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“LIVE at the EDGE of Your CAPABILITIES!” – Will Smith – Top 10 Rules

hugely important to me to maintain a

certain energy you’ve got to take a shot

you have to live at the edge of your

capabilities you gotta live where you’re

almost certain you’re gonna fail choose

actions that are in your own best

interest every day we are choosing

that’s not in our own best interest need


what’s top 10 with believe nation what’s

that belief nation it’s Evan my one word

is believe and I believe in you I

believe you have Michael Jordan level

talent add something and I want you to

find it embrace it and make a difference

using it so let’s get your motivation to

attend and get you believing in you grab

a snack and chew in today’s lessons from

a man who went from being a great

student in school but not wanting to go

to college because he wanted to rap to

now becoming one of the leading men and

most successful stars in Hollywood he’s

Will Smith and he was my take on his top

10 rooms a success vol 4 enjoy

alright let’s kick it off with rule

number one find your purpose finding

your purpose like that’s a that’s a

that’s a big one just keep trying stuff

just keep trying you got a key keep

going and and in terms of finding

purpose it was helpful for me to realize

that just because everybody at Philly

believed you know one thing in one set

of ideas and everybody in Philly was in

a certain paradigm as soon as I got out

of the city and out of the country I

realized there were people that didn’t

give a damn about stuff that was the

most important thing in the world

try experiment me travel that was a big

part for me and that’s a lot of what

you’re gonna sing on my youtube channel

to like travel is huge

rule number two maintain infectious

energy what you just told my piece we

just bought yes did you not just I it’s

hugely important to me to maintain a

certain energy it’s a it’s it’s healing

it’s loving its kind and I’ve learned

really young that my energy was

infectious right so when you know I come

into the studio when I long after I

leave the energy that I bring is still

gonna be here and then people are gonna

take it home and they’re gonna affect

their families with it so you know for

me it’s hugely important to maintain

just a positive loving energy just your

wife’s grateful yeah yeah I’m really

happy it’s fun at work TG I worked with

Gene Hackman and we had a thing every

morning because Gene Hackman wasn’t a

morning person and this is what I do in

the morning

you know so every morning I would say I

would say day good morning mr. hack

Manny oh yeah yeah I don’t say he’d say

how you doing well I say hey man I’m

just happy to be here he would say no

you’re lucky to be here every morning

but it became my way of like just you

know getting it getting it up and

getting it going is it’s just I love it

rule number three my personal favorite

fail forward I love this one fail early

fail often fail forward you know it’s

always a little bit frustrating to me

when people have a negative relationship

with failure failure is a massive part

of being able to be successful you have

to get comfortable with failure yet you

have to actually seek failure failure is

where all of the lessons are you know

when you go to the gym and you work out

you’re actually seeking failure you want

to take your muscles to the point where

you get to failure because that’s where

the the adaptation is that’s where

growth is successful people who fail a

lot they fail a whole lot more than they

succeed but they extract the lessons

from the failure and they use that the

the energy and they use the wisdom to

come around to the next phase of success

you got to take a shot you have to live

at the edge of your capabilities you got

to live where you’re almost certain

you’re gonna fail that’s the reason for

practice practice is controlled failure

you’re getting to your limit getting to

your limit getting to your limit you

can’t lift that you can’t do that you

until you get to the point that all of a

sudden your body makes the adjustment

and then you can do it

failure actually helps you to recognize

the areas where you need to evolve so

fail early fail often fail forward rule

number four dedicate your life to your

dream I think was 94 something like that

they were open to Planet Hollywood I

found myself in a room with Arnold

Schwarzenegger Bruce Willis and sly and

I was like oh my god I got these three

guys in

and I was like okay I want to be the

biggest movie star in the world and I

need you guys to tell me how to do it

and Arnold Schwarzenegger he said he

said if your movie is only big in

America it doesn’t matter you’ll be a

movie star only when you’re a movie star

in every country in the world you have

to travel you have to go you have to

meet the people thanks for the tip fax

son fax that became the way that I

started looking at movies I wanted to be

in every country in the world in that

part of my career I refused to do

anything that wasn’t in the best

interest of the goal I set for myself

and there’s probably a 12 year period of

my life where I did take a train I have

a drink where I didn’t go out on the

weekends that I was so set on my goal it

created a serious circle of protection

and an elevation because I refused to do

anything that wasn’t in my best interest

it’s hugely important that if you have a

dream that you have to dedicate your

life to it and there at every hour of

every day it has to be dedicated to

bring it into fruition the things that

you dream about rule number five seek

those who fan your flames I just saw

this Rumi quote that I love set your

life on fire and seek those who fan your

flames the Phillie translation of that

is don’t be hanging with no Jang casts

Joker’s that don’t help you shine the

prerequisite for spending time with any

person is that they nourish and inspire

you they feed your flame look at your

last five text messages are those people

feeding your flames or dousing your fire

put your phone down for just a second

and look around look to the people

around you are those people throwing

logs on your fire or are they pissin on


the people that you spend time with are

gonna make or break your dreams

everybody don’t deserve to be around you

you got to defend your light

your life so who are the people in your

life that are fanning your flames shout

them out tag on below rule number six do

everything he originally settled off as

a rap uh so I was wondering you know

it’s been soon over ten years since your

last album experimenting in the studio

yeah I can explore in like new sounds

like the new wave of people are you

releasing like planning on releasing any

new music so yes so I just I just I’ve

been probably 30 days on on Instagram

and so you can follow me at and I just

launched a YouTube channel and I didn’t

realize how great social media was for

the short form content so I have all of

these ideas I have all of these songs I

have all of these skits I have all of

these things that I didn’t think I’d

ever get around to putting out that I’ll

be doing on my social media so I’ll

definitely be putting out records I’ll

definitely be doing skits and I’ll

definitely be creating content that has

been bubbling in me for years rule

number seven decide to inspire people I

went to Catholic school up to eighth

grade with all white kids and probably

two or three black kids but if you know

predominantly white school and then I

went to my neighborhood high school in

ninth grade that was 99% black kids so

the first day that I walk in to ninth

grade I walked into the lunchroom and

you know it’s like five hundred kids and

for said to this day I don’t know why I

did this I’m sure it was because I was I

was nervous and you know I got that I

have a thing with fear I don’t like

being scared so I’m sure I was I walked

in I looked around and I said excuse me

can I have your attention can I have

your attention please

he’s here he’s here right now thank you

thank you people who got to looking and

there was just one dude and

sitting there and he looked up to me

said man don’t nobody get that you here

right and I said hey just give me ten

minutes your girl going care right and

he was like and you got to watch that

not that not is not a good nod you like

and I was like okay so I went some

walking up the steps we’re out of the

lunchroom and I forgot about it

so we’re gone and I’m walking up the

steps and he had taken one of those

combination locks and he put the lock in

the palm of his hand and put his but the

the loop around his knuckle and he was

holding the lock in his hand and as I

was walking up the steps he cracked me

in the side of my head with the lot and

I went down I was out I don’t remember

nothing I still got the lump on my head

you can’t see it cuz they over here but

I stood like there’s still a lump so I

remember I fell down and I hit my mouth

on the steps all of that stuff you know

so I went up so I’m in the principal’s

office all of that the police come and I

got the ice on my lips and I’m sitting

in the principal’s office and my father

comes in he sees me and you know I’m

telling the story now the police are

there and I remember I saw this kid they

put him in handcuffs and took him out of

the school and I’m looking sitting in

the principal’s office and I’m watching

the police take him out and put him in

the back of a police car and I just

couldn’t believe it had escalated to a

kid being removed from from school and I

was laying in my bed that night and I

was just feeling like Shh

and I had the recognition that I had

caused this kid to throw his life away

right and he was kicked out of school

and I never knew what happened to him

but I have a sense that it didn’t go


beyond there and I felt a deep sense of

regret and a deep sense that I had

caused an emotion in a person that made

them do that and that that feeling of

regret turned into a sort of a fear of

how much power I had and I was like

everything I say and do has that kind of

effect on other human beings and in that

moment I decided that I would never walk

into a room and do anything other than

inspire and uplift and enlighten people

and help people to be the greater

versions of themselves and I would never

do anything that would cause people to

or to rile up the darkest dirtiest

parts of people I only wanted to enliven

and enlighten and inspire and I remember

laying in my bed that night and I made

that promise to myself and I made that

promise to God and it’s something that

has completely shaped how I approach

people how I approach moments how I walk

into rooms how I deal with every human

being on this earth rule number eight

develop self-discipline dude

scream to me the other night well I

wanna be active man I wanna be active

just like you you know usually people

say stuff to me like that I’m like yeah


you do is give them an encouraging word

but I was just sitting here thinking and

it dawned on me 99% of people that say

stuff like that are not willing to do

what it takes to make their dreams come

true the Marines have a saying everybody

wants to go to heaven but nobody wants

to die and that’s just real at the

center of bringing any dream into

fruition is self-discipline you know

something as simple as food and eating

it’s not about your body as much as it

is about your mind it’s getting command

of your mind to be able to choose

actions that are in your own best

interest every day we are choosing

that’s not in our own best interest

right so if the world is attacking you

and the world wants to fight you in the

world’s trying to hold you down so you

gonna kick yourself in the balls so you

will stop yourself from getting what you

dream self-discipline is the center of

all material success you cannot win the

war against the world if you can’t win

the war against your own mind

rule number 9 take responsibility I was

just having a debate with a friend of

mine and we got stuck on the difference

between fault and responsibility she

kept talking about how something was

somebody’s fault somebody’s fault and I

was like it really don’t matter whose

fault it is that something is broken if

it’s your responsibility to fix it for

example is it’s not somebody’s fault if

their father was an abusive alcoholic

but it’s for damn sure their

responsibility to figure out how they’re

gonna do with those traumas and try to

make a life out of it it’s not your

fault if your partner cheated and ruined

your marriage but it is for damn sure

your responsibility to figure out how to

take that pain and how to overcome that

and build a happy life for yourself

fault and responsibility do not go

together it sucks but they don’t when

something is somebody’s fault we want

them to

suffer we want them punished we want

them to pay we want it to be their

responsibility to fix it but that’s

that’s not how it works especially when

it’s your heart your heart your life

your happiness is your responsibility

and your responsibility alone as long as

we’re pointing a finger and and stuck in

whose fault

something is we’re jammed and trapped

into victim mode when you’re in victim

mode you’re stuck in suffering the road

to power is in taking responsibility

your heart your life your happiness is

your responsibility and your

responsibility alone and rule number ten

the last old me for a very special bonus

clip is have fun she’s gonna ask us each

to name three things three types of like

cars or something and we’ll have five

seconds to name three things and then

hit that to see how much time is left on

the clock okay all right if you do it

you get a point if time runs out you get

no points at all five seconds goes very

very fast okay I shall go first you

shall go first okay okay Ellen name

three things you do in a car you drive

I see I see now we need some like judges

are you job you say hi you wait you wait

will ya name three things you should

never do in a car

never drink smoke three words you use a

lot love baby and be kind I’m gonna give

okay we’ll name your three favorite

songs to sing in the shower in the

shower the dream girls

I’m telling you Whitney Houston died

yeah but that’s it’s like the end I am


your best man no there’s no way I can

ever go no no no no that’s my song



now I’ve got a really special Will Smith

bonus clip I think you’re gonna enjoy

around how to be still but before that I

want to know what did you learn from

this video will has so many great

messages what did you take from this

that you’re going to apply somehow to

your life or your business starting

today leave it down in the comments

below when you write it down you’re much

more likely to actually take that action

so write it in the comments thank you

guys so much for watching I believe in

you I hope you continue to believe in

yourself and whatever your one word is

much love see you soon and enjoy the

something that came in Islands just got

finished doing a couple days of work and

you knows I’m in the room I’m finally by

myself as quiet as no people around I’m

chilling and I’m like me enough trying

to figure out something to do so you

know I figured I had let me go turn the

news on and then it dawned on me I was

like but the news agitates me it’s

disruptive I get aggravated and I was

like nah and then I felt this crazy urge

like I couldn’t stop myself from going

to turn the news on and I was like oh Sh

and I realized my mind was seeking

disturbance but now it’s too peaceful I

need I need to be disrupted and and

aggravated and then I realized like we

actually have to cultivate a taste for

peace we’re actually addicted to things

that agitate and aggravate us you know

you’re like damn every time I see this

person we argue I’m just I don’t I don’t

want to argue with this food will stop

what happens is we actually get addicted

to the argument we’re addicted to the

aggravation addicted to the agitation I

just really made a decision to myself

today just sitting here in the Cayman

Islands that I’m gonna be quiet I’m

gonna be still and I’m gonna be alone I

mean right after you listen to my ig

story and right after you you follow me

then then put it down and just just

see once once long media the most

important work ever if you had to think

of one word that’s most important to you

or that sums you Apple that would be to

like a little beacon hey believe nation

if you want to know what the most

important one word is for Tony Robbins

Gary Vaynerchuk

Oprah Winfrey and Howard

Schultz I have a very special secret

video for you check the description for

details [Music]

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