three things so what I
recommend doing is making a list so if
you’ve if you figured out your one word
so for me it’s believed you figured out
the why which is helping entrepreneurs
I’d make a list of all the things that
I’ve done that has helped me believe in
entrepreneurs and then look through that
list and say what do I actually enjoy
the process of doing not just a result
because I liked all of it okay how’s
that person right but did I enjoy the
actual time that I spent just when you
have an experience on that process the
day to day and I think that’s what I get
hung up on I think a lot of people get
hung up on is that how and trying to
project what does that look like because
you could go multi different areas like
you said well I think people are messed
up in all three of them great I don’t
think most people know what their most
important core value is the truth I
don’t think most people know what their
purpose is right their most painful
moment was and then I don’t think they
know the how
out of it but when you can figure out
those three things that’s when life
starts really get amazing but it’s not
something that’s gonna you just click
right away after you go through the how
I actually go through the why and you
find that purpose like it how that
process gonna take a little bit of Forge
it’s self reflection so that might work
like even for me finding the most
painful moment was difficult hmm yeah
I’ve had painful moments yeah but right
was it but I’ve just blurred over my
whole past and right
I just don’t try to remember negativity
right I had to really dig deep to find
those moments like oh yeah oh yeah where
were other people just yeah oh yeah it’s
so clear that’s the thing like they get
it right away right okay some of the
really good struck struck them as the
pain right so okay because some people
it’s a longer process and some people
it’s shorter but I think it’s I think
it’s the most important process to go
through like if it takes you three
months to figure it out awesome
then you’re set for life right like your
is your purpose yeah doesn’t know why on
fire believing in entrepreneurs will
never expire it happens will never
expire for me right always if anything
it’s only gonna get stronger as it
gained more confidence the skills and
ability and resources this is the most
important exercise I think anybody can
do when most people don’t want to do the
work and you end up running away from a
life they don’t like and so you sit on
your couch and you watch write Netflix
and then mundane you it’s escape either
you don’t like your life so you think
gonna escape or you’re going to educate
yourself and build something better
right escaping is immediate
gratification and it’s easy to do yeah
you get lost in the world of Green Arrow
and Batman and whatever awesome I don’t
feel worried about my life or you watch
Big Brother and you can laugh at how bad
these people’s lives are to make you
feel better about your own life right
versus oh I have to do work that you
build my life right don’t learn okay
it’s just more work and easy the writing
process you did to discover that like
discover that pain I mean some people
you said it’s right there but if you
don’t know what that pain is you did
writing or did you go and take act
to do it so I think for me it it was a
lot slower and a lot longer because the
formula wasn’t laid out right I had them
I had them discover and make the formula
right like the one word concept didn’t
exist right so I had to I had to come up
with that I thought it was stupid when I
stumbled on it hmm
I started off as I wasn’t happy with my
website and it wanted a new slogan for
my website this is the start I don’t
like my slogan right slogan sucks I want
a new slogan and then as I went through
that I thought well I need a she really
be a personal slogan that I bring to my
business not just a business slogan and
as I tried to figure out my slogan was I
wrote down a whole bunch of ideas and
believe was on there and I like believe
the most the next day’s a multiple night
because it’s a feeling it’s a few light
but I thought it was too simple like one
word yeah it’s too simple and so I tried
to add more to it but the more I tried
to add to it the less I liked it it’s
like okay how about I just try believe
just that sounds crazy and start doing a
little test and everything around
believe worked out better not because
it’s the best word is the best word for
me right what do you mean by little
tests so I did a I love testing things
before right making it I’m gonna build
my whole business around believe I love
little test first so the first thing I
did was I did a newsletter I just wrote
a news about what believe meant to me I
already had a weekly newsletter but I
just decided I’m gonna change my format
for this week and just write about what
believe meant to me nice and I sent it
off when I had the best response rates
best connection really of anything that
I’ve had put out yet like oh like this
okay okay okay cool that’s cool where’s
my newsletter okay how about I make a
youtube video make one video I’m already
making weekly videos at that right so I
showed this one yeah this try one around
believe and my best video at that point
had a hundred thousand views and it was
so happy yeah like holy cows right yeah
and it took a year for the PT to get
there and then this one we did around
believe and in a month it had a hundred
thousand views and now it has two
million views or something on the
channel right I said oh okay
just started making more like it works
on news out it works in my youtube
channel let’s try it here and then as I
started okay like this feels great right
like it’s getting good responses I’m
loving it so many more which is why it’s
getting great responses right like right
if somebody else tried to take believe
and use it for themselves it’s not going
to work is it doesn’t mean the same
thing find your own thing and put that
into heart you feel the heart felt in
the video isn’t it until then I started
thinking while am I the only crazy
person who’s built the business around
one word like is this right am i am i am
i crazy like what’s happening so I
started researching and I found other
businesses that had done a same premise
in different industries and different
sizes from a guy who went from half
fifty thousand dollar business just now
kind of full time entrepreneur but solo
up to hundreds of millions in revenue
and I found five businesses that were in
between and I went to go interview them
to talk to them okay and they all just
kind of figured it on their own
same thing yeah it’s like I don’t know
we just like this word and so we went
and did this crazy thing they’re stuck
with it yeah right built their business
around it so I thought somebody tried a
book about this somebody should write
the blueprint right okay my first book I
didn’t want to write a book yeah yeah
and so I wrote I wrote the book as a
template as a guide to make it easier so
so for people who aren’t through the
same thing they didn’t have to take as
long you don’t have to go and do all
those interviews they don’t have to
write all that created in the trial in
here that’s got for them yeah break it
down to these three steps follow this
process so the one word is is its own
book the the purpose one is just
something I’ve been talking I haven’t
written the book yet on that yeah next
time yeah figuring that out like
understanding who you are understanding
why you do what you do and then
understanding the how to then go out to
get happy wrong is something that most
people wrestle with 100% right so I
think it doesn’t matter what age matter
where you are a lot of people wrestle
with that and I think there’s a lot of
talk now about passion yeah right find
your passion go for but if you don’t
know what you’re
this is what gives you meaning in life
yep how do you go towards that passion
right I think that’s a big thing a lot
of people struggle with and kind of just
a little segue into that’s why I created
yeah a limitless academy right so a lot
of students come out of college
university and they’re kind of stuck
yeah they’re not really sure what it is
they want to do so you give them an
opportunity to start their own
recruiting business to find their
passion kind of through that trial and
error process where hey do you want to
try recruiting because they have an
interest in it there’s no program in it
that does it but let’s try it and we
give them an entire program pretty much
Road Mac roadmap from A to Z yeah
entrepreneurship but specifically for
the recruiting industry right and even
like when I’m doing recruiting and
talking to different people looking for
a job I kind of go through that pain
process and I go backwards through what
it is that they have done in their
previous jobs what they didn’t like
where they worked and then flip it on
its head to the positive so we created a
whole list yeah this is the things we
ought to look for for the next career I
think that’s ultimately then how you win
like if I think about I don’t have that
much context on you but right but you
know before going live you talk about
your favorite teacher of all time was
your music teacher grade 8 yeah and it’s
a great question because like you’ve had
hundreds of teachers from growing up
through university and like why is great
music teacher the one that’s out and
it’s not because they taught you how to
read sheet music no or usually it’s like
it’s always something else like it’s a
great question to ask for everybody else
trying to figure out what your one word
is what you know your who and you said
you you really loved how he was so
passionate and loved what he was doing
right awesome before that I asked you
what was your favorite video on my
channel and it was like the mega mashup
of how to find your purpose right had to
find your passion had to find a thing
yeah right so great like that’s your
theme right right nothing great that’s
it now whether you want to call whether
you want where’s purpose or passion or
fire or like witness in its in that it’s
in that I mean somewhere in there right
awesome it’s not it’s not there’s a
bunch of other words that
great but like it’s in that it’s in that
Bucky right now if you if you brought
that to your business mm-hmm and you led
with it it now really makes you stand
out and then you’re gonna attract the
people who care about figuring out what
their passion Russian is or their
purpose is or yeah huh
similar to what you did yeah now you
stand out now it’s not just another
recruiting company right right
also through your process of how do you
find great talent for the construction
measures you yeah right how do you like
if you have your own methodology right
hey we want to hire people are gonna
stick with you for the long term because
it’s a great fit for your organization
we want people who are passionate right
no there’s really no like this is what
they want to do I don’t want to I don’t
want to play somebody who’s gonna jump
in 18 months and now you’re stuck right
misery for me because I my commission
and they’re often ahead could help you
find somebody else right but my goal is
I want them to be with you for the next
20 years because they know the purpose
because there’s a passion right and so
if you have a process to then find that
out like that oh and then match now it’s
not just hey I’m great at building
connections hey I’m great at finding a
peer a connectivity but I have a process
that finds through the best people’s
yeah and then covers that talent but not
only covers talent but gives them their
yes I mean you start to play with it
right and then and then that the people
who are looking for jobs right want to
be matched with a great career of course
and if you have a process so you’re the
only one asking questions around you see
deep into right not just okay what’s
your experience yes you have like tell
me about the the career that you’d want
to have tell me what you’re passionate
about tell me what your member says you
know what James I have no idea right
Austin sometimes that happens great
Lavoie let me help you and then we can
go through that process and then you can
go find them like the best job of all
time because you curate and they’re
gonna and they’re gonna tell their
friends and you’re gonna build the
reputation much more than just write the
usual stuff I like that is separating
your part but it’s so interesting how
it’s so simple but that’s the thing
right it’s one word but because you care
so much about that you’ll win right and
some other crew
an agency’s okay I tell me what you’re
passionate about just like as a like if
something under your question list
they’re gonna lose right hmm like why do
you why even get into you didn’t just
stumble upon recruiting and that’s the
thing like why recruiting because you’re
helping people find their friend they’re
right behind their mission right totally
it’s just connecting all the dots yeah
that’s it but now instead of like this
is the part now that nothing have the
awareness instead of it being like these
random occurrences that sometimes happen
out here now it’s focused now like boom
this is this is what I’m about
hmm cuz that’s a big one that big you
said focus yeah because it feels like
it’s a little bit scattered and trying
to manage all these different processes
and we talked about it a little bit
before yeah prioritizing everything
right yeah so how do you streamline that
focus but you just nailed it it’s that
knowing exactly where that purpose is
driving all the content towards driven
open-mindedness but as an entrepreneur
yeah how do you manage it at all so so
you still need to pick right like this
this just makes everything more powerful
and purpose driven right ever you touch
but should you be doing a YouTube
channel or should you be doing a daily
Instagram show or should you be doing
speeches at colleges or right like what
should you be doing whatever you touch
now is gonna have a lot more power and
purpose behind it turn up the dial and
just write all in all in but then from
your list of a thousand thousand things
to do which ones you pick and that’s how
you can create the Proctor is it you can
prioritize it yeah and so your your list
of ideas will never stop no never it’s
only gonna grow you in this business for
20 years that notebook keeping track of
stuff is only gonna explode I’m a big
believer that you make a big decision at
the heart and the spawns with the head
hmm you don’t use logic to make the big
decisions in your life it’ll let you
down right and then you’ll regret it
so if you look at your list of marketing
ideas right like let’s take 3 speaking
of speaking of colleges channel webinars
and webinars perfect and take those 3
right all of them work mm-hmm in 2019
2020 2021 like all of these things work
ok you’re not saying like I’m gonna get
on a horseback and but like all of these
strategies have worked people have built
multi-million dollar businesses off of
all of those strategies so which one do
you just like more and then you go do
that one because the one that you like
more and have more passion all right
you’ll do better yeah yeah so that’s how
you start to prioritize and then you use
your head to figure out how so if you
said ok those three things I like I just
like the college campuses stuff more
like I like doing with students
I like being in front of people there’s
actually the one who’s gonna choose to
great okay great I like that one for
whatever reason great now use your head
to figure out okay how can I make this
the best thing possible for my business
right then you get into the how then you
get into the second your dreams the how
to quick and drive myself to crazy and
return all these and you know the other
stuff and like YouTube might be there
you know you do that later you could do
you can do the webinars later or
whatever it’s just put on your list of
ideas but right now I’m gonna try outfit
and I’m gonna crush this speaking thing
I’m gonna go and set up a hundred
different speaking events 15
universities yeah I know I’m gonna
figure it I’m gonna use my my my head to
work for me instead of against me hmm
because when you’re looking at your list
of ideas your head working against you
right totally
and then you never started any was a
mess and that’s just that list of ideas
wait for the other distractions yeah
touch the commanders get more in an even
greater list and you do nothing right
you can use paralyzed a pic right but
recognize that all of them can work
people are so worried about picking the
best thing yeah it’s true and being
perfect that’s what your brain screws
you over then you don’t take action
meanwhile some dummy just decided to go
and do it and he’s crushed
yeah massive action do it total right
around the thing that you love and if
you stop loving doing speaking gigs at
universities great pivot now we’re good
now we’re doing the YouTube channel
right cuz I love like you said the 95/5
role yeah yeah 595 rule five years any
time planning 95 but I’m 95% doing your
little tests and then switch appreciate
it live events
you’re awesome thanks for coming in dude
come see where you take this yes if you
want to get coached by me one on one to
help you build your brain and make money
as a thought leader check out my next
workshop in Toronto the link is right
there next to me continue to believe and I’ll see you there
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