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Life Changing Video! STOP WASTING TIME – Motivational Speech 2018

the ideal situation for a man a woman to
die is to have family members praying
with them as they cross over but I know
that imagine if you will being on your
deathbed and standing around your bed
the ghosts of the dreams the ideas the
abilities and the talents given to you
by life but you for whatever reason you
never acted on those ideas you never
pursue those dreams you never use those
gifts and there they are standing around
your bed looking at you with large angry
eyes saying we came to you and only you
could have given us life and now we must
die with you forever when Jim spoke Jim
said when the in comes for you let it
find you conquering a new mountain not
sliding down and over
Jim taught us that things may happen to
you in things may happen around you but
the only things that really count are
the things that happen in you if
somebody is doing something that is
useful to the rest of society I think
that’s a good thing like it doesn’t have
to change the world like you know if you
make something that has high value to
people and frankly even if it’s
something if it’s like just a little
game or you know the some improvement in
photo-sharing or something if it does it
how does a small amount of good for a
large number of people that’s I mean I
think that’s that’s fine like stuff
doesn’t need to be change the world just
to be good so it’s it’s easy to have
ideas it’s very hard to turn an idea
into a successful product there are a
lot of steps in between it takes
persistence relentlessness so I always
tell people who are you know who think
they want to be entrepreneurs it’s you
need a combination of stubborn
relentlessness and flexibility and you
have to know when to bewitch and
basically you need to be stubborn on
your vision because otherwise it’ll be
too easy to give up but you need to be
very flexible on the details because as
you go along pursuing your vision you’ll
find that some of your preconceptions
were wrong and you’re gonna need to be
able to change those things so I think
taking an idea successfully all the way
to the market and turning it into a real
product that people care about and that
really improves people’s lives is a lot
there’s something that’s the spirit that
grabs me right and it’s in every one of
you guys but the question is how much
time I wasted I just came out to the gym
for three hours this morning I got five
hours I said every day of my life I’m
trying to find a different way to get
better clothes didn’t tell me to do this
remember we interlock out so I’m in
training for football I’m training for
lifestyle I’m training because I say
it’s something that I wanted to
integrate alpha do it that’s the best
inside of each one of y’all I did 20 but
the question still remains how much time
would you really waste if I looked at my
car you look at your phone time never
stops but Dolan
it’s your time it’s your time now the
question is what would you do to make
sure your time your time is ready will
you be ready that’s what I do man that’s
all I do that I believe every time I
step on and I never cheat one of my
teammates ever I never let one of my
teammates take a break on me and I never
take a break on them oh man you guys got
an opportunity to do something right now
don’t let your long be the only
thing that wakes you up make sure you
wake up with God on your mind
make sure you fall to your knees with
your face on the floor to say thank you
for another opportunity not just the
wake up but to be a top athlete some
but you give me scrap about some
shoulder pains
put on your crease we all know that
feeling feel like there’s no feeling in
the world like you so now how thankful
would you give back to them every single
day you’ve got to master your craft
that’s what it’s about building kids
across this country man that’s what this
one shot harsh reality 1% makes one
I heard ok it’s just competition right
so when somebody said all are you ready
to be dead why I need final command ever
find out outwork me you might not run me
on a fourth but she’s gonna find out
wrote me for 60 minutes I doubt that any
because I got in a special the only
thing I gots business I made my mind at
the be special
my assistants got a great thing now in
this once in every four months somebody
sends an email saying I’ve got a huge
startup that I want you to invest in but
you’ve got to sign this NDA right which
literally every time gets an email back
that says Q right and and the reason is
I’m a humongous believer that ideas are
and that executions the game right
we’ve all got ideas everybody’s got
ideas do you mean ideas we all have here
we can probably sit here for the next
two hours draw them all out record them
and predict the next 78 great startups
over the next nine years and so I think
the thing that is another theme in
entrepreneurship is there is way too
much fodder brought to the idea Hoover
was magic cab three years earlier uber
is not an idea who ever existed it’s
called magic cab but the guys that
execute it sucked so they lost so I
think you know if there’s any level of
romance left in this room about your
greatest there’s a lot of small things
done with stacked on top of each other
yes ma’am no man pants pulled up open
always these small things that makes
greatness so when somebody finally sees
you they represent you as a king because
you walked at the king and until you set
your mind said to think like the king
then you just stay where everybody
else’s action and that’s the place I
don’t want to state I wanted to go way
beyond them and that’s what I’m still
chasing to this day that’s one of these
now I was in a gym earlier this morning
that’s on the reason I was in lower
whatever it is I don’t know what it is
today but if I can change one life today
just by telling you to be different do
something different and take God with
you I’m gonna kill where you go then do
it then do it and when you do it let
your name be worth more than your bank
when you’re finally ready to go home
make sure your footsteps I’ll remember
that’s not a reason you guys respect me
in the way you’re honest man that’s
because I made up my mind and she sent
me and give me nurture my crowd really
notice you’re not round
I’ve never been the biggest the fastest
drones and nothing nothing I saw all the
way all I had was worth it’s all I’ve
ever had it’s my birthday I’m nine years
old it’s a particular Collins which is
now three decks of cards
I took a deck of cards nipple what card
I do six come over another card if I get
a Jack Queen King I do team I got an ace
under 25 my football but joke every kid
I mastered am nine years old that deck
of cards not trying to 310 the cars if I
brought my bag enhancer the same thing
take the cards then I travel with
everything probably the only thing I
know is I can’t take a break
don’t ever let a day go by that you
waste that’s the day you can never get
I mean the reality is reading a book are
going to a conference or having a great
conversation where you get this golden
information that’s all fantastic but
what makes mastery is execution on the
ideas not the ideas and so no idea works
unless you’re willing to roll up your
sleeves do the practice invest the time
put in the effort do the work I think
we’ve all observed a lot of people who
they love reading the books they love
showing up at the courses they do all
the online training and nothing ever
changes and they say well you know I
don’t know why it doesn’t change why my
life doesn’t change why my thinking
doesn’t change why my performance
doesn’t change why my relationships
don’t change well it’s because ideas
don’t work if you don’t execute on them
so if you look at the great business
builders you look at any great performer
one thing that makes them great is their
grit one thing that makes them great is
their hunger to practice one thing that
makes them great is they are willing to
sacrifice I mean yes they’re passionate
but did you know the root of the word
passion is suffering you’ve got to be
willing to suffer for your vision you’ve
got to be willing to suffer to reach BIW
best in world you’ve got to be willing
to suffer the ridicule and laughter of
your critics and your cynics to get to a
you gotta make up your mind you little
thing you want to do and don’t let
nobody nobody tell you what you can’t do
they’re gonna pass the water mother
George story coach said you’re not good
enough he would’ve made yourself good
simply working so I’m not here to take
my secrets I’m here to tell you the only
thing I wanted was work the level walk
through life alone don’t ever do it
alone that’s the longest walk you’ll
ever take it’s by yourself will you take
somebody which take some language unlike
a team where no one takes ownership of
the problems and therefore the problems
never get solved with us everyone took
ownership of their mistakes everyone
took ownership of the problems and when
a team takes ownership of its problems
the problems get solved and that is true
on the battlefield it is true in
so I say take ownership take extreme
ownership don’t make excuses don’t blame
any other person or any other thing get
control of your ego don’t hide your
delicate pride from the truth take
ownership of everything in your world
so good and the back take ownership of
your mistakes take ownership of your
shortfalls take ownership of your
problems and then take ownership of the
solutions that will get those problems
solved take ownership
of your mission take ownership of your
job of your team of your future and take
ownership of your life
lead yourself and your team and the
people in your life lead them all to
victory thank you
just 85 people on this planet have as
much money as the poorest 3.5 billion
yeah that’s on the planet however that’s
it’s not far off in America no it isn’t
far off in America but we still and we
still here don’t abandon the idea that
it isn’t finite it isn’t finite if you
were born where were you born me yeah
General Hospital there you know
Louisiana I was born in Memphis
I had a long haul from where I came from
to here but here we are right so proof
is in the proof of the pudding is in the
eating and here we sit at the dining
table but it’s hard to when you say that
to some people because they say oh there
you go with a pull yourself up by the
bootstraps thing and you know you’re
just being respectable not everybody can
everybody can
everybody doesn’t but courage courage is
the key to life itself a lot of people
who were born in situation of us survive
just I’ll never get out of this so they
won’t I say to people say well I would
like to have done so and so and so so we
could have done it so but I couldn’t get
out of here
man the bus runs every day exactly right
yeah you exist if they’re if they’re if
you can conceive it in your mind if you
can think of it you can do that’s the
human condition again we can imagine if
we can do it right and I think that the
every person has connected to you it’s
the smallest things in life that we
throw away to quickly see some people
listen but when you really want to
change you must hear with this SOI
program what we did in this graduation
we made a step we took the next step but
what does the next step mean what this
graduation really mean because when you
really graduate but the thought I want
to leave you with us today it’s this
time now so we must readjust our comfort
zone I will do I will stand I will put
both of my feet in the ground and I was
standing on something because if I don’t
stand for something I fall for anything
see now it’s time to go to a different
thought process you see a goal many
goals that you may have of graduations
and making it to this next moment and I
understand how important the goals can
be but the goals remains the goal until
you write it on a piece of paper then it
becomes a vision
so I saw so our next steps is what is
the vision what is the vision because
the only reason I’m here the only reason
we’re here today is because of our
yesterday everything I’ve been through
has defined Who I am right now so what’s
the goal what’s the vision because the
Good Book Fairs right division and make
division plain before you write division
you must have an imagination you must be
able to see yourself out of a situation
that you may have been in if if if if
you can’t if you can in real if you
can’t imagine yourself being out of the
hood you’ll keep going back to the hood
you summon your crowd I’ll show you your
future because they run hand-in-hand but
when you start to readjust your comfort
zone I want to share something with you
that you must understand that before
anything great it’s really achieve your
advice would you give purely in an
acting sense to yourself 30 40 years ago
same advice I gave myself 30 40 years
Act there are unfortunately those of us
that’s way out there in the ether
somewhere I want to be a working actor
you can pull that off so act work work
someone asked me and Watson you were
about to do it what would you do if you
weren’t an act if you didn’t make it as
an actor what would you do I have no
idea I would act somewhere maybe I’d be
driving a cab maybe I’m working
somebody’s yard whatever I’m doing I’m
going to belong to somebody’s little
theatre group
no matter what you say I cannot do no
matter what you say I will not do King
focus team this is our new identity the
new identities you must be okay with
they tell you when you start to mix a
protein shake they say it don’t work
unless you got the right blend I heard a
whisper years ago I found myself in the
situation Tori and I’m telling I heard
somebody’s here today we oughta mentor
trust me we all done been through
something but I found myself in this
and I heard a whisper I heard a whisper
and the West was simply said can you
hear me now it’s some little one-on-one
time it’s time to readjust how comfort
zones it’s time to figure out whatever
majority is doing imma find myself doing
the opposite I always always tried to
figure out what’s the difference between
good and great good it’s fed me great
it’s been now
don’t look for loose
no no nothing spectacular become out the
sky we all discuss what we look at to
change we must change and only way to
change this make sure you are you doing
the same thing every day of your life if
an alarm clock is waking you up every
morning we might find our second fuse in
10 years but there are patterns that
control the way you think and feel and
think about it whether you’re performing
in sports or whether it’s government or
whether it’s you know in the financial
markets or whether it’s in your
relationship as much as we want to think
it’s just the way we think our emotions
play a huge role in our performance or
lack thereof and I know how to help
people make a shift in their psychology
there I think there’s three things that
will quote motivate somebody right
there’s push motivation trying to make
somebody do something and then there’s
pull another one’s incentives incentives
are fantastic for certain people it
everybody appreciates them but the
problem with an incentive is there’s
only so much you can give out of the
margin of a business the most powerful
incentive by now is autonomy and growth
the sense that I’ve become more that I
can give more that can create more I
always say people you know if you want
to know where happiness comes and give
to you one word progress progress equals
happiness we’re not supposed to sit at
the table of success and just feel good
about ourselves forever what makes us
feel alive is growing and when we grow
we have something to give your job as an
actress to give it your best shot each
every time so yes I’m going into it with
the idea that I’ll play it to the best
of my ability and they wouldn’t give it
to me
the role if they didn’t think I was
capable of pulling it off I wouldn’t
take it if I didn’t think I was capable
of pulling it off things getting things
is not gonna make you happy that’s good
news in a tough economy it’s a good
reminder you know doesn’t matter what
you get doesn’t matter whether it be
money or opportunity all those things
might excite you for the moment you know
even a relationship as magnificent it
may be might be exciting for a while but
if you don’t keep growing that
relationship isn’t going to stay
so the secret
– real happiness is progress progress
equals happiness and if we can make
progress on a regular basis we feel
alive and that’s why at the beginning of
the year we get this thing like okay I
can have this fresh start I could really
do what my soul desires I could expand I
could grow I could improve I could
change or maybe better than change I
could progress see think about that
progress is an aliveness – it doesn’t it
you don’t have to work at changing
people say all the time that well I’m
working on changing don’t worry about it
the work on changing changes automatic
your body’s gonna change whether you
want it or not as the years go by you no
matter how hard you work there’s gonna
be some changes going on there if the
economy is gonna change no matter what
you want it to do the weather is gonna
change relationships are gonna change
everything in life is always changing we
have to work on change change is
automatic but progress is not so if you
want to make real progress then you
really got to look at your life in a
different way you gotta say I gotta take
control of this process and not just
hope that’s gonna work out like people
do who make a resolution good habits
will give you results that stick bad
habits will destroy everything I have
some bad habits that’s right all my
habits are not great so if you’ve got
some bad habits
don’t feel bad so does your next-door
neighbor so does your mentor your coach
so does your mother and father if
they’re alive so does everyone and the
trick of life is to replace a bad habit
with a good habit I used to hang around
bars all the time and one day I went in
I picked up a glass and I looked around
and I thought they’re all bugs in here
and then it dawned on me I’m always here
I learned something I put the glass down
I said I’m never coming back here again
and I’m never gonna drink this and I
never did that was a long time ago but
you know what I did I went from spending
all my money in the bar to a racetrack
and I started to bet it all on horses so
I went from making somebody with a bar
get wealthy and then I started to feed
the horses in one day I will
and I learned something if you don’t
consciously and deliberately replace a
bad habit with a good habit you will
automatically create another bad habit
now what is a habit a habit is an idea
that has been planted in the garden of
your subconscious mind and then
repetitively fed for a sufficient period
of time that you act on it without
giving any thought to it I’ll give you
an example I want you to right now
mentally imagine you’re pulling on your
underwear in the morning what what do
you put in first I put my right foot in
if I tried to put my left foot in my
underwear first I’d stagger and I’d fall
over you me say what’s this got to do
with it it’s got everything to do with
why do I put my right foot you may put
your left sir Tinley a lot of people do
well when I was just a little gaffer
didn’t have a clue of how to put
underwear on my mother or my grandmother
and my father or somebody came along and
they had the underwear I read put your
foot in here you’re rather fun what did
they do they had the underwear prepared
as if they were gonna put it on and so
pretty soon I was doing it like they
were doing it they through repetition
plan for the idea in my hand in my mind
well they’ll think of this you don’t
just form habits of how to get dressed
you form habits to do everything that
you do and some of them are not that
productive any idea that you keep
dwelling on and impressing upon your
subconscious mind becomes fixed in the
subconscious mind a habit is nothing but
an idea that’s fixed in the subconscious
mind that you act on without giving any
conscious thought many years ago I went
in to train the Prudential Insurance
Company of America their agents I ended
up training all of their agents and I
only got them to do two things this is
in the early 70s I got them to form the
habit of being in front of a prospect
before 9:00 a.m. and ask everybody they
talked to to purchase a hundred thousand
dollars worth of insurance I said you
don’t have to sell them just give them
the opportunity to say no you know the
sales in that company went up by
hundreds of millions of dollars either
a retired VP tell me he thought it was a
billion just changing two habits what
habit you want to change I’m forever
checking out habits I’ve got I’m in the
habit right now of changing my diet and
you know something I’ve been doing it
for going on three weeks it’s getting
easier but it’s still not that easy I’d
still like to reach over and eat some of
that when nobody’s luck it doesn’t work
doesn’t work I’m looking
what habit are you gonna form and you
shouldn’t drive for more than two at
once it’ll become too big and too heavy
and you won’t for many make up your mind
you’re gonna do it every day every day
every day until you don’t have to think
about it and then you’ll automatically
do it I guarantee you this idea will
change your life think about it all day
because that is definitely an idea that
people fail to achieve their goals 99.9%
of time you ask him why they’ll tell you
it’s because of a lack of resources
that’s what all these things are I
didn’t have the support right I didn’t
have the money we didn’t have the time
we didn’t have this we never that
there’s a resource that people believe
is missing and that resource belief
structure then keeps people from ever
being able to really lead because what
leaders do is they find a way to
maximize whatever resources they have as
little as they may be and they don’t
believe in limited resources I’ll give
you an example let’s take a business
example to start with in 1974 I gained
eumseong Walton had built his little
company up he capable the idea started
with $20,000 and I think 1962 if I
remember right but by 1974 within 12
years he had 78 stores and you know I
did it in the middle of the night he
drive across border and he’d go and
study other people’s stores he buy
everything the cheapest he could in the
middle of the night he’d go to the
people’s stores whatever was working he
figured out success leaves Clues he came
back and did in his store whatever was
working in any store in any competitor
anywhere he could do it he did it
so he forgot how to maximize the little
resources he had his twenty thousand
built 78 stores and if you read any of
the people following him the company’s
gone public in that year they were all
saying this is it he’s maximized his
resources I mean only have so much money
there’s only so many cities that are
gonna appeal to this discounting
mentality right this is it this is all
he can do and the word of Wall Street
was self now what’s interesting is at
that time you look at Sears and Kmart
and they were gargantuan companies
weren’t that 20 30 40 50 times a hundred
times his size are more probable and at
that time they were the leaders and they
knew what’s gonna happen but two things
change yes or no did he suddenly get
massive amounts of capital no here’s
what they didn’t understand Sam Walton
now for the Walton organization Walmart
is the most successful retailing
operation on earth and we talk about
Bill Gates being the richest man in the
world that’s only true because Sam’s
fortune is divided up
a bunch of different family members you
put them together they dwarf Bill Gates
Sam Walton did this how did he do it
what people underestimated is that this
guy could go to 4,400 stores do 250
where’s Kmart today and they’ve been
shrinking all they’ve been shrinking and
he’s the dominant force on earth here’s
the rethink he understood resources are
interesting but the ultimate resources
are the feelings of emotion that make
you resourceful think of it this way
resourcefulness is the ultimate resource
what do I mean what are the emotions
that make all this possible what’s the
fuel that takes an idea from being in
your head well you wouldn’t you’ll
actually know what to do how many got an
idea for example was a great idea you’re
excited about it and then you didn’t do
anything one day there you saw it on the
Shelf you saw someone someone stole your
idea how many had this happen the only
difference to you and that person was
not that they had more resources they
were more resourceful the ideal
situation for a man a woman to die is to
have family members praying with them as
they cross over but I know that imagine
if you will being on your deathbed and
standing around your bed the ghosts of
the dreams the ideas the abilities and
the talents given to you by life but you
for whatever reason you never acted on
those ideas you never pursue those
dreams you never use those gifts and
there they are standing around your bed
looking at you with large angry eyes
saying we came to you and only you could
have given us life and now we must die
with you forever
when Jim spoke Jim said what the incomes
for you let it find you conquering a new
Jim taught us that things may happen to
you in things may happen around you but
the only things that really count are the things that happen in you
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