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“I REALLY Wanted to be RICH!” – Robert Kiyosaki (@theRealKiyosaki) – #Entspresso

– Good morning Believe Nation,
it’s Evan, my one word is believe.
And I believe that you have something special
that when you unleash it,
it will be able to change the world.
So to help you on your journey,
today’s message is seek mentors.
Over to you, Robert Kiyosaki.
(rooster crowing)
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ Entspresso keep me going
♫ I wake up every morning
– [Interview] If you did not have the rich dad in your life,
what would you be doing today?
– It’s hard to say if I didn’t have my rich dad,
because as a young kid, starting at probably the age
of five, six, seven, eight, nine,
I really wanted to be rich.
So I think number one is desire.
And then you naturally seek your role models and teachers.
And in my lifetime, I’ve had multiple Rich Dads.
You know my rich dad was my best friend’s father
starting at the age of nine.
And then today I still seek mentors,
and wise men and wise women,
because that’s how you get wiser
is by hanging out with smart people.
– I’m a big believer in mentorship.
One, in terms of face to face people
that you can go and learn from,
and two, from what I call aspirational mentors,
people who’ve done a lot more than you
who you may never meet, who may have passed on,
but you can still learn from their success.
It comes from the core understanding
that whatever challenge you have in front of you right now
somebody else has already solved it.
Whatever big problem you’re facing in your life
or in your business,
somebody has already solved it
and you don’t need to come up
with every ingenious solution yourself.
This is one of the things that saved my first business.
One of the two most important lessons
that I’ve ever learned in my life,
was whenever I don’t know what to do,
whenever I have a big problem and I don’t have the answer,
I look for somebody who has already solved it
and I try to learn from their lessons.
In my first business I had a software company,
I was struggling, making $300 a month,
barely able to survive,
and I was just trying to come up
with all these ideas myself.
Like okay how ‘about we do this, how ‘about you do this,
how ‘about you, and nothing was working.
And I told my partner I quit
and it was the worst day of my life.
And when I woke up the next day I realized
I didn’t want to quit,
I just couldn’t keep going the way I was going.
And the light bulb moment was I realized
I’m not the first guy to try to sell software before.
Maybe our specific kind of software, yes,
but in general, other people have figured out
how to sell software and make lots of money,
and target lots of customers.
How did they do it?
And I looked at Bill Gates and how he got started
and that started the process
to me being able to build a real company.
And that lesson that I learned, at 19 years old,
has stayed true for the past, almost, 20 years,
where every time I don’t know what to do
I look at who can I model.
It’s why the name of this channel
is Modeling The Masters.
It’s why I try to showcase
lots of different successful people
from all walks of life because you can learn from them,
I’m learning from them.
And even today, in all my different businesses
earlier this week, I went to SoulCycle with Alex,
and SoulCycle’s a spinning company
that has a great culture, recently came to Toronto,
I think they’re based in New York, might be LA.
But they came to Toronto, they opened up a location,
and I heard so much about their culture
that I thought I’m trying to build a culture here at TDS,
we have what I think is a really good culture,
if you can compare our culture
to most businesses I think it’s amazing.
But it could always be better, right?
I want to model even greater success.
And so Alex and I went to the class.
And we learned from them.
We saw how they set up their store,
and their merch, and how the staff greets you,
and how the instructor starts a class,
and runs a class, and ends a class,
and what happens in the locker room.
All the different pieces you learn from them.
It doesn’t mean you’re going to apply everything,
but if you take one lesson here, and one lesson here,
and one lesson here,
from people and companies that have had great success
it just makes you better.
And so I would seek out mentors
that you can meet face to face
or you can do now Google Hangouts with,
or ask questions from.
If anybody’s doing a livestream,
you get a chance to ask a question.
I wish that existed when I was getting started
as an entrepreneur.
You have so much more access to people
than we’ve ever had before
but even if you’re not going to the direct approach
and hitting somebody,
look into the aspirational mentors.
Find people who’ve done it before,
even if they’ve passed on,
their legacy have left a series of clues
that if you can follow those clues
you can apply it to your life, to your business,
and to success.
Whenever you don’t know what to do,
instead of trying to figure it all out yourself,
understand people have done it before,
seek them out, learn from them,
apply it to your business, and you can have success as well.
So the question of today is
I’m curious who has been your biggest mentor,
either in your personal life or in your business career,
who has been the biggest mentor for you and why.
I’d love to hear from you,
please share your thoughts down in the comments below.
I also want to give a quick shoutout
to Roberto Latini, Roberto thank you so much
for picking up a copy of my book, Your One Word.
I really, really appreciate the support
and I hope you’re enjoying the read.
So thank you guys again for watching,
I believe in you,
I hope you continue to believe in yourself,
and whatever your one word is.
Much love, and I’ll see you guys again tomorrow morning
for another shot of entspresso.
♫ I wake up every morning
♫ Entspresso keep me going
– Where you had an early meeting with Dino De Laurentiis
that didn’t go so well.
– Well, that was different because Dino De Laurentiis
had an office, he wanted me to be in Dark Savage.
And he wanted me to play the villain in Dark Savage.
And I walked in, and I always kind of have a
mouth that sometimes goes a little bit too fast.
And I step on myself.
I walked into the office
and I saw Dino standing behind his desk.
And it was this huge desk,
ornate and gold, kind of French looking or Italian looking,
I don’t know what, but it was gigantic.
It was one of those popular desks, right.
And Dino, the only thing that stood out
was kind of his chest and his head
because he’s a little guy, Dino’s a really short guy.
So I looked in, I walked in his office,
and I looked and I says hi Dino,
why does a little guy like you need such a big desk?
(audience laughing)
And to Dino De Laurentiis you never say you’re little, right
because he saw himself as a giant.
So he looked at me and he says, ah Schwarzenegger,
you have an accent, I can not use you, ah.
(audience laughing)
And I said, again stupidly,
who is talking about having an accent.
Like Dino?
Ah, are you a Nazi, ah, you know.
And he walked away because I had a German accent.
So that was the end of that.
So I left the office and my agent came up to me,
grabbed me, really was for my arm,
and he said to me, he says I’ve been an agent for 15 years,
this meeting was exactly one minute and 14 seconds,
it was the shortest meeting we’ve ever had,
you just everything up, God damn it,
it took me months to get in here.
So he was mad at me also.
So anyways, so that’s how the relationship started
with Dino.
But then when he bought Conan,
he came to Spain where we were shooting
and the third day of filming,
after he saw the day list, the footage that had been filmed,
he came up to me and he said Schwarzenegger
you are Conan, ah.
And he walked out.
And Milius came to me, the director, and says
this is the greatest compliment that he can ever get.
He said you’re Conan, isn’t that great.
I said I guess so.
And from that point on we created
this really great relationship
and we did movies together.
And the Raw Deal, and then Red Sonja,
and Conan The Destroyer, and Conan The Barbarian.
And he was became kind of like a father figure.
He became kind of the Reg Park
that I had in the bodybuilding world, and Jowita,
he became that character in the movie world.
That I could go to for anything
who will give me advice,
who always said wonderful compliments,
and kind of took me in as part of his family,
and so that’s why I always will miss him very dearly
after he passed away.
– How do we find our personal Kurt Kent Meyers?
Somebody who can really speak into our lives
and change our trajectory.
– Well I can’t take credit for it.
I went to seminar that Kurt was teaching on success
and when he finished teaching, I went up to him
and introduced myself,
and I asked for an appointment with him.
And he came then to Lancaster,
to the Holiday Inn for breakfast,
and we had that breakfast meeting, that did change my life.
And then I never saw him again from that time
until my 65th birthday
when my staff brought,
I never had seen him, I talked about him,
I’ve talked about,
and on my 65th birthday,
when we were having a party together,
they brought him into the room.
And I hadn’t seen him for 40 years.
I just wept and I thought, you know.
But I think the key was when I went to hear him,
and he began to speak to my life
about being successful,
I kind of broke out of a barrier
and I went up to introduce myself
and then I asked could I take him to breakfast
and could I learn from him.
And I think they key is once you see somebody
that is helping you, be bold, and ask them
can I take you to breakfast.
And by the way here’s a thought, buy the breakfast, okay.
Just don’t go and say hey how ‘about buying breakfast for me.
I took that step, and I’ve always been glad I took that step
and I’ve always thought to myself
you know what if I wouldn’t have taken the step,
then I probably would have never had that relationship,
never maybe would have asked that question,
never would have had this seminar,
or would have written the book.
So I think once you see somebody
that you think can really help you,
take the initiative and step right up.
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