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“If You Are GOOD, You Can WIN!” | #InstagramLive

no reason to lemon I’m Solomon from
Berlin Germany I love your videos on
YouTube but I’m a little bit surprised
that you have not so many followers on
Instagram why is that can you tell me a
little bit more about that because I
suck on Instagram because I haven’t
invested the time until recently to make
it a serious thing I started my
Instagram account I don’t know you can
look back six years ago eight years ago
no idea and posted it was my second it
wasn’t even my secondary it was like my
my fourth fifth six highest priority I
didn’t pay any attention to it YouTube
was the focus that’s why it’s grown so
much over the past five years recently
the past couple months has been more
intensive on Instagram if you go look
back on my history look at what I’m
doing now an Instagram versus what I was
doing before now it’s six posts a day
now it’s live four times a week now as
IG TV once a week like it’s really upped
not just the quantity but also the
quality like quality plus quantity VOC
and now we start to seem some growth and
I love this like I love that I have 1.5
million on YouTube and one of my
animates began there I don’t know 20,000
so this is a process right like I’m a
big believer that quality always wins
you know and if you are good you can win
and so I’m coming in to Instagram like
is it too late to win on Instagram is it
too late right that’s the question again
no watch like watch what happens watch I
will put in the work I will do 6 posts a
day for 4 years I’ll do a video live
four times a week for four years and
it’s going to take off most people just
don’t have the patience can I ask you
something I’m doing on personal
development YouTube channel and stuff on
Instagram and try to give the young
people a little bit advice that to start
think about the right things in life to
have the right mindset to think a little
bit about business and self-development
and we have like any like secrets for
YouTube growth I’ve heard from a lot of
people that daily uploading is a big
factor the
biggest thing is still making quality
content and then what does quality mean
if you’re gonna be now giving advice
you’re gonna be giving tips you need to
speak truth like when I listen to you I
need to feel like that guy hit me hard
like your message like start off with
something really important like the
reason why you guys are not winning is
blank right they’ve been talking a young
kid like stop blaming your parents it’s
your fault
like something like some and it doesn’t
have to be yelling and angry like your
own style is fine but it has to be true
like when I listen to your commentary
when I’m list if you’re giving advice
it’s like you in front of the camera I
have the view like it’s truth so lead
with a powerful opinion say something
that moves me for your audience right
look if the stuff that you say has to
make sense house if you like man this
guy you just changed my life with the
words that it just said we’re too many
times and people are starting off the
opinion isn’t strong it’s a weak its
wishy-washy it has a whole bunch of
filler words like hey guys welcome back
so one of the things that I’ve been
thinking about is you know how when like
no none of that like right to the point
what are you trying to say what is the
truth that’s more important than
anything else and would you rather try
to solve just one problem in one video
and trigger with the thumbnail and to
type just one problem and just get
directly to the problem in the video and
address it and speak about the truth as
you said or would you make it like a
little bit more entertaining with the
vlog and just try to bring your message
within that style that depends on your
style like that depends on what you’re
good at I’m not super entertaining alex
is entertaining Alex this guy here likes
to run around this mall jumping up
behind old men and like surprise to them
and saying happy Monday
he’s entertaining right it’s your own
style you got to figure out your own
style but like more important is just
doing it like everyday a video
practicing practicing you getting your
thoughts out practicing saying something
important practicing telling it in a
different way maybe you’re doing
they’re in your room you got the white
curtains maybe doing outside maybe doing
something fun maybe driving a car like
you mix it up until you find the style
right just like anything calligraphy you
do calligraphy like when you start you
just you’re following the rules
everybody else is following then you get
a sense of your style what is your style
versus everybody else’s you get your
sense of self and style by experiencing
with a bunch of other things so you
figure it out right it’s like if you
really want to take this seriously then
everyday you make a video sharing your
thoughts not because it triggers the
algorithm because it helps you get
better like if you made a video every
day for the next year you will be such a
better speaker communicator you’ll learn
what’s working you’ll make the
adjustments to make it amazing and yes
like the the algorithm and the triggers
is the final 20% but if your video sucks
having the best thumbnail title is not
going to help you and that’s not where
do you get your information about such
things that go along with it is it like
experience everything’s experience on
YouTube or do you think there are like
like home pages or some other sources
where you get information for things
like that the video is going to be you
talking to the camera right you’re
sharing advice wisdom the best thing
that you need to work on is you
improving you talking to the camera the
thumbnails the technical the editing all
of that stuff definitely helps you have
to have respect for it but it’s the
80/20 rule like that’s the last 20 I
would spend zero time on that right now
if I’m you I would make it okay like
okay title ok thumbnail and I would
spend the next year making amazing
content from you but if I watch it I
want to share with my friends to say
holy cow who is this guy never heard him
before he’s sharing amazing wisdom thank
you people I was looking for the hacks
and I love the hacks I love the Hat I’m
creating the hacks like what we’re doing
an Instagram is stuff that a lot of
other people haven’t done what I’m doing
in YouTube it’s definitely something a
lot of people haven’t done I love the
hacks but the at the base line has to be
making a quality product service like if
you’re talking about Instagram or you’re
talking about growing a business like
this like the experience has to be
quality one would see once once all you
the most important word ever if you had
to think of one word that’s most
important to you or that sums you Apple
that would be like a little beacon if
you guys liked this video and want to
learn seven of the fastest ways to grow
a YouTube channel check out the video
right next to me I think you can enjoy
it continue to believe and I’ll see you
so one of the questions I get asked a
lot by people who want to start a
YouTube channel that’s Evan how do I grow how do I get it going fast
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