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“Do You REALLY Want SUCCESS?” | Mel Robbins (@melrobbins) | #Entspresso

I can study doing this but I wanna be a
billionaire owner this do you really we
have actually been conditioned to kid
with ourselves to lie to ourselves
rise and shine it’s expresso time what’s
that belief nation it seventh I am sick
but I still believe in you and this
channel is still designed to be a part
of your daily success routine so let’s
start your day off right together grab
your cup of tea and sip on today’s
message get honest with yourself over to
you Mel Robbins also if you want to know
what Mel Robbins and other successful
entrepreneurs have to say about building
unstoppable confidence check out my 250
for confidence series where every day
for the next 254 days I will send you a
video in the morning for free to help
you build your confidence the link to
join is in the description below
everybody’s problem comes down to one
pattern you’re repeating that you can’t
see your brain helps you and if you’re
somebody that’s watching this and you
have no clue what you want I’m gonna say
that’s total bull I always wanted a
six-pack and I don’t have it and I don’t
know and I’ve never had it and when I I
finally stopped complaining about it
when I got honest about what it was
going to require I’m dead serious dead
serious about this at my you know at 49
with my affinity for alcohol and my love
of carbs and my distaste for exercise
I have a small problem on my hands if I
want a six-pack so if you were to go
forward right and think okay well if a
year from now I had a six-pack
what would what would that actually what
and you can get very clear that you’re
not committed to that and then you can
stop beating yourself up for this you
never intend on doing what I realized is
I can spend four minutes a day in a
hotel room or in my bedroom doing planks
and my arms look great and everybody
else will think the rest of my body is
in shape yes it works like a charm
so you might want to get honest with
yourself I can study doing this the
ability to do this do you really because
you can make it happen
you actually can look at all the idiots
that are making money you can make honey
but you’re gonna have to roll the clock
forward just a year and say okay if I’m
able to put $1,000 a month against my
debt I’m able to make X amount of
dollars a month I’m able to put X amount
of dollars in savings what do I need to
be doing a year from now to make that
happen and what are those habits that
are there a year from now that I don’t
have right now and then roll yourself
back to this moment just like I
explained with exercise do I actually
not want to have a Manhattan tonight
nope did I want to go to the gym today
did I am I am I willing to not eat what
I eat for nope
and my Willa I did my 4 minutes my arms
are looking really good but so bring it
back and then you will have the formula
for pivoting at any moment you
time-travel forward a year you
investigate the patterns that you have
that are giving you the result that you
want and then you back your ass up to
right here right now and you decide am I
willing to do this now if I’m willing
then 5 4 3 2 1 through all the good
excuses that are going to be there when
you’re trying to override your operating
that’s how you do it or you have the
a check like I had which is ocean but I
just like the bunch I don’t intend on
changing so why don’t we get this off
the plate and let’s focus on the things
that I am actually committed to now I’ve
got a special bonus clip that I think
you’re gonna enjoy but before that it’s
time for question of the day I want to
know what is one thing you need to get
honest with yourself about for me today
it was I couldn’t record my thoughts and
all these videos but I still needed to
show up I still want to make video so
doing the intro the questions they the
the outro but not actually sharing my
thoughts I had to get honest with myself
so I want to hear what you need to get
honest with yourself on today let me
I’m going to share some information with
you that it could change the direction
of your life like night and day and when
I say that I want you to really stop and
take a look at your life take an honest
look at your life I was thinking just
before I start to make this we have
actually been conditioned to kid with
ourselves to lie to ourselves to not
really take an honest look at the
results we’re getting I want you to take
a real honest look at your results and
when you look at them ask yourself am i
living the way I really want to live you
see most people aren’t one of the first
questions I ask a person that comes to
work with me I want to know what’s the
most they’ve ever earned in a year now I
really don’t care what the answer is but
I want to know what the answer is
because you see if if a person says the
most I’ve ever earned in years $50,000 I
know where their mind is programmed if
they tell me the most I’ve ever earned
is two hundred and fifty thousand
dollars I know where they’re programmed
and then I want to find out what they
want and I know then what has to shift
because their mind is programmed and if
they’re really going to live the way
they want to live they they’ve got to
change the program and if they don’t
change the program then nothing really
happens what do you tell yourself on
your worst day always say okay what
could I have done honestly and if you
can’t do that honestly you better have
someone around you that can do it was a
point of one of my first films I got so
angry with the director he pulled me up
and was kind of saying some things to me
basically you are doing a bad job and I
went on and I was saying to dev I said
his director dad to rape she listened to
and she said Konami honestly then I said
yeah she goes I don’t think you’ve done
enough work I’m doing the research I’m
doing the work of knowing what you want
the scene to be like yeah let’s call Mia
and was I partly right about the
directors sure
but actually the thing I take away from
that was her going the most important
work ever if you had to think of one
word that’s most important to you or
that sums you up or that would be kind
of like a little beacon if you want more
Mel Robbins check out the top 50 rules
video we did on her the link is right
there next to me I think you’ll enjoy it
continue to believe and I’ll see you
there if you are somebody that is
sitting around waiting for some external
force to come and do the work for you that is such a losing bet
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