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“Keep GOING No Matter WHAT!” | #OneRule

keep going no matter what what’s that
believe nation it’s heaven I believe in
you and this channel is designed to be a
part of your daily success routine so
today let’s learn one of the most common
rules that successful people follow
never give also if you want to know what
Tom Beale you Dwayne Johnson and others
have to say about building unstoppable
confidence check out my 250 for
confidence series where every day for
the next 254 days I will send you a
morning video for free to help you build
your confidence the link to join is in
the description below there’s a gap
between who people are and what they
tell you they want to accomplish my call
time is at 7 then you back your clock up
for hours and then that’s when I get up
you will never learn from people if we
always tap-dance around the truth
growing up being the kid I was I found
strength in different movies yeah so I
come home in one movie I found a lot of
strength as funny as it may seem but I
visualized this scene I do it today
during the pull up record if 4030
pull-ups in the last time I did actually
got it took me three times I played one
song for 17 hours pretty much it is from
this movie Rocky one round 14 mm-hmm I
related to the person in the movie
mm-hmm but just the one scene when
Apollo’s beaten the Iraqi he falls in
the corner and everybody in rocky and
Apollo turns around arms up happy I got
this guy he turns around not knowing
that Rocky’s trying to get up up off the
Mickey st. Mickey’s this trainer saying
stay down everybody saying you did good
you did good you had 14 rounds with the
champ rocky didn’t hear he got up and
was fixed in my mind today’s dive seen
it right now when he got up a power
starts to turn around to see the
aftermath and with the feet is destroyed
and he did not expect to see what he saw
right and what I see of the whole movie
I see a power crease face yeah
fear crept in yes it I said to myself as
a young kid I want to be that mm-hmm
I don’t need to win I don’t need
trophies I need people like me I just
want what he has
yeah a fictional character whatever the
hell was I want that and I visualized
that and I want to become the guy who
can get off the canvas and look at
somebody who beat the out of him
life was about life right now in life
even life itself pushed her head down
towards Ava gosh yeah this is not going
to stop so that mentality became what I
wanted and that’s how it started with
that visualization of the canvas mm-hmm
and all I got to do is just keep getting
up you know I think we all take body
blows in the entertainment business you
there’s always something that happens
makes you go oh like damn like there’s a
there’s there’s moments where you got to
take the knee Lucian was the first
person to put me down to where I had to
take him me he was he was basically he
told me that I needed to find something
else to do you know it was that blunt I
got offstage I had a great set you know
granny my material wasn’t sure great
material I’m new I’m green but I had a
great set the crowd enjoyed me and I
thought that I was going to the back to
talk to him about coming to the comic
strip and doing spots and instead it was
just I don’t see it I don’t see this
being your craft you know III think that
you should definitely look into doing
something else because this isn’t this
isn’t it this isn’t this isn’t for you
and that’s the first time that I heard
that but I had a guy like Keith that I
was so close to that I told him and I’m
expected to keep him like damn it blue
she said that it’s it’s something and
Keith was like I’ve collusion so what
come on stupid let’s go down to the
cellar get some meat and I was like eat
I can’t yeah at a time like this my life
is over shut up stupid he’s getting a
car and we’ll go to other comedy clubs
pollution like he was so it was so
nonchalant and it rolled off his back
and when I saw that I was like I was
still affected by it but I was like man
I don’t know how exact like this is no
big deal this is me this is my career it
is a big deal didn’t we get down to the
cellar and everybody there is just so
what whatever and we all were so vicious
to each other and we always so mean to
each other
what would we really did was prepare
each other for the word know what I
could come at any possible time we made
each other comfortable with the fact
that we we were okay
we’re gonna be okay when I was 15 or 16
years old I went on an edition for uh
for soap opera and I forgot which one it
was I drove to New York we’re downtown
and I read for it and I had no acting
experience at all I probably got through
four lines before they had said
that’s fantastic but you know what I
think we’re gonna go into a different
direction thank you very much and I was
like okay great but I did great he knows
is very genuine I had to good I wanted
feedback and then we’re like yeah sure
no you did you did great absolutely
somebody get that cardboard box and just
said it here because it probably just
the same and then I had another audition
with Steven summers that was my big
audition for The Mummy Returns I had one
line in the movie and that wasn’t even
English it was Egyptian dialogue it was
a kuma shantae and I’ll never forget it
it probably means I used silly enough to
actually say these lines and then I was
at that time as we know we hear these
transformational stories and there’s a
common thread through all of them yeah
so what does that common thread do you
think the common thread is perseverance
like me I’ve always want to be superhero
by the way I am stronger than the
average man I’ve abs like action figure
and I save people’s lives all over the
world but I’ve been saying that since I
was four and then when when you see you
know I’ve interviewed lots of people who
is that major influencers I call them
power influencers and they have very
similar stories on the surface it’s
different like you didn’t have to live
in your car for two and a half years to
be in a relationship where you felt
trapped for two and a half years it’s
all the same you know and but there’s
perseverance in and there’s the
willingness to get back up have that
grit keep going no matter what the
reasons to give up aren’t because you
don’t have the resources you don’t give
up because you don’t have resources you
don’t give up because somebody told you
no you don’t give up because somebody
laughed at your dream you don’t give up
because you’re afraid you don’t give up
because you feel you don’t have the
education you don’t give up for all the
excuses that are in your head the reason
why you would give up though would be
you don’t love what you’re doing anymore
or maybe you never loved it in the first
place or maybe you don’t believe in it
anymore for me that’s when you give up
and you move on to something else
because you’re doing something that you
don’t believe in or that you don’t love
there’s no way that that’s the best use
of your time you need to focus your time
on the things that make you come alive
and where you can have a big impact
in the world but just make sure if
you’re thinking about giving up you’re
doing it for the right reasons not
because you’re afraid so when you really
use in my entrepreneurship career when I
was thinking about giving up I did two
things that really helped me stay
focused the first is the why why am I
doing this why is it so important think
about it for yourself if you’re feeling
down right now
why are you doing this business why is
it so important to you that this
succeeds what’s the impact that you want
to have if you do not have a strong why
then your business is dead in the water
so make sure you can send yourself
around that every time you’re feeling
low the second thing is was surround
myself with entrepreneurial mentors who
I looked up to and looked at their early
years look at their early stories
because any successful entrepreneur that
you would look up to they had they
struggled early on it wasn’t just handed
to them they had setbacks they had
failures they probably started with less
than what you already have right now and
just realizing that gave me the
motivation to keep going that if Bill
Gates could do this if Oprah Winfrey
could do this if Steve Jobs could do
this if these people who didn’t have a
lot could go and make something of
themselves and become massive successful
then I can do it too I have always felt
in my core that I wanted to be an
actress always I always thought that if
I was lucky enough for it for it to work
out I would I’d be on the stage and
actually when I got was cast in an
episode one episode of a TV series in
England when I was 16 my god that was
huge deal that was a huge deal an
episode of a TV series and it paid me
equity minimum which in that was a lot
of money for me in those days and how I
began though even though I was 16 being
cast you know this small part in this TV
series and a year later I was cast in
heavenly creatures which was the first
film I ever did prior to that you know
I’d been I’d been auditioning a lot
between the age of about 12 and 15 and I
never got the parts never and actually
more often than not because my name
began with the W I would be at the back
of the queue and they would just run out
of time
everyone from kind of tea onwards would
just be sent home and you wouldn’t even
get a look-in
and I was always wearing the wrong
clothes my hair had always got static
it’s just in the moment when you really
didn’t want it to have sat ik I never
had any makeup because there was never
any money for makeup and even if I had
done it were I would have stolen my
mother’s all full sort of plum from the
body shop that would have been smushed
by both my other two sisters by then and
so but also I was as a kid I was I was
bullied at school because I was always
quite chubby I was always overweight and
I was always told I was wrong I was
doing the wrong thing I was sort of made
to feel ashamed of of myself my parents
everything about myself I was the
slowest runner
I was just everything was wrong and you
know you develop a sort of a
self-preservation muscle when you
experienced something like that but I
did always love acting and I would
always feel quite smug about the fact
that I had this one thing that I really
loved and I didn’t have to go anywhere
or do anything to be able to do it I
could literally close my bedroom door
and just go on ahead and do it in the
mirror like
for hours at a time I could practice
making myself cry I could practice doing
on-screen make-out sessions I could just
do it and and I knew that nobody else in
my class at school had any understanding
of how great that feeling was and that
honestly is something that I have always
had onto no matter what any given Sunday
was an incredible moment because I was
doing the Jamie Foxx show and they were
getting ready to cancel us before a
hundred episodes
sounds like man please and then any
given Sunday came up and I went in to
read for Oliver Stone everybody know
Oliver Stone I’m sure I’m going to read
for Oliver Stone and when I read for
Oliver Stone he says well you’re just no
good I was like what you’re no good
you’re no good he told you that he tells
me this to my face you’re no good and I
was like what yeah it’s no good and then
because I read for I don’t know what I
read for one of the running backs um it
was a just a part I was reading for yeah
you know and then the the the casting
lady said why don’t you come back and
read for something else yeah he could
and as I walked away Oliver Stone says
this so I could hear it as he’s writing
you know I think he called me someone
took on a name out my name and he’s like
j-just really no no I hate write and
then they had me come back and read for
another part before the part of the
agent and I read and after I did that he
says well you’re just no good at that
either and I’m like so I well how did
you but how did how do you hear that
and and stick with it it wrecks you but
what it does is it lets you know what
you got because I left and I said that
that time I called my agent I was on in
living color and I was the greatest on
there and I was he doesn’t know who I am
I’m Jamie Foxx and laj but in living
on a cool Network it wasn’t a bit
Network and Warner Brothers is okay now
so not a lot of people know yeah and so
next thing you know I actually get a
callback you got the part of the agent
so when I get when I go back I said I’m
gonna let him know how I feel so when I
walked when I walked in there I said I’m
gonna tell you something man so what is
it and he was all relaxed I said man you
disrespected me man and understand what
I’m doing man I mean I’m trying to get
this he said relax
he says you’re good but you are a slave
to television because you’re allowed
because on TV we have to hey man how you
feel today
all right and so on so he says movies
are like this and if you act like that
on the movie on that big screen it’s
gonna be too much overwhelming I said
okay he said now so I got a problem I
said what’s the problem
he says the person who I wanted to play
the quarterback is not working out I
need to find somebody who could play the
quarterback I said I happened I played
quarterback in high school I pass over
thousand yards I didn’t tell them about
the interception
and I said listen I don’t want to step
on nobody’s toes I said but I can get
that so during that time I started
learning my lines and every time I came
in he was like you’re terrible you stain
you got you gotta be the person you’re
trying to act like you’re being the
person you have to get it and that’s
what I learned about a true director
this was a good training for me so what
I did was I got all my homies together
remember that 97 coupe the Mercedes
absolutely I rented got somebody’s coupe
to drive around so I had somebody film
me in the coupe and I get out and all my
football gear like we’re a training camp
and so I’m throwing you know like
literally I’m throwing passes outs and
whatever and I came up with this little
champ my name is Willie Willie PA man I
keep the ladies cream and all my fans
got a scream and think you can’t defeat
me you’re dreaming so we did a little I
had a little music set up I did a little
beat and put that together and made this
tape gave it to Oliver Stone got hired
that’s how so so actually it’s a lesson
in perseverance it’s a lesson and a half
body you don’t hear what you need to
hear you make it what you want to
exactly and and and you know it because
you had a coach oh you might you gotta
you have to give more than the next guy
I talked to a lot of people who are
about to have a breakthrough right
they’re about to have a breakthrough but
they have convinced themselves in here
of one thing and let me tell what it is
they’ve convinced themselves that what
they’re going through no one’s ever gone
through before that their wall is bigger
than everybody else’s wall that their
difficulty no one knows how hard it is
but you don’t know what I’m going
through but you don’t know my different
you don’t know my family you don’t know
my heartache you don’t know my enemy you
don’t know who I’m facing you don’t know
this opponent he’s so manipulative you
don’t know how the industry is you don’t
know how to market this you don’t know
the company I’m apart you don’t
everything that’s said you don’t know my
wife you don’t know my boyfriend you
don’t know my husband you don’t know my
parents you don’t know who I am my
difficulties are bigger than your
and that’s why I can’t overcome these
difficulties to make space up to you you
know it’s dangerous and you actually
believe that because if you actually
believe it
you are right there’s nobody else that
can do any convincing for you but it’s
in that moment look at Hollywood do you
think everybody in Hollywood is a good
actor honestly I can name you 20 people
that are terrible actors who have had a
career of 20-plus years you can as well
but they persevered they believe they
belong in that space
even though how many auditions you think
they got passed up on you think in
basketball everybody’s got a god-given
talent do you think Steph Curry can jump
like LeBron James or Vince Carter I
would say Vince Carter’s got god-given
abilities I don’t know just have Kris
got the same kind of god-given abilities
as LeBron or Vince Carter or any of
these guys in baseball you think
everybody’s got this perfect 20/20
vision like Ted Williams had it’s a lot
of guys that hit a wall that had to
overcome a lot of guys that had to play
triple-a for a couple years before
somebody picked them up a lot of them so
is in business but no matter what you’re
doing anticipate the wall you’re going
to hit it and in those moments whatever
you tell yourself if you convince
yourself that the difficult your face
and it’s harder than everybody else’s
and you buy it you will stay where
you’re at but if you convince yourself
now whatever you wall you’ve hit other
people I’ve overcome in and so can you
you go through that wall wall as well a
stand-up comic by trade she became a
household name in the 90s on the ABC
sitcom aptly named Ellen see the truth I
mean be Who I am
but unprecedented and honest humming I
mean she put it all on the line Susan
I’m gay for ice cream
character coming out and a real-life
parallel with this 1997 Time magazine
cover when you’re gay and and you’re
successful in this business
your whole team says don’t rock the boat
keep it keep it down and I just thought
you know what’s equally as important is
my career is living my life without
shame and so I just wanted to get rid of
the shame but at the time she was taking
a huge risk within a year her audience
walked away her show cancelled it would
be three long years she says before
anyone would return her phone calls the
fear is that you lose your career and it
turned out I did for a while and three
years seemed like forever it seemed like
I was I didn’t have any money left I
wasn’t getting any jobs I didn’t have
anything and yet like Dory
you persevered yeah she didn’t just
persevere she thrived playfully joking
her way into hosting the Oscars nearly
breaking the Internet
it may not have been the easiest of
starts of sporty Lisbon but by the age
of 16
Ronaldo had broken into the first team
and was already earning plaudits for his
performances in fact the likes of Inter
Milan Arsenal and Liverpool were all
said to be interested and then they came
up against a certain Manchester United
and the rest as they say is history he’s
going to be one of the worst nightmare
death to the defensive of All England
are going committed Ronaldo 18 years old
cost the Reds 12 and a quarter million
from Sporting Lisbon
he was part of the Lisbon team who
defeated the Premiership champions 3-1
in a frenzy last week and the United
players were so impressed by him they
pleaded with Ferguson to seal the deal
we came up against each other virtually
every day in training it was very very
difficult to get the ball off it he was
brilliant in the air it was very very
difficult to market it’s definitely the
Christiano struggled at first to adapt
to the culture the weather the nights
going dark quickly
it was shy he didn’t speak the language
with referees with opposition defenders
he handled everything in his stride
because I think he had this vision that
this is why I had to do Cristiano
we used to get kicked every day in
trailers used to get kiss everyday in
the Premier League but he never used to
dolls early years at once your knife is
particularly the way that’s right Stokes
and luckily I think they they helped to
become one of the best players in the
world you have the ability to practice
and practice for hours and hours and end
after training just perfect in the drug
that’s not by accident that’s not a
god-given talent that’s thrust through
sheer hard work
now I’ve got a really special bonus clip
with Tom bill you around how you need to
allow yourself to dream that I think
you’re gonna really enjoy but before
that it’s time for the three-point
landing question time to move from just
watching another video to actually
taking action in your life or your
business and if you’re feeling bold
leave your replies in the comments below
here we go question number one what do
you need to not give up on number two
what mindset is preventing you from
consistently taking action and number
three how will you swap that mindset
with a positive one when you feel like
never give up on what you really want to
do the person with big dreams is more
powerful than the person with all the
facts H Jackson Browne
truer words have never been spoken it is
one of the most interesting things about
the human condition
that all of the facts in the world no
matter how true something may
objectively really be the only thing
that matters is whether or not you’ve
got the energy to see through to the end
of what you want to do and the energy
comes not from truth the energy comes
from your dream the energy comes from
what it is that you want to do the
energy ultimately is born out of what
you want to create it’s born out of a
willingness to allow yourself to dream
it’s born out of a willingness to think
that you actually can do it it’s born
out of a willingness to take that first
step but the only reason that you’re
gonna take that first step is you
believe that you can actually make your
dreams come true and that sense of this
thing do you have in your mind that you
can make it real that you can bring it
into the real world and have that
excitement you’ve long fantasized about
and understand and really feel in your
gut that that thing that you’ve dreamed
about can be real and when you have that
that’s when you’re going to have the
energy that you need to push and to
fight and to go through all of the
difficult things you’re gonna have to to
get on the other side and make that
dream meal as Ferdinand Fox said the
most powerful web
is the human soul on fire but the human
soul can’t be on fire without a dream a
human soul is not fed by facts a human
soul is fed instead by a belief that it
can accomplish what it wants to
accomplish it’s fed by that thing that
idea that you find your mind that you
fan those flames of interest and turned
it into a real fascination and fan those
flames further into excitement and
allowed yourself to truly embody that
belief that you can make it happen so
right now whatever it is whatever crazy
dream you have and we all have one stop
judging yourself board stop telling
yourself you can’t do it and understand
when you cultivate that fire when you
take that little ember and you fan it
into a raging in front of the that thing
that human stall on fire is what’s going
to allow you to build something
the world has never seen before but it
starts with that dream it starts with
your willingness to cultivate that to
think about it to allow yourself to do
that because so many people stop
themselves they think they’re inadequate
they think that they can never do it and
even if that is a fact
it’s not something that’s gonna help you
live a life that excites you it’s not
something that’s gonna help you excite
other people the one thing that will do
that is the dream so right now allow
yourself that simply to dream the most
important word ever if you had to think
of one word that’s most important to you
or that sums you Apple that would be
like a little beacon if you want to know
the five morning routines that will
transform your life I highly recommend
the video right there next to me I think
you’ll enjoy it continue to believe and
I’ll see you there I went for ten years
with an average of five to six hours of sleep
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