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“If You Don’t Have TIME, You Don’t Have PRIORITIES!” – Timothy Ferriss (@tferriss) Top 10 Rules

you have to I believe let small bad
things happen constantly to have any
agenda of your own and to get the big
positive things done and if you’re like
I don’t have time I can’t sleep I need
to cut back on sleep I need to do this I
need to do that if you don’t have time
you don’t have priorities that’s good
perfection is achieved not when there’s
nothing more to add but when there’s
nothing more to take away he’s an
American author entrepreneur and public
speaker he’s written a number of
self-help books on the for our theme
he’s also a successful angel investor
he’s Tim Ferriss and here’s my take I’m
its top ten rules for success volume two
rule number six is my personal favorite
and I’d love to know which one you guys
like the best and as always as you’re
watching if you hear something that
really resonates with you please leave
in the comments below put quotes around
it to other people can be inspired as
well and when you write it down it’s
much more likely to stick with you as
well enjoy
I find that levels of success in almost
any industry or area correlate to a
person asking great questions in some
cases they seem absurd in fact the
hallmarking way of great questions is
that sound completely ridiculous so
someone might ask like Peter Thiel why
can’t you achieve your ten-year goals in
the next six months there’s a thought
exercise that’s like–that’s that’s a
good question to answer for yourself and
these types of questions come up
surprisingly often with with very very
impressive folks whether it’s in
business military entertainment or
otherwise and the way you can get better
at questions is by studying interviews
in part so I studied Larry King I
studied Charlie Rose
I studied Terry Gross I studied that
that go down the list
I studied twenty Robbins who does
in-person one-on-one interventions at
his events in front of ten thousand five
thousand people and he’s just genius
with how he uses questions to like
pattern interrupt and grab someone’s
attention and divert them in a more
productive productive direction now why
is that relevant relevant because
thinking is the process of asking
questions you’re asking yourself
questions and then you’re answering them
in your own head so if you get better at
asking other people questions you get
better at asking yourself questions
which means you are a you’re improving
your thought performance and level of
thinking when I’m procrastinating
because there is indecision and this is
a particularly dove procrastination in
other words if I have 10 things on my
to-do list or 10 potential projects I
could pursue what to do in that
situation and what I ask myself is which
one of these if done will make the rest
irrelevant or easier this is a key
question I ask all the time which one of
these will make all the rest easier to
do if done first or aldress them
irrelevant don’t even need to do them
that is how I will then hone in on one
piece of the puzzle and this can be
applied all over the place but let’s
just say it’s the double podcast it
could be
you losing weight all right you can see
that’s very very amorphous we need
timelines we need an amount to lose and
then you wanna make it as small as
possible so give you a different example
if you look if you want to start
flossing your teeth
who likes flossing their teeth pretty
much nobody so how these start flossing
your teeth well you want to make it as
easy as possible to develop it as part
of your routine to make it as automatic
as anything else that you do
consistently and you could borrow from
say BJ Fogg he’s done a lot of research
at Stanford and elsewhere make it as
small as possible meaning in the
beginning do less than you are capable
of doing so this is another key when you
think something is too big or onerous so
it’s too intimidating or it’s too much
of a pain in the ass all right so for
flossing you might say I’m only going to
floss my front two teeth that’s three
gaps that’s all you’re going to do and
you want to make it again as easy as
possible so you might use a Waterpik or
you might use those disposable flossing
gadgets so you don’t have to do you know
tourniquets on your fingers which is
also one of the side effects of flossing
that deters people make it as easy as
possible now this applies to a lot more
than flossing so I’ve talked to many of
the people for sake tools of types
people who are eight time New York Times
bestselling authors or prolific
musicians prolific music producers like
Rick rivet is legendary and it all comes
down to tiny homework assignments so
Rick if he has a stuck artist for
instance he will say can you get me one
word or one line that you might like for
this song that you’re working on Mike
tomorrow is that possible many many
homework assignments alright so with the
creative project in the beginning that’s
one it’s related to a piece of advice
that I got from Neil Strauss eight-time
New York Times bestselling author he’s
written for the New York Times is
written for the Rowling’s but for
Rolling Stone magazine and that is lower
your standards so he doesn’t believe in
writer’s block he says your standards
are just too high you’re creating
performance anxiety for yourself so the
advice that I got from another writer
which matches with that is to crappie
pages per day so a lot of people are
to kill it I need an ambitious goal let
me do 1500 words 2,000 words per day for
this book I’m working on well there’s a
very high probability that you’re going
to fall short of that and then you will
get demoralized then you’ll get
intimidated by the task and then you
will start procrastinating so make the
hurdle make the success threshold really
really low that’s what I’ve done for my
last three books is two crappy pages per
day that’s all I need if I don’t end up
using them that’s fine I just need to
get out to gravity pages what ends up
happening with the flossing with the
writing with say exercise you’re going
to exercise you’re making a new year’s
resolution don’t make it an hour a day
four times a week no no no no no ten and
you if you don’t have an exercise habit
five to ten minutes at the gym three
times a week plenty and in all those
cases you will feel successful because
you’ve checked your box for success and
then very often you will exceed that for
extra credit right there well I’m
already at the gym I’ll go for an extra
ten minutes well I’m already flossing my
teeth we’ll do an extra four well I’ve
already hit my two pages but I’m feeling
great and I’m in the flow maybe I’ll do
ten maybe I’ll do 20 but it prevents you
from feeling like a failure this is very
very important that is what do you rails
a lot of people and it also makes the
task less intimidating it’s easy to
discard say ten terrible ideas and go
after the one good idea but when you
start to get a little bit of momentum
you can drown yourself in good
opportunities that aren’t great
opportunities and if you scatter your
focus you try to do 17 different product
lines you can kill your business really
easily particularly when you have a
small team so I think asking yourself
repeatedly what is the one project the
one initiative the one campaign that if
successful will render the rest of these
things either unnecessary or much much
easier what is that what is that one
step and you know I’ve called this lead
Domino before but what is the one thing
on this list of seven different
campaigns it will make all the other
ones are relevant or much easy how do
you I mean that’s a tough answer isn’t
it because they all sound good yeah I
think they can and I think that what it
comes down to
sometimes is it returns back to
measurements so how are we defining
success like if we want to grow the
company let’s just say what does I mean
in three months six months what are we
measuring why are we measuring those
things and you know what is a sort of
comfort goal meaning like okay we think
we can easily hit this number what is a
stretch and what is like hallelujah we
thread a needle and and then come up
with a really concrete number to tackle
and once you have that number then you
can look at those five and say all right
which of those are going to serve us
right now and I’m dealing with that
increasingly so because I have all these
different branches of content and
activities and angel investing and so on
it’s very easy for me to get scattered
it’s never been easier so I have to
continually ask that type of question
what’s your main focus now if you had a
boil it down to one
my main focus right now is building the
pod cat building my podcasting fair show
up to a point where it’s consistently in
the top ten to fifteen on iTunes so that
I can establish a presence and name
recognition in Hollywood in
entertainment which I can leverage then
for the TV show and film projects that
I’ll be expanding into the next three to
nine months and specifically what that
means is targeted advertising or the
specifically towards people who are
producers agents actors directors in
Hollywood in New York City all of that
can be quantified Timothy how do I get
four hour work week is that possible the
four hour work week is possible but you
need to completely unplug and reset and
the reason that’s necessary is because
there’s an epidemic and I do mean
epidemic in this country of information
abuse and information addiction where
people have come to believe that
checking email 200 times per day having
a blackberry to your head or in your
hand while you’re at dinner or on the
subway or in your car or with your
friends is the path to becoming more
productive and more successful I mean it
isn’t it isn’t because giving everyone
around you every person in the world
immediate access to you is inviting
corruption and inviting minutiae to
completely invade your life which is
happening to everyone and it did happen
to me I had no intention of writing this
book but from 2000 to 2004 I was working
at startups in Silicon Valley started my
own I was CEO and I worked from 7:00
a.m. to 9:00 p.m. every day I checked
Outlook hitting send receive 100 to 200
times per day like a rat with a cocaine
pellet dispenser slept under my cubicle
sent emails on Thanksgiving to prospects
it was the depressing scene and it’s
very unfortunately common scene and I
think everyone is at a point of
overwhelmed there is more information
than we can possibly organize time
management is dead this how do you turn
that turn that around the way turnaround
is you have to completely unplug and
reset that means you need to take a step
back forget about what people expect you
to do forget about what’s popular and
really look at what works and what is
consuming your time so there are four
there’s definition elimination
automation and liberation definition is
simple first need to define your ideal
lifestyle what do you want to be doing
from when you wake up to when you go to
sleep and so what do you want to have
what you want to be what you want to do
and how much does that ideal lifestyle
cost and that becomes your target
elimination is simple it’s getting rid
of everything all the static all the
noise all the interruptions all the
micromanaging all the people possible
that interfere with getting you to the
ideal lifestyle the third automation is
about taking the few remaining tasks
that are important to time consuming and
either delegating automating or somehow
outsourcing them so in my particular
case I have an army of MBAs in India
that 25 of them who work for $4 an hour
and take care of tasks that otherwise
consume hundreds of my hours and then
the last step liberation is about the
final ingredient in lifestyle design
which is mobility and then also how to
use the time once you create it which is
very difficult for most people ok this
maybe but that’s the point it is
difficult I mean how do you put the
BlackBerry down how aren’t you worried
that you’re not going to make as much
money that you’re going to lose clients
do you have statistics that show that
that’s not the case
I have statistics that would absolutely
make your head spin so if you’re
interrupted by email and phone there was
an experiment done at Kings King’s
College for example to show that people
who were stoned scored six points better
on like you test and people were
interrupted by email phone and that now
good to know 26% of people in the
American workforce are on the verge of a
nervous breakdown the system is not
working so it’s not a question of if I
should do this this question of when it
is the only real alternative so one
simple step then people can take a baby
step to prove the concept is to simply
use an autoresponder set up an
autoresponder that tells everyone who
emailed you I will be checking email
twice a day great idea at 11:00 and 4:00
p.m. if you require a more urgent
response before one of those two times
call me on my cell phone okay if I start
losing customers I’m going to call you
too you can call me okay what’s going to
happen instead of losing customers
you’ll get more done in the next 48
hours and you would in the next two
weeks in a world where people expect
immediate responses often times and
increasingly so you have to I believe
let small bad things happen constantly
to have any agenda of your own and to
get the big positive things done so it’s
it’s recognizing that to prevent all her
feelings all mistakes all problems all
of this is impossible and if you try to
do that you’ll never have a proactive
schedule of your own is extremely
important so effectively just saying I’m
going to accept the collateral damage
and believe that what I’m embarking upon
is worth more than those minor or
reversible problems and then forging
ahead that’s it you got to take a few
flesh wounds the Simon’s Journal is it’s
a journal is created by a reader the
4-hour workweek actually for those who
have read the
book it was their Muse so they’re one of
their cash flow focused businesses in
the context of lifestyle design but you
take two and a half minutes or so in the
morning and then again at night and so
one is effectively a focusing and
planning exercise is also a gratitude
component which I think is very critical
for those of us who are driven type-a
achievers it’s very easy to constantly
be focused on the future in just a pause
for a second I’ve heard someone say that
depression is an obsession with the past
and anxiety is an obsession with the
future well if you look at achievers
they tend to be very future focused and
as soon as they hit a goal they’re like
don’t have time to celebrate this small
win this isn’t good enough bigger bigger
better etc and that is a pattern that
can be very self-destructive even if you
rack up a lot of wins at the same time
so the gratitude component is extremely
critical that takes but two and a half
minutes each day and it also helps to
identify your focal points or your
priorities so that when inevitably that
10% that’s left of the monkey mind pops
up to like dance in front of you and
distract you from your objectives you
set up for the day you can return to
that and then at the end of the day it’s
basically a performance review and I
find it incredibly helpful and a lot of
ROI for the time invested large
uninterrupted blocks of time you have to
schedule if you are creator blocks of
time that are at least two to four hours
or more and one no Frankenstein’s
monster of 20 minute breaks and ten
minute breaks combined into three hours
will have the value of an uninterrupted
block of three hours if you are trying
to make high-level decisions focus on
time-consuming high-priority projects
push something to the next milestone as
a maker creator we all have the same 24
hours in the day and if you’re like I
don’t have time I can’t sleep I need to
cut back on sleep I need to do this I
need to do that if you don’t
have time you don’t have priorities that
good so are you one of those
entrepreneurs who like to launch very
early with a product which is not
finished and get as much feedback as you
can or are you we our school is more
likely to eat in secret and you test you
the market research you do everything in
secret and you launch when you consider
it it’s really good so I think that you
can do both actually so I think that
it’s possible to get that early feedback
which is critical without making it
public in the sense that you can work
even with a small group of friends which
is what I did with the book but also
with someone started to them working
with I get feedback from people who
represent different demographics then
incorporate that into the beta when you
when you make it open but I generally
believe in in fast sprints so let’s just
say two-week development Sprint’s and so
that might combine with agile
development but do two week Sprint’s
push something out get feedback take a
brief rest do another sprint get a few
features out wait get feedback and
Google also does this on a fairly large
scale so when they launch Google News
for example they were wondering whether
they should sort by location or date
there are a few other variables and they
decided that they would push it out and
simply see how many requests and
complaints they got related to each of
those features and almost no one asked
for location most of the mass for date
so that’s the feature that they built
into it in the next iteration so I
believe in in micro testing it’s
generally my approach keep things simple
and when you’re looking for solutions to
try to remove things first rather than
to add things this is a really really
critical principle and less can be no
can be more in this particular respect
especially for behavioural change this
is a sign that I have over one of my
doorways my house simplify and above
that I have a knife
why knife because when you make a
decision the word decision is related to
incision it means to cut off it means to
cut away other options and to commit and
to focus that’s what I recommend all of
you do with whatever that skill is that
you have in your head still hopefully
perfection is achieved not when there’s
nothing more to add but when there’s
nothing more to take away let’s just go
to this mat here and oh wait we got to
do the right guys here’s my Dutch
friends agility yeah this is soft yeah
the inland alien Mac then we bring the
port to down so apparently the Dutch
acrobats get very upset if you don’t do
that I’ve gotten poorer I’m like you
know I had enough of the Dutch I love
the kickboxing or Nesta whose love you
but from all the jujitsu I’m just like
slop okay as I’ve made a lot of
marketing enemies that doesn’t really
happen in Agra so I am standing with my
feet reasonably close to your hips I
want to be able to touch my Flyers feet
yep my feet are turned out just below
the hip bones I am standing straight up
it’s almost as if you’ve seen the UFC
you’re like open guard on your back
every gonna be where I try to punch you
and then you kick me in the face but
that’s not a crow that’s MMA all right
and then flyer fingers but we’re got it
you got the acronyms and everything just
so people you learn unless I’m a young
paddle I’m just learning what I can’t
hang it and then so the most important
thing is that you understand when to be
water and when to be earth and what
parts of your body so I’m going to be
watery with my arms and really sturdy
with my legs so we’ll take a deep breath
on the exhale I receive with everything
and then I push up with the legs here a
lot of times the flyer will want to put
the hands down and practice their
handstand training that means their
control fleek yeah see fold their top on
the top of their hands down the floor so
at this point those people listening all
right am supported on Jason’s feet
I’m completely upside down I’m basically
in a L straddle position those of you
who know anything about gymnastics and
so this is folded leaf sometimes in
hushed tones jokingly referred to as
leaf blower my god I didn’t know I was
going to come out of the podcast I’ll
try to help people the images yes so
this is scarecrow scarecrow basically
what I do is a base is I try to let your
body unwind pattern so as I balance and
shake a lot of times our mind is
connected to muscle groups and flexing
them when they don’t need to be so the
true therapist is gravity which helps to
let your spine hang like a plumb line
and and could we show for instance uh
let’s see here
super yogi sure so so Tim likes traction
so what I can do is I can let my legs
come off my ninety degree his weight
will start falling back we’ll take a
deep breath together on the exhale my
legs go back when I resist with the arms
okay two more inhale exhale I’m pushing
the legs back and giving your system we
got a little wrist traction there one
more time inhale and exhale and then
where I love to go is to open up your
triceps and your shoulders so I’m going
to place my hands under his elbows and
he can bend the elbows and the knees at
the same rate and keep bring the elbows
closer so I feel okay on your shoulder
yeah so I’m gonna be a little careful on
the left yeah had it reconstructed but
yeah this spill slide and in general
where the body can be vulnerable in the
flying is in the shoulders and the lower
back so communication is is really
important and just listening to your
body all good all good sweet side
bending is also a thing that can really
help the health of lower back and what’s
different with the therapeutic flying
from yoga is your body doesn’t have to
be engaged you’re not using your muscles
as the flier so you don’t have to work
uphill basically yeah Mon yeah well so
those are some basics of therapeutic
thank you guys so much for watching I’d
love to know what did you take from this
video what was the most important lesson
that you learned that blew your mind
that you’re going to immediately apply
to your life or your business somehow
please leave it down the comments below
I’m super curious to find out also if
you want to nominate someone for the
next top ten video please check the
description for a link to a video where
you can vote for people and put in your
suggestions as well I also want to give
a quick shout out to John Simon’s from
the simple programmer YouTube channel
John thank you so much for breaking up a
copy of my book your one word and for
making that awesome video on your
I really really appreciate the support
and I’m glad that you enjoyed the read
and recently I just had the the
opportunity to read a book that he put
out which which I just did a video
review on so thank you guys again for
watching I believe in you I hope you
continue to believe in yourself and
whatever your one word is much love I’ll
see you soon
for every problem the problem itself
presents an opportunity that Dwarfs the
problem and that is to say that if I had
only looked at my failure with the audio
book and you did as a failure in the
product let’s say and not in the process
I wouldn’t have taken away much instead
I realized that my approach wasn’t right
fixed my a person that has led to a lot
of great successes you get a thousand
diehard true fans who love your product
pay for it and a relatively price
you can always scale up if you try to
aim for the big boiling new mission
you’re going to run out of money and
your advertising your marketing would be
very imprecise it will be designed
subconsciously or consciously not to
offend anyone and as a result you will
have no die harken a lot of really good
entrepreneurs start as a technician or
tactician a very very good at one thing
then the end is up and the managerial
role that they hate doesn’t mean you
have to stay there and you see a lot of
folks like Evan Williams and others who
then at some point realize this and
return to a more product focused role
even if they are also the CEO of making
some high-level 30,000 foot decisions ok
but if you are a maker if you’ve decided
to be a maker if you just happen to be a
maker or creator let’s call it three to
five hour uninterrupted blocks of time
are extremely critical if you want to
connect the dots if you only have the
space to allow yourself to have original
ideas or at least original combinations
of ideas you really need to block at
that time and protect it at least once a
week so in tools of titans there are
many people who do this we meet SETI for
instance was a very very successful
multi multi-million dollar business that
he built out of a blog he started long
ago in college which was very very niche
and it’s focused he blocks out I believe
it’s every Wednesday for 3 to 5 hours of
time you’ll block it out for learning
Noah Kagan another entrepreneur does the
same thing so on Wednesdays from me I
have from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. this is pre
I have creation that means writing
recording or some similar aspect of in
my mind creating with with my skillset
in my assets and it is extremely
important that I do that before I am
barrage by inputs in other words and
this is true of Josh as well first thing
in the morning he’s doing journaling
Reed Hoffman billionaire co-founder or
founder of LinkedIn same story he will
plant a seed in his mind the night
before a problem he wants to solve a
project he wants to think about
improving perhaps and then waking up the
tabula rasa complete blank slate
immediately working on that problem with
journaling before any text messages
before any email which is why for
instance I don’t have email setup on my
phone I do not have mail setup on my
iPhone I do not get notifications I also
put my phone on airplane mode for a lot
of reasons for our body explain some of
the physical ones but on to airplane
mode when I go to bed and it stays in
airplane mode until I’m done with my
creation period and then it comes on
because as soon as you go into
bullet-dodging or like Wonder Woman
bullet blocking mode with everyone
else’s agenda for your time which is
very often the inbox or text messages
your DOA you’re done your creativity is
is all for not in general so for for me
for many people who are say programming
for musicians for creative types slack
in the system you have to create slack
you have to create space you have to
create large uninterrupted blocks of
time and the only way to do that is to
put it on your calendar if it’s not on
your calendar it’s not real you need to
put it in your calendar and defend it
just like you would anything else
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