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LeVar Burton | You’re in a Process You’re Not in a Journey

sitting on the bench will only result in
splinters you know life is it is a
contact sport you got to get in there
and test yourself otherwise you’ll never
being willing to engage in a rigorous
process of self-examination which leads
to self-discovery is so critical to
every human being having the ability to
trust in what you’ve decided to do plays
a really important and key role
self-love is all about pushing yourself
demanding of yourself that you stretch
and and reach your boundaries because I
didn’t grow up in what I would consider
these comfortable circumstances you know
we didn’t have a lot of money I just
naturally assumed that hard work was a
part of the deal right because it is I
mean that’s my perspective I grew up in
a generation where hard work was just a
part of the deal it’s I think it’s
shifting now they say that this is the
first generation that is not going to
automatically do better than their
parents in in terms of achieving the
American dream and so the question
becomes for these kids so what’s it all
for why am i working so hard and the
tendency is to you know to not
incorporate that as a part of your value
system I didn’t see that I had a choice
and I knew that in order to achieve some
semblance of success which was again
my definition of success was to have
that life that I saw others having in
experiencing the American Dream so what
am I going to do in order to achieve
that I’m gonna work my ass off you have
to be willing to take risks part of
taking risks is failing failure teaches
us resilience and resilience is an
essential quality for a human being to
have and exercise liberally we’re gonna
get me down in the world but it’s it’s
our resilient nature that really proves
attractive quality as human beings the
ability to bounce back to look at at
situations and and just reset yourself
right reset yourself passion is the
antidote to self-doubt because when
you’re in your passion space you don’t
have time to have all that negative talk
invade your thought process you’re in
your passion space you know you’re
you’re leaning forward in the world when
you’re in your passion space you’re
actually looking for a way to be
I guess I’m old school and the respect
that I believe in hard work and I
believe that inside believe in setting
goals and I believe in and you know
working as hard as you can towards those
goals then that that will bring its own
reward because it’s not always about the
destination you know it it actually is
about the journey
you have to be willing to be open to be
humble and to be willing to acknowledge
that you’re in a process you’re on a
journey a part of the game is having the
ability to continue to believe in
yourself even like I say in the face of
evidence to the contrary [Music]
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