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If You’re a GOOD PERSON, Please Watch This Video :)

hey guys I could really use some help

with the video mind a buddy of mine

named mark Drager friend of the channel

been on multiple times on the channel

over the years I’ve known him for years

he used to have this series on his

youtube channel called mark in the car

where he would give his thoughts his two

cents his opinions on the state of his

business the state of entrepreneurship

the state of what was happening in the

world and I always loved that I thought

it was practical I thought it was


I loved getting his two cents on things

and he stopped he stopped doing it and

it upset me and I met him recently I

said mark you gotta bring back mark in a

car so he made this video he put it up

on his channel the first return of mark

in a car and what I would love love love

for you to do is please go to the video

support him he doesn’t know I’m making

this video he’s gonna freak out when

when I when I when it comes out and he

finds out he’s gonna be happy and a

little bit embarrassed which is great I

love that go to the video check it out

and just encourage him leave a comment

give it a thumbs up show some love how

many of you have been in a place with

your business where you didn’t believe

in yourself where you felt like you

might be wasting people’s time where you

felt like your opinion didn’t matter and

nobody cared and somebody came along and

I just gave you a little bit of belief

in yourself and that was a little umph

that you needed to just keep going this

is your chance to do that for an amazing

human being who cares a ton who has an

insane amount of value to bring to the

world please check the description go to

the video leave a comment drop some

believe love on this fine human being

give some encouragement it would mean I

know I mean a lot to mark I mean a lot

to me personally as well thank you guys

– love it you need to believe and

lowers volume yeah the most important

work ever if you had to think of one

word that’s most important to you or

that sums you Apple that would be like a

little beacon hey believe nation if you

want to know what the most important one

word is for Tony Robbins Gary Vaynerchuk

Oprah Winfrey and Howard

Schultz I have a very special secret

video for you check the description for details

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