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Is it time to QUIT your job? – #AskEvan

is it time to quit your job I’m going to
answer that question in today’s episode
of ask Evan so Theresa gots a question
one of our YouTube followers Jenni
Murray love you guys wrote in the say
how can I quit my job to pursue my
passions for the publishing in the
stream I love what I do I’m even going
to attend school for business so I can
learn to manage a business and
publishing I don’t want to waste time
stuck in a position I’m not happy about
so as a fantastic question and i have
three bits of advice for you number one
is work to learn if you’re going to have
a job you don’t want it being in an
industry that you hate right you don’t
want to wake up and go to a job that you
hate every day that is sucking your soul
you’re not going to be a happy person
you’re not going to create anything
great doing things that you hate doing
so number one is find a job where you
can learn the main reason to work is to
learn right go find a company that’s in
publishing that you can work with get as
close to the entrepreneur founder as
possible learn as much as you can you’re
getting paid to make mistakes I learn
about the industry take on as many
responsibilities as you can don’t just
do what you’re hired to do because
remember you’re there to get an
education of the published industry so
that when you start your business you’re
ready to go number two is start
part-time don’t want to jump pulling on
your business full-time right away a lot
of on terms make that mistake they go
all in they have you know three months
worth of savings and when those three
months run out they haven’t had their
business take off yet their stock going
back to the job market start part-time
find ways to spend time working up
whatever job where you’re learning but
then also putting at least half an hour
every single day into your business to
start getting momentum start taking what
you’re learning at your job right we’re
working at a job where we’re learning
now take that information put it into
your business and start applying it and
building momentum for your company and
number three is quick when you can
support yourself the time to quit your
job full out and never go back to have
another job again is when you’re earning
enough money from your business that you
can support yourself you don’t have to
be making it rich you don’t have to be
you know rolling in the cash you’re not
living a life of luxury but you can pay
your bills right you can pay your rent
you can put food on the table you can
pay that electricity bill that’s the
time where you can quit and go
full time into your company so remember
work to learn start part time and quit
when you can support yourself I’d love
to know from you guys watching if you’re
in your business full time yet or not
and if you are when did you decide to
quit your job what was a moment that you
decided I’m going to quit my job to
focus on this leave in the comments
below I’d love to hear from you thank
you so much for watching continue to
believe and I’ll see you soon
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